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Pacarian - Sander Dieleman

Paiodd - Jeremy Graves

Pakitani - Paco "España"

Pakuni - Victoria Fromkin, PhD

Pala-kalloejna - Christopher Reid Palmer

Paleneo - Leslie Charteris

Palli - Andrew Leventis

Pamrul - José Martínez

Pamryr - José Martínez

Pan-kel - Max Wald

Panovese Kal



Pasilalion - Mojsije Paic

Pasilogia - Edward Groves

Patrienish - Mike Brooker

P@x'àãokxáã - Eddy Ohlms

Paulic - Paul Smith

P'bankian - Dtsdesign

Pélénne - Tom Killingbeck

Pe'Ma'De - Eric the Best

Penge lige


Perilo - Horváth Róbert

Perio - Mannus Talundberg

Persevi - Libor Sztemon

Phaleran - Thomas Wier

phonetic picture-writing - Leonhard Heinzmann

Piat - John Cowan

Pictban - Dtsdesign

Picture Language - Wally Flint

Pig Elvish - Bicoherent

Pig Latin - Anonymous

Pikachu - Aneel Nazareth

Pikutu - μ

Pil'koska - Tom Killingbeck

Pisina - µ

pjaukra - Alex Fink

Plan B - J. Prothero

Plan C - Jacques Guy

Platio - J Carbajal

Plefande - Pablo Barenbaum

Pokemon - Nintendo

Poliespo - Nvwtohiyada Idehesdi Sequoyah (Billy Joe Waldon)

po'P'kp - Xhin

Poþi - Joseph W. Mynhier

Prajiþiast - Eric Anger

P'Ren - David Mackey

Primal - Trickster

Prime Lexicon - Dr. Chris K. Caldwell

Primitive Elvish - J.R.R. Tolkien

Progressiva - Suhardian,aka Mattia Suardi

Projet d'une langue universelle presente a la convention nationale - Jean Delormel

Proslava - George ( Juraj ) Doudy

Proto-Dalurian - Ran

Proto-Drem - Kevin Urbanczyk

Proto-East-Arakhelian - Maknas

Proto-Eastern - Mark Rosenfelder

Proto-Hambah - Tom Little (Sêsâmân)

Proto-Kesk'an - Jeos Thegimis

Proto-Liotan - Geoff Eddy

Prototype Worlds - Eric Raymond

Psharádi (Modern Tsaran) - Jashan A'al

Ptokan - Ryan Eakins

Ptx:f - Eddy the Great

Purdik - Steffen M. Turnipseed

Pushakian - Dr X

Pwpwpw - J. Brandt-Young et al

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