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Latino Moderne
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Latin Word List
Duncan Duchov has kindly
taken a Latin lexical file I compiled from several sources and prepared
it for use with LangMaker/Win. He welcomes comments and corrections.
Introduction, Latin
LEX File, Latin HTML File
Latin |
English |
prep |
a |
from, by |
prep |
ab |
from, by |
v |
abdere |
to put away, to hide |
v |
abducere |
to lead away, to withdraw |
v |
abeire |
to go away |
v |
abhibere |
to apply |
adv |
abhinc |
ago |
v |
abhorrere |
to shrink from, to be adverse to |
v |
abiciere |
to throw away |
nf |
abies |
fir tree, spruce |
v |
abiungere |
to unyoke, to separate, to part |
v |
abolere |
to abolish, to destroy |
v |
abrumpere |
to break off |
v |
abscidere |
to cut off |
adj |
absconditus |
hidden, secret |
adj |
absens |
absent, away |
v |
absolvere |
to loosen, to free |
nf |
abstinenta |
abstinence, self-denial |
v |
abstinere |
to hold back, to refrain from |
v |
absum |
to be absent |
v |
absumere |
to reduce, to consume, to destroy |
v |
abundare |
to overflow, to abound in |
conj |
ac |
and, as, than |
v |
accedere |
to go toward, to approach |
v |
accendere |
to set fire to, to excite |
adj |
acceptus |
acceptable, welcome, dear |
nm |
accessus |
approach, access |
v |
accidere |
to fall upon, to happen |
v |
accingere |
to equip, to arm, to make ready |
v |
accipiere |
to receive |
nf |
acclamatio |
shout, heckling |
adj |
acclivis |
sloping, uphill, rising |
v |
accommodare |
to adjust, to adapt |
v |
accumbere |
to lie on, to recline |
adv |
accurrate |
carefully |
v |
accurrere |
to run up to |
nf |
accusatio |
accusation, indictment |
nm |
accusator |
accuser |
v |
accusare |
to accuse |
adj |
acer |
sharp, bitter, eager |
nf |
acerbitas |
harshness |
adj |
acerbus |
bitter, harsh |
nn |
acetaria |
salad |
nn |
acetum |
vinegar |
nf |
acies |
sharp edge, line of battle |
v |
acquirere |
to acquire, to gain |
adv |
acriter |
keenly, fiercely |
nf |
actio |
act, proposal |
nf |
activitas |
activity |
nm |
actor |
actor |
nf |
actrix |
actress |
nn |
acumen |
sharpness, cunning |
v |
acuere |
to sharpen |
adj |
acutus |
sharpened, sharp |
prep |
ad |
to, toward |
v |
adaequare |
to make equal to, to be equal to |
nm |
adamas |
adamant, hardest iron, steel |
v |
adamare |
to fall in love with, to covet |
v |
addiscere |
to learn in addition |
v |
addare |
to add, to join |
v |
adducere |
to lead to, to induce |
adv |
adeo |
thus far, so, so much |
v |
adeire |
to approach, to go to |
v |
adferre |
to bring |
v |
adficiere |
to affect, to afflict, to weaken |
v |
adhaerere |
to stick to, to adhere |
v |
adhibere |
to use, to apply |
adv |
adhuc |
thus far, up until now |
v |
adiciere |
to throw to, to add |
v |
adigere |
to drive, to hurl, to approach |
v |
adimere |
to take away, to remove |
v |
adipisci |
to gain, to obtain, to acquire |
nm |
aditus |
entrance |
v |
adiungere |
to join, to attach |
v |
adiuvare |
to help |
v |
adligare |
to bind to |
v |
administrare |
to govern |
adj |
admirabilis |
wonderful |
nf |
admiratio |
admiration, surprise, wonder |
v |
admirari |
to wonder at, to admire |
v |
admittere |
to admit, to receive |
adv |
admodum |
fully, just, very |
v |
adnumerare |
to count out, to pay |
v |
adnuere |
to nod assent |
v |
adolescere |
to grow up, to reach maturity |
v |
adoptare |
to wish for oneself, to adopt |
v |
adoriri |
to attack |
v |
adorare |
to worship |
v |
adsidere |
to sit near |
adj |
adsiduus |
continual, constant |
v |
adsuescere |
to grow accustomed |
v |
adesse |
to be present |
nf |
adulatio |
flattery |
nf |
adulescentia |
youth |
adj |
adultus |
grown up, mature, adult |
adj |
aduncus |
curved, hooked |
v |
adurere |
to set on fire, to kindle |
nm/f |
advena |
foreigner, stranger |
nm |
adventus |
arrival, approach |
nm |
adversarius |
opponent |
adj |
adversus |
toward, facing, against |
adj |
adversus |
hostile, opposite |
v |
advertere |
to turn to, to direct |
nm |
advocatus |
advocate |
v |
advocare |
to summon, to call |
v |
advolare |
to fly to, to hasten to |
nf |
aedes |
temple |
nm |
aedificium |
building, house |
v |
aedificare |
to build |
adj |
aeger |
sick, feeble |
adv |
aegre |
hardly, scarcely |
v |
aegrotare |
to be sick |
adj |
aegrotus |
sick |
nf |
Aegyptus |
Egypt |
adj |
aeneus |
made of bronze |
nn |
aenigma |
riddle |
nn |
aequinoctium |
equinox |
nf |
aequitas |
justice |
v |
aequare |
to make equal |
nn |
aequor |
even surface, sea |
adj |
aequus |
equal, fair, flat |
nm |
aer |
air |
nn |
aerarium |
treasury |
nn |
aes |
copper, bronze, money |
nf |
aestas |
summer |
v |
aestimare |
to estimate, to value |
nn |
aestuarium |
place overflowed at high tide |
v |
aestuare |
to seethe, to boil |
nm |
aestus |
heat, tide |
nf |
aetas |
age |
adj |
aeternus |
eternal |
nm |
aether |
upper air, heaven |
adj |
aetherius |
heavenly, ethereal |
nn |
aevum |
age, lifetime |
adj |
Afer |
African |
v |
afferre |
to bring to, to produce |
v |
afficiere |
to influence |
v |
affligere |
to afflict, to hurt |
nf |
Africa |
Africa |
nm |
ager |
field |
nm |
agger |
mound, rampart |
v |
aggregare |
to bring together, to join |
adj |
agilis |
agile, nimble |
v |
agitare |
to chase, to hunt |
nn |
agmen |
line of battle, procession |
v |
agnoscere |
to recognize |
nm |
agnus |
sheep, lamp |
v |
agere |
to do, to drive, to perform |
nm |
agricola |
farmer |
nf |
agricultura |
agriculture |
nf |
ala |
wing |
adj |
alacer |
brisk, vigorous |
nf |
alacritas |
liveliness, enthusiasm |
adj |
albus |
white |
nf |
alces |
elk |
nm/f |
ales |
bird |
adj |
alienus |
belonging to another, foreign |
nn |
alimentum |
food, nourishment |
adv |
alioqui |
otherwise, in other respects |
nn |
aliquantum |
a considerable amount |
pron |
aliqui |
some |
pron |
aliquis |
someone |
pron |
aliquid |
something |
pron |
aliquot |
some, several |
nn |
alium |
garlic |
pron / adj |
alius |
another, other |
v |
alligare |
to tie up |
adj |
almus |
kind, generous |
v |
alere |
to nourish, to feed |
nn |
altaria |
high altar |
adj |
alter |
the one, the other (of two), second |
nf |
altitudo |
height, depth |
nn |
altum |
sea, the deep |
adj |
altus |
high, deep |
nf |
aluta |
soft leather |
nm |
alveus |
hollow, cavity |
adj |
amabilis |
lovable |
adj |
amans |
loving |
adj |
amarus |
bitter |
nm |
amator |
lover |
nm |
ambactus |
vassal, dependent |
nf |
ambitio |
ambition |
adj |
ambitiosus |
ambitious |
adj |
ambo |
both, two together |
v |
ambulare |
to walk |
n/a |
amen |
so be it |
adj |
amens |
senseless, foolish, mad |
nf |
amentia |
madness, insanity |
nf |
amica |
female friend, mistress |
adv |
amice |
in a friendly manner |
nf |
amicitia |
friendship |
nm |
amictus |
cloak, wrap |
nn |
amiculum |
cloak |
adj |
amicus |
friendly |
nm |
amicus |
friend |
v |
amittere |
to lose |
v |
amare |
to love |
nm |
amor |
love |
v |
amovere |
to move away, to remove |
nn |
amphitheatrum |
amphitheater |
nf |
amphora |
wine jar |
v |
amplificare |
to make large, to increase |
nf |
amplitudo |
size, greatness, dignity |
adv |
amplius |
farther, more |
adj |
amplus |
great, splendid |
conj |
an |
or |
nf |
anas |
duck |
adj |
anceps |
two-headed, double |
nf |
ancilla |
maid |
n |
ancora |
anchor |
nm |
angelus |
angel |
nm |
angulus |
corner |
adv |
anguste |
closely, sparingly |
nf pl |
angustiae |
narrow place, straits, difficulties |
nn |
angustum |
crisis |
adj |
angustus |
narrow, difficult |
nf |
anima |
breath, soul |
v |
animadvertere |
to notice, to punish |
nn |
animal |
animal |
nm |
animus |
spirit, mind |
adj |
annuus |
yearly, annual |
nm |
annus |
year |
nm |
anser |
goose |
prep |
ante |
before, formerly, in front of |
adv |
antea |
formerly |
v |
anteponere |
to put before, to prefer |
prep |
antequam |
before |
v |
antiquare |
to reject a bill or law |
adj |
antiquus |
old, ancient |
nn |
antrum |
cave |
nm |
anulus |
ring |
adj |
anxius |
anxious, troubled |
nm |
aper |
wild boar |
v |
aperire |
to open |
adj |
apertus |
open, unprotected |
nn |
apium |
parsley |
nm |
apparatus |
equipment |
v |
apparere |
to become visible, to appear |
v |
appellare |
to call by name |
v |
appelere |
to drive to, to bring in, to land |
nf |
appetentia |
appetite |
v |
appetere |
to seek after, to desire |
v |
applicare |
to fold, to join |
v |
apponere |
to put down, to place near |
v |
approbare |
to approve |
v |
appropinquare |
to approach |
adj |
apricus |
sunny, light, open |
n |
Aprilis |
April |
v |
aptare |
to adapt, to apply |
adj |
aptus |
suited |
nf |
aqua |
water |
nm |
aquaductus |
aqueduct |
adj |
aquaticus |
aquatic, living in water |
nf |
aquatio |
obtaining water |
nf |
aquila |
eagle, standard |
nm |
aquilifer |
standard bearer |
nf |
ara |
altar |
nf |
Arabia |
Arabia |
adj |
Arabs |
Arabian |
nf |
aranea |
spider's web |
nm |
arator |
plowman |
nn |
aratrum |
plow |
nn |
arbitrium |
judgement |
v |
arbitrari |
to think |
nf |
arbor |
tree |
adj |
arboreus |
treelike |
nf |
arca |
box, chest |
v |
arcessere |
to summon, to send for |
nm |
architectus |
builder, architect |
nm |
arcus |
bow |
v |
ardere |
to burn, to be on fire |
nm |
ardor |
flame, burning, heat |
adj |
arduus |
steep, difficult |
nf |
area |
courtyard |
nf |
arena |
sand, arena |
adj |
argenteus |
made of silver |
nn |
argentum |
silver, money |
nn |
argumentum |
proof, evidence |
v |
arguere |
to declare, to prove, to accuse |
nn |
aridum |
dry land, shore |
adj |
aridus |
dry, arid |
nm |
aries |
ram, battering ram |
nn pl |
arma |
arms, weapons |
nn pl |
armamenta |
implements, equipment |
nn |
armarium |
chest, cupboard |
nf |
armilla |
bracelet |
v |
armare |
to equip, to arm with weapons |
v |
arare |
to plow, to till |
v |
arripiere |
to snatch, to seize |
nf |
arrogantia |
arrogance |
nf |
ars |
skill, art |
nm |
articulus |
joint, knuckle |
nm |
artifex |
artist |
nn |
artificum |
art, trade, skill |
nm |
artus |
limb |
nf |
arundo |
reed |
nn |
arvum |
field, cultivated land |
nf |
arx |
citadel, fortress |
nm |
as |
small copper coin |
v |
ascendere |
to climb up |
nm |
ascensus |
ascent, approach |
nf |
Asia |
Asia |
adj |
asiduus |
continual, constant |
nm |
asinus |
donkey |
adj |
asper |
rough, harsh |
v |
aspergere |
to scatter, to sprinkle |
v |
aspiciere |
to look at, to face |
nm |
assentator |
yes-man |
v |
assentire |
to agree |
adv |
assidue |
continually |
adj |
assiduus |
constant, steady |
v |
assistere |
to stand by, to stand near |
v |
assuefaciere |
to accustom, to familiarize |
v |
assuescere |
to become accustomed to |
v |
astare |
to stand near |
nm |
astrologus |
astrologer |
nn |
astrum |
constellation |
adj |
astutus |
sly, clever, crafty |
nn |
asylum |
place of refuge |
adj |
ater |
dark |
nm |
athleta |
athlete |
conj |
atque |
and, as, than |
conj |
atqui |
and yet, still, nevertheless |
nn |
atramentum |
ink |
nn |
atrium |
atrium |
adj |
atrox |
savage, fierce, cruel |
v |
attendere |
to listen to, to pay attention |
adv |
attente |
attentively |
v |
attingere |
to touch, to reach |
v |
attolere |
to lift up, to raise, to elevate |
adj |
attonitus |
astonished |
v |
attribuere |
to assign, to allot |
nm |
auctionarius |
auctioneer |
nm |
auctor |
author, originator, sponsor |
nf |
auctoritas |
authority, prestige |
nf |
audacia |
daring, boldness |
adv |
audacter |
boldly, recklessly |
adj |
audax |
bold, reckless |
nf |
audencia |
boldness, courage |
v |
audere |
to dare, to venture |
v |
audire |
to hear |
nm |
auditor |
hearer, listener, scholar |
v |
auferre |
to carry away |
v |
aufugiere |
to flee, to escape |
v |
augere |
to increase, to augment |
nn |
augurium |
augury, omen, prophecy |
v |
augurari |
to foretell, to predict |
n |
Augustus |
August |
nf |
aula |
palace |
nf |
aura |
breeze, wind |
adj |
auratus |
gilded, gold-plated |
adj |
aureus |
golden |
nf |
auricula |
earlobe |
nm |
auriga |
charioteer, driver |
nf |
auris |
ear |
nn |
aurum |
gold, money |
v |
auscultare |
to listen to, to hear |
nn |
auspicium |
augury, omen |
conj |
aut |
or |
conj |
autem |
but |
nm |
autumnus |
autumn |
v |
auxiliari |
to give aid, to help |
nn |
auxilium |
help, aid |
nf |
avaritia |
greed, avarice |
adj |
avarus |
avaricious |
nm |
avarus |
miser |
n/a |
ave |
hail! |
v |
avehere |
to carry away |
nf |
avena |
reed, stalk |
adj |
aversus |
turned away, behind |
v |
avertere |
to turn away, to avert |
nf |
avia |
grandmother |
adv |
avide |
eagerly, avidly |
nf |
aviditas |
eagerness, greed |
adj |
avidus |
eager |
nf |
avis |
bird |
adj |
avitus |
of grandfather, ancestral |
v |
avocare |
to call away, to divert |
nm |
avunculus |
uncle |
nm |
avus |
grandfather |
nm |
axis |
axle, wheel, chariot |
nf |
baca |
berry |
nn |
baculum |
staff, walking stick |
adj |
badius |
chestnut-colored |
nf |
balaena |
whale |
adj |
balbus |
stammering, stuttering |
nn |
balneum |
bath |
v |
balare |
to bleat |
nm |
balteus |
sword belt |
nf |
barba |
beard |
adj |
barbarus |
foreign, uncultivated |
nm |
barbarus |
barbarian |
nn |
basium |
kiss |
adj |
beatus |
blessed, prosperous |
adj |
bellicosus |
warlike |
adj |
bellicus |
military |
v |
bellare |
to wage war |
nn |
bellum |
war |
adj |
bellus |
handsome, agreeable |
