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1K. |
She ham god halum Terrestria anen in tzehimez mui weos avan na karol. as_of that/this time total Earth have+PAST one language and -ly+ABST.NOUN common of speech. At that time, all the Earth had one language and a common style of speech. Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. |
2K. |
Mos wiras everden ihem emind, ile rehinen yetzisi er Shinar mui ile wavinezen er els. as man+PLURAL move+PAST towards east they find+PAST grassland/pampas/savannah/plain [loc.] Shinar and they settle+PAST [loc.] there. As men moved eastward, they found a grassland in Shinar and they settled there. As men moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. |
3K. |
Ile oyezen ad *asig: Han! Is wafinas az wir hamios esewas mui wir shtol we geshustos ile. Ile mehimen esewenatos bebe*i arkhak, mui wakhethes bidin az shipizizas shil kmegis ad grekhia. they say+PAST to one_another: Hey!/Ah! I suggest+PRESENT that we make+FUTURE brick+PLURAL and we thorough -ly bake+FUTURE they. they use+PAST brick+material instead_of stone and supply+PLURAL natural that distill+PASSIVE+PRESENT as paste for construction. They said to one another: Hey! Let's make bricks and thoroughly bake them. They used brick instead of stone and distilled natural supplies as mortar (construction-paste). They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly." They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. |
4K. |
Yau ile oyezen: Han! Is wafinas az wir grekhemos *uthis ad wir, hel bemishi az arksasas venyas, do wir wahazas seref fas az as deniyi mui os tefingiz emeng we shuyes fanfer na halum Terrestria. then/next they say+PAST: Hey!/Ah! I suggest+PRESENT that we build+FUTURE city for we, with tower that reach+PRESENT heaven(s) so we be_able_to+PRESENT accomplish something that is impressive and not distribute+PASSIVE random -ly across surface of total Earth Then they said: Hey! Let's build a city for ourselves, with a tower that reaches the heavens, so that we can accomplish something impressive and not be distributed randomly across the surface of the whole Earth. Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth." |
5K. |
Am Leho nasuen bulush ad em *uthis mui bemishi az wiras *aitzartenen va grekhem. But God come+PAST down to/for see city and tower that man+PLURAL start+PLUPERFECT VA-PARTICLE build. But God came down to see the city and tower that the men had started building (had started to build). But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. |
6K. |
Leho oyezen: Yakh ile *aitzarten va faz ham shil in yaramoshi az hesias nam tzehimez, akh az ile kramas faz os kharaisim ad ile. God say+PAST: if they begin+PAST VA-PARTICLE do this/that as one race that speak+PRESENT very_same language, nothing that they plan_to+PRESENT do be/FUTURE impossible to/for them. God said: If they have begun to do this as one race that speaks the same language, nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. The Lord said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. |
7K. |
Han! Is wafinas az is uhuos bulush mui bakalos tzehimez na ile do ile os *inesos *asig. Hey!/Ah! I suggest+PRESENT that I go+FUTURE down and confuse+FUTURE language of they so they not understand+FUTURE each_other Hey! Why don't I go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other? Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other. |
8K. |
Do Leho tefingen emeng we ile ab els shuyes halum Terrestria, mui ile safenden va grekhem *uthis. So God distribute+PAST random -ly they from there across total Earth and they stop+PAST VA-PARTICLE build city So God distributed them randomly from there across all the Earth, and they stopped building the city. So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. |
9K. |
Ham as starmis az wan esthiizen "Beibel" -- daz els bakalen tzehimez na halum Terrestria. Leho tefingen emeng we ile ab els shuyes fanfer na halum Terrestria. that/this be/PRESENT reason that it call+PASSIVE+PAST /Beibel/ -- because there God confuse+PAST language of total Earth God distribute+PAST random -ly them from there across surface of total Earth That is why it was called "Babel" -- because there God confused the language of the whole Earth. God distributed them randomly across the surface of the whole Earth. That is why it was called Babel -- because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth. |
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