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A Latin-Based IAL |
Ego or me I, me | Mes, we, us. |
Vo, you (singular). | Vos, you (plural). |
Is, lo, he, him. | Ises, los, they, them. |
Ea, la, she, her (objective). | Eas, las, they, them. |
Ile, one, he or she, him or her. | Iles, they, them. |
Id, it. | Ids, they, them. |
Mei, my, mine. | Mesi, our, ours. |
Voi, your, yours. | Vosi, you, yours. |
Isi, loi, his. | Isesi, losi, their, theirs. |
Eai, lai, her, hers. | Easi, lasi, their, theirs. |
Ilei, ones, his or her, his or hers. | Ilesi, their, theirs. |
Idi, its. | Idsi, their, theirs. |
Mese, myself. | Meses, ourselves. |
Vose, yourself. | Voses, yourselves. |
Ise, lose, himself. | Ises, loses, themselves. |
Ease, lase, herself. | Eases, lases, themselves. |
Ilese, oneself. | Ileses, themselves. |
Idse, itself. | Idses, themselves. |
Mesei, my own. | Mesesi, our own. |
Vosei, your own. | Vosesi, your own. |
Isei, losei, his own. | Isesi, losesi, their own. |
Easei, lasei, her own. | Easesi, lasesi, their own. |
Ilesei, ones own. | Ileses[i], their own. |
Idsei, its own. | Idsesi, their own. |
50. Tu (thou) tui, tuse, tusei are used infrequently.
51. Pronouns have the same form for nominative and objective.
Me vise iles, I saw them. Iles vise me, they
saw me.
52. Possessives and independent possessives are identical in form.
Id es mei libro, it is my book. Il libro es mei,
the book is mine.
53. Possessive pronouns agree with their antecedents in number and gender.
Is es eai fratro, he is her brother.
54. Lo or la denotes the person first or chiefly spoken
of. Thus, the sentence, "Smith told Jones he had killed his dog," may
be rendered:
Smith dicte Jones is habe ocise isi cane,
Smith dicte Jones is habe ocise loi cane,
Smith dicte Jones lo habe ocise isi cane, or
Smith dicte Jones lo habe ocise loi cane.
and it will be plain to the reader or listener who killed the dog, and
whose dog was killed.
COMMENT: Houghton's use of
the forms is/lo, ea/la, ises/los, eas/las, and the rest, may not
be entirely clear to some. His remark in rule 54 (and usage in some of
the sample translations, especially that of Télémaque) would seem to indicate
that one uses lo and la, for example, in first instance
when a sex-specific third person pronoun is needed. Then, if one needs
another third person pronoun of the same number and sex to refer to another
individual, one uses is or ea for that other individual.
Careful attention to the sample translations compared to the originals
may clarify this usage. Hence, the above sentences would appear to be
rendered, respectively, as:
Smith said to Jones that Jones had killed Jones's dog.
Smith said to Jones that Jones had killed Smith's dog.
Smith said to Jones that Smith had killed Jones's dog.
Smith said to Jones that Smith had killed Smith's dog.
On the other hand, for a seemingly contrary usage, see the examples in
rule 23(2) above and 78 below as well as some of the sample translations.
It is possible, of course, that Houghton himself was not entirely consistent
in his use of third person pronouns.
55. Ile is of common gender. It corresponds to the English pronoun
one, the French on, the German mann. It is also used
in cases where the sex of the person spoken of is doubtful, and, in the
plural, where persons of both sexes may be referred to.
Ile opa judicata pro ilese, one should judge for oneself.
Il homule deb amata ilei parente, the child should love his or
her parent. Mei amicos amata me et me amata iles, my friends love
me and I love them.
Qui, who, whom. | Quiquis, whoever. |
Que, which, that. | Quequis, whichever. |
Quis, what. | Quisquis, whatever. |
Ut (as) is sometimes a relative pronoun. |
57. Qui, que and quis are interrogative pronouns.
Isti, this, the latter. | Ali, other. |
Istis, these, the latter. | Alis, others. |
Ili, that, the former. | Parvi, little. |
Ilis, those, the former. | Nuli, no, none. |
Ambi, both. | Uli, any. |
Aliqui, some. | Omni, all. |
Quisqui, each, every. | Tali, such. |
Utri, either. | Pluri, many. |
Nutri, neither. | Multi, much. |
59. Pronominal adjectives remain unchanged when used as nouns.
COMMENT: It will be seen that the scheme of personal pronouns and pronominal adjectives is a rather artificial one. However, in their structure the pronoun tables may for some people be easier to learn and use than the set of original Latin forms for the same words.
60. Participles of this language are used as adjectives without change.
61. All adjectives, other than past participles used as such and cardinal numbers, end, as to their positive form, in i.
62. The comparitives of all adjectives is formed by the addition of or,
and the superlative of all adjectives by the addition of us, to
the positive form.
Boni, good; bonior, better; bonius, best.