nf |
belua |
beast, monster |
adv |
bene |
well |
nn |
benefactum |
good deed |
nn |
beneficium |
kindness, favor, benefit |
nf |
benevolentia |
good will |
nf |
benignitas |
kindness |
adj |
benignus |
kindly, gracious |
nf |
bestia |
animal, beast |
nf |
betula |
birch |
nf |
bibliotheca |
library |
v |
bibere |
to drink |
adv |
bis |
twice |
nf |
blanditia |
compliment, charm, flattery |
adj |
blandus |
tranquil, quiet, flattering |
nf |
bonitas |
goodness, fertility |
adj |
bonus |
good |
nm/f |
bos |
ox, bull, cow |
nn |
bracchium |
arm |
nf pl |
brachae |
pants, trousers |
adj |
brevis |
short, brief |
nf |
brevitas |
brevity |
adv |
breviter |
briefly |
nf |
Britannia |
Britian |
adj |
Britannus |
British |
nf |
bruma |
winter solstice, winter |
nm |
bubo |
owl |
nf |
bucina |
trumpet, horn |
nf |
bulla |
amulet, charm |
nn |
bustum |
pyre, tomb |
adj |
cachinnans |
laughing, cackling |
v |
cachinnare |
to laugh, to cackle |
nm |
cachinnus |
laughter |
nn |
cacumen |
end, point, peak, summit |
nn |
cadaver |
cadaver, corpse |
v |
cadere |
to fall |
adj |
caecus |
blind |
nf |
caedes |
slaughter, murder |
v |
caedere |
to cut, to kill |
adj |
caelestis |
heavenly, celestial |
nn |
caelum |
sky |
nf |
caepa |
onion |
nf |
caerimonia |
ceremony |
adj |
caeruleus |
dark blue |
nf |
calamitas |
disaster |
nm |
calamus |
pen |
nm |
calceus |
shoe |
v |
calcare |
to step on |
nm |
calculus |
pebble |
nf |
Caledonia |
Scotland, Scottish Highlands |
adj |
calidus |
warm, hot |
nf |
caliga |
boot |
nf |
caligo |
darkness, gloom, fog |
adj |
callidus |
shrewd, clever |
nm |
calor |
heat |
nf |
calvaria |
skull |
adj |
calvus |
bald |
nm |
camelus |
camel |
nm |
campus |
plain, field |
nm |
canalis |
pipe |
nf |
candela |
candle |
nn |
candelabrum |
lamp stand, candelabrum |
nm |
candidatus |
candidate |
adj |
candidus |
shining, white, bright |
adj |
caninus |
canine |
nm/f |
canis |
dog |
nn |
canistrum |
basket |
v |
canere |
to sing |
v |
cantare |
to sing |
nm |
cantor |
male singer |
nf |
cantrix |
female singer |
nm |
cantus |
song |
adj |
canus |
whitish-gray, old, venerable |
nm |
caper |
goat |
nm |
capillus |
hair |
v |
capiere |
to take, to capture |
nf |
capra |
she-goat |
adj |
captivus |
captive, taken prisoner |
nm |
captivus |
captive, prisoner |
v |
captare |
to grab, to seek to get |
adj |
captus |
captured, caught |
nn |
caput |
head |
nm |
carbo |
coal, charcoal |
nm |
carbunculus |
ruby |
nm |
carcer |
prison, jail |
nm |
carceres |
starting gate |
nm |
cardo |
hinge, door |
v |
carere |
to be without, to lack |
nf |
carina |
ship, keel of the ship |
nf |
caritas |
affection |
nn |
carmen |
song |
nm |
carnifex |
executioner, torturer |
nf |
caro |
flesh, meat |
nf |
carota |
carrot |
v |
carpere |
to pluck, to seize |
nm |
carrus |
cart |
adj |
carus |
dear |
nf |
casa |
hut, cabin |
nm |
caseus |
cheese |
nf |
cassis |
helmet |
nn |
castellum |
fortress |
v |
castigare |
to scold, to nag |
nf |
castra |
camp |
nm |
casus |
chance, accident |
nf |
catena |
chain (plural: chains, fetters) |
nf |
caterva |
crown, troop |
nf |
cathedra |
chair |
nf |
cauda |
tail |
nm |
caudex |
fool, idiot |
nm |
caupo |
innkeeper |
nf |
causa |
cause, reason. motive |
adv |
caute |
cautiously |
nf |
cautes |
jagged rock, cliff |
adj |
cautus |
cautious, wary, careful |
nf |
cavea |
cave |
v |
cavere |
to beware, to take care |
nf |
caverna |
cave |
nn |
cavum |
hole |
adj |
cavus |
hollow |
nm |
cavus |
hole |
v |
cedere |
to go, to move, to yield |
adj |
celeber |
crowded, thronged, famous |
v |
celebrare |
to celebrate |
adj |
celer |
quick, fast |
nf |
celerita |
speed, swiftness |
adv |
celeriter |
swiftly, quickly |
nf |
cella |
storeroom |
nm |
cellarius |
house steward |
v |
celare |
to hide, to conceal |
adj |
celsus |
lofty, high |
nf |
cena |
dinner |
nn |
cenaculum |
eating-room, attic |
v |
cenare |
to dine |
v |
censere |
to tax, to think |
nm |
censor |
censor |
nm |
census |
count, enumeration |
n |
centum |
hundred |
nm |
centurio |
centurion |
nf |
cera |
wax |
nn |
cerasum |
cherry |
adj |
ceratus |
made of wax |
v |
cernere |
to discern, to distinguish |
nn |
certamen |
struggle, contest |
adv |
certe |
at least, certainly |
v |
certare |
to complete |
adj |
certus |
certain, definite |
nf |
cerva |
deer, hind |
nf |
cervix |
neck and shoulders |
nm |
cervus |
stag, deer |
v |
cessare |
to linger, to idle, to tarry |
nm |
cetus |
sea monster, whale |
nf |
charta |
paper |
nn pl |
cibaria |
provisions, rations |
nm |
cibus |
food |
nf |
cicada |
cricket, grasshopper |
nf |
ciconia |
stork |
nf |
cicuta |
hemlock |
v |
ciere |
to summon |
v |
cingere |
to surround |
nn |
cingulum |
belt |
nm |
cinis |
ashes |
adv / prep |
circa |
around |
nm pl |
circenses |
Circus games |
adv / prep |
circiter |
about, near |
nm |
circuitus |
way around, circuit |
nm |
circulus |
circle |
adv / prep |
circum |
around |
v |
circumdare |
to put around, to surround |
v |
circumeire |
to go around, to surround |
v |
circumferre |
to bring around, to spread |
v |
circumsistere |
to surround, to stand around |
v |
circumspectare |
to look around |
v |
circumspiciere |
to look about, to survey |
v |
circumstare |
to stand around, to encircle |
v |
circumvenire |
to surround |
nm |
circus |
racetrack |
adj |
citatus |
rapid |
adv |
cito |
quickly |
adj |
civilis |
civil, of citizens |
nm/f |
civis |
citizen |
nf |
civitas |
citizenship |
nf |
clades |
disaster, injury, loss |
adv |
clam |
secretly |
v |
clamare |
to shout |
nm |
clamor |
shout, noise, war-cry |
adj |
clarus |
clear, bright, famous |
nf |
classis |
fleet of ships |
v |
claudicare |
to be lame, to become limp |
v |
claudere |
to close |
nf |
clavis |
key |
nm |
clavus |
nail, spike |
adj |
clemens |
calm, gentle, merciful |
nf |
clementia |
mildness, mercy |
nm |
cliens |
dependent, client |
nf |
clientela |
dependents, clients |
nm |
clivus |
sloping street |
nf |
cochlea |
snail |
nn |
coclear |
spoon |
adj |
coctilis |
baked (bricks) |
v |
coemere |
to buy up, to purchase |
v |
coeire |
to come together, to join |
v |
coercere |
to enclose, to restrain |
v |
cogitare |
to consider, to think about |
nf |
cognatio |
blood-relationship, kindred |
v |
cognoscere |
to get to know, to find out |
v |
cogere |
to collect, to compel |
nf |
cohors |
cohort |
nf |
cohortatio |
encouraging, urging |
v |
cohortari |
to urge, to encourage |
v |
collaudare |
to praise |
adj |
collectus |
gathered, assembled |
nm |
collega |
colleague |
nn |
collegium |
colleagues |
v |
colligare |
to bind together, to fasten |
v |
colligere |
to gather together, to collect |
nm |
collis |
hill |
v |
collocare |
to place, to put |
nn |
colloquium |
conversation |
v |
colloqui |
to talk with, to confer |
nn |
collum |
neck |
v |
colere |
to till, to cultivate |
nf |
colonia |
colony, settlement |
nm |
colonus |
settler |
nm |
color |
color |
nm |
coluber |
snake |
nf |
columba |
dove |
nf |
coma |
hair |
v |
comburere |
to consume by fire |
nm |
comes |
companion |
v |
cominari |
to threaten |
nm |
comitatus |
company |
nn |
comitia |
assembly, election |
v |
comitari |
to accompany, to attend |
nm |
commeatus |
trip, supplies |
v |
commemorare |
to remind, to relate, to mention |
v |
commendare |
to entrust, to commend |
nm |
commentarius |
notebook, sourcebook |
v |
commeare |
to go to and fro, to resort to |
nn |
commericium |
trade, commerce |
nm |
commilito |
fellow soldier, comrade |
v |
commiscere |
to intermingle, to join |
nm |
commitatus |
retinue, followers |
v |
committere |
to entrust |
adv |
commode |
suitably, conveniently |
adj |
commodus |
suitable, convenient |
v |
commorari |
to delay |
adj |
commotus |
moved, upset, excited |
v |
commovere |
to move, to influence, to charm |
v |
communicare |
to share, to impart |
v |
communire |
to fortify |
adj |
communis |
common, shared, universal |
nf |
commutatio |
complete change, alteration |
v |
commutare |
to change, to alter, to explain |
v |
comparare |
to arrange, to obtain |
v |
compellere |
to drive together, to compel |
v |
comperire |
to find out, to discover |
nm |
competitor |
competitor |
v |
complecti |
to embrace |
v |
complere |
to fill, to man |
v |
complexus |
to embrace |
adj |
complures |
several, a good many |
v |
componere |
to settle, to arrange |
v |
comportare |
to bring together, to collect |
v |
comprehendere |
to seize, to grasp, to understand |
v |
computare |
to count, to do figures |
nm |
conatus |
undertaking |
v |
concedere |
to yield, to grant, to concede |
v |
concidere |
to fall down, to collapse |
v |
conciliare |
to win over |
nn |
concilium |
assembly |
v |
concipiere |
to conceive |
v |
concitare |
to arouse |
v |
conclamare |
to shout |
nn |
conclave |
room |
v |
concludere |
to close up, to conclude |
nf |
concordia |
agreement, harmony |
v |
concordare |
to agree |
nf |
concretio |
growing together, material |
v |
concurrere |
to run together |
v |
condemnare |
to condemn |
nf |
condicio |
agreement, condition |
nn |
condimentum |
spice |
nf |
conditio |
terms, condition |
nm |
conditor |
founder, author |
v |
condere |
to found (city) |
v |
condere |
to hide, to conceal |
v |
conducere |
to hire |
adj |
confectus |
finished |
v |
conferre |
to bring together, to collect |
adj |
confertus |
thick, crowded together |
adv |
confestim |
immediately |
v |
conficiere |
to finish, to complete |
v |
confidere |
to have confidence in |
nf |
confirmatio |
verifying of facts, proof |
v |
confirmare |
to strengthen |
v |
confiteri |
to confess |
v |
confligere |
to struggle, to contest |
v |
conformare |
to shape |
v |
congredi |
to meet |
v |
congregare |
to gather together, to assemble |
v |
coniciere |
to throw |
nm |
coniectus |
throw |
nn |
coniugium |
marriage |
v |
coniungere |
to join |
nm/f |
coniunx |
spouse, husband, wife |
nf |
coniuratio |
conspiracy |
nm |
coniuratus |
conspirator |
v |
coniurare |
to conspire, to plot |
v |
conari |
to try |
v |
conquirere |
to search for, to collect |
v |
conscendere |
to climb, to embark |
nf |
conscientia |
conscience |
adj |
conscius |
conscious, aware of |
v |
conscribere |
to enroll, to enlist |
v |
consecrare |
to dedicate |
nm |
consensus |
agreement, unanimity |
v |
consentire |
to agree |
v |
consere |
to express an opinion, to vote |
v |
consequi |
to follow up, to accomplish |
v |
conservare |
to save, to keep |
v |
considerare |
to contemplate |
v |
considere |
to sit down |
nn |
consilium |
plan, advice |
v |
consistere |
to halt, to stand still |
nm |
consobrinus |
cousin |
nf |
consolatio |
consolation, comfort |
v |
conspiciere |
to see, to perceive |
v |
conspicari |
to catch sight of |
nf |
constantia |
determination, persistence |
v |
constituere |
to set up, to decide |
v |
constare |
to consist of |
v |
consuescere |
to become accustomed |
nf |
consuetudo |
custom, habit |
nm |
consul |
consul |
adj |
consularis |
consular |
nm |
consulatus |
consulship |
v |
consulere |
to ask advice of, to consult |
nn |
consultum |
decree |
v |
consumere |
to eat, to consume |
v |
contemnere |
to despise, to value little |
nf |
contemptio |
contempt |
v |
contendere |
to strive for, to struggle |
nf |
contentio |
argument |
adj |
contentus |
satisfied |
v |
contexere |
to weave together, to construct |
nm |
continens |
continent |
v |
continere |
to hold together, to keep |
v |
contingere |
to hold together, to contain |
adv |
continuo |
immediately, right away |
adj |
continuus |
successive, unbroken |
nf |
contio |
assembly, address |
adv / prep |
contra |
against |
v |
contrahere |
to draw together, to contract |
nf |
controversia |
dispute, quarrel |
nf |
contumelia |
insult, outrage |
v |
conturbare |
to throw into confusion |
v |
convenire |
to come together |
nm |
conventus |
assembly, meeting |
nf |
conversatio |
conversation |
v |
convertere |
to turn, to turn about |
nn |
convicium |
insult |
nn |
convivium |
feast, party |
v |
convocare |
to assemble |
nf |
copia |
supply, abundance (plural: forces, troops) |
adv |
copiose |
fully, at length, copiously |
adj |
copiosus |
abundant, rich, full |
nf |
coqua |
female cook |
v |
coquere |
to cook |
nm |
coquus |
male cook |
nn |
cor |
heart |
adv / prep |
coram |
in the presence of, openly |
nn |
cornu |
horn, antler, wing (army) |
nf |
corona |
crown |
nn |
corpus |
body |
v |
corrigere |
to make right, to correct |
v |
corripiere |
to seize, to snatch up |
v |
corrumpere |
to spoil, to corrupt, to waste |
nm |
corvus |
raven, crow |
adj |
cottidianus |
daily, usual |
adv |
cottidie |
daily |
adv |
cras |
tomorrow |
adj |
crassus |
fat |
nf |
creatio |
creation |
nm |
creator |
creator |
nf |
creatura |
creature |
adj |
creber |
crowded, thick, frequent |
nm |
creditor |
creditor |
v |
credere |
to believe, to trust |
v |
creare |
to elect |
v |
crescere |
to grow |
nn |
crimen |
fault, guilt |
nn pl |
crines |
hair |
adj |
croceus |
yellow |
nm |
crocodilus |
crocodile |
nm |
crocus |
saffron |
nm |
cruciatus |
torture |
adj |
crudelis |
cruel |
nf |
crudelitas |
cruelty |
adj |
crudus |
crude |
adj |
cruentus |
bloody-stained, blood-thirsty |
nn |
crus |
leg |
nn |
crustularius |
pastry baker |
nn |
crustulum |
pastry, cookie |
nn |
crustum |
cake, bread |
nf |
crux |
cross |
