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My friends and I have played our very own role playing game Pii for many years. Two years ago I decided to make a language to my favourite clan in Pii - the Tiger people. That language, Mango, has now a full grammar and glossary of more than 10,000 words.

Mango goes hand in hand with Tiger people culture. Their culture is centred in agriculture, and to be a common farmer with 10 children is their greatest honour. Most of the Tigers can't read or write, and they are proud of it. Nature is important and holy to the Tigers. Only 300 years ago, they were enslaved by the Leopard people. Tigers have always been rebellious, and their anger against the Leopards and love for nature are also firmly established in the Mango language.

Mango speaking people never have to count difficult calculations, and they have no seasons. So their numbering system can be underdeveloped to you.

There aren't articles in Mango, and there are only three tenses. The word order is O-S-V, and you can't turn it off. Both prepositions and suffixes are used in Mango, and some things are revealed by adding phonemes in the middle of the word. The verbs conjugate in nine persons; I, you, she, he, we, you (plural), they, they (two-of-them) and they (members of the same group).

If you for some reason want to have list of Mango phonemes, I will send it to you. I have simplified the spelling, so that the letter F means the phoneme "SH", Q is the English "CH" in Mango, Y would be "DY" or "TY" (Y as a consonant) and W is pronounced "TW", "DW" or "TV". Mango Z is like English J. I have also created Mango alphabets, which somewhat look like Devnagri alphabets from India. That system is too extraordinary for a Western computer, so I mostly write Mango in our alphabets.

Here you are, the Genesis 11 1-9 in Mango:

Boronod josa, bamarturha josa vaz bsanajafaheje. Korco vekhiu naan vojapurraz, bsana Sineharahra lhappe naan ginzurraz. Badaci xhohrurraz.

Ba'aqurruznejeyu: "Kikoho, fudrit ras tottan, bikifuul uyi ras fviyan!" Baitaikifraja fudritiji naan zarurraz, baitailhunsvar gahighufvi naan zarurraz.

Ba'aqurruz: "Kikoho, vissuvetti burbur ras rokkon, baprassam sra prassam, indirau samrat kundullu, bivissuvetti nam ras krolhen, maje vujuvuz ras dornen nao."

Maje burburussu, baprassamassa prassamassa Pitar gontu oraa pacjaha, gindahiji rokurroz. Bi Pitar uqaa: "Pacjaha, hadro josa naanhe, bavaz naram ronod josa, banara vod jocjathe. Binij ninuu darezennohe nafa nafa nafa, naan ras rooku. Kikoho, gintu ras oran, banara daci ronod ras fvosin, maje sra dnari ronodosso dnomjos krefi nao."

Maje doma vujuvuz nanunejetti Pitar midnaroo. Maje burbur naan kranurraz rokkoho. Maje Babel (fvosilburbur) burbur nemoo, sra vaz zehan huza ronod daci Pitar fvosij, bodoma nanu vujuvuz Pitar midnaroo.

Submitted by: Natalia Gruscha <>

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