Amati, loving; amatior, more loving; amatius, most
Amate, loved; amateor; more loved; amateus, most
63. Adjectives derived form Latin adjectives are formed by the addition
of the terminal i to the stem, or root of the genitive singular.
The various Latin adjective terminations are shown in the examples.
Boni, durabili, sensibili, cardiaci, primali, humani, singulari,
plenari, demonstrativi, captivi, animati, presenti, fanatici, fluidi,
facili, masculini, verbosi.
64. Adjectives derived from Latin adjectives ending in the nominative
singluar in us, and denoting quality or resemblance, take the terminal
Eroneosi, fatuosi, bibulosi, variosi, nefariosi, fictitiosi,
factitiosi, igniosi, continuosi, preposterosi, conspicuosi, frivilosi,
dubiosi, anxiosi, seriosi, asiduosi, barbarosi, extraneosi, censoriosi.
COMMENT: Such forms, of course, are structurally identical to masculine/neuter nouns in the possessive plural. Presumably word order would disambiguate instances.
65. Master nouns are converted into adjectives by substituting i
for the noun terminal.
Auri; gold, golden; argenti, silver; metali,
metal; ligni, wooden; lani, woolen.
COMMENT: There is some potential ambiguity is this construction. Is a stramenti horeo a barn in which straw is stored or a barn which is itself made out of straw? In some instances of this noun to adjective transformation, the meaning may not always be unambiguous. However, the same potential for ambiguity occasionally exists with attributive nouns in English.
66. Comparative and superlative forms of Latin adjectives may be made
the basis of words of this language.
Supremi, supreme; extremi, extreme; proximi,
next; ultimi, last; infinitesimi; infinitesimal; majorito,
majority; optimisto, optimista, optimiste, optimist.
67. The adjective suffix pli corresponds to the English suffix
Dupli, twofold; trepli, threefold; displi,
tenfold; pluripli, manifold.
Uno, one. | Dute, twenty. |
Du, two. | Dute-uno, twenty-one. |
Tre, three. | Dute-du, twenty-two. |
Quat, four. | Trete, thirty. |
Quin, five. | Quate, forty. |
Sex, six. | Quinte, fifty. |
Set, seven. | Sexte, sixty. |
Oc, eight. | Sete, seventy. |
Nem, nine. | Octe, eighty. |
Dis, ten. | Nemte, ninety. |
Undis, eleven. | Cent, hundred. |
Dudis, twelve. | Mil, thousand. |
Tredis, thirteen. | Milion, milion. |
Quatdis, fourteen. | Bilion, billion. |
Quindis, fifteen. | Cent uno, hundred and one. |
Sexdis, sixteen. | Milion cent mil cent dis, million |
Setdis, seventeen. | one hundred thousand |
Ocdis, eighteen. | one hundred and ten. |
Nemdis, nineteen. |
COMMENT: Houghton does not treat of fractional numbers, which are not intrinsically the same as ordinal numbers, despite the fact that the two have the same form in English and were used somewhat similarly in Latin. One might use an expression like quin ex oc partos for "five-eighths."
70. The definite article is il, the.
71. The indefinite article is un, a.
COMMENT: Articles are a difficult matter for any non-native learner of languages. Many languages prosper without them, and indeed, Latin itself does not have them. Modern languages such as Russian also do without them. Because consistency of use of articles is so difficult a matter to delineate, it would be better to dispense with them entirely. In instances in which a speaker/writer thinks that some function of an article simply must be, then demonstratives such as isti(s) or ili(s) may be used to mark definiteness. Marking for indefiniteness is almost never necessary. Persons whose native languages use articles must realize that few people in the world use articles in the same way that they do, and many speak languages without articles, so that for an international auxiliary language, it is preferable not to use articles at all.
72. The indicative present of all verbs except the auxiliaries es, hab, deb and vel, and the infinitive and imperative of all verbs, are formed by the addition of the terminal a, the past indicative and past participle of all verbs by the addition of the terminal e, and the present participle of all verbs by the addition of the terminal i, to Latin verbal stems.
73. All other parts of verbs are formed by the use of auxiliaries.
74. In general, Master verbs are formed on the supine stem.
Amata, love; monita, advise; recta, rule;
capta, take; audita, hear; scripta, write; posita,
place, put; visa, see; incepta, commence; inventa;
COMMENT: Houghton specifies that the present indicative and the infinitive have the same form, so that the infinitive is not distinctive. However, in the example translations, except when following some primary verbs, he uses the proposition a to mark the infinitive. A is a preposition of motion or direction normally, but also the infinitive marker. In this he merely follows English usage. One might try to use some other inflectional-type infinitive marker, but inasmuch as most verbs are formed from the supine stem, where most simple Latin infinitives are formed from the present stem, the results might seem rather bizarre to Latinists.
75. Master verbs derived from Latin verbs wanting the supine stem, and
those derived from the seven Latin irregular verbs, namely, sum, volo,
queo, fero, fio, eo and edo, and their compounds, are formed
on the stem of the present infinitive.