nn |
cubiculum |
bedroom |
nm |
cucumis |
cucumber |
nf |
culina |
kitchen |
nf |
culpa |
blame, fault |
v |
culpare |
to blame |
nm |
culter |
knife |
nf |
cultura |
cultivation |
nm |
cultus |
adornment, dress, education |
conj / prep |
cum |
when, since, although, with |
nm |
cumulus |
pile |
nf |
cunctatio |
delay |
nm |
cunctator |
one who delays |
v |
cunctari |
to hesitate, to delay |
adj |
cunctus |
all together |
nm |
cuniculus |
rabbit |
adv |
cupide |
eagerly |
nf |
cupido |
desire |
adj |
cupidus |
desirous, eager, fond |
v |
cupiere |
to desire, to long for |
nf |
cupitas |
eagerness, greed |
adv |
cur |
why |
nf |
cura |
care, anxiety |
nf |
curia |
senate house |
adj |
curiosus |
curious, inquisitive |
v |
curare |
to take care of |
nn |
curriculum |
racetrack, lap, chariot |
v |
currere |
to run |
nm |
currus |
chariot |
nm |
cursus |
course, speed |
adj |
curtus |
short, humble |
adj |
curvus |
curved, crooked, wrong |
nf |
custodia |
custody |
v |
custodire |
to guard |
nm/f |
custos |
guard, sentinel |
nm |
cutis |
skin |
nm |
cycnus |
swan |
v |
damnare |
to convict, to find guilty |
nm |
damnus |
loss, damage |
prep |
de |
down from, from, about |
nf |
dea |
goddess |
v |
debere |
to owe, ought |
v |
debilitare |
to weaken |
v |
decedere |
to move away, to withdraw, to die |
adj |
decem |
ten |
n |
December |
December |
v |
decernere |
to decide, to determine |
v |
decertare |
to fight it out, to contend |
v |
decidere |
to fall down |
adj |
decimus |
tenth |
v |
decipiere |
to deceive |
v |
declarare |
to declare, to proclaim |
adj |
declivus |
sloping, downward |
nm |
decor |
beauty, grace |
adj |
decorus |
right, proper |
nn |
decretum |
to decree |
v |
decurrere |
to run down, to run toward |
nn |
decus |
honor, glory |
nn |
dedecus |
disgrace |
v |
dedicare |
to dedicate |
nf |
deditio |
to surrender |
adj |
deditus |
devoted to, addicted to |
v |
dedere |
to give up, to surrender |
v |
deducere |
to lead down, to launch, to escort |
nf |
defectio |
defection, revolt |
v |
defendere |
to defend, to drive off |
nm |
defensor |
protector, guards, defenses |
v |
deferre |
to carry, to drive down, to report |
adj |
defessus |
worn out, tired |
v |
deficiere |
to fail, to revolt |
v |
defigere |
to fix |
v |
definire |
to describe exactly, to define |
nf |
defixio |
curse |
adj |
deformis |
ugly |
v |
degredi |
to step down, to march down |
v |
degustare |
to taste |
v |
deiciere |
to throw down, to throw |
adj |
deiectus |
disappointed, dejected |
adv |
deinde |
after that, afterward |
v |
delabi |
to fall, to collapse |
nf |
delectatio |
delight, pleasure, enjoyment |
v |
delectare |
to please, to delight |
v |
delere |
to blot out, to destroy |
v |
deliberare |
to consider, to deliberate |
nf pl |
deliciae |
darling, sweetheart, pleasure |
nn |
delictum |
wrong, transgression |
v |
deligere |
to select |
nm |
delphinus |
dolphin |
nn |
delubrum |
shrine, temple |
adj |
demens |
insane, foolish, demented |
nf |
dementia |
insanity |
v |
deminuere |
to lessen |
v |
demittere |
to let down, to lower |
v |
demonstrare |
to point out |
v |
demovere |
to dismiss, to move out of |
adv |
demum |
at last |
nm |
denarius |
denarius |
adv |
denique |
finally, at last |
nm |
dens |
tooth |
adj |
densus |
thick, dense |
v |
denuntiare |
to denounce, to reveal |
v |
depellere |
to drive off, to push down |
v |
dependere |
to hang down, to depend upon |
v |
deponere |
to lay down, to lay aside |
v |
deportare |
to bring down, to deport |
v |
deprecare |
to avert by prayer |
v |
deprehendere |
to catch |
v |
depromere |
to bring out |
v |
deridere |
to mock, to make fun of |
v |
deripiere |
to tear down, to snatch |
v |
descendere |
to climb down, to descend |
nf |
descriptio |
description |
v |
deserere |
to leave, to abandon, to desert |
nn pl |
deserta |
desert, wilderness |
nn |
desiderium |
longing, desire |
v |
desiderare |
to desire, to long for, to miss |
adj |
desidiosus |
lazy |
v |
designare |
to mark out |
v |
desilire |
to leap down |
v |
desinere |
to cease, to desist |
v |
desipiere |
to act foolishly |
v |
desistere |
to desist, to give up |
nf |
desperatio |
desperation, hopelessness |
v |
desperare |
to despair of |
v |
despiciere |
to look down on, to despise |
adj |
destinatus |
resolved, resolute, firm |
v |
destinare |
to intend |
v |
destringere |
to draw out, to pull out |
v |
deesse |
to fail, to be lacking |
v |
deterrere |
to frighten off, to deter |
v |
detestare |
to curse |
v |
detrahere |
to pull down |
nn |
detrimentum |
loss, injury |
v |
deturbare |
to thrust down |
nm |
deus |
god |
nn |
deversorium |
inn |
v |
devocare |
to call down, to call away |
v |
devolere |
to roll down |
v |
devorare |
to devour, to eat up |
adj |
dexter |
right |
nf |
dextra |
right hand |
nm |
diabolus |
devil |
v |
dicere |
to speak, to say |
nm |
dictator |
dictator |
v |
dictitare |
to keep saying, to insist |
v |
dictare |
to say repeatedly, to dictate |
nn |
dictum |
saying, word |
v |
diducere |
to divide, to scatter |
nm/f |
dies |
day |
nm |
dies natalis |
birthday |
v |
differre |
to spread, to scatter, to differ |
adj |
difficilis |
difficult, hard |
nf |
difficultas |
difficulty, hardship |
v |
diffugiere |
to flee away |
v |
diffundere |
to spread out, to diffuse |
nm |
digitus |
finger |
nf |
dignitas |
worth, character |
adj |
dignus |
worthy |
v |
digredi |
to go away |
v |
dilacerare |
to tear to pieces |
v |
dilaniare |
to tear to pieces |
nm |
dilectus |
selection, levy |
adj |
diligens |
diligent, faithful |
adv |
diligenter |
carefully |
nf |
diligentia |
diligence |
v |
diligere |
to esteem, to love |
v |
dimicare |
to fight |
nn |
dimidium |
half |
v |
dimittere |
to send away, to dismiss |
adv |
directo |
directly |
v |
dirigere |
to direct, to steer |
v |
dirimere |
to break off, to interrupt |
v |
diripiere |
to tear to pieces, to plunder |
adj |
dirus |
dreadful, terrible |
v |
discedere |
to depart, to go away |
nf |
disciplina |
instruction |
nf |
discipula |
female student |
nm |
discipulus |
male student |
v |
discere |
to learn |
nf |
discordia |
dissension |
nn |
discrimen |
distinction, crisis |
adj |
disertus |
eloquent |
v |
dispergere |
to scatter, to disperse |
adj |
dispersus |
scattered |
nf |
disputatio |
discussion |
v |
disputo |
to discuss |
nf |
dissensio |
strife, quarrel |
v |
dissentire |
to disagree |
adj |
dissimulis |
unlike |
v |
dissimulare |
to conceal, to hide |
v |
dissolvere |
to free, to free from debt |
v |
dissuadere |
to dissuade |
v |
distinguere |
to distinguish |
v |
distorquere |
to twist apart, to distort |
v |
distribuere |
to distribute, to divide |
adj |
diuturnus |
long-lasting |
nf |
diversitas |
difference, diversity |
adj |
diversus |
scattered, separate |
v |
divertere |
to turn away, to divert |
adj |
dives |
rich |
v |
dividere |
to separate, to divide |
adj |
divinus |
divine |
nf pl |
divitiae |
riches, wealth |
adj |
divus |
divine, deified |
nm |
divus |
god |
v |
dare |
to give |
v |
docere |
to teach, to show, to tell |
nf |
doctrina |
teaching, instruction |
adj |
doctus |
learned |
v |
dolere |
to suffer, to grieve |
nm |
dolor |
pain, grief, ache |
nm |
dolus |
device, trick |
adj |
domesticus |
domestic, civil |
nn |
domicilium |
residence |
nf |
domina |
mistress of a household |
nm |
dominatus |
absolute rule, tyranny |
v |
dominari |
to rule absolutely, to dominate |
nm |
dominus |
lord, master |
nf |
domus |
house, home, family |
conj |
donec |
until |
v |
donare |
to give, to present |
nn |
donum |
gift |
v |
dormire |
to sleep |
nn |
dorsum |
back |
nf |
dubitatio |
doubt |
v |
dubitare |
to doubt, to hesitate |
nn |
dubium |
doubt |
adj |
dubius |
doubtful |
adj |
ducenti |
two hundred |
v |
ducere |
to lead |
adj |
dulcis |
sweet, pleasant |
cong |
dum |
while, until, as long as |
adj |
dummodo |
provided |
adj |
duo |
two |
adj |
duodecim |
twelve |
adj |
duodecimus |
twelfth |
v |
duplicare |
to double |
nf |
duritia |
hardness |
v |
durare |
to harden, to last, to endure |
adj |
durus |
hard, tough, cruel |
nm |
dux |
leader |
prep |
e |
from |
adj |
ebrius |
drunk |
adj |
eburneus |
made of ivory |
nf |
ecclesia |
church |
v |
edicere |
to announce, to declare, to appoint |
nn |
edictum |
decree, edict |
adj |
editus |
raised, elevated |
v |
edere |
to bring forth, to produce |
v |
edere |
to eat |
v |
educare |
to bring up, to raise, to educate |
v |
educere |
to lead out |
v |
efferere |
to bear, to report, to carry out |
v |
efficiere |
to make, to accomplish, to finish |
nf |
effigies |
portrait, copy |
v |
effingere |
to express, to represent |
v |
effodiere |
to dig up, to dig out |
v |
effringere |
to break down |
v |
effugiere |
to flee from, to escape |
v |
effundere |
to pour out |
v |
egere |
to need, to lack, to want |
pron |
ego |
I |
v |
egredi |
to go out |
adj |
egregius |
excellent, distinguished |
v |
eiciere |
to throw out, to drive out |
v |
elabi |
to escape |
adj |
elegans |
elegant |
nf |
elegantia |
elegance, refinement |
nn |
elementum |
element |
nm |
elephantus |
elephant |
v |
eligere |
to lure, to entice, to choose |
adj |
eloquens |
eloquent |
nf |
eloquentia |
eloquence |
nn |
eloquium |
the art of public speaking |
v |
eludere |
to slip past, to trick, to outwit |
v |
emendare |
to correct, to emend |
v |
emittere |
to throw, to send out |
v |
emere |
to buy |
v |
emovere |
to move away, to remove |
adj |
enormis |
enormous |
adv |
enormiter |
enormously |
v |
enumerare |
to count up, to enumerate |
v |
enuntiare |
to announce, to report |
nn |
epigramma |
short poem, epigram |
nf |
epistula |
letter, epistle |
nf pl |
epulae |
food, dishes |
nm |
eques |
horseman, knight |
nm |
equitatus |
calvary |
v |
equitare |
to ride a horse |
nm |
equus |
horse |
adj |
erectus |
upright, erect, high |
prep |
erga |
toward |
adv / prep |
ergo |
therefore |
v |
erigere |
to raise up, to excite, to arouse |
v |
eripiere |
to snatch away, to tear out |
v |
errare |
to be wrong, to make a mistake |
nm |
error |
mistake |
v |
erubescere |
to blush |
v |
erudire |
to educate, to instruct |
adj |
eruditus |
learned |
v |
erumpere |
to break away, to break out |
nf |
eruptio |
bursting forth, attack |
nm |
erus |
master of the house, owner |
v |
esse |
to be, to exist |
nm |
essedarius |
charioteer |
nn |
essedum |
chariot |
v |
esurire |
to be hungry |
conj |
et |
and |
conj |
etiam |
even, yet, still |
nf |
Europa |
Europe |
v |
evadere |
to escape, to go out |
nn |
evangelium |
good news, gospel |
v |
evenire |
to come out, to happen |
nm |
eventus |
occurrence, result |
v |
evertere |
to overturn |
v |
evolare |
to fly out |
prep |
ex |
out from, from, out of |
v |
exanimare |
to deprive of breath, to kill |
v |
excedere |
to go out, to exceed |
adj |
excellens |
excellent |
nf |
excellentia |
excellence |
v |
excellere |
to be superior, to excel |
adj |
excelsus |
lofty, elevated |
v |
excipiere |
to take out, to capture |
v |
excitare |
to arouse up, to excite |
v |
exclamare |
to cry out, to call out |
v |
excludere |
to shut out, to exclude |
v |
excruciare |
to torture, to torment |
nf |
excusatio |
excuse |
nn |
exemplar |
model, pattern, original |
nn |
exemplum |
example |
v |
exire |
to go out |
v |
exercere |
to train, to exercise |
nf |
exercitatio |
training, exercise, practice |
nm |
exercitus |
army |
v |
exhaurire |
to drain out, to empty |
v |
exigere |
to drive out, to exact, to demand |
adj |
exiguus |
small, tiny |
adj |
eximius |
extraordinary, excellent |
v |
existimare |
to estimate, to think |
nn |
exitium |
destruction, ruin |
nm |
exitus |
outcome, end |
v |
exorare |
to win over, to appease |
v |
expectare |
to wait for |
v |
expedire |
to dispatch, to set free |
v |
expellere |
to drive out, to expel |
v |
expendere |
to pay out, to way out |
v |
experiri |
to try, to test, to experience |
v |
explere |
to fill up, to complete |
v |
explicare |
to explain |
nm |
explorator |
scout, spy |
v |
explorare |
to find out, to investigate |
v |
exponere |
to disembark, to expose |
v |
exportare |
to carry out, to export |
v |
exposcere |
to implore, to entreat, to demand |
v |
exprimere |
to represent, to portray |
nf |
expugnatio |
storming, sack |
v |
expugnare |
to capture, to take by storm |
adj |
exquisitus |
exquisite, excellent |
nn |
exsilium |
exile |
v |
exsistere |
to stand forth, to exist, to be |
v |
exsolvere |
to loosen, to free, to release |
v |
exspectare |
to wait for |
v |
exstinguere |
to extinguish |
v |
exstare |
to stand out |
v |
exstruere |
to pile up, to build |
nm |
exsul |
exile |
v |
exsultare |
to exult, to be triumphant |
nn pl |
exta |
entrails |
adv |
extemplo |
immediately |
v |
extendere |
to stretch out, to extend |
adj |
externus |
foreign |
v |
exterrere |
to terrify |
adj |
exterus |
outer, foreign |
v |
extorquere |
to twist away, to extort |
prep |
extra |
beyond, outside |
v |
extrahere |
to drag out, to take out |
adj |
extraordinarius |
uncommon, beyond the norm |
adj |
extremus |
outermost, extreme, farthest |
v |
exuere |
to take off, to strip |
nm |
faber |
worker, craftsman |
v |
fabricare |
to make, to construct |
nf |
fabula |
story |
adj |
facetus |
witty |
nf |
facies |
face |
adv |
facile |
easily |
adj |
