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Letter P Dublex Definitions
![]() pacar [From Hindi /pakar/.] hold -- the act or means of grasping something with the hands pacarcanon [hold+cannon] bazooka -- a portable rocket launcher used by infantrymen as an anti-tank weapon pacarfoc [hold+fire] wait impatiently, be impatient pacarnog [hold+limb] arm pacarnogcand [hold+limb+hole] armpit; axilla pacarnogjor [hold+limb+connection] elbow pacarsespin [hold+{feminine}+plane] box -- a cubical container pacarvolt [hold+electricity] electric charge pant [From Latin 'planta', extant in Romance (Spanish, Italian, etc.), Germanic (English, German, Dutch), auxiliaries (Esperanto, Novial), et al. (Note Hindi /vamspat/.] plant -- a vegetable life-form pantbin [plant+building] greenhouse -- an inside room in which plants are kept and grown pantburcah [plant+brown+{abstraction}] bruise -- a brown or otherwise discolored mark on damanged or rotting fruit, leaves, etc. pantcals [plant+class] taxon -- any unit used in the science of biological classification (taxonomy) of plants, which have a universally recognized heirarchy pantcamer [plant+room] greenhouse -- an inside room in which plants are kept and grown pantcant [plant+fastener] burr -- nature's original Velcro pantcaras [plant+love] the natural bonding between humanity and the plant kingdom, demonstrated in attraction to flowers, talking to one's plants, the human+plant exchange of carbon monoxide and dioxide, etc. pantcarc [plant+{sharp-object}] needle -- any thin, sharp leaf coming from a plant species, such as the leaves of pine trees pantcathir [plant+cut+bird] plantcutter (Phytotoma) pantcomanja [plant+eating+{noun-modifier}] herbivorous -- eating plants rather than meat pantcomanjper [plant+eating+person] vegetarian -- a person who abstains from eating meat pantdart [plant+dirt] soil -- dirt that is prepared or suitable for growing plants panthabil [plant+ability] green thumb -- a knack for growing and tending plants panthalt [plant+{high-object}] canopy -- the high region formed by plants at the top of the rain-forest pantlic [plant+liquid] sap -- the fluid found in vascular plants pantlicmalactforl [plant+liquid+milk+flower] poppy -- a flower of the family Papaveraceae with a milky, narcotic sap and abundant seeds pantsint [plant+science] botany -- the scientific study of the plant kingdom pantsint [plant+science] floristics pantsoldirect [plant+Sun+direction] heliotropism -- the tendency of plants to turn their pollen centers towards the sun pantvov [plant+egg] seed pap [From Greek 'papuros', extant in Latin, Spanish /papel-/, French, Germanic (English, German, Dutch), et al.] paper -- a material made of cellulose pulp derived mainly from wood, rags or certain grasses papconus [paper+cone] paper cone -- protective cone placed around the neck of an animal to keep it from scratching out its stitches papgarm [paper+communication-unit] written message pappant [paper+plant] papyrus -- a plant genus used by the ancients to make the first paper papsint [paper+science] papyrology papsisp [paper+insect] paper wasp (Polistes) paptiger [paper+tiger] paper tiger, of course! papvic [paper+vehicle] paper airplane part [From Romance 'part' (from Latin 'pars'), extant in English, Romance (Spanish, Italian) and auxiliaries (Esperanto, Novial).] part -- something determined in relation to something that includes it partcon [part+{opposite}] piece partconmetode [part+{opposite}+way+{verb-modifier}] piecemeal -- bit by bit partvic [part+vehicle] railway car parv [From Russian 'pravda', "truth", widely borrowed as the name of the official newspaper of the USSR.] truth -- fact that has been verified parvcon [truth+{opposite}] falsehood, untruth -- a false statement parvconcomun [truth+{opposite}+communication] lie -- an instance of misleading by conveying false information parvcongarm [truth+{opposite}+communication-unit] lie parvcongarm [truth+{opposite}+communication-unit] lie -- a statement that deviates from or perverts the truth parvconlan [truth+{opposite}+face] act -- as in actor parvfarc [truth+{difference}] alternate reality -- one of the "realities" (universes, dimensions, etc.) other than the one we most commonly live in; examples are dreams, hallucinations and other trips, the astral