Disca, learn; vada, go; trema, tremble;
fura, rage; plua, rain; esa, be; abesa, be
away; posa, be able; vela, wish, be willing; nola,
be unwilling; quia, can; nequia, be unable; fera,
bear, carry, bring; transfera, carry over; confera, bring
together; fiera, become; ira, go; abira, go away;
edera, eat; exedera, peredera, eat up.
76. Verbs are formed from Master nouns by substituting verb terminals
for noun terminals.
Ocasia (ocasio), occasion; cemica (cemico),
practice chemistry.
78. Debe and ope are past tense. Ope is equivalent
to had to, was obliged to.
Vo no deb ira hodie, vo debe haba ire heri, you ought
not to go today, you should have gone yesterday. Is ire quando is ope
ira, he went when he had to go.
79. The parts of passive verbs are formed with the aid of auxiliaries.
A esa amate, to be loved.
Me es amate, I am loved.
Me ese amate, I was loved.
Me vel esa amate, I shall be loved.
Me hab ese amate, I have been loved.
Me habe ese amate, I had been loved.
Me vel haba amate, I shall have loved.
Me vel haba ese amate, I shall have been loved.
Me quia esa amate, I may be loved.
Me quie esa amate, I might be loved.
Me quia haba ese amate, I may have been loved.
Me quie haba ese amate, I might have been loved.
Esa amate, be (thou) loved.
the above rules demonstrate that Houghton largely follows English verb forms,
ignoring Latin tense, mood, and voice forms. This is in keeping with The
Master Language being largely of Latin-derived vocabulary with English syntax.
Were this work to be translated into other languages for other learners,
there might need to be a fuller explanation of verb forms with less taken
for granted.
Second, Houghton does not discuss verb transitivity. Again, he merely
seems to follow English usage. For example, in one of the example translations,
he translates some French intransitive verbs with Master transitives,
as would English.
80. Adverbs, other that those derived from adjectives or participles, are adopted from the Latin without change other than that incident to phonetic spelling.
81. Adverbs are formed from Master participles by the addition of the terminal u.
82. Adverbs are formed from Master adjectives by substituting u for the adjective terminal.
83. All adverbs end in the comparative in uor, in the superlative
in uis.
Mox, soon; moxuor, sooner; moxuis, soonest.
Uniteu, unitedly; uniteuor, more unitedly; uniteuis,
most unitedly.
Amatiu, lovingly; amatiuor, more lovingly; amatiuis,
most lovingly.
Liberu, freely; libruor, more freely, liberuis,
most freely.
84. Excepting par, by, para, in order to, and sur, on, upon, the prepositions of this language are those of the Latin, phonetically spelled; and each is restricted to substantially a single signification.
85. Present participles are sometimes uses as prepositions.
Regardi, regarding; respecti, respecting; exepti,
86. Latin conjunctions, phonetically spelled, are adopted.
87. Following are words which in derivation, form or signification are
exceptions to general rules.
Il, the. | Lo, la, he, she. |
Un, a. | Ile, one, he or she. |
No, no, not. | Es, am, is, are. |
A, to. | Hab, have. |
Par, by. | Vel, shall, will. |
Sur, on, upon. | Deb, ought to. |
Di, with, by, from. | Quia, can, may. |
Me, I, me. | Si, yes. |
Vo, you. | Para, in order to. |
Cardinal numbers, excepting uno. |
The mass of this as of all languages is composed of its inflected words, namely: nouns, verbs, adjectives and derivative adverbs. Dropping the terminal vowel of an inflected word, the Latin stem remains; and since Latin supplies the foundation for the majority of these words in English, their origin and signification may in most cases be ascertained by consulting a dictionary of any of these languages, excepting perhaps Italian, in which the original spelling is not closely followed. The Century Dictionary will be found particularly valuable, since it sets forth the Latin derivation of words not only of English but also of other languages.
Of two or more Latin words of like signification, that one will here be selected as a root which is most commonly used as a root of a word in several modern languages, whether such root may be classical, law, medieval or new Latin.
Although particles make up but a small percentage of a language, their
frequent recurrence makes a knowledge of them indispensable. A table of
particles is common use is appended.
COMMENT: In the original
work, these tables came after the sample translations.