facilis |
easy |
nn |
facinus |
deed, crime |
v |
faciere |
to make, to do |
vf |
factio |
faction, party |
nn |
factum |
deed, achievement |
nf |
facultas |
possibility, opportunity |
v |
fallere |
to deceive, to trick |
adj |
falsus |
false |
nf |
fama |
reputation, rumor |
nf |
fames |
hunger |
nf |
familia |
household |
nm |
familiaris |
relative, close friend |
nm |
famis |
hunger |
adj |
famosus |
renowned, famous, notorious |
nf |
famula |
handmaid |
nn |
fanum |
shrine |
nf |
farina |
flour, paste |
nn |
fas |
divine right, sacred duty |
nf |
fascia |
bandage, band |
nn |
fastidium |
disdain |
v |
fateri |
to confess, to admit, to disclose |
v |
fatigare |
to tire out, to harass |
nn |
fatum |
fate |
nf |
fauces |
throat |
v |
favere |
to support, to favor |
nm |
favor |
favor, goodwill |
nf |
fax |
torch, firebrand |
n |
Februarius |
February |
nf |
feles |
cat |
nf |
felicitas |
happiness |
adv |
feliciter |
happily |
adj |
felinus |
feline |
adj |
felix |
fortunate, prosperous |
nf |
femina |
woman |
nf |
fenestra |
window |
nf |
fera |
wild animal |
nn |
ferculum |
tray, course |
adv |
fere |
almost, nearly, generally |
nf |
feriae |
holidays |
v |
ferre |
to bear, to carry, to bring |
adv |
ferociter |
fiercely |
adj |
ferox |
fierce |
adj |
ferreus |
made of iron, cruel |
nn |
ferrum |
iron |
adj |
fertilis |
fruitful, fertile |
adj |
ferus |
wild, savage |
adj |
fessus |
tired |
nf |
festinatio |
haste |
v |
festinare |
to hasten, to hurry |
nn |
festum |
feast |
nf |
fibula |
safety pin, brooch |
nm |
ficus |
fig tree |
adj |
fidelis |
faithful |
adv |
fideliter |
faithfully, loyally |
nf |
fides |
faith, trust |
nf |
fiducia |
trust, confidence |
adj |
fidus |
loyal, trustworthy |
v |
figere |
to fasten, to attach, to fix |
nf |
figura |
form, size |
nf |
filia |
daughter |
nf |
filiola |
young daughter |
nm |
filius |
son |
v |
fingere |
to invent, to fashion |
v |
finire |
to finish, to limit |
nm |
finis |
end, limit |
adj |
finitimus |
adjoining, neighboring |
v |
fieri |
to become, to happen |
v |
firmare |
to strengthen, to fortify |
adj |
firmus |
firm, strong, reliable |
nf |
fistula |
tube, pipe |
adj |
flabilis |
airy |
nn |
flagitium |
shameful crime |
v |
flagitare |
to put pressure on, to demand |
v |
flagrare |
to blaze |
nf |
flamma |
flame |
adj |
flavus |
yellow, gold-colored |
adj |
flebilis |
tearful, doleful |
v |
flectere |
to bend, to turn aside |
v |
flere |
to weep |
nm |
fletus |
weeping |
adj |
florens |
flourishing |
v |
florere |
to flourish, to prosper |
nm |
flos |
flower |
nm |
fluctus |
wave |
nn |
flumen |
river |
v |
fluere |
to flow |
nm |
fluvius |
river |
adj |
fluxus |
flowing, changeable |
nm |
focus |
hearth, stove |
v |
fodiere |
to dig, to dig up, to pierce |
adj |
foedus |
foul, horrible |
nn |
foedus |
agreement, treaty, league |
nn |
folium |
leaf |
nm |
fons |
spring, fountain |
nn |
foramen |
hole |
nm |
forceps |
tongs |
nf |
foris |
door |
nf |
forma |
shape, beauty |
nf |
formica |
ant |
nf |
formido |
fear |
v |
formare |
to form, to build |
adj |
formosus |
beautiful |
nf |
fornax |
kiln |
nf |
fors |
chance, accident |
adv |
forsan |
perhaps |
adv |
fortasse |
perhaps |
adj |
fortis |
strong, brave |
adv |
fortiter |
bravely |
nf |
fortitudo |
strength, bravery, courage |
nf |
fortuna |
fortune |
adj |
fortunatus |
lucky, fortunate, happy |
nn |
forum |
marketplace |
nf |
fossa |
ditch, trench |
v |
fovere |
to cherish |
adj |
fragilis |
fragile, perishable |
nm |
fragor |
crash |
nn |
fragum |
strawberry |
v |
frangere |
to break, to shatter |
nm |
frater |
brother |
nm |
fraterculus |
little brother |
v |
fraudare |
to cheat, to defraud |
nf |
fraus |
deceit |
nm |
freni |
reins |
nn |
frenum |
bridle, bit |
adj |
frequens |
usual, repeated, crowded |
nf |
frequentia |
crowd, throng |
v |
frequentare |
to attend, to frequent |
nn |
fretum |
strait, channel |
adj |
fretus |
relying on |
adj |
frigidus |
cold |
nn |
frigus |
cold, coldness, frost |
nf |
frons |
leaf |
nf |
frons |
forehead |
nm |
fructus |
fruit, profit, enjoyment |
nf |
frugalitas |
frugality |
nn |
frumentum |
grain |
v |
frui |
to enjoy, to delight in |
adv |
frustra |
in vain |
nf |
fuga |
escape |
v |
fugiere |
to flee |
nm |
fugitivus |
fugitive |
v |
fugare |
to put to flight |
nn |
fulcrum |
headrest |
v |
fulgere |
to glitter, to gleam, to flash |
nm |
fulgor |
flash of lightning, renown |
nn |
fulmen |
lightning bolt |
nm |
fumus |
smoke |
nn |
fundamentum |
foundation |
nm |
funditor |
slinger |
v |
fundere |
to pour, to pour out, to rout |
nm |
fundus |
farm, country property |
v |
fungi |
to perform |
nm |
funis |
rope |
nn |
funus |
funeral |
nm |
fur |
thief |
nm |
furcifer |
scoundrel, crook |
adj |
furens |
furious, in a rage |
nm |
furnus |
oven |
v |
furere |
to rage |
v |
furari |
to steal |
nm |
furor |
madness |
adj |
furtificus |
thievish |
adv |
furtim |
stealthily, secretly |
nn |
furtum |
theft, robbery |
adj |
fuscus |
dark-colored, black, brown |
nm |
fustis |
club, stick |
adj |
futurus |
future |
nf |
galea |
helmet |
nf |
Gallia |
Gaul, France |
adj |
Gallicus |
Gaulish, French |
nf |
gallina |
chicken |
nm |
gallus |
rooster |
v |
garrire |
to chatter |
v |
gaudere |
to be pleased, to rejoice |
nn |
gaudium |
joy, delight |
nf |
gaza |
treasure |
nm |
geminus |
twin |
nm |
gemitus |
groan |
nf |
gemma |
gem, jewel |
v |
gemere |
to groan |
nf |
gens |
tribe, people, clan |
nn |
genu |
knee |
nn |
genus |
kind, birth, race |
nf |
geometria |
geometry |
nf |
germana |
sister |
nf |
Germania |
Germany |
adj |
Germanus |
German |
nm |
germanus |
brother |
v |
gerere |
to bear, to carry, to wage |
nm |
gestus |
gesture |
v |
gignere |
to produce, to give birth to |
nf |
glacies |
ice |
nm |
gladiator |
gladiator |
nm |
gladius |
sword |
nm |
globus |
sphere |
nf |
gloria |
glory |
v |
gradi |
to move, to walk, to step, to go |
nm |
gradus |
pace, step |
nn |
granum |
grain |
nf |
gratia |
gratitude |
adj |
gratis |
free |
nf |
gratulatio |
congratulation |
v |
gratulari |
to congratulate |
adj |
gratus |
grateful |
adj |
gravis |
heavy, grievous |
nf |
gravitas |
weight, dignity |
adv |
graviter |
heavily, seriously |
nn |
gremium |
lap |
nm |
grex |
herd, flock |
v |
grunnire |
to grunt like a pig |
nm |
gubernator |
helmsman, governor |
v |
gustare |
to taste |
nf |
gutta |
drop |
nn |
guttur |
throat |
nn |
gymnasium |
sport school |
nf |
habena |
strap |
nf pl |
habenae |
reins |
v |
habere |
to have, to hold, to consider |
v |
habitare |
to live, to dwell, to abide |
v |
haerere |
to stick, to cling |
v |
haesitare |
to hesitate |
nf |
hama |
bucket |
nm |
hamus |
hook |
nf |
harena |
sand, arena |
nm |
haruspex |
diviner, soothsayer |
nf |
hasta |
spear, javelin |
adv |
haud |
not at all |
v |
haurire |
to drain, to draw |
nf |
hedera |
ivy |
nf |
Hellas |
Greece |
nf |
herba |
grass |
nf |
hereditas |
inheritance |
nm |
heres |
heir |
adv |
heri |
yesterday |
nm |
herus |
master of the house, owner |
nn |
hiberna |
winter quarters |
adv |
hic |
here |
pron |
hic |
this |
v |
hiemare |
to spend the winter |
nf |
hiems |
winter |
nf |
Hispania |
Spain |
adj |
Hispanus |
Spanish |
nf |
historia |
story |
adv |
hodie |
today |
nn |
holus |
vegetable |
nm |
homo |
man, human being |
nm |
homunculus |
little man, pipsqueak |
adj |
honestus |
honorable, respectable |
nm |
honor |
honor |
v |
honorare |
to honor |
nf |
hora |
hour |
nn |
hordeum |
barley |
adj |
horrendus |
horrible, dreadful |
v |
horrere |
to dread, to tremble |
nn |
horreum |
barn, granary |
adj |
horribilis |
horrible |
adj |
horridus |
rough, shaggy, bristly |
nm |
horror |
fright, dread |
v |
hortari |
to urge, to incite |
nm |
hortus |
garden |
nm/f |
hospes |
guest, friend |
adj |
hospitalis |
relating to a guest |
nn |
hospitium |
hospitality |
nn |
hospitium |
inn |
nf |
hostia |
victim, sacrifice |
nm |
hostis |
enemy |
nf |
humanitas |
kindness, culture |
adj |
humanus |
human, humane, refined |
adj |
humidus |
humid |
adj |
humilis |
humble, lowly |
nf |
humilitas |
humility |
nm |
humus |
soil, ground |
nm |
hypocrita |
hypocrite |
nf |
hystrix |
porcupine |
v |
iacere |
to lie, to be at rest |
v |
iaciere |
to throw, to hurl, to cast |
v |
iactare |
to throw |
nf |
iactura |
loss, sacrifice |
nn |
iaculum |
dart, javelin |
adv |
iam |
now, already |
adj |
ianthinus |
violet (colored) |
nf |
ianua |
door |
n |
Ianuarius |
January |
adv |
ibi |
there, then |
pron |
id |
it |
pron |
idem |
same |
adj |
idoneus |
suitable |
nn |
iecur |
liver |
nn |
ientaculum |
breakfast |
adj |
ignarus |
ignorant |
nf |
ignavia |
laziness |
adj |
ignavus |
lazy |
adj |
igneus |
fiery |
nm |
ignis |
fire |
nf |
ignominia |
disgrace |
nf |
ignorantia |
ignorance, laziness |
v |
ignorare |
to not know |
v |
ignoscere |
to pardon, to excuse |
adj |
ignotus |
unknown, strange, familiar |
v |
illacrimare |
to weep over |
adj / pron |
ille |
that, he, she, it |
v |
illucescere |
to grow bright |
v |
illudere |
to mock, to ridicule |
v |
illuminare |
to light up, to make clear |
nf |
imago |
image, likeness, statue |
nm |
imber |
rainstorm |
v |
imitari |
to imitate |
adj |
immanis |
huge, immense |
adj |
immemor |
forgetful |
adj |
immensus |
immense |
adv |
immerito |
undeservedly, unjustly |
v |
imminere |
to threaten, to hang over |
v |
immiscere |
to mix in, to intermingle |
adj |
immodicus |
excessive, immoderate |
v |
immolare |
to sacrifice, to offer to gods |
adj |
immortalis |
immortal |
nf |
immortalitas |
immortality |
adj |
immotus |
still, motionless |
adj |
impatiens |
impatient |
nn |
impedimentum |
hindrance |
v |
impedire |
to entangle, to hinder |
v |
impellere |
to drive on, to influence |
v |
impendere |
to hang over, to threaten |
v |
impendere |
to spend |
nm |
imperator |
general, commander |
nn |
imperium |
command, empire |
v |
imperare |
to command, to order, to govern |
v |
impetrare |
to obtain by asking |
nm |
impetus |
attack, assault |
v |
implere |
to fill up, to complete |
v |
imponere |
to put on, to place on |
v |
importare |
to carry in, to import |
adj |
impotens |
out of control, immoderate |
adv |
imprimis |
especially, particularly |
adj |
improbus |
wicked |
adj |
improvidus |
improvident |
adj |
improvisus |
unforeseen |
adj |
impudens |
shameless, impudent |
adv |
impudenter |
shamelessly, impudently |
adj |
impunitus |
unpunished, unrestrained |
adj |
imus |
lowest, deepest, last |
prep |
in |
in, into |
adj |
inanis |
empty, unsubstantial |
nf |
inaures |
earrings |
nn |
incendium |
fire, conflagration |
v |
incendere |
to set fire to, to burn |
adj |
incertus |
uncertain, doubtful |
v |
incidere |
to fall upon, to happen |
v |
incipiere |
to begin, to commence |
v |
incitare |
to incite |
v |
includere |
to shut in, to enclose |
nm/f |
incola |
inhabitant |
v |
incolere |
to dwell in, to inhabit |
adj |
incolumis |
safe, unharmed |
nn |
incommodum |
inconvenience |
adj |
incorruptus |
genuine, pure |
adj |
incredibilis |
unbelievable |
adj |
incultus |
unsophisticated, not cultured |
nm |
index |
informer, witness |
nn |
indicium |
sign, evidence |
v |
indicere |
to proclaim, to declare |
nf |
indignitas |
vileness, laziness |
adj |
indignus |
unworthy |
adj |
indoctus |
uneducated, ignorant |
v |
inducere |
to lead in, to influence |
v |
induere |
to put on |
nf |
industria |
industry |
adj |
industrius |
industrious, diligent |
nf |
indutiae |
truce |
v |
inire |
to enter, to begin, to undertake |
v |
ineptire |
to play the fool, to trifle |
adj |
inermis |
unarmed |
adj |
iners |
inactive, idle |
nf |
inertia |
inactivity, sloth |
adj |
infandus |
unspeakable, wicked |
nm/f |
infans |
young child, baby |
nf |
infantia |
infancy |
adj |
infelix |
unlucky |
nm pl |
inferi |
the dead |
adj |
inferior |
low, inferior |
v |
inferre |
to bring in, to inflict |
adj |
inferus |
below, of the lower world |
adj |
infestus |
unsafe, hostile |
adj |
infidelis |
unfaithful |
adj |
infinitus |
unlimited, infinite |
adj |
infirmus |
weak, feeble |
v |
inflammare |
to set on fire, to inflame |
adj |
informis |
formless, deformed, hideous |
adj |
infortunatus |
unfortunate |
prep |
infra |
below, under |
v |
infundere |
to pour in, to pour on |
nn |
ingenium |
talent, genius |
adj |
ingens |
huge |
adj |
ingratus |
ungrateful |
v |
ingredi |
to go in, to enter |
v |
inhabitare |
to live in, to inhabit |
adj |
inhumanus |
barbarous, savage |
v |
iniciere |
to throw on, to inspire |
nf |
inimicitia |
hostility |
adj |
inimicus |
unfriendly |
nm |
inimicus |
personal enemy |
adj |
iniquus |
uneven, unjust |
nn |
initium |
beginning |
nf |
iniuria |
injury, injustice, wrong |
adj |
iniustus |
unjust |
adj |
inlustris |
bright, distinguished |
adj |
innocens |
harmless, blameless |
nf |
inopia |
need, lack |
adj |
inops |
poor, needy |
v |
inridere |
to laugh at |
nf |
insania |
insanity |
adj |
insanus |
crazy, insane |
adj |
insciens |
unknowing, unaware |
nf |
inscitia |
ignorance |
v |
inscribere |
to inscribe |
v |
insequi |
to follow up, to pursue |
nf pl |
insidiae |
ambush, treachery |
nn |
insigne |
sign, signal |
adj |
insignis |
remarkable, prominent |
adv |
insipienter |
foolishly |
v |
insistere |
to press on, to follow, to pursue |
adv |
insolenter |
arrogantly |
