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English-Tepa LexiconThis small lexical index, like all of the materials on Tepa was taken from the journals of Alma Walker (see Sources), and is incomplete in several ways. Because Walker used the Deseret Alphabet in his transcriptions of Tepa, there is still a great deal of decipherment which needs to be done; I will add new lexical items to this index as they are discovered.Second, Walker was working with a non-native speaker of Tepa. For this reason alone, much of the Tepa language is irretrievably lost. Additionally, it was Walker's practice to gloss Tepa words with only a single English or Southern Paiute word. I have attempted to extrapolate a possible range of meaning for words which occur in narrative contexts as well as in word lists; this has been the exception, however, and not the rule, and I have mostly confined myself to giving Walker's original gloss. The transcription conventions are the same as in the rest of the grammar; see the Introduction for more details. Go back to the Index. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z able; pisite (pred) ache; ui (pred) acorn; kupe (noun) adobe; nanpa (noun) afraid; eqi (pred) agree; hakelu (pred) and; =n (conj) animal; tuku (noun) ankle; sami (noun) ant; kasi" (noun) antelope; penku (noun) antler; tawitu (noun) anus; unku (noun) appear; haka (pred) approach; lake" (pred) arm; hale (noun) arrive; kuma" (pred) arrow; pehei (noun) arrowhead; kupipehei (noun) ascend; pata" (pred) ashes; sehi (noun) ask; sule (pred) aspen; kuita (noun) assemble; mete (pred) at; =ta (post) attack; mesi (pred) aunt (FaSi, MoBrWi); aipe" (noun) aunt (MoSi, FaBrWi); nami" (noun) awl; kunipe (noun) baby; teipe (noun) back; leki (noun) bad; pui (pred) badger; kunte (noun) bald; sume (pred) bark (lit: tree skin); peepaku (noun) basket; anta (noun) bat (lit: flying mouse); itiwusi (noun) beak; pake (noun) bean; wene (noun) bear; ulese (noun) beat; peku (pred) beaver; anei (noun) beehive (lit: bee pueblo); hanimasei (noun) beetle; uki (noun) belly; tunpa (noun) bend; taqu (pred) big; qaha (pred) bile; aqi (noun) bird; tiwi (noun) bird; combining form; ti- (pfx) bite; kawi (pred) black bear; ulesemu (noun) black; mu (pred) black widow (lit: husband killer); pekanema (noun) blackbird (lit: red wing); uqenuti (noun) bladder; sake (noun) blanket; wape (noun) blood; seke" (noun) blossom; luku (noun) blow; pusi (pred) blue; huli (pred) bluejay; paipe (noun) body hair; nati (noun) boil; wala (pred) bone; peke (noun) bounce; tamu (pred) bow; huki (noun) bowstring; siihuki (noun) boxelder bug (lit: woodbug); ukikuu (noun) braid; kenu (pred) brain; kuha (noun) break; kaku (pred) break wind; hupi (pred) breast; supi (noun) breathe; hesi (pred) brother; esi" (noun) brown; ua (pred) brush; wasi (noun) buffalo; wahe (noun) bug; uki (noun) bullsnake; sani (noun) bumble bee; qahasei (noun) burden basket; wusa (noun) burn; lasi (pred) burst; hupu (pred) bury; hula (pred) butterfly; lela (noun) buttocks; punpi (noun) buzz; pii (pred) buzzard (lit: bald head); sumekupi (noun) calf (young buffalo, cow); keu (noun) calf; uhun (noun) call; teha (pred) can; pisite (pred) cane; uluta (noun) canyon; wiseka (noun) carry; tesi (pred) catch; ela (pred) caterpillar; haupe (noun) cause; kana (noun) cause; qa"- (pfx) cave; kenka (noun) cedar; sequta (noun) centipede (lit: many feet); teetente (noun) change; naha (pred) chatter; tise (noun) cheek; suu (noun) chest; sane (noun) chew; nasi (pred) child; pen (noun) chin; kesi (noun) chipmunk; teinka (noun) chokecherry bush; teipise (noun) chokecherry; inteipi (noun) cicada; sappi (noun) claw; tile (noun) cliff; kenki (noun) climb; pata" (pred) cloak; hunumu (noun) close; qesi (pred) cloud; weki (noun) cold; use (pred) come; qaa (pred) cook; qaya (pred) copulate; nuyu (pred) correct; yusi (pred) cottontail; kuni (noun) cottonwood; wesita (noun) cough; eha (pred) count; teka (pred) cousin (FaBrDa, MoSiDa); kuku" (noun) cousin (FaBrSo, MoSiSo); esi" (noun) cousin (FaSiDa, MoBrDa); teqa (noun) cousin (FaSiSo, MoBrSo); tema (noun) cover; nawa (pred) cow; yakai (noun) coyote (lit: Liar); samuye (noun) coyote (lit: Trouble Maker); qamattihu (noun) crack; niki (pred) cradle; makui (noun) crawl; tata (pred) creak; qisi (pred) cricket; masin (noun) crow; kawe (noun) crush; pesa (pred) cry; ei (pred) currant bush; qeise (noun) currant; iqqei (noun) cut; pesi (pred) dance; tapa (pred) dark; mu (pred) daughter; piti" (noun) dawn; qetina (pred) dawn; teana (pred) day; tea (noun) deep; quta (pred) deer; masa (noun) defecate; waipe (pred) den; huna (noun) descend; sahu (pred) desert fox (lit: rock dog); tuken (noun) desert; kesia (noun) destroy; sipi (pred) die; wase (pred) dig; pai (pred) diminutive; -tti (sfx) dirty; ulu (pred) dive; wati (pred) divide; tenu (pred) dizzy; tiwu (pred) dog; tu (noun) door(way); tale (noun) dove; haiwi (noun) drill; siwe (noun) drink; pipi (pred) drop; tuha (pred) drum; penpi (noun) dry; ahi (pred) duck; wawa (noun) dull; te (pred) dusk; tununa (pred) dust; tehi (noun) dwell; kate (pred) eagle; hekei (noun) ear; napa (noun) earth; suku (noun) east; kiti (noun) eat; naki (pred) egg; ye (noun) eight; mannase (num) eighteen; kimmantennase (num) elbow; nuqi (noun) eleven; kimmaanisi (num) elk (lit: water deer); masala (noun) emerge; tuhi" (pred) enter; nihu" (pred) excrete; waipe (pred) extend; tupi (pred) eye; pite (noun) eyebrow; kentipite (noun) face; kiti (noun) fall; tupa" (pred) fasten; tiqi (pred) fat; qase (pred) father; ata" (noun) fawn; masateipe (noun) fear; lesi (pred) feather; seki (noun) feel; ama (pred) female; -qa (sfx) field mouse; kimu (noun) fifteen; kimmantee (num) fight; puki (pred) fill; hiqa (pred) find; kahe (pred) finger; tuneka (noun) fingernail; masu (noun) finish; tupe (pred) fir; uita (noun) fire; lasi (noun) fish; anki (noun) five; maa (num) fix; leya (pred) flat; hipa (pred) float; pali" (pred) flow; kea (pred) flower; tese (noun) fly (insect); pippi (noun) fly; wusi (pred) fog; nupa (noun) follow; meya (pred) foot; tee (noun) force; we (pred) four hundred; hema (num) four; pun (num) fourteen; kimmampun (num) freeze; lai (pred) frog; waka (noun) from; =le (post) front; kiti (noun) fruit; huma (noun) full; sati (pred) fur; nati (noun) game (animal); pelka (noun) gather; mete (pred) give; ta (pred) gnat; huppi (noun) go; puu (pred) good; naa (pred) goose; hanki (noun) gopher (lit: ground squirrel); enkasuku (noun) granddaughter (DaDa); ima" (noun) granddaughter (SoDa); aiti" (noun) grandfather (FaFa); ukei (noun) grandfather (MoFa); sale" (noun) grandmother (FaMo); aiti" (noun) grandmother (MoMo); ima" (noun) grandson (DaSo); sale" (noun) grandson (SoSo); ukei (noun) grass; hai (noun) grasshopper; pinke (noun) grease; qase (noun) greasewood; mesita (noun) great-grandparent/-child; tuki (noun) green; huli (pred) grizzly bear (lit: old man); neima (noun) groan; tumu (pred) groundhog; inti (noun) grouse; tiken (noun) growl; mau (pred) gully; apin (noun) guts; pisi" (noun) hail; pileti (noun) hail; pini (pred) hair; pei (noun) halt; pupa (pred) hand; maa (noun) hang; piqe (pred) happen; pasa (pred) happy; paha (pred) hard; teya (pred) hawk; ausi (noun) he; =ne; pro head; kupi (noun) hear; napa (pred) heart; nan (noun) heavy; lati (pred) help; aka (pred) here; yi (loc) hide; pee (noun) high; nate (pred) hill; sumu (noun) hit; ku (pred) hold; kape (pred) honey bee; sei (noun) honey; mile (noun) hooting owl; muusi (noun) Hopi; mukui (noun) horn; tawitu (noun) horned toad; pawa (noun) hot; ia (pred) house; kate" (noun) huckleberry bush; tameise (noun) huckleberry; intamei (noun) hum; ame (pred) hummingbird; tippi (noun) hummingbird; tiwippi (noun) hunt; taleka (pred) hurt from a wound; peha (pred) husband; nema (noun) I; =ma (pron) ice; tin (noun) in; =pu (post) injure; qappeha (pred) it; =ne (pron) jackrabbit; punku (noun) jump; piqu (pred) kangaroo rat; petin (noun) kick; puka (pred) kill; peka (pred) killdeer; teleke (noun) knee; litu (noun) know; weti (pred) knuckle; kunke (noun) ladder; punata (noun) lake; leala (noun) lake; uilu (noun) language; tepa (noun) laugh; huhuti (pred) lead; suya (pred) leaf; palata (noun) learn; sunu (pred) leather; penti (noun) left(hand); hatu (pred) leg; pea (noun) let go; tuha (pred) lie (tell a falsehood); suye (pred) lie; lua (pred) light; qeti (noun) lightning; pike (pred) like; sulpa (pred) lip; suqa (noun) live; nen (pred) liver; nau (noun) lizard; mese (noun) locust tree; keita (noun) log; penpi (noun) long; quu (pred) look; sua (pred) louse; puti (noun) love; sulpa (pred) lung; suqu (noun) magpie; tamise (noun) maize; maya (noun) make; qana (pred) male; -ma (sfx) man; nema (noun) mark; tepu (pred) married couple; nemanneqa (noun) meadowlark; tiutu (noun) measure; teki (pred) meat; tuku (noun) menstruate; qesa (pred) mesa; kenipa (noun) mesquite; upita (noun) mischief; tihu (noun) moccasin (lit: leather foot); teepenti (noun) moon; hipite (noun) mosquito; qeppi (noun) moth; sape (noun) mother; nami (noun) mountain lion; sampe (noun) mountain sheep; entan (noun) mountain; yaa (noun) mouse; iti (noun) mouth; pema (noun) move; taka" (pred) mud; nanpa (noun) muskrat; lupi (noun) naked; pami (noun) name; ten (noun) narrow; iqa (pred) Navajo; tene (noun) navel; senti (noun) neck; ikate (noun) nephew (BrSo); tana" (noun) new; ili (pred) niece (SiDa); piti" (noun) night; tun (noun) nine; mampun (num) nineteen; kimmantempun (num) north; hatu (noun) nose; maipu (noun) nurse; meku (pred) oak; puta (noun) of; =le (post) old; nei (pred) on; =ka (post) one hundred; saa (num) one; isi (num) open; pama (pred) or; =l (conj) other; site (pred) otter; kuki (noun) out; sea (post) overcome; peqi (pred) Paiute; paiyute (noun) path; hepi (noun) penetrate; pesu (pred) penis; wesan (noun) person; tua (noun) person; combining form; ne- (noun) pick; pulu (pred) pierce; tili (pred) pine-cone; ayate (noun) pine-nut; kusu (noun) pion jay; tikusu (noun) pion pine; kusuta (noun) plant; -se (sfx) play; hame (pred) please; supa (pred) point; peta (pred) poke; kipe (pred) porcupine; natili (noun) potato bug; tumuku (noun) potato; tanpa (noun) prairie dog; tenpi (noun) protect; numa (pred) pubic hair; misi (noun) pueblo; hanima (noun) pull; tawe (pred) pupil; netti (noun) push; tuwe (pred) put; nule (pred) quail; puulilu (noun) quit; paya (pred) rain; puqu (pred) rat; pamitei (noun) rattle; tete (pred) rattlesnake; tetetei (noun) raw; temu (pred) reach; tiqe (pred) reason; kana (noun) red ant; mentese (noun) red; uqe (pred) reed; katila (noun) remember; naqu (pred) remove; kasu (pred) rest; pua (pred) return; nuye (pred) ridge; kenti (noun) right; yusi (pred) right(hand); sapi (pred) rinse; wisi (pred) rise; pale (pred) river; keala (noun) road; hepi (noun) roadrunner; tilupa (noun) roast; husai (pred) roll; lequ (pred) root; weqi (noun) rope; saqe (noun) rotten; pu (pred) round; lumi (pred) rub; tusi (pred) run; lupa" (pred) sage hen; tipukan (noun) sagebrush; pukan (noun) salt; uti (noun) sand; kili (noun) sap; quya (noun) sapling; pakutti (noun) say; yake (pred) scatter; lika (pred) scorpion; yelese (noun) scrape; tima (pred) scratch; tite (pred) screech owl; hunesi (noun) scrub oak; putti (noun) see; pite (pred) seed; pin (noun) seem; qepa (pred) sego; yula (noun) serviceberry plant; siunpise (noun) serviceberry; siunpi (noun) seven; mankin (num) seventeen; kimmantenkin (num) sew; nahi (pred) sharp; hati (pred) she; =ne (pron) shine; ilini (pred) shit; waipe (noun) shoe (lit: leather foot); teepenti (noun) shoot; isa (pred) short; tui (pred) shoulder; hanti (noun) shout; kaha (pred) sick; heti (pred) sing; utu (pred) singe; tia (pred) sister; kuku" (noun) sit; lea (pred) six; maanisi (num) sixteen; kimmanteenisi (num) skin; pee (noun) skunk; punia (noun) sky; ukai (noun) slap; papi (pred) sleep; tuli (pred) slide; leli (pred) small; ti (pred) smear; wewi (pred) smell; nusi (pred) smoke; haluka (noun) smooth; kale (pred) snake; uni (noun) sneeze; nite (pred) snore; nuha (pred) snow; nisi (noun) son; tana" (noun) sore; ui (pred) south; sapi (noun) sparrow; tiwi (noun) speak; tepa (pred) spear; atete (noun) spider; lamuke (noun) spill; etu (pred) spine; yaka (noun) spit; pika (pred) splash; nusu (pred) split; pute (pred) spouse; site (noun) spread; hami (pred) squash; hupa (noun) squawberry bush; tipese (noun) squawberry; intipe (noun) squeeze; latu (pred) squirrel; enka (noun) stab; tili (pred) stalk; kewi (pred) stamp; kima (pred) stand; lia (pred) star; lei (noun) steal; nuka (pred) step; neka" (pred) stick; kati (noun) stink; ike (pred) stir; nulu (pred) stomach; taupe (noun) stone; ken (noun) stop; pupa (pred) storm; wea (noun) straight; teni (pred) stream; keala (noun) stretch; iqi (pred) string; sii (noun) strong; husa (pred) stump; peqa (noun) suck; qeu (pred) suckle; melku (pred) sun; tea (noun) sunflower (lit: yellow face); laukiti (noun) swallow; naqa (pred) swell; kula (pred) swim; pali" (pred) swing; nui (pred) tail; tei (noun) take; nuka (pred) tear; pasi (pred) tell; teka (pred) ten; kimmaa (num) tendon; tiwe (noun) testicles; ye (noun) that; =nu (pron) there; yu (loc) thick; tupu (pred) thigh; tuyu (noun) thin; ileku (pred) think; sena (pred) thirteen; kimmannase (num) this; =ni (pron) thorn; sinu (noun) three; nase (num) throat; kele (noun) throw; wepe (pred) thrush; tukana (noun) thunder; pulunpe (pred) tie; kenu (pred) tired; nea (pred) to; =qu (post) toad; wenku (noun) toe; mapi (noun) toenail; masu(mapi) (noun) tongue; leqa (noun) tooth; tina (noun) tortoise; keti (noun) touch; nepa (pred) trade; pima (pred) tree; paku" (noun) turn; winete (pred) turtle; pukute (noun) twelve; kimmankin (num) twenty; lekpi (num) two; kin (num) two thousand; tapune (num) uncle (FaBr, MoSiHu); ata" (noun) uncle (MoBr, FaSiHu); husi" (noun) understand; huyu (pred) undo; si-" (pfx) untie; sikkenu (pred) up; =qui (post) urinate; hii (pred) urine; hii (noun) use; ipu (pred) Ute; yute (noun) vagina; kimi (noun) valley; uqa (noun) vomit; puhi (pred) vulva; kani (noun) wait; ila (pred) wake up; kata (pred) walk; lupa" (pred) warm; kami (pred) warn; kemu (pred) wash (dry river); peasa (noun) wash; wisi (pred) water jar; nula (noun) water; la (noun) waterfall; tupala (noun) wave; luya (pred) wear; nawa (pred) weasel; anei (noun) weave; luke (noun) west; leki (noun) wet; lee (pred) whirl; wiki (pred) whirlwind; heipa (noun) whistle; qiwi (pred) white; uha (pred) wide; late (pred) wife; neqa (noun) wiggle; peu (pred) wild onion; ea (noun) wildcat; puna (noun) willow; seheta (noun) win; peqi (pred) wind; pili (noun) windpipe; kule (noun) wing; nuti (noun) winnowing basket; elei (noun) wipe; wisi (pred) with; =ma (post) wolf; leka" (noun) woman; neqa (noun) wood; kuu (noun) woodpecker; nuleka (noun) worm; wele (noun) wound; eu (noun) wrap; humu (pred) wrist; kelai (noun) year; winete (noun) yell; heka (pred) yellow; lau (pred) yellowjacket; lauppi (noun) you; =ku (pron) yucca; yanpe (noun)
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