Abhinc, ago. | Nimis, too, too much. |
Adeo, so far. | No, no, not. |
Adhuc, as yet, hitherto. | Nondum, not yet. |
Admodum, altogether, quite. | Nunc, now. |
Alias, at another time. | Nunquam, never. |
Alibi, elsewhere. | Nuper, lately. |
Aliqua, anywhere, anyhow. | Nusquam, nowhere. |
Aliquanto, somewhat. | Obiter, in passing. |
Aliter, otherwise, else. | Pariter, in like manner alike. |
Aliunde, from another place. | Parum, too little. |
Antea, before. | Parumper, awhile. |
Aversus, backwards. | Pasim, here and there. |
Cras, tomorrow. | Pene, almost. |
Cur, why. | Poro, further, in the next place. |
Denuo, anew. | Postea, afterwards. |
Deorsum, downwards. | Posthac, postibi, hereafter. |
Diu, for a long time. | Potius, rather. |
Dum, while. | Pres, at hand, ready. |
Equidem, indeed. | Pridem, long ago. |
Etiamnum, still. | Procul, far, far away. |
Extra, outside. | Propterea, on that account. |
Heri, hesterno, yesterday. | Prorsum, forward, onward. |
Hic, here. | Quam, quomodo, how. |
Hinc, hence. | Quamvis, ever so much. |
Huc, hither. | Quamlibet, as you please. |
Ibi, there. | Quando, when. |
Iluc, thither. | Quantopere, how much. |
Impune, with impunity. | Quantum, as much as. |
Inde, thence. | Quare, wherefore, whereby. |
Insuper, besides, moreover. | Quasi, as if. |
Interea, meanwhile. | Quidem, even. |
Interdum, sometimes. | Quidni, why not. |
Ita, so. | Quipe, by all means. |
Iterum, again. | Quondam, once, formerly. |
Jam, already. | Quoniam, since, whereas. |
Modo, but, only. | Quotidie, daily. |
Mox, soon. | Quamprimum, as soon as. |
Nedum, much less. | Saltem, at least. |
Nequaquam, by no means. | Satis, enough. |
Necne, or not. | Semel, once, a single time. |
Nilominus, notwithstanding. | Semper, always. |
Sensim, by degrees. | Tunc, then. |
Sepe, often. | Ubi, where. |
Si, yes. | Ubique, everywhere, wherever. |
Sic, thus. | Una, together. |
Sicut, inasmuch as. | Unde, whence. |
Simul, at the same time. | Undique, on all sides. |
Solu, alone, only. | Usitate, as usual. |
Statim, at once. | Valde, very. |
Subter, under. | Vice, instead of, in place of. |
Tandem, at length, by and by. | Vix, hardly, scarcely. |
Tantum, so much. |
COMMENT: In keeping with
the comment to rule 11, the adverb pene might be retained as paene
and sepe as saepe.
A, to. | Par, by. |
Ab, from. | Para, in order to. |
Ad, at. | Penes, in possession of, |
Ante, before. | in the power of |
Apud, chez, among. | Per, through, throughout. |
Circum, about, around. | Permi, among. |
Cis, on this side of. | Pone, behind. |
Clam, without the knowledge of. | Post, after. |
Contra, opposite to, against. | Preterea, besides. |
Coram, in the presence of. | Pro, for. |
Cum, with, along with. | Prope, near. |
De, of. | Quoad, till, until. |
Di, with, by, from. | Secundum, according to, along. |
Desuper, down. | Sine, without. |
Duranti, during. | Sub, under. |
Erga, toward. | Super, over. |
Ex, out of. | Sur, on, upon. |
Gratia, for the sake of. | Sursum, up. |
In, in, into. | Tenus, up to, as far as. |
Infra, below, beneath. | Supra, above. |
Inter, between. | Trans, across. |
Intra, within | Ultra, beyond, past. |
Ob, propter, on account of. | Versus, towards. |
Palam, with the knowledge of. |
COMMENT: Not all languages
make the English distinction of between and among. The Latin-English
dictionary available to the transcriber does not list a preposition permi
(although it could be related to the French parmi) but gives both
between and among as meanings for inter. Presumably
in Master the preposition inter could serve for both meanings.
Aut, or else, or. | Ne, lest. |
Aut--aut, either--or. | Nec--nec, neither--nor. |
Dumodo, provided only. | Nisi, unless. |
Ergo, therefore. | Sed, but. |
Et, and. | Propterea quod, because. |
Etiam, also. | Si, if. |
Etsi, though, although. | Tam, as, so. |
Igitur, then, thereupon. | Tamen, yet, however. |
Quam, as, than. | Ut, as. |
Quia, because. | Uti, in order that. |
Quod, that. | Utrum, whether. |
Nam, for. |
Omni Gallia es divise in tre partos; uno de que il Belgae incolita[,] un ali il Aquitani, il trei ilis qui es apelate in isesesi linguio Celtae, in mesi Galli. Omni istis difera inter iseses in linguio, institutos et legos. Il flumino Garumna divisa il Galli ab il Aquitani, il Matrona et Sequana ab il Belgae. De omni istis il Belgae es il fortius, propterea quod ises es longius ab il culto et humanito de il provincio, et mercatores sepeuis comeata ad ises, et importata quis pertenta a efeminata il animo; et propius es il Germani, qui incolita trans il Rhenus, cum qui los es contentu gesti belo. Pro que causo il Helvetii quoque precesa il reliquo de il Galli in virtuto, nam los contenta com il Germani in fere quotidiani prelios, aut prohibiti ises ab losi finos, aut loses gesti belo sur ises. Uno parto de istis, que id es dicte il Galli obtenta, capta initio ab il flumino Rhodanus; id es contente (intra) il flumino Garumna, il oceano, (et) il finos de il Belgae; id atacta etiam ab il Sequani et Helvetii sur il flumino Rhenus; id vergita ad il septentrionos. Il Belgae orta ab il extremi finos de Gallia, pertenta a il inferiori parto de il flumino Rhenus, spectati a il septentrionos et il orti solo. Aquitania pertenta ab il flumino Garumna a il Pyrenaeos montos et illi [sic] parto de il oceano que es ad Hispani, id spectata inter il ocaso de il solo et il septentrionos.