adj |
insons |
guiltless, innocent |
v |
inspiciere |
to look at, to inspect |
v |
instituere |
to draw up, to teach, to appoint |
nn |
institutum |
undertaking |
v |
instare |
to press on, to be at hand |
nn |
instrumentum |
tool |
v |
instruere |
to build up, to instruct |
nf |
insula |
apartment building |
nf |
insula |
island |
v |
insurgere |
to rise up |
adj |
integer |
untouched, whole |
v |
intellegere |
to understand, to learn |
v |
intendere |
to strive for, to aim, to intend |
adv |
intente |
intently |
adj |
intentus |
intent on, bent, stretched |
adv / prep |
inter |
among, between |
v |
intercedere |
to come between, to intervene |
v |
intercludere |
to shut off, to hinder |
adv |
interdum |
sometimes, now and then |
v |
interficiere |
to kill, to destroy |
adv |
interim |
meanwhile |
adj |
interior |
inner, interior |
v |
intermittere |
to stop, to interrupt |
v |
interponere |
to place between, to intersperse |
v |
interpretari |
to interpret, to explain |
nf |
interrogatio |
interrogation, inquiry |
v |
interrogare |
to ask, to question, to examine |
v |
interesse |
to take part in |
nn |
intervallum |
interval |
adv / prep |
intra |
within, inside |
v |
intrare |
to walk into, to enter |
v |
introducere |
to lead in, to introduce |
adj |
inutilis |
useless |
v |
invadere |
to enter on, to move against |
adj |
invalidus |
weak |
v |
invenire |
to come upon, to find |
nm |
inventor |
inventor |
v |
investigare |
to investigate |
adj |
invictus |
unconquered, unconquerable |
v |
invidere |
to envy |
nf |
invidia |
envy, jealousy |
adj |
invisus |
hated, hateful |
v |
invitare |
to invite, to summon |
adj |
invitus |
unwilling, reluctant |
v |
iocari |
to joke, to jest |
nm |
iocus |
joke, jest |
pron |
ipse |
himself, herself, itself |
nf |
ira |
anger, wrath |
v |
irasci |
to grow angry |
adj |
iratus |
angered, angry |
v |
ire |
to go, to move |
adj |
irritabilis |
irritable |
v |
irrumpere |
to burst in, to burst into |
pron |
is |
this, that, he, she, it |
pron |
iste |
that (of yours) |
adv |
ita |
so, thus, yes |
nf |
Italia |
Italy |
adj |
Italus |
Italian |
conj |
itaque |
therefore |
adv |
item |
likewise, also, besides |
nn |
iter |
journey |
adv |
iterum |
again |
v |
iubere |
to order, to bid, to command |
nf |
iucunditas |
pleasantness, delight, charm |
adj |
iucundus |
pleasing, delightful |
nm |
iudex |
judge |
nn |
iudicium |
trial |
v |
iudicare |
to judge, to decide |
nn |
iugum |
yoke |
n |
Iulius |
July |
nn |
iumentum |
beast of burden |
v |
iungere |
to join, to unite |
n |
Iunius |
June |
adv |
iure |
rightly |
v |
iurare |
to take an oath |
nn |
ius |
soup |
nn |
ius |
right, law |
nn |
iussum |
order |
nf |
iustitia |
justice |
adj |
iustus |
just, upright |
nm |
iuvenis |
young man |
nf |
iuventus |
youth |
v |
iuvare |
to help, to assist |
adv / prep |
iuxta |
near, close to |
v |
labori |
to slip, to glide |
nm |
labor |
labor, toil, exertion |
v |
laborare |
to suffer, to toil |
nn |
labrum |
lip |
nm |
labyrinthus |
maze |
nn |
lac |
milk |
nf |
lacerna |
cape |
nf |
lacerta |
lizard |
v |
lacessere |
to harass, to attack |
nf |
lacrima |
tear |
v |
lacrimare |
to cry, to weep |
nf |
lactuca |
lettuce |
nn |
lacunar |
paneled ceiling |
nm |
lacus |
lake |
v |
laedere |
to harm |
adj |
laetans |
rejoicing |
adv |
laete |
happily |
nf |
laetitia |
joy, pleasure |
v |
laetari |
to rejoice |
adj |
laetus |
joyful, happy, glad |
v |
lambere |
to lick |
nf |
lana |
wool |
nf |
laniena |
butcher's stall |
nm |
lanius |
butcher |
nm |
lapis |
stone, tombstone |
v |
largiri |
to lavish, to bestow, to bribe |
nf |
lassitudo |
weariness |
adj |
lassus |
tired, weary |
v |
latere |
to lurk, to lie hidden |
nn |
latibulum |
lair |
adj |
Latinus |
Latin |
nf |
latitudo |
width |
nf |
latrina |
toilet |
v |
latrare |
to bark |
nm |
latro |
robber |
nn |
latrocinium |
robbery |
adj |
latus |
wide, broad |
nn |
latus |
side, flank |
nm |
laudator |
one who praises |
v |
laudare |
to praise |
nf |
laus |
praise, glory |
v |
lavare |
to wash, to bathe |
nf |
lectica |
litter |
nf |
lectio |
lesson |
nm |
lector |
reader |
nm |
lectus |
bed |
nf |
legatio |
embassy |
nm |
legatus |
legate, envoy |
nf |
legio |
legion, body of soldiers |
v |
legare |
to appoint |
v |
legere |
to pick, to gather, to read |
adj |
lenis |
soft, smooth, gentle |
nf |
lenitas |
softness, gentleness |
adv |
leniter |
gently |
adv |
lente |
slowly |
nm |
leo |
lion |
nf |
lepra |
scaliness |
nm |
lepus |
hare |
adj |
levis |
light, not heavy |
v |
levare |
to lighten, to relieve |
nf |
lex |
law |
adv |
libenter |
gladly, willingly |
nm |
liber |
book |
adj |
liber |
free |
adv |
liberalis |
kindly, generously |
nf |
liberalitas |
generosity, liberality |
nm |
liberator |
liberator |
adv |
libere |
freely |
nm |
liberi |
children |
v |
liberare |
to free |
nf |
libertas |
liberty |
nm |
libertus |
freedman |
nf |
libido |
pleasure, lust, passion |
nn |
librarium |
bookcase |
nf |
licentia |
freedom, lawlessness |
nm |
licitator |
bidder |
adj |
licitus |
lawful |
adj |
ligneus |
wooden, made of wood |
nn |
lignum |
firewood, timber |
v |
ligare |
to bind, to tie |
nn |
lilium |
lily |
nf |
limax |
slug |
nm |
limbus |
skirt |
nn |
limen |
threshold, entrance |
nf |
linea |
line, strip |
nf |
lingua |
tongue |
nn |
linteum |
linen, napkin |
nf |
lis |
dispute, quarrel, lawsuit |
nf |
littera |
letter (of alphabet) |
nf |
litterae |
letter, document |
nn |
litus |
shore, coast |
v |
locare |
to place, to put |
adj |
locuples |
rich |
nm |
locus |
place |
nf |
locutio |
phrase, expression |
adv |
longe |
far |
nf |
longinquitas |
distance, remoteness |
adj |
longinquus |
distant |
adj |
longus |
long |
adj |
loquax |
talkative |
v |
loqui |
to speak |
nf |
lorica |
breastplate |
adj |
lubricus |
slippery |
nf |
lucerna |
lamp |
adj |
lucidus |
clear, bright |
nn |
lucrum |
profit |
nm |
lucus |
sacred grove |
nn |
ludibrium |
mockery |
adj |
ludibundus |
playful |
v |
ludere |
to play |
nm |
ludus |
game, school |
v |
lugere |
to mourn, to lament |
nn |
lumen |
light |
nf |
luna |
moon |
nf |
lupa |
she-wolf |
nm |
lupus |
wolf |
adj |
luridus |
pale |
nf |
luscinia |
nightingale |
v |
lustrare |
to light up, to illuminate |
nn |
lutum |
mud, mire, dirt |
nf |
lux |
light |
nf |
luxuria |
luxury |
nm |
lynchus |
lamp |
nf |
lyra |
lyre |
nn |
macellum |
produce market |
adj |
macer |
thin |
nf |
macula |
spot, stain |
nm |
maeror |
sadness |
adj |
maestus |
sad, sorrowful |
adj |
magicus |
magical, magic |
adv |
magis |
more, rather |
nm |
magister |
master, teacher |
nm |
magistratus |
magistrate |
adj |
magnificens |
magnificent |
adj |
magnificus |
magnificent, fantastic |
nf |
magnitudo |
size, great size |
adv |
magnopere |
greatly |
adj |
magnus |
great, large |
nf |
maiestas |
grandeur |
n |
Maius |
May |
adv |
male |
badly |
nn |
maleficium |
bad deed |
v |
malle |
to prefer, to choose |
nn |
malum |
apple, fruit |
nn |
malum |
evil, misfortune |
adj |
malus |
bad, evil |
nm |
malus |
mast |
nf |
mamma |
breast |
nn |
mandatum |
order, command |
v |
mandare |
to entrust |
v |
manere |
to stay, to remain |
adj |
manifestus |
evident |
nm |
mannus |
pony |
nf |
mansuetudo |
gentleness, kindness |
nf |
manus |
hand |
nn |
mare |
sea |
nf |
margarita |
pearl |
nf |
margo |
edge |
adj |
maritimus |
of the sea |
nm |
maritus |
husband, spouse |
n |
Martius |
March |
nm |
mater |
mother |
nf |
materia |
material, matter |
nf |
materies |
material |
nn |
matrimonium |
marriage |
nf |
matrona |
married woman |
adj |
maturus |
ripe, mature, early |
adv |
maxime |
very greatly, especially |
adj |
maximus |
very big, very great |
nf |
medicina |
medicine |
nm |
medicus |
doctor |
adj |
mediocris |
moderate, inferior, short |
v |
meditari |
to reflect upon, to reflect |
nn |
medium |
middle |
adj |
medius |
middle, neutral |
nn |
mel |
honey |
adv |
melius |
better |
nn |
membrum |
limb, part of the body |
v |
meminisse |
to remember, to think of |
adj |
memoralibis |
memorable |
nf |
memoria |
memory |
v |
memorare |
to mention |
nn |
mendacium |
lie |
adj |
mendax |
lying, mendacious, untrue |
adj |
mendosus |
full of faults, faulty |
nf |
mens |
mind, opinion |
nf |
mensa |
table |
nm |
mensis |
month |
nf |
mensura |
measurement |
nm |
mercator |
merchant |
nf |
merces |
pay, wages |
v |
merere |
to deserve, to earn |
v |
mereri |
to deserve, to be worthy of |
v |
mergere |
to dip, to engulf, to immerse |
adj |
meridianus |
of midday |
nm |
meridies |
noon |
nn |
meritum |
merit |
adj |
meritus |
worthy |
adj |
merus |
pure, only, genuine |
nf |
merx |
goods, ware, merchandise |
nf |
meta |
turning-post |
v |
metiri |
to measure, to distribute |
v |
metuere |
to fear, to dread |
nm |
metus |
fear, dread |
adj |
meus |
my |
v |
migrare |
to remove, to depart, to migrate |
nm |
miles |
soldier |
adj |
militaris |
military |
nf |
militia |
military service |
n |
mille |
thousand |
nm |
mimus |
comic opera |
nf pl |
minae |
threats, menace |
adj |
minax |
projecting, threatening |
adv |
minime |
very little |
adj |
minimus |
least, smallest |
nm |
minister |
assistant |
v |
minari |
to jut forth, to threaten |
adj |
minor |
smaller, less |
v |
minuere |
to lessen, to diminish |
adj |
mirabilis |
marvelous, wonderful, strange |
nn |
miraculum |
miracle |
v |
mirari |
to wonder, to marvel |
adj |
mirus |
amazing |
v |
miscere |
to mix, to blend |
adj |
miser |
poor, unhappy |
nf |
misericordia |
mercy, pity |
v |
mitigare |
to soothe, to calm |
adj |
mitis |
mild, gentle, ripe |
v |
mittere |
to send |
nf |
modestia |
modesty |
adj |
modestus |
modest |
adv |
modo |
only, just, but, lately |
nm |
modus |
measure, manner |
nn |
moenia |
city walls |
nf |
moles |
mass, heap, difficulty |
nf |
molestia |
annoyance, trouble |
adj |
molestus |
troublesome, annoying |
v |
moliri |
to work at, to build, to plan |
v |
mollire |
to soften |
adj |
mollis |
soft, supple |
nn |
momentum |
movement, influence |
v |
monere |
to warn, to advise |
nn |
monile |
necklace |
nf |
monitio |
admonition, warning |
nm |
mons |
mountain |
v |
monstrare |
to show, to point out |
nn |
monstrum |
monster |
nn |
monumentum |
monument |
nf |
mora |
delay |
nm |
morbus |
sickness |
v |
mordere |
to bite |
v |
mori |
to die |
nf |
mors |
death |
adj |
mortalis |
mortal |
adj |
mortuus |
dead |
nm |
mos |
custom, habit |
nm |
motus |
movement |
v |
movere |
to move, to stir |
adv |
mox |
soon, immediately |
adj |
mucidus |
moldy |
nm |
mugitus |
lowing, bellowing, mooing |
nf |
mulier |
woman, wife |
adj |
multi |
many |
nf |
multitudo |
great number, multitude |
adj |
multo |
much |
v |
multare |
to punish, to fine |
adj |
multus |
much |
nm |
mundus |
world, universe |
nn |
municipium |
self-governing town |
nn |
munimentum |
fortification, protection |
v |
munire |
to fortify, to defend |
nf |
munitio |
fortification |
nn |
munus |
duty, gift |
v |
murmurare |
to murmur |
nf |
murra |
myrrh |
nm |
murus |
wall |
nm/f |
mus |
mouse |
nf |
musa |
muse |
nf |
musca |
fly |
nm |
musculus |
muscle |
nf |
musica |
music |
nm |
musicus |
musician |
nf |
mustela |
weasel |
nf |
mutatio |
change |
v |
mutare |
to change |
conj |
nam |
for |
v |
nancisci |
to get, to obtain, to find |
nf |
naris |
nostril [plural: 'nose'] |
v |
narrare |
to tell |
nm |
narrator |
storyteller |
v |
nasci |
to be born |
nm |
nasus |
nose |
nm |
natalis |
birthday |
nf |
natio |
nation, tribe |
v |
natare |
to swim |
nf |
natura |
birth, nature |
adj |
natus |
born |
nn |
naufragium |
shipwreck |
nf |
nausea |
seasickness |
nm |
nauta |
sailor |
adj |
nauticus |
nautical, naval |
nf |
navicula |
little boat |
nf |
navigatio |
voyage, navigation |
nn |
navigium |
ship |
v |
navigare |
to sail |
nf |
navis |
ship |
n/a |
-ne |
[question marker] |
conj |
ne |
lest |
nf |
nebula |
mist, cloud |
adj |
nebulosus |
misty |
adv / conj |
nec |
and not, nor |
adj |
necessarius |
necessary, critical |
adj |
necesse |
necessary, inevitable |
nf |
necessitas |
need, necessity |
nf |
necessitudo |
relationship, connection |
v |
necare |
to kill |
nn |
nectar |
nectar |
adj |
nefarius |
unspeakable, wicked |
nn |
nefas |
wrong, sin |
adj |
neglegens |
careless |
v |
neglegere |
to neglect |
nf |
neglentia |
neglect |
v |
negare |
to deny |
nn |
negotium |
business |
nm/f |
nemo |
no one, nobody |
nn |
nemus |
grove |
nf |
nenia |
dirge, lullaby |
nm |
nepos |
grandchild |
nf |
nequitia |
worthlessness |
nm |
nervus |
sinew, tendon |
v |
nescire |
to be ignorant, to not know |
adj |
nescius |
ignorant, unaware |
adj |
neuter |
neither (of two) |
nf |
nex |
death, murder |
nm |
nidus |
nest |
adj |
niger |
black |
adj |
nihilominus |
nevertheless |
nn |
nihilum |
nothing |
n |
nil |
nothing, nothing at all |
nm |
nimbus |
cloud |
adv |
nimis |
too much |
adj |
nimius |
too much |
conj |
nisi |
if not, unless |
v |
nitere |
to shine, to glitter |
v |
niti |
to strive, to make an effort |
adj |
niveus |
snowy, snow-white |
nf |
nix |
snow |
adj |
nobilis |
well-known, noble |
nf |
nobilitas |
fame, nobility |
v |
noceo |
to do harm, to hurt |
adj |
nocturnus |
nocturnal, during the night |
nm |
nodus |
knot |
v |
nolo |
to be unwilling, to not wish |
nn |
nomen |
name |
v |
nominare |
