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Psharádi (Modern Tsaran) (Tsaran, Ley Arah) - Conlang Profile   Advanced
Language NamePsharádi (Modern Tsaran)
Language AuthorJashan A'al
Year Began1993
SitePsharádi (Modern Tsaran)
Broken LinkNo
Site LanguageEnglish
Site AuthorJashan A'al
Language Typefictional language
EditorialOriginally developed by its author to prevent people from reading her journal entries, Tsaran (formerly known as Ley Arah) quickly expanded into a fictional language for a culture known as the Tsara, the subject of short stories.
UniquenessThe language was developed out of a way to keep people from reading journal entries, but quickly expanded into a fictional language for a culture known as the Tsara (Pshará). I began developing it before I had any actual linguistic training (in high school), and it was "regularized" and refined as I went through my undergraduate linguistics schooling. So, it's kind of a mix and match....half pure chance (pre-college), half design (during college). The language has 850 words (not online).
Language SourcesIt was not based on any other languages. It began as a personal code which I began early on writing into fictional short stories and developing a culture around.
Design PrinciplesPsharádi began very haphazardly and later became regularized. The basic characteristics I focused on when developing it as an actual language were a moderately agglutinative structure (relying on suffixes), an almost completely regular gender structure, and contextual parts of speech. In the transition from Middle Tsaran to Modern Psharádi, there was a conscious effort reflect linguistic contact and borrowing from surrounding (European) cultures.
Interest Of OthersI've had a few of my girlfriends learn a bit of the language so that we could talk more freely in public (a semi-secret code, mixing Ley Arah with French and German to speak so others wouldn't understand)....other than that, no.
Sample TextsNo
Unique ScriptNo
Babel TextNo
Submitted ByJashan A'al
Updated ByJashan A'al
Date EditedFriday, March 19, 2004
Description Of UpdateUpdated name.
Date To HeadlineSunday, May 11, 2003

< Prototype Worlds  Psharádi (Modern Tsaran)  Ptokan >

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