Apud il Helvetii Orgetorix ese longu il nobilius et divitius. Is,
quando M. Messala et M. Piso ese consulos, inducte par cupidito de regno,
facte un conjuratio per il nobilito, et persuase il civitato a exita ab
il finos cum omni isesi copios; (declarati id) a esa perfacili, quoniam
eses prestate omni in virtuto, a potita il imperio de il toto de Gallia.
A isti is facilior persuase ises, quod il Helvetii es contente undique
par il naturo de il loco; sur uno parto par il flumino Rhenus, litisimi
et altisimi, que divisa il agro de Helvetii ab il Germani; sur un ali
par il altisimi monto Jura, que es inter il Sequani et il Helvetii, sur
un trei par il laco Lemannus et il flumino Rhodanus, que divisa mesi provincio
ab il Helvetii. Ab istis reo id fiere, et los quie vaga parvior latu,
et quie parvior facilu infera belo sur el [sic] finitimos.
Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres; quarum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam aqui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra Galli appellantur. Hi omnes lingua, institutis, legibus inter se differunt. Gallos ab Aquitanis Garumna flumen, a Belgis Matrona et Sequana dividit. Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae, propterea quod a cultu atque humanitate provinciae longissime absunt, minimeque ad eos mercatores saepe commeant, atque ea quae ad effeminandos animos pertinent important; proximique sunt Germanis, qui trans Rhenum incolunt, quibiscum continenter bellum gerunt. Qua de causa Helvetii quoque reliquos Gallos virtute praecedunt, quod fere quotidianis proeliis cum Germanis contendunt, cum aut suis finibus eos prohibent, aut ipse in eorum finibus bellum gerunt. Eorum una pars, quam Gallos obtinere dictum est, initium capit a flumine Rhodano; continentur Garumna flumine, Oceano, finibus Belgarum; attingit etiam ab Sequanis et Helvetiis flumen Rhenum; vergit ad septentriones. Belgae ab extremis Galliae finibur oriuntur, pertinent ad inferiorem partem fluminis Rheni, spectant in septentrionem et orientem solem. Aquitania a Garumna flumine ad Pyrenaeos montes et eam partem Oceani quae est ad Hispaniam pertinet, spectat inter occasum solis et septentriones.
Apud Helvetios longe nobilissimus fuit et ditissimus Orgetorix. Is, M. Messala et M. Pisone consulibus, regni cupiditate inductus, conjurationem nobilitatis fecit, et civitati persuasit ut de finibus suis cum omnibus copiis exirent; parfacile esse, cum virtute omnibus praestarent, totius Galliae imperio potiri. Id hoc facilius eis persuasit, quod undique loci natura Helvetii continentur; una ex parte flumine Rheno latissimo atque altissimo, qui agrum Helvetium a Germanis dividit; altera ex parte monte Jura altissimo, qui est inter Sequanos et Helvetios; tertia lacu Lemanno et flumine Rhodano, qui provinciam nostram ab Helvetiis dividit. His rebus fiebat, ut et minus late vagarentur, et minus facile finitimis bellum inferre possent.
Ese uno tempo un digni homo qui habe sposate in dui conjugio un domina tam pleni de superbio et arrogantio [sic] ut no a haba il equalo. Ea habe du filias de il ejusdi caractero de easei, et qui ese tam simile a ea du gutos de aquo.
Item il marito habe un filia, sed de un dulcitudo et de un bonito de que ile no quie data un idea; et in isti la tracte ab lai mama, qui habe ese il bonius domina de il mundo.
Il conjugio ese vix facte, quando il noverca incepte, subitu a monstrata eai malignito. Ea no quie tolerata il boni qualito de il puera, propterea quod, ad isti confrontio, eai filias fiere antipaticior quam unquam. Ea destinate la a il trivialius laboros de il domo; id ese la qui operate in il culino, la qui verse (verro) il scalos et resarcite il dormitorios de il domina et il dominulas; la qui dormite sub il tecto, propriu in un granario, sur un mali matrato de stramento, dum il sororas manse in dormitorios di inserte lignos, ubi ese lectos de ultimi gustato, et speculos in que ile pose (possum) visa ab il capito a il pedos. Il pauperi filia tolerate omni reos cum patientio, et no habe il cordo a questa (queror) a lai patro, qui vele haba objurgate la, propterea quod is ese un homo qui facte ise ducte par il naso in toto et per toto par il uxora.
Quando la habe finite lai laboros, la ire a recesa in un angulo de
il foco, ubi la sese (sedeo) lase in il ceneros; propterea la ese apelate
il Culincenere. Sed il dui de il sororas, qui no ese tam despicati quam
il majori, apelate la Cenerentola.