to name, to appoint |
adv |
non |
not, by no means |
adj |
nonaginta |
ninety |
adj |
nondum |
not yet |
adj |
nongenti |
nine hundred |
adv |
nonne |
do not?, does not? |
adj |
nonus |
ninth |
pron |
nos |
we, us |
v |
noscere |
to learn, to know |
adj |
noster |
our |
nf |
nota |
mark, brand |
nm |
notarius |
stenographer |
nf |
notitia |
fame, celebrity |
v |
notare |
to note, to observe |
adj |
notus |
well-known, familiar |
adj |
novem |
nine |
nf |
novitas |
newness, strangeness |
v |
novare |
to make new |
n |
November |
November |
adj |
novus |
new |
nf |
nox |
night |
adj |
noxius |
hurtful, harmful |
nf |
nubes |
cloud, mist |
v |
nubo |
to cover, to veil |
nm |
nucleus |
nut, kernel |
v |
nudare |
to strip, to uncover |
adj |
nudus |
naked, bare, unprotected |
nf pl |
nugae |
trifles, nonsense |
adj |
nullus |
not any, none |
nn |
numen |
divine spirit |
v |
numerare |
to count |
nm |
numerus |
number |
adv |
numquam |
never |
adv |
nunc |
now, at present |
v |
nuntiare |
to announce |
nm |
nuntius |
messenger |
nm |
nuntius |
message, news |
adv |
nuper |
recently, lately |
nf |
nuptiae |
nuptials, marriage |
adv |
nusquam |
nowhere |
v |
nutare |
to nod |
nf |
nympha |
nymph |
interj |
o |
o!, oh! |
prep |
ob |
on account of, in front of |
v |
obdurare |
to be hard, to persist, to endure |
v |
obiciere |
to cast in the way |
v |
oblivisci |
to forget |
adj |
oboediens |
obedient |
v |
obruere |
to overwhelm, to destroy |
adj |
obscurus |
dark, gloomy |
v |
obsecrare |
to beg, to implore, to beseech |
nn |
obsequium |
compliance |
nm/f |
obses |
hostage |
v |
obsidere |
to besiege |
nf |
obsidio |
siege |
nn |
obsonium |
food, shopping |
adj |
obstinatus |
firm, resolved |
v |
obstare |
to obstruct, to block the way |
v |
obstruere |
to block up |
v |
obstupefaciere |
to amaze, to stun |
v |
obtinere |
to hold, to keep, to occupy |
nf |
occasio |
opportunity |
nm |
occasus |
setting |
v |
occidere |
to kill, to destroy |
adv |
occulte |
secretly |
v |
occultare |
to hide |
adj |
occultus |
secret, covered up |
adj |
occupatus |
busy |
v |
occupare |
to seize |
v |
occurrere |
to meet, to run against |
adj |
octavus |
eighth |
adj |
octingenti |
eight hundred |
adj |
octo |
eight |
n |
October |
October |
adj |
octoginta |
eighty |
nm |
oculus |
eye |
v |
odisse |
to hate |
nn |
odium |
hatred |
nm |
odor |
odor, fragrance, stench |
v |
offerere |
to bear to, to offer |
nf |
officina |
workshop |
nn |
officium |
duty, service |
v |
olere |
to smell of, to stink |
nn |
oleum |
oil |
adv |
olim |
once |
nf |
oliva |
olive tree |
nf |
olla |
pot |
nn |
omen |
sign, omen |
v |
omittere |
to let go, to omit |
adv |
omnino |
wholly, only, at all |
adj |
omnipotens |
all-powerful, omnipotent |
adj |
omnis |
every, all |
v |
onerare |
to burden, to load |
nn |
onus |
burden, weight, load |
nf |
opera |
work, pains |
nf |
opes |
wealth, resources |
nf |
opinio |
belief, opinion |
v |
opinari |
to think, to suppose |
nn |
oppidum |
town |
v |
opponere |
to set against, to oppose |
adv |
opportune |
conveniently |
adj |
opportunus |
opportune, convenient |
v |
opprimere |
to burden, to overthrow |
nn |
opprobrium |
reproach |
nf |
oppugnatio |
assault, attack |
v |
oppugnare |
to attack |
nf |
ops |
aid, assistance, power |
adv |
optime |
very well |
adj |
optimus |
best |
v |
optare |
to wish for |
nn |
opus |
work |
nf |
ora |
shore, coast |
nn |
oraculum |
oracle |
nf |
oratio |
speech |
nm |
orator |
speaker, envoy |
adj |
oratorius |
oratorical |
nm |
orbis |
circle, orb |
nm |
ordo |
order, rank |
nm |
oriens |
east |
nf |
origo |
source, origin |
v |
oriri |
to rise, to appear |
nn |
ornamentum |
ornament |
v |
ornare |
to adorn, to equip |
v |
orare |
to pray |
nm |
ortus |
rising |
nf |
oryza |
rice |
nn |
os |
face |
nn |
os |
mouth |
nn |
os |
bone |
v |
oscitare |
to yawn |
nn |
osculum |
kiss |
v |
ostendere |
to point out, to show |
nn |
ostium |
entrance, door |
nf |
ostrea |
oyster |
adj |
otiosus |
at leisure, idle |
nn |
otium |
pleasure, leisure, peace |
nf |
ovis |
sheep |
nn |
ovum |
egg |
v |
pabulari |
to forage, to get fodder |
nn |
pabulum |
food, nourishment |
v |
pacare |
to pacify, to conquer |
nn |
pactum |
agreement, compact |
nm |
paedagogus |
pedagogue |
adv |
paene |
almost, nearly |
nf |
paenitentia |
repentance |
nm |
paganus |
peasant |
nf |
pagina |
page |
nm |
pagus |
district, canton |
nf |
pala |
shovel |
adv |
palam |
openly |
nn |
palatium |
palace |
nf |
palla |
wide outer garment |
v |
pallescere |
to grow pale |
adj |
pallidus |
pale |
nf |
palma |
palm tree |
nf |
palma |
palm of hand |
nf |
palus |
swamp, marsh |
v |
pandere |
to spread out, to extend |
nm |
panis |
bread |
adj |
par |
equal, like |
adj |
paratus |
ready, prepared |
v |
parcere |
to spare, to protect |
nm/f |
parens |
parent |
nm pl |
parentes |
parents |
v |
parere |
to obey, to submit, to comply |
nm |
paries |
wall |
v |
pariere |
to beget, to produce |
v |
parare |
to prepare |
nm |
paries |
partition, dividing-wall |
nm |
parricia |
murderer |
nf |
pars |
part, portion, faction |
adv |
parum |
too little |
adj |
parvus |
little, small |
v |
pascere |
to feed, to nourish |
nm |
passer |
sparrow |
nm |
passus |
pace, stride |
nm |
pastor |
shepherd |
v |
patefaciere |
to make open, to disclose |
adj |
patens |
open, unprotected |
v |
patere |
to stand open, to extend |
nm |
pater |
father |
adj |
patiens |
patient, capable of enduring |
nf |
patientia |
patience, endurance |
v |
pati |
to suffer, to endure |
nf |
patria |
native land, homeland |
adj |
patricius |
patrician |
nm |
patronus |
patron |
adj |
pauci |
few, a few |
adv |
paulo |
a little, slightly |
adv |
paulum |
a little, somewhat |
adj |
pauper |
poor |
nf |
paupertas |
poverty |
nn |
pavimentum |
pavement |
nm |
pavo |
peacock |
nm |
pavor |
panic |
nf |
pax |
peace |
v |
peccare |
to sin, to do wrong |
nm |
pectus |
breast, heart |
nf |
pecunia |
money |
nn |
pecus |
cattle, flock |
nm |
pedes |
foot soldier |
nf |
pellis |
fur |
v |
pellere |
to drive out, to rout, to push |
v |
pendere |
to hang. to weigh, to pay |
v |
penetrare |
to penetrate |
adv |
penitus |
far within, deeply, utterly |
nf |
penna |
feather |
prep |
per |
through |
v |
percipiere |
to gain, to learn, to perceive |
adj |
perditus |
desperate, lost, hopeless |
v |
perdere |
to lose, to destroy, to ruin |
v |
perducere |
to construct, to lead through |
v |
peregrinari |
to sojourn, to travel around |
nm |
peregrinus |
stranger, foreigner |
adj |
perfectus |
complete, perfect |
v |
perferre |
to bring, to report |
v |
perficiere |
to complete, to accomplish |
nf |
perfidia |
treachery |
adj |
perfidus |
treacherous, untrustworthy |
v |
perfugiere |
to take refuge, to desert |
adj |
periculosus |
dangerous |
nn |
periculum |
danger |
v |
perimere |
to destroy |
adj |
peritus |
familiar with, skilled |
v |
permanere |
to continue, to remain |
v |
permittere |
to let go, to commit, to allow |
adj |
permotus |
alarmed, disturbed |
v |
permovere |
to move, to affect |
nf |
perna |
ham |
nf |
pernicies |
destruction, ruin |
adj |
perniciosus |
destructive, pernicious |
adj |
perpetuus |
unbroken, continuous |
v |
perscribere |
to write out, to place on record |
v |
persequi |
to follow up, to pursue |
nf |
persona |
person |
v |
perspiciere |
to look through, to understand |
v |
persuadere |
to persuade |
v |
perterrere |
to frighten thoroughly |
adj |
perterritus |
terrified |
v |
pertimescere |
to fear greatly |
adj |
pertinax |
obstinate |
v |
pertinere |
to extend to, to reach, to belong |
v |
perturbare |
to disturb greatly, to alarm |
v |
pervenire |
to come to, to reach, to arrive |
nm |
pes |
foot |
adj |
pessimus |
worst |
nf |
pestilentia |
plague |
nf |
pestis |
plague, pestilence, curse |
v |
petere |
to seek, to strive for, to ask for |
nf |
philosophia |
philosophy |
nm |
philosophus |
philosopher |
nm |
pictor |
painter |
nf |
pictura |
painting, picture |
nm |
picus |
woodpecker |
nf |
pietas |
loyalty, respect |
adj |
piger |
sluggish, thick |
nn |
pigmentum |
paint |
nf |
pila |
ball |
nn |
pilum |
heavy javelin |
adj |
pinguis |
plump, fertile, stupid |
v |
pipiare |
to chirp, to pipe |
nm |
pirata |
pirate |
nn |
pirum |
pear |
nn |
pisa |
peas |
nm |
piscator |
fisherman |
nf |
piscina |
fish-pond |
nm |
piscis |
fish |
nm |
pistor |
baker |
nf |
pistrina |
bakery |
adj |
pius |
loyal, dutiful |
nf |
placenta |
cake |
v |
placere |
to please |
adj |
placidus |
placid |
v |
placare |
to appease, to placate |
adj |
plagosus |
fond of flogging |
nf |
planeta |
planet |
v |
plangere |
to beat, to strike noisily |
nf |
planities |
level ground, plain |
adj |
planus |
level, flat |
nf |
platea |
broad street |
v |
plaudere |
to applaud, to clap |
nn |
plaustrum |
wagon, cart |
nm |
plebeius |
plebian |
nf |
plebs |
common people, folk |
adj |
plenus |
full |
v |
plere |
to rain |
nf |
pluma |
feather |
adj |
plurimus |
most, very much, very many |
adj / n |
plus |
more |
nf |
pluvia |
rain |
nn |
poculum |
cup, pitcher |
nn |
poema |
poem |
nf |
poena |
punishment |
nm |
poeta |
poet |
adj |
politus |
polished, refined |
v |
polliceri |
to promise |
nm |
pomarius |
fruit seller |
nf |
pompa |
parade |
nn |
pomum |
fruit |
nn |
pondus |
weight, authority |
v |
ponere |
to put, to place |
nm |
pons |
bridge |
nm |
pontifex |
high priest, pontiff |
nn |
pontus |
the deep sea |
nf |
popina |
restaurant |
adj |
popularis |
popular |
v |
populari |
to plunder, to devastate |
nm |
populus |
people, nation |
nm |
porcus |
pig |
nn |
porrum |
leek |
nf |
porta |
gate, door |
v |
portare |
to carry |
nm |
portus |
harbor, port |
v |
poscere |
to beg, to demand |
nf |
possessio |
possession, property |
v |
possidere |
to settle, to have possession of |
v |
possum |
to be able, can |
adv / prep |
post |
after, afterward |
nf |
posteritas |
posterity |
nf |
posterum |
the future |
adj |
posterus |
next, following |
adv |
posthac |
henceforth |
adj |
postmeridianus |
afternoon, in the afternoon |
v |
postponere |
to put after, to postpone |
adv |
postremo |
finally, lastly |
v |
postulare |
to demand |
adj |
potens |
able, powerful |
nf |
potentia |
power |
nf |
potestas |
power, ability |
v |
potiri |
to get possession of, to obtain |
adv |
potius |
preferably |
v |
potare |
to drink |
prep |
prae |
before, ahead of |
v |
praecedere |
to go before, to precede |
adj |
praeceps |
headlong |
nn |
praeceptum |
command, order, precept |
v |
praecidere |
to cut off |
v |
praecipiere |
to order, to direct, to advise |
adj |
praecipuus |
special, preeminent |
adj |
praeclarus |
distinguished |
nm |
praeco |
herald |
nf |
praeda |
prey, plunder |
v |
praedicare |
to announce, to make known |
adj |
praeditus |
endowed with |
v |
praedari |
to plunder, to obtain booty |
nm |
praefectus |
commander, officer |
v |
praeferre |
to place before, to display |
v |
praeficiere |
to put in command of |
v |
praemittere |
to send forward, to send ahead |
nn |
praemium |
reward, prize |
adj |
praesens |
present, prompt |
n pl |
praesentia |
present circumstances |
v |
praesentire |
to feel beforehand |
adv |
praesertim |
especially, particularly |
nn |
praesidium |
guard, defense, protection |
adj |
praestans |
outstanding, remarkable, distinguished |
v |
praestare |
to stand before, to show, to excel |
v |
praeesse |
to be in front, to be in command |
adv / prep |
praeter |
past, beyond, except |
adv |
praeterea |
furthermore, besides |
adj |
praeteritus |
past |
nm |
praetor |
praetor |
nf |
praetura |
praetorship |
nn |
prandium |
lunch |
adj |
prasinus |
dark green |
nn |
pratum |
meadow |
adj |
pravus |
evil |
nf pl |
preces |
prayers |
v |
precari |
to pray to |
v |
prehendere |
to grasp, to seize |
v |
premere |
to press, to overwhelm |
adj |
pretiosus |
expensive, precious |
nn |
pretium |
price |
nf |
prex |
prayer, entreaty |
adv |
pridem |
long ago |
adv |
primo |
at first |
adj |
primus |
first, the first |
adj / nm |
princeps |
first, chief, leader |
nm |
principatus |
leadership |
nn pl |
principia |
headquarters |
nn |
principium |
beginning, origin |
adj |
prior |
previous, former |
adj |
priscus |
ancient, old-fashioned |
adj |
pristinus |
primitive |
nf |
pristis |
sea monster, shark |
adv |
prius |
sooner, before |
adj |
privatus |
private, personal |
v |
privare |
to deprive |
prep |
pro |
for, in behalf of |
nm |
proavus |
great-grandfather |
nf |
probitas |
uprightness, honesty |
v |
probare |
to approve, to test, to show |
v |
procedere |
to go forth, to advance |
nf |
procella |
storm, squall |
v |
proclamare |
to cry out |
nm |
proconsul |
proconsul, governor |
adv |
procul |
at a distance, far off |
v |
procumbere |
to fall down |
nn |
prodigium |
portent, omen |
nm |
proditor |
betrayer, traitor |
v |
prodere |
to bring forth, to betray |
v |
producere |
to lead forth, to prolong |
nn |
proelium |
battle |
nf |
profectio |
departure |
adv |
profecto |
really, surely |
v |
proferre |
to bring forward, to extend |
nm |
professor |
professor |
v |
proficiere |
to carry out, to accomplish |
v |
proficisci |
to set out, to start |
v |
profiteri |
to declare, to profess |
v |
profari |
to speak out |
v |
profundere |
to pour forth |
v |
progredi |
to advance, to go forward |