plane, fantasy, strange visions parvfarcmenthasal [truth+{difference}+mind+event] hallucination, trip -- a mental experience in which a person senses something that differs from our usual reality parvgard [truth+scale] the degree of accuracy of a device of statement parvhim [truth+tool] lie detector -- a polygraph that records bodily changes sometimes associated with lying parvlic [truth+liquid] truth serum -- a potion with the ability to make the person who has taken it tell nothing but the truth parvment [truth+mind] honesty parvmenta [truth+mind+{noun-modifier}] honest parvmenti [truth+mind+{verb}] S is honest about O to X. parvmerhim [truth+measure+tool] polygraph parvnam [truth+name] identity, personal identity, individuality -- the distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity, especially as opposed to an alias, stage identity, pen name, etc. parvsata [truth+satisfaction+{noun-modifier}] morally right (in an objective sense) parvsatcona [truth+satisfaction+{opposite}+{noun-modifier}] morally wrong (in an objective sense) parvsint [truth+science] polygraphics pas [From Spanish /pasado/ (cognates in Italian and Esperanto) and English 'past', with initial /p-/ in Russian /proshla/ and Hindi /purv/.] past -- time that has elapsed pasbad [past+body-part] vestigial organ -- an organ (as the appendix) that serves no modern purpose and whose existence is a throwback to earlier evolution pasgarm [past+communication-unit] archive Pashumanu [past+human] Neandertal man, Neanderthal man, Neandertal, Neanderthal, Homo sapiens neanderthalensis -- extinct robust human of Middle Paleolithic in Europe and western Asia pasparv [past+truth] past truth -- a discarded or disproved theory or fact passint [past+science] history patuln [From Hindi /patalun/, from French 'pantalon', attested in English ('pantaloon'), Italian, Esperanto and Novial.] pants, trousers -- a garment extending from the waist to the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately ped [From Indo-European *ped-, with initial /p-/ in Hindi /pamv/; *ped- survives in English 'pedestrian', Germanic *fot- (English foot) and Romance /p-d-/ (Spanish, Italian, Esperanto, Novial).] foot -- the pedal extremity of the inferior limb in vertebrates pedbezrept [foot+absence+reptile] snake peddit [foot+digit] toe pedgitar [foot+guitar] pedal steel guitar pedlangmer [foot+{long-object}+measure] foot pedmestser [foot+site+series] stairs -- a means of access consisting of a series of steps pedsartcand [foot+side+hole] instep; acrotarsium pedsint [foot+science] podiatry pedvas [foot+container] shoe pedvasmuchir [foot+container+mouth+bird] shoebill (Balaeniceps rex) pedvic [foot+vehicle] bicycle pel [From Hindi /pel/, "range".] interval -- quantity of time between events X and Y pelbeza [interval+absence+{noun-modifier}] continuous pelbomb [interval+bomb] time bomb -- an explosive device rigged to go off after a set interval of time. pelcurl [interval+violence] serial crime -- one instance of a series of three or more similar crimes committed by the same person or group pelgarm [interval+communication-unit] notice that a time limit is completed pelm [Blend of Balto-Celtic-Germano-Slavic /apel/ form and Turkic /elma/ or /alma/, both meaning "apple". The /apel/ forms include Afrikaans 'appel', Bengali 'apel ', Breton 'aval', Cornish 'aval', Dutch 'appel', English 'apple', Indonesian 'apel', Latvian 'a-] pome -- a fleshy fruit, such as an apple, a pear, or a quince, with multiple seed chambers and an edible outer flesh; used in compounds to refer to any fruit with an edible outer flesh pelmbancpant [pome+reserve+plant] prickly pear -- a flat-leaved cactus of the genus Opuntia that produces a pear-like fruit pelmlangrept [pome+{long-object}+reptile] an evil serpent pelvic [interval+vehicle] stagecoach pen [From Indo-European *penque (*penkwe), extant in Russian, Hindi, Romance (from assimilated form *quenque/kwenkwe in Latin, Spanish, Italian, English 'penta-', et al) and Germanic (from *pempe in English, German, Dutch).] five -- the cardinal number that is the sum of four and one pencon [five+{opposite}] negative five, -5 pencorb [five+edge] pentagon Pendevcitabu [five+god+book] Pentateuch, Torah, Laws -- the first five books of the Old Testament considered as a unit penduvper [five+two+person] 