C'era una volta un gentiluomo il quale aveva sposate in seconde nozze una donna così piena di albagia e d'arroganza da non darsi l'eguale. Ella aveva due figlie dello stesso carattere del suo, e che la somigliavano come due gocce d'acqua.
Anche il marito aveva una figlia, ma di una dulcezza e de una bontà de non farsene un' idea; e in questo tirava dalla sua mamma, la quale era stata la piu buona donna del mondo.
Le nozze erano appena fatte, che la matrigna dette subito a dividere le sua cattiveria. Ella non poteva patire le buone qualità della giovinetta, perchè, al quel confronto, le sue figliuole diventavano piu antipatiche che mai. Ella la destino alle faccende piu triviali della casa; era lei che rigovernava in cucina, lei che spazzava le scale e rifaceva le camare della signora e delle signorine; lei che dormiva a tetto, proprio in un granario, sopra una cattiva materassa di paglia, mentre le sorelle stavano in camere coll' impiantito de legno, dov' erano letti d' ultimo gusto, e specchi da potervisi mirare dalla testa fino ai piedi. La povera figliuola tolerava ogni cosa con pazienza, e non aveva cuore di rammaricarsene con suo padre, il quale l' avrebbe sgridata, perchè era un uomo che si faceva menare per il naso in tutto e per tutto dalla moglie.
Quando aveva finito le sue faccende, andava a rincantucciarsi in un angulo del focolare, dove si mettava a sedere nella cenere; motivo per cui la chiamavano comunamente la Culincenere. Ma la seconda della sorelle, che non era cosi sboccata come la maggiore, la chimava Cenerentola.
Télémaque conducte par Minerve sub il figure do Mentor, eqresa, post un naufragio, in il insulo de il dea Calypso, qui dole etiamnum il abito de Ulysse. Il dea recepta lo favorabilu, concepta un pasio pro lo, ofera lo imortalito, et rogata de lo loi aventuros. Lo narata a la loi navigatio a Pylos et a Lacedomone, loi naufragio sur il oro de Sicile, il periculo que lo habe de esi imolate a il manes [sic] de Anchise, il sucurso que lo et Mentor date a Aceste in un incursio de barbarios, et il curo que ili rego habe a recognita isti servitio, in donati los un navo a redita a losi patrio.
Calypso no quie consolata lase di il abito du Ulysse. In lai doloro, la concepte lase infilici a esa imortali. Lai antro non longuor resonite di lai canto, il nimfas qui servite la no ause alocute la. La ambulate sepe solu sur il floridi pratos cum que un eternali vero margine lai insulo; sed istis pulcri locos, procul di moderati lai doloro, servite modo a revocata il tristi memoria de Ulysse, qui la habe his vise multoties circa la. Sepe la remanse imobili sur il litoro de il maro, que la humectate di lai lacrimos, et la ese sine cesatio verse versus il oro ubi il navo de Ulysse, obniti il undos, habe disparite ab lai oculos.
Subito la percepte il reliquos de un navo que nunc ipsum habe facte naufragio, scamnos de remigataros fracte in fragmentos, il remos disjecte pasim sur il sabulo un gubernaculo, un malo, restos, natati sur il litero; tunc la observata procul du homos, de qui un parite veteri; il ali, etsi juveni, similate Ulysse. Lo habe isi lenito et isi superbio, cum isi staturo et isi augusti inceso. Il dea comprense quod lo ese Télémaque, filio de ili hero; sed, etsi il dees exelsa procul in cognitio omni homes, la no quie discoperata qui ese ili venerabili homo di qui Télémaque ese atende. Propterea quod il superiori dees ocultata ab il inferiori omni reos que iles vela; et Minerve, qui atende Télémaque sub il figuro de Mentor, no vele a esa congnite par Calypso.
Interdum Calypso letate lase di un naufragio qui posite in lai insulo il filio de Ulysse, it similari a loi patro. La admoto versus lo; et, sine pariti a scita qui lo es: Quomodo hab vo, la dicte a lo, il temerito a apulsa in mei insulo? Scita, juveni peregrino, quod iles no venta impune in mei imperio. La tente a ocultata sub istis minaci verbos il letitio de lai cordo, que efulgite contra lai volunto sur lai vulto. Télémaque response a la: O vo, quiquis vo quia esa, mortala aut dea, etsi a visa vo ile quia sumpta vo modo pro un divinita, vel vo esa insensibili a il miserio de un filio qui, quesiti isi patro ad il misericordio de il ventos et il undos, hab vise isi navo fracta contra il scopulos? Qui es igitur voi patro qui vo quesita? rogate il dea. Is es nominate Ulysse, dicte Télémaque; is es uno de il regos qui hab, post un obsidio de dis anos, subverse il famosi Troie. Isi nomino es celebrati in omni Grece et in omni Asie, pro isi valoro in il pugnos, et etiam multior par isi sapientio in il consilios.