v |
prohibere |
to hold back, to stop, to forbid |
v |
proiciere |
to throw forward |
adv |
proin |
equally, accordingly |
nf |
proles |
offspring |
nn |
promissum |
promise |
v |
promittere |
to promise |
v |
promovere |
to promote |
v |
pronuntiare |
to announce, to proclaim |
adj |
pronus |
bent forward |
adv / prep |
prope |
near, nearly |
v |
properare |
to hasten |
nf |
propinquitas |
relationship, nearness |
adj |
propinquus |
near, close |
nm |
propinquus |
relative |
adv |
propius |
nearer |
v |
proponere |
to put forward, to propose |
nm |
propraetor |
pro-praetor, governor |
adj |
proprius |
special, particular, personal |
adv / prep |
propter |
near |
nf |
prora |
prow, bow of a ship |
v |
prosequi |
to follow after, to pursue |
v |
proesse |
to benefit, to help |
v |
protegere |
to protect |
adv |
protinus |
immediately, at once |
v |
provehere |
to carry forward |
v |
providere |
to foresee, to provide |
nf |
provincia |
province |
v |
provolare |
to fly out, to rush forth |
adv |
proxime |
nearest, next |
adj |
proximus |
nearest, previous, last |
adj |
prudens |
wise, prudent, sensible |
adv |
prudenter |
wisely, discreetly |
nf |
prudentia |
knowledge, prudence |
nm |
psittacus |
parrot |
nm |
publicanus |
tax collector |
adj |
publicus |
public, official |
v |
pudere |
it brings shame (impersonal) |
nf |
pudicitia |
chastity, modesty, virtue |
adj |
pudicus |
chaste, modest, virtuous |
nm |
pudor |
modesty, bashfulness |
nf |
puella |
girl |
nm |
puer |
boy |
adv |
pueriliter |
childishly, foolishly |
nf |
pueritia |
boyhood, childhood |
nm |
pugil |
fighter |
nf |
pugna |
fight, battle |
v |
pugnare |
to fight |
adj |
pulcher |
beautiful |
nf |
pulchritudo |
beauty |
v |
pulsare |
to hit, to know, to punch |
nm |
pulvis |
dust, cloud of dust |
nn |
pulvus |
dust |
v |
punire |
to punish |
nf |
pupa |
doll |
nm |
pupillus |
legal ward |
nf |
puppis |
ship's stern |
v |
purgare |
to cleanse |
nm |
purpuratus |
courtier |
adj |
purpureus |
purple |
adj |
purus |
pure, free from |
nm |
puteus |
well |
v |
putare |
to think |
nf |
pyra |
funeral pyre |
nf |
pyramis |
pyramid |
adv |
qua |
where, whereby |
adj |
quadraginta |
forty |
adj |
quadringenti |
four hundred |
v |
quaerere |
to seek, to inquire |
v |
quaesere |
to beg, to beseech |
nf |
quaestio |
investigation, inquiry |
nm |
quaestor |
quaestor |
nm |
quaestus |
gain, profit |
adj |
qualis |
of what kind |
adv |
quam |
how |
conj |
quamquam |
although |
conj |
quamvis |
however much, although |
adv |
quando |
when |
adj |
quantus |
how great, how much |
adv |
quare |
because of which, why |
adj |
quartus |
fourth |
adv |
quasi |
as if, like |
adj |
quattuor |
four |
adj |
quattuordecim |
fourteen |
nf |
quercus |
oak |
nf |
querela |
complaint |
v |
queri |
to complain, to find fault with |
pron |
qui |
who, which, that |
conj |
quia |
because |
adv |
quidem |
indeed |
nf |
quies |
rest, quiet |
v |
quiescere |
to be quiet |
adj |
quietus |
quiet, calm |
conj |
quin |
but that, that |
avj |
quindecim |
fifteen |
adj |
quingenti |
five hundred |
adj |
quinquaginta |
fifty |
adj |
quinque |
five |
adj |
quintus |
fifth |
pron |
quis |
who, what, anyone, anything |
pron |
quisquam |
anyone, anything |
pron |
quisquis |
whoever, whatever |
adv / conj |
quo |
in order that |
adv |
quoad |
until, as long as |
conj |
quod |
because, the fact that |
adv |
quomodo |
how |
adv |
quoniam |
since, because |
conj |
quoque |
also, too |
adj |
quot |
how many |
adv |
quotidie |
daily |
adv |
quoties |
how often, whenever |
adj |
quotus |
how much, how many |
nf |
radix |
root, basis |
nf |
raeda |
carriage |
nm |
ramus |
branch |
nf |
rana |
frog |
adj |
rapidus |
fast, rapid |
v |
rapiere |
to seize, to snatch, to tear away |
v |
raptare |
to seize |
adj |
rarus |
scattered, thin |
nn |
rastrum |
rake, toothed hoe |
nf |
ratio |
plan, account, reason |
nf |
ratis |
raft, vessel |
v |
recedere |
to go back, to retire, to recede |
adj |
recens |
fresh, new, recent |
v |
recipiere |
to take back, to receive |
v |
recitare |
to read aloud |
v |
recognoscere |
to recognize, to recollect |
v |
recreare |
to restore, to revive |
adj |
rectus |
straight, upright, correct |
v |
recumbere |
to lie down, to recline |
nf |
recuperatio |
recovery |
v |
recuperare |
to recover |
v |
recusare |
to refuse |
v |
reddere |
to give back, to restore |
v |
redire |
to go back, to return |
v |
redigere |
to drive back, to subdue |
nm |
reditus |
return |
v |
reducere |
to lead back |
v |
referre |
to bring back, to report |
v |
reficiere |
to make again, to repair |
v |
refugiere |
to flee back, to take refuge |
nf |
regia |
palace, court |
nf |
regina |
queen |
nf |
regio |
region, district |
adj |
regius |
royal |
v |
regnare |
to rule, to reign |
nn |
regnum |
kingdom |
v |
regere |
to rule, to control |
v |
regredi |
to return, to go back |
nf |
regula |
straight edge, ruler, model |
v |
reiciere |
to throw back, to repulse |
v |
relegere |
to read again, to reread |
v |
relevare |
to relieve, to alleviate |
nf |
religio |
doctrine, sense of duty |
v |
relinquere |
to leave behind, to abandon |
nf pl |
reliquiae |
remains, relics |
adj |
reliquus |
left, remaining |
v |
remanere |
to remain, to stay behind |
nn |
remedium |
cure, remedy |
nm |
remex |
rower |
v |
remigare |
to row |
v |
remittere |
to send back, to relax |
adj |
remotus |
removed, distant, remote |
v |
removere |
to move back, to remove |
nm |
remus |
oar |
v |
renuntiare |
to bring back word, to report |
v |
repellere |
to drive back, to repulse |
adv |
repente |
suddenly, unexpectedly |
adj |
repentinus |
sudden |
v |
reperire |
to find, to discover |
nf |
repetitio |
repetition |
v |
repetere |
to seek again, to repeat |
v |
repere |
to creep, to crawl |
v |
reportare |
to bring back |
v |
repudiare |
to reject |
v |
repugnare |
to fight against |
v |
requirere |
to need, to seek, to require |
nf |
res |
thing, affair, matter |
nf |
respublica |
state, commonwealth |
v |
resistere |
to stand still, to resist |
v |
respectare |
to look at, to respect |
v |
respondere |
to answer |
nn |
responsum |
answer, reply, response |
v |
resquiescere |
to rest |
v |
restituere |
to restore, to replace, to renew |
v |
restare |
to remain |
nn |
rete |
net |
v |
retinere |
to retain |
v |
retrahere |
to drag back, to draw back |
nm |
reus |
defendant |
v |
revenire |
to come back, to return |
nf |
reverentia |
respect |
v |
revertere |
to come back, to return |
v |
reverti |
to turn back, to return |
v |
revocare |
to recall |
nm |
rex |
king |
adj |
rhetoricus |
rhetorical, of rhetoric |
v |
ridire |
to laugh |
adj |
ridiculus |
ridiculous, silly |
nf |
rima |
crack, fissure |
nf |
ripa |
riverside |
nm |
rivus |
steam |
nf |
rixa |
quarrel, brawl |
nn |
robur |
oak |
adj |
robustus |
strong, hardy |
v |
rogare |
to ask |
nm |
rogus |
funeral pyre |
nf |
rosa |
rose |
adj |
roseus |
pink |
nn |
rostrum |
beak, snout |
nf |
rota |
wheel |
adj |
rotundus |
wheel-shaped, round |
adj |
ruber |
red |
v |
rudere |
to bellow, to roar |
adj |
rufus |
red |
adj |
rugosus |
wrinkled |
nf |
ruinae |
ruins |
nm |
rumor |
report, rumor |
v |
rumpere |
to break, to burst, to tear |
v |
ruere |
to rush, to fall, to be ruined |
nf |
rupes |
rock, cliff |
adv |
rursus |
again, backwards, on the contrary |
nn |
rus |
countryside |
adj |
rusticus |
of the country |
nm |
rusticus |
peasant |
nn |
saccarum |
sugar |
nm |
sacculus |
little bag, purse |
adj |
sacer |
sacred |
nm/f |
sacerdos |
priest, priestess |
nn |
sacrificium |
sacrifice |
adj |
sacrilegus |
sacrilegious, impious |
nn |
saeculum |
age, generation |
adv |
saepe |
often |
v |
saevire |
to be in a rage |
nf |
saevitia |
rage, ferocity |
adj |
saevus |
savage, fierce |
nf |
sagitta |
arrow |
nm |
sal |
salt |
v |
salire |
to jump, to leap, to bound |
nf |
salix |
willow |
adj |
salsus |
salty, witty |
adv |
saltem |
at least |
v |
saltare |
to dance |
nf |
salus |
safety, welfare |
v |
salutare |
to greet |
v |
salve |
hello! |
v |
salvere |
to be in good health |
adj |
salvus |
safe, sound |
v |
sancire |
to make sacred, to sanction |
v |
sanctificare |
to sanctify, to treat as holy |
adj |
sanctus |
sacred, holy |
nn |
sandalium |
sandal |
adv |
sane |
obviously |
nm |
sanguis |
blood |
nf |
sanitas |
health, sanity |
v |
sanare |
to heal |
adj |
sanus |
sound, healthy, sane |
adj |
sapiens |
wise |
adv |
sapienter |
wisely, sensibly |
nf |
sapientia |
wisdom |
v |
sapiere |
to taste, to have flavor |
nm |
sapo |
soap |
nf |
sapphirus |
sapphire |
nm |
sartor |
tailor |
v |
satiare |
to satisfy, to sate |
adv |
satis |
enough, sufficiently |
nf |
satura |
satire |
nn |
saxum |
rock |
nf |
scabies |
roughness, scab, itch |
adj |
sceleratus |
criminal, wicked |
adj |
scelestus |
wicked, accursed |
nn |
scelus |
crime |
nf |
scheda |
sheet of paper |
nf |
schola |
school |
nf |
scientia |
knowledge |
adv |
scilicet |
obviously, of course |
v |
scindere |
to tear, to cut up, to carve |
v |
scire |
to know (a fact) |
nm |
scopulus |
rock, cliff |
nm |
scriba |
scribe, secretary |
v |
scribere |
to write |
nm |
scriptor |
writer, author |
nm |
sculptor |
sculptor |
nn |
scutum |
shield |
nn |
sebum |
tallow |
v |
secedere |
to withdraw, to retire |
v |
secernere |
to separate |
v |
secludere |
to shut off, to seclude |
nn |
secale |
rye |
v |
secare |
to cut |
nn |
secretum |
solitude |
adj |
secretus |
secret |
prep |
secundum |
according to, after, behind |
adj |
secundus |
second |
nf |
securis |
ax, hatchet |
adj |
securus |
free from care, untroubled |
conj |
sed |
but |
adj |
sedecim |
sixteen |
v |
sedere |
to sit |
nf |
sedes |
seat |
nf |
seditio |
mutiny |
v |
sedare |
to soothe, to calm |
nm |
seductor |
seducer |
v |
segregare |
to segregate, to separate |
adj |
seiunctus |
separated, distinct |
nf |
sella |
seat, chair |
adv |
semel |
once |
nn |
semen |
seed, race |
nf |
semihora |
half-hour |
nf |
semita |
path |
adv |
semper |
always |
adj |
sempiternus |
eternal, perpetual, lasting |
nm |
senator |
senator |
nm |
senatus |
senate |
nf |
senectus |
old age |
v |
senescere |
to grow old |
nm |
senex |
old man |
adj |
sensilis |
sensitive |
nm |
sensus |
feeling, sense |
nf |
sententia |
feeling, thought |
v |
sentire |
to feel |
v |
separare |
to separate |
adv |
separtim |
separately |
v |
sepelire |
to bury |
adj |
septem |
seven |
n |
September |
September |
adj |
septendecim |
seventeen |
nm pl |
septentriones |
the North, the Great Bear |
adj |
septimus |
seventh |
adj |
septingenti |
seven hundred |
adj |
septuaginta |
seventy |
nn |
sepulcrum |
grave, tomb |
nf |
sepultura |
burial |
v |
sequi |
to follow |
adj |
serenus |
calm, clear |
adj |
serius |
serious, grave |
nm |
sermo |
conversation, talk |
adv |
sero |
too late |
v |
serere |
to sow |
nf |
serpens |
serpent |
nf |
serra |
saw |
adv |
serus |
late |
adv |
servere |
strictly |
nf |
serveritas |
strictness |
adj |
serverus |
strict, stern |
v |
servire |
to be a slave to, to serve |
nn |
servitium |
service, servitude |
nf |
servitus |
slavery, servitude |
v |
servare |
to save, to guard |
nm |
servus |
slave |
adj |
sescenti |
six hundred |
conj |
seu |
or if |
adv |
severe |
severely, sternly |
nf |
severitas |
severity, strictness |
adj |
sex |
six |
adj |
sexaginta |
sixty |
adj |
sextus |
sixth |
conj |
si |
if |
adv |
sic |
so, thus |
nf |
sica |
dagger |
adv |
sicut |
just as |
sidus |
star, constellation |
v |
significare |
to make signs, to signal, to show |
v |
signare |
to mark, to designate, to seal |
nn |
signum |
sign, standard |
nn |
silentium |
silence |
v |
silere |
to silence, to quiet |
nf |
silva |
forest |
nf |
simia |
monkey |
adj |
similis |
like, similar |
adv |
similiter |
similarly |
nf |
similitudo |
similarity, likeness |
nm |
simius |
ape |
adj |
simplex |
simple, unmixed, frank |
adv |
simul |
at the same time, as soon as |
nn |
simulacrum |
image, portrait |
nf |
simulatio |
pretense |
v |
simulare |
to pretend |
conj |
sin |
but if |
adv |
sincere |
sincerely, honestly |
adj |
sincerus |
sincere |
prep |
sine |
without |
adj |
singularis |
singular, unique |
adj |
singuli |
one each, one at a time |
adj |
sinister |
left |
v |
sinere |
to allow |
nm |
sinus |
fold, gulf, bay |
v |
sitire |
to be thirsty |
v |
sitere |
to cause to stand, to place |
adj |
situs |
situated, placed, located |
conj |
sive |
or if, whether |
nm/f |
smarargdus |
emerald |
nf |
societas |
alliance, kinship |
nm |
socius |
ally, partner |
nm |
sol |
sun |
nf |
solea |
sandal |
v |
solere |
to be accustomed |
nf |
solitudo |
solitude, loneliness |
adj |
solitus |
usual |
nn |
solium |
seat, throne |
v |
sollicitare |
to disturb, to arose, to excite |
nf |
sollicitudo |
anxiety, concern |
adj |
sollicitus |
troubled, anxious, disturbed |
adv |
solum |
only |
nn |
solum |
bottom, sole |
adj |
solus |
alone |
adj |
solutus |
free, loose, independent |
v |
solvere |
to loosen, to pay, to acquit |
nn |
somnium |
dream |
nm |
somnus |
sleep |
nm |
sonitus |
sound |
v |
sonare |
to make a sound |
nm |
sopor |
deep sleep |
nf pl |
sordes |
filth, meanness, stinginess |
adj |
sordidus |
dirty |
nf |
soror |
sister |
nf |
sors |
lot, chance |
v |
spargere |
to scatter, to spread, to strew |
adj |