COMMENT: Houghton here rigidly
follows the French original in the forms of proper names. However, these
names have correct transcriptions or forms in Latin, and he could have
used them: Telemachus, Minerva, Ulysses, Asia.
Télémaque conduit par Minerva sous la figure de Mentor, aborde, après un naufrage, dans l'île de la déesse Calypso, qui regrettait encore le depart d'Ulysee. La déesse reçoit favorablement, conçoit de la passion pour liu, lui offre l'immortalité, et lui demand ses aventures. Il lui reconte son voyage à Pylos et à Lacedemone, son naufrage sur la côte de Sicile, le peril ou il fut d'être immolé aux mânes d'Anchise, le secours qui lui et Mentor donnèrent à Aceste dans un incursion de barbares, et le soin que ce roi eut de reconnaître ce service, en leur donnant un vaisseau pour retourner in leur pays.
Calypso ne pouvait se consoler du depart d'Ulysse. Dans sa douleur, elle se trouvait malheureuse d'être immortelle. Sa grotte ne résonait plus de son chant, les nymphes qui la servaient n'osaient lui parler. Elle se promenait souvent seule sur les gazons fleuris dont un printemps éternal bordait son île; mais ces beaux lieux, loin de modérer sa douleur, ne faisaient que lui rappeler le triste souvenir de Ulysse, qu'elle y avait vu tant de fois auprès d'elle. Souvent elle demeurait immobile sur le rivage de lar me, qu'elle arrosait de ses larmes; et elle etait sans cesse tournée vers la côte ou le vaisseau d'Ulysse, fendant les ondes, avait disparu à ses yeux.
Tout-a-coup, elle apperçut les debris d'un navire qui venait de faire naufrage, des bancs de rameurs mis en pièces les rames écartées çà et là sur le sable, un gouvernail, un mât, des cordages flottant sur la côte; puis elle decouvre de loin deux hommes, dont l'un paraissait âgé; l'autre, quoique jeune, resemblait à Ulysse. Il avait sa douceur et sa fierté, avec sa taille et sa demarche magesteuse. La déesse comprit que c'etait Télémaque, fils de ce héros; mais, quoique les dieux surpassent de loin en connaissance tous les hommes elle ne put découvrir qui était cet homme venérable dont Télémaque etait accompagné. C'est que les dieux supérieurs cachent aux inférieurs tout ce qu'il leur plait; et Minerve, qui accompagnait Télémaque sous la figure de Mentor, ne voulait pas être connue de Calypso.
Cependant Calypse se réjouissait d'un naufrage qui mettait dans son île le fils d'Ulysse, si semblable à son père. Elle s'avance vers lui; et sans faire semblant de savior qui il est; D'ou vous vient, lui dit-elle, cette témérité d'aborder en mon ile? Sachez, jeune étranger, qu'on ne vient point impunément dans mon empire. Elle tâchait de couvrir sous ces paroles menaçantes la joie de son coeur, qui éclatait malgré elle sur son visage; Télémaque lui répondait: O vous, qui que vous soyez, mortelle ou désse, quoiqu'à vous voir on ne puisse vous prendre que pour un divinité, seriez-vous insensible au malheur d'un fils qui, cherchant son père à la merci des vènts et des flots, a vu briser son navire contre les rochers? Quel est donc votre père qui vous cherchez? reprit la déesse. Il se nomme Ulysse, dit Télémaque; c'est un des rois qui ont, après un siège de dix ans, renversé la fameuse Troie. Son nom fut célebré dans toute l'Asie par son valeur dans le combats, et plus encore par sa sagesse dans les conseils.
Un Tipo de Evolutio -- Quisqui ile es familiari di il principali factos conecte de il excultatio de un ove. Mes omni cognita quod id incepta ut un microscopi germino-celo, tum creta in un ovo, tum organizata in un pulule, et in ultimu creta in un pulo; et quod il toti proceso secuta generali, bene recognite lego. Nunc, isti proceso es evolution. Id es multior -- id es il tipo de omni evolutio. Id es ili ab que mes aquisita mesi ideo de evolution, et sine que vele esa nuli tali verbo. Quandoque et ubique mes inventa un proceso de mutatio multior aut parvior simili isti, et secuti legos similari a ilis determinati il excultatio de un ovo, mes apelate id evolutio.
Universalito de Evolution -- Evolution ut un proceso no es confine a uno reo, el [sic] ovo, nec ut un doctrino es id confine a uno departmento de scientia -- biologico. Il proceso pervasa omni il universo, et il doctrino concerna pariter quisqui departmento de scientio -- si, quisqui departmento de humani penso. Id es literalu uno dimidio de omni scientio. Ergo, idi verito aut falsito, idi receptio aut rejectio, es nuli triviali materio, afecti mono un parvi angulo de il penso-regnio. Sur il contrario, id afecta profundu il fundatios de filosofio, et ergo il toti dominio de penso. Id determinata il toti positio de il mento versus Naturo et Deo.
COMMENT: In this last sentence we see Houghton's sometimes slavish reproduction of English in the phrase, "Sur il contrario." Other speakers might use another proposition for sur, such as a, or a Latin form such as ex contrario. Despite its English word order, if the Master Language is to be a truly global auxiliary language, it must be chary of excessively English constructions. It is an easy, but misleading, temptation to treat constructions in one's native tongue as is they were somehow "natural" to all persons, whereas in fact they might seem "unnatural" to native speakers of other languages.
Me hab dicte evolution constituta uno dimidio de omni scientia. Isti quia parata a aliqui un surpensi propositio. Me pausa a facta id boni. Quisqui sistemo de corelate partos quia ese studite ab du punctos de observatio, que data origo a du departmentos de scientio, uno de que -- et il magnior et complicior -- es evolution. Il uno concerna mutatios intra il systemo par actio et reactio inter il partos, producti equilibrio et stabilito. Il ali concerna il progresivi motio de il sistemo, ut un toto, a altior et altior conditions -- il motio de il puncto de equilibrio idse, par constanti levi disturbantio et reacomodatio de partos sur un altior plano, cum complicior inter-relatos. Il uno concerna il legos de sustentatio de il sistemo, il ali il legos de evolution. Il uno concerna reos ut ids es, il ali il proceso par que ids fiera sic. Nunc, Natura ut un toto es tali un sistemo de corelate partos. Quisqui departmento et sub-departmento de Naturo, num id esa il solari sistemo, aut il organici regnio, aut humani societo, aut il humani corporo, es tali un sistemo de corelate partos, et es ergo subjecti de evolutio. Mes quia bonius facta isti penso clari par exemplos.
Sumpta, ergo, el [sic] humani corporo. Isti complici
et pulcri sistemo de corelate et subtilu adjuste partos quia esa studite
in un conditio de maturito et equilibiro, in que omni il organos et functios
par actio et reactio co-operata a producta perfecti stabilito, sanito
et fisicali felicito. Isti studito es fisiologico. Aut il ejusdi quia
esa studite in un conditio de progresivi mutatio. Nunc, mes percepta quod
il stabilito es nunquam perfecti -- il puncto de equilibrio es semper
moti. Par il semper-mutati numero at [sic] relativi potentio
de il co-operati partos il equilibrio es semper esi disturbate, modo a
esa readjuste sur un altior plano, cum quidem pulcrior et complicior inter-relatios.
Isti es creto, excultatio, evolution. Idi studito es apelate embriologico.
A Type of Evolution -- Everyone is familiar with the main facts connected with the development of an egg. We all know that it begins as a microscopic germ-cell, then grows into an egg, then organizes into a chick, and finally grows into a cock; and that the whole process follows general, well recognized law. Now, this process is evolution. It is more -- it is the type of all evolution. It is that from which we get our idea of evolution, and without which there would be no such word. Whenever and wherever we find a process of change more or less resembling this, and following laws similar to those determining the development of an egg, we call it evolution.
Universality of Evolution -- Evolution as a process is not confined to one thing, the egg, nor as a doctrine is it confined to one department of science -- biology. The process pervades the whole universe, and the doctrine concerns alike every department of science -- yes, every department of human thought. It is literally one-half of all science. Therefore, its truth or falsity, its acceptance or rejection, is no trifling matter, affecting only one small corner of the thought-realm. On the contrary, it affects profoundly the foundations of philosophy, and therefore the whole domain of thought. It determines the whole attitude of the mind toward Nature and God.
I have said that evolution constitutes one-half of all science. This may seem to some a startling proposition. I stop to make it good. Every system of correlated parts may be studied from two points of view, which give rise to two departments of science, one of which -- and the greater and more complex -- is evolution. The one concerns changes within the system by action and reaction between the parts, producing equilibrium and stability; the other concerns the progressive movement of the system, as a whole, to higher and higher conditions -- the movement of the point of equilibrium itself by constant slight disturbance and readjustment of parts on a higher plane, with more complex inter-relations. The one concerns laws of sustentation of the system, the other the laws of evolution. The one concerns things as they are, the other the process by which they became so. Now, Nature as a whole is such a system of correlated parts. Every department and sub-department of Nature, whether it be the solar system, or the earth, or the organic kingdom, or human society, or the human body, is such a system of correlated parts, and is therefore subject to evolution. We can best make this thought clear by examples.
Take, then, the human body. This complex and beautiful system of correlated and nicely-adjusted parts may be studied in a state of maturity and equilibrium, in which all the organs and functions by action and reaction co-operate to produce perfect stability, health and physical happiness. This study is physiology. Or else the same may be studied in a state of progressive change. Now, we perceive that the stability is never perfect -- the point of equilibrium is ever moving. By the ever-changing number and relative power of the co-operating parts the equilibrium is ever being disturbed, only to be readjusted on a higher plane, with still more beautiful and complex inter-relations. This is growth, development, evolution. Its study is called embryology.
Commentary and annotations (c) Copyright 1999 Paul Bartlett. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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