spatiosus |
spacious |
nn |
spatium |
space, length of time |
nn |
spatium |
space, distance, period |
nf |
species |
appearance |
nn |
spectaculum |
show, spectacle |
v |
spectare |
to look at |
nn |
speculum |
mirror |
nm |
specus |
cave |
nf |
spelunca |
cave, cavern |
v |
spernere |
to scorn, to despise, to spurn |
v |
sperare |
to hope for |
nf |
spes |
hope |
nf |
spina |
thorn, spine, difficulties |
nm |
spiritus |
breathing, breath |
v |
spirare |
to breathe, to be alive |
adj |
splendidus |
splendid |
nm |
splendor |
grandeur, brightness |
v |
spoliare |
to strip, to despoil, to rob |
nn |
spolium |
skin, hide (plural: spoils, booty) |
v |
spondere |
to promise, to vow |
nf |
spongia |
sponge |
adv |
sponte |
voluntarily |
adj |
stabilis |
stable, steadfast |
nn |
stabulum |
stable |
nn |
stadium |
stadium |
nn |
stagnum |
pool of water, pond |
adv |
statim |
immediately |
nf |
statio |
outpost |
nf |
statua |
statue |
v |
statuere |
to decide |
nf |
statura |
stature, size |
nm |
status |
position, state, status |
nf |
stella |
star |
v |
sternere |
to spread out, to smooth, to pave |
nm |
stilus |
stylus, pen |
nn |
stipendium |
military service |
v |
stare |
to stand |
nf |
stola |
gown, robe |
nm |
stomachus |
stomach |
nn |
stramentum |
straw |
v |
strangulare |
to strangle, to choke |
adj |
strenuus |
energetic |
nm |
strepitus |
din, noise, uproar |
v |
stringere |
to draw (weapon) |
nf |
strix |
screech-owl |
v |
struere |
to contrive, to build, to arrange |
v |
studere |
to study, to be eager for |
v |
studiosus |
to be full of zeal, eager |
nn |
studium |
eagerness, study |
nf |
stultitia |
foolishness |
adj |
stultus |
foolish |
nm |
stultus |
fool |
adj |
stupidus |
stupid |
nn |
stuprum |
debauchery |
v |
suadere |
to urge, to persuade |
nn |
suaffragium |
ballot, vote |
adj |
suavis |
sweet |
adv |
suaviter |
sweetly |
prep |
sub |
under, toward |
v |
subducere |
to draw up, to beach (ship) |
v |
subire |
to undergo, to go under |
adv |
subito |
suddenly |
adj |
subitus |
sudden |
v |
subiungere |
to subject, to subjugate |
v |
sublevare |
to lift up, to lift, to assist |
v |
submittere |
to send for help |
v |
subridere |
to smile |
nn |
subsellium |
bench, seat |
v |
sequi |
to follow closely, to imitate |
nn |
subsidium |
aid, assistance, support |
v |
subsidere |
to subside, to calm down |
adj |
subterraneus |
below the ground |
adj |
subtilis |
fine, thin, precise |
v |
subvenire |
to help, to aid |
v |
succedere |
to follow after, to succeed |
v |
succurrere |
to come to the aid of |
nm |
sucus |
juice |
v |
sudare |
to sweat |
nf |
summa |
sum, whole |
adj |
summus |
highest, most |
v |
sumere |
to take hold of, assume |
adj |
sumptiosus |
expensive, lavish, costly |
nm |
sumptus |
expense, cost |
nf |
supellex |
furniture |
adv / prep |
super |
over, above |
nf |
superbia |
pride |
adj |
superbus |
proud, haughty |
adj |
superior |
upper, previous (time) |
v |
superare |
to conquer |
v |
superesse |
to survive, to outlive |
adj |
superus |
above |
nm/f |
supplex |
suppliant |
nf |
supplicatio |
thanksgiving to the gods |
nn |
supplicium |
punishment |
v |
supplicare |
to pray to |
v |
supponere |
to put under, to place under |
v |
supportare |
to bring up |
adv / prep |
supra |
above |
nm |
surculus |
shoot, sprout |
v |
surgere |
to rise |
v |
suscensere |
to be angry |
v |
suscipiere |
to undertake |
v |
suspendere |
to hang up, to suspend |
v |
suspicari |
to suspect |
nn |
suspirium |
sigh |
v |
sustinere |
to uphold, to support |
v |
susurrare |
to whisper |
adj |
suus |
his, her, its, their |
nf |
synagoga |
synagogue |
nf |
tabella |
wax tablet |
nm |
tabellarius |
letter-carrier, courier |
nf |
taberna |
store, shop, inn |
nn |
tabernaculum |
hut, tent |
nm |
tabernarius |
store-owner |
nn |
tablinum |
home office |
nf |
tabula |
plank |
v |
tacere |
to keep silent |
adv |
tacite |
quietly, silently |
adj |
tacitus |
quiet |
v |
taedere |
to be tiring, to cause boredom |
adv |
tam |
so, as, equally |
adv |
tamen |
nevertheless, still, however |
conj |
tametsi |
although, and yet |
adv |
tamquam |
as it were, for example |
adv |
tandem |
at last, finally |
v |
tangere |
to touch |
adv |
tantum |
so much, only |
adj |
tantus |
so great |
v |
tardare |
to delay |
adj |
tardus |
slow, tardy |
nm |
taurus |
bull |
nf |
taxus |
yew |
nn |
tectum |
roof |
v |
tegere |
to cover |
nf |
tellus |
earth, land |
adv |
temere |
rashly, blindly |
nf |
temeritas |
rashness, termerity |
nf |
temperantia |
moderation, restraint |
nf |
temperantia |
moderation, self-control |
v |
temperare |
to be moderate, to abstain |
nf |
tempestas |
weather, storm |
nn |
templum |
temple |
nf |
temptatio |
trial, temptation |
v |
temptare |
to test, to try |
nn |
tempus |
time |
v |
tendere |
to stretch out, to extend |
nf pl |
tenebrae |
shades, darkness |
v |
tenere |
to hold, to keep, to possess |
adj |
tener |
soft, delicate, tender |
adj |
tenuis |
thing, slight, feeble |
nn |
tergum |
back, rear |
nm |
terminus |
boundary |
v |
terere |
to rub, to wear out |
nf |
terra |
earth, ground, region |
v |
terrere |
to frighten, to terrify |
adj |
terribilis |
frightful, dreadful |
nm |
terror |
terror |
adj |
tertius |
third |
nf |
tessera |
password |
nf |
testa |
jug, pot |
nn |
testamonium |
testimony |
nm/f |
testis |
witness |
v |
testari |
to call to witness |
nf |
testudo |
tortoise |
nn |
textile |
textile |
nm |
textus |
texture |
nn |
theatrum |
theater |
nn |
thema |
theme |
nf pl |
thermae |
warm springs |
nm |
thesaurus |
treasure, hoard |
nf |
tibia |
flute |
nn |
tibiale |
sock |
nn |
tignum |
log, trunk (of tree) |
nf |
tigris |
tiger |
v |
timere |
to fear |
adv |
timide |
timidly |
adj |
timidus |
timid |
nm |
timor |
fear |
nn |
tintinnabulum |
bell |
nm |
titulus |
label, title |
nf |
toga |
toga |
v |
tolerare |
to endure, to tolerate |
v |
tollere |
to raise, to remove, to destroy |
nm |
tolus |
dome |
nn |
tomaclum |
sausage |
v |
tondere |
to shear, to clip |
nm |
tonsor |
barber |
nf |
tonsura |
haircut |
nn |
tormentum |
instrument of torture |
adj |
tot |
so many |
adj |
totiens |
just as many |
adv |
totiens |
so often |
adj |
totus |
whole |
nf |
trabs |
beam, timber |
v |
tractare |
to drag about, to handle |
v |
tradere |
to hand over, to surrender |
v |
traducere |
to lead across, to bring over |
nf |
tragoedia |
tragedy |
v |
trahere |
to draw, to drag |
nm |
traiectus |
crossing |
v |
tranare |
to swim over, to swim across |
nf |
tranquillitas |
calm, peace |
prep |
trans |
across, beyond |
v |
transcendere |
to climb over, to surmount, to exceed |
v |
transire |
to go across |
v |
transire |
to bring across |
v |
transferre |
to transfer |
v |
transportare |
to carry across, to transport |
adj |
trecenti |
three hundred |
adj |
tredecim |
thirteen |
v |
tremere |
to tremble |
v |
trepidare |
to tremble, to panic |
adj |
tres |
three |
nn |
tribunal |
magistrates' raised platform |
nm |
tribunus |
tribune |
v |
tribuere |
to allot, to attribute, to grant |
nn |
tributum |
tax, tribute |
nn |
triclinium |
dining-couch, dining-room |
nm |
tridens |
trident |
nn |
triduum |
period of three days |
adj |
triginta |
thirty |
adj |
triplex |
threefold, triple |
adj |
tristis |
sad |
nf |
tristitia |
sadness, gloom |
nn |
triticum |
wheat |
nm |
triumphus |
triumph |
v |
trucidare |
to cut to pieces, to slaughter |
nm |
truncus |
trunk, stem |
pron |
tu |
you (informal singular) |
nf |
tuba |
trumpet |
nn |
tuber |
hump |
v |
tueri |
to watch, to guard |
adv / conj |
tum |
then, at that time |
nm |
tumor |
tumor, swelling |
nm |
tumultus |
confusion, tumult |
nm |
tumulus |
mound, tomb |
adv |
tunc |
then, at that time |
nf |
tunica |
tunic |
nf |
turba |
crowd |
adj |
turpis |
base, disgraceful |
nf |
turris |
tower |
nf |
tutela |
guardianship |
adj |
tutus |
safe |
adj |
tuus |
your (informal singular) |
nn |
tympanum |
drum |
nm |
tyrannus |
absolute leader |
adv |
ubi |
when, where, as soon as |
adv |
ubique |
everywhere, anywhere |
v |
ulcisci |
to avenge, to punish |
adj |
ullus |
any |
adj |
ultimus |
last |
nf |
ultio |
revenge |
adv / prep |
ultra |
beyond, past |
nm |
umbilicus |
navel |
nf |
umbra |
shadow |
nm |
umerus |
shoulder |
adj |
umidus |
wet, damp |
adv |
umquam |
ever, at any time |
adv |
una |
at the same time, together |
nf |
unda |
wave, water |
adj |
undecim |
eleven |
adj |
undeviginti |
nineteen |
nf |
ungula |
hoof |
adj |
universus |
all together |
adj |
unus |
one, only |
adj |
urbanus |
of the city, refined |
nf |
urbs |
city |
v |
urgere |
to press, to push, to urge |
nf |
urna |
pitcher, urn |
nm |
ursus |
bear |
nf |
urtica |
nettle |
adj |
usitatus |
usual, customary |
adv |
usquam |
at any place, anywhere |
adv |
usque |
all the way, right through |
nf |
usus |
using, use |
nm |
uterus |
womb |
adj |
utilis |
useful, advantageous |
v |
uti |
to use, to practice |
nf |
uva |
grape |
nf |
uxor |
wife |
nf |
vaca |
cow |
v |
vacare |
to be free from |
adj |
vacuus |
empty, free from |
v |
vadere |
to go |
nn |
vadum |
ford, shallows |
nf |
vagina |
scabbard, sheath |
adj |
vagus |
strolling, rambling, vagrant |
adv |
valde |
very much, very |
v |
valere |
to be strong |
nf |
valetudo |
health |
adj |
validus |
strong |
nf |
valles |
valley |
nn |
vallum |
rampart, fortification |
nf |
vanitas |
emptiness, vanity |
adj |
vanus |
empty, void |
v |
varari |
to stroll about, to wander |
adj |
varius |
various |
nn |
vas |
vase, urn |
v |
vastare |
to lay waste |
adj |
vastus |
deserted, desolate, vast |
nm/f |
vates |
soothsayer, bard |
nn |
vectigal |
tax, tribute, revenue |
adj |
vectigalis |
tributary, tax-paying |
nm |
vector |
passenger, seafarer |
adj |
vehemens |
violent, powerful, strong |
adv |
vehementer |
violently, loudly |
nn |
vehiculum |
vehicle |
v |
vehere |
to carry, to convey |
conj |
vel |
or |
nn |
velamen |
cover, clothing |
v |
velificare |
to operate the sails |
v |
vellere |
to pluck off, to tear out |
nn |
vellus |
fleece |
v |
velare |
to cover, to wrap |
adj |
velox |
swift |
nn |
velum |
sail, veil, tapestry |
adv |
velut |
even as, just as, as if, like |
nf |
venatio |
hunting-party |
nm |
venator |
hunter |
nm |
venditor |
vendor, seller |
v |
vendere |
to sell |
nn pl |
veneficia |
sorcery |
nm |
veneficus |
sorceror |
nn |
venenum |
drug, poison, venom |
v |
venerari |
to worship, to pray |
nf |
venia |
kindness, favor, mercy |
v |
venire |
to come |
nm |
venter |
stomach, belly |
v |
ventitare |
to come often |
nm |
ventus |
wind |
nf |
venus |
loveliness, beauty, grace |
nn |
ver |
spring |
nn |
verber |
flogging |
v |
verberare |
to strike, to beat |
nn |
verbum |
word |
adv |
vere |
truly |
v |
vereri |
to fear |
nf |
veritas |
truth |
adv |
vero |
in truth, indeed |
nf |
verruca |
wart |
v |
versare |
to keep turning |
v |
versari |
to busy oneself, to be engaged |
nm |
versus |
verse, line of poetry |
nm |
vertex |
whirlpool, whirlwind |
v |
vertere |
to turn |
adv |
verum |
but, still, yet |
adj |
verus |
true |
v |
vesci |
to feed on |
nm |
vesper |
evening |
nm |
vespillo |
undertaker |
adj |
vester |
your (plural, formal singular) |
nm |
vestiarius |
clothing salesman |
nn |
vestigium |
footprint |
nn |
vestimentum |
clothing |
v |
vestire |
to clothe |
nf |
vestis |
clothing |
v |
vetare |
to forbid |
adj |
vetus |
old |
nn |
vexillum |
military banner, standard |
v |
vexare |
to harass, to annoy |
nf |
via |
way, road |
adj |
vicinus |
neighboring |
nf |
victima |
sacrificial beast, victim for sacrifice |
nm |
victor |
conqueror |
nf |
victoria |
victory |
adj |
victrix |
victorious |
nm |
victus |
living, mode of life |
nm |
vicus |
village, block |
adv |
videlicet |
doubtless, evidently |
v |
videre |
to see |
v |
videri |
to seem good |
v |
vigere |
to thrive, to be lively |
adj |
vigil |
awake, alert |
nf |
vigilantia |
watchfulness |
nf |
vigilia |
wakefulness, watch |
v |
vigilare |
to be watchful, to be awake |
adj |
viginti |
twenty |
nm |
vigor |
vigor, liveliness |
nf |
villa |
farmhouse |
v |
vincire |
to bind, to tie up |
v |
vincere |
to defeat |
nn |
vinculum |
band, cord, chain |
v |
vindicare |
to claim, to defend, to punish |
nf |
vinea |
vineyard |
nn |
vinum |
wine |
v |
violare |
to violate |
nm |
vir |
man |
nf |
virgo |
maiden |
adj |
viridis |
light green |
adj |
virilis |
manly, vigorous, male |
nf |
virtus |
courage, virtue |
nf |
vis |
force, violence |
v |
visitare |
to visit |
nm |
visus |
vision |
nf |
vita |
life |
adj |
vitiosus |
full of vice, vicious |
nn |
vitium |
fault, vice, crime |
v |
vitare |
to avoid, to shun |
nf |
vituperatio |
blame, censure |
v |
vituperare |
to find fault with, to curse |
v |
vivere |
to live |
adj |
vivus |
alive, living |
adv |
vix |
scarcely |
v |
vocare |
to call |
v |
velle |
to wish, to want to |
v |
volare |
to fly |
nf |
volucris |
bird, winged creature |
nn |
volumen |
roll, book |
adj |
voluntarius |
voluntary |
nf |
voluntas |
good will |
nf |
voluptas |
pleasure |
prep |
vos |
you (plural, formal singular) |
nn |
votum |
vow, prayer |
v |
vovere |
to vow, to promise solemnly |
nf |
vox |
voice |
nn |
vulgus |
mob |
v |
vulnerare |
to wound |
nn |
vulnus |
wound |
nf |
vulpes |
fox |
nm |
vultur |
vulture |
nm |
vultus |
expression |