52-year old -- a person who has experienced 52 but not 53 years since birth penharper [five+four+person] 54-year old -- a person who has experienced 54 but not 55 years since birth penjantcals [five+animal+class] family Penmiru [five+world] Jupiter -- the fifth planet from the Sun Pennatinletu [five+nation+{diminutive}] Connecticut -- fifth state to enter the Union, admitted to the U.S. on Jan. 9, 1788 pennenper [five+nine+person] 59-year old -- a person who has experienced 59 but not 60 years since birth Penniltaru [five+blue+star] Honduras (HND) pennobil [five+noble] marquis/marquise pennobilmas [five+noble+{masculine}] marquis pennobilses [five+noble+{feminine}] marquise penpantcals [five+plant+class] family penped [five+foot] starfish -- a marine invertebrate with (usually) five appendages. penpenper [five+five+person] 55-year old -- a person who has experienced 55 but not 56 years since birth penper [five+person] five-year old -- a person who has experienced five but not six years since birth Penruntaru [five+red+star] Hong Kong (HKG) pens [From English 'pencil', borrowed into Hindi.] stylus -- a pointed tool for writing, drawing or engraving pensdabtabul [stylus+pressing+board] keyboard pensemper [five+seven+person] 57-year old -- a person who has experienced 57 but not 58 years since birth pensgarm [stylus+communication-unit] written note pensint [five+science] pentology -- study of the occult Pensirnatinletu [five+zero+nation+{diminutive}] Hawaii -- 50th state to enter the Union, admitted to the U.S. on Aug. 21, 1959 pensirper [five+zero+person] 50-year old -- a person who has experienced 50 but not 51 years since birth Pensirtaru [five+zero+star] United States (USA) pensisper [five+six+person] 56-year old -- a person who has experienced 56 but not 57 years since birth pensmin [stylus+fish] pencil fish penssint [stylus+science] graphology Pensutvodu [five+thread+body-of-water] Volga -- the longest river of Russia and of Europe, flowing about 3,701 km (2,300 mi) miles from the Valdai Hills to the Caspian Sea (and linked by canals and other rivers to the Baltic Sea) pensvatsanj [stylus+water+bread] penne pasta penterper [five+three+person] 53-year old -- a person who has experienced 53 but not 54 years since birth penton [five+{augmentative}] 50 penvanper [five+one+person] 51-year old -- a person who has experienced 51 but not 52 years since birth penvoctper [five+eight+person] 58-year old -- a person who has experienced 58 but not 59 years since birth per [From Latin 'persona', extant in Romance (Spanish, Italian, et al), Germanic (English, German, et al) and Russian, with initial /p-/ in Hindi /puruc/.] person, individual -- a human being percals [person+class] world, human race, humanity, humankind, human beings, humans, mankind, man -- all of the inhabitants of the earth Percartu [person+card] ID card -- an authorized card containing a person's photograph with his/her name, birthdate, etc. perciberpost [person+cyberspace+mail] electronic mail, e-mail, email -- an individual's collection of e-mail messages received from others perlavmahin [person+washing/cleaning+machine] shower -- a plumbing fixture that sprays water over a person perlet [person+{diminutive}] child -- a person who has not yet come of age perlet [person+{diminutive}] dwarf, midget perletlet [person+{diminutive}+{diminutive}] child -- under 12 perletmas [person+{diminutive}+{masculine}] little boy -- a human male who has not yet reached adolescence perletses [person+{diminutive}+{feminine}] little girl -- a human female who has not yet reached adolescence perlettemp [person+{diminutive}+time] childhood -- the time of one's life up to adolescence perm [From Latin 'permanens', "permanent", in English, Spanish, Italian, Novial, et al.] permanent object -- something existing for indefinite duration [scalar] permas [person+{masculine}] man -- male person permas [person+{masculine}] man or person who seems masculine regardless of gender permattemp [person+adult+time] adulthood -- the phase of one's life as an adult permcah [{permanent-object}+{abstraction}] permanence -- the property of being able to exist for indefinite duration [scalar = permanent to temporary permcah [{permanent-object}+{abstraction}] epistimological category, somewhat akin to a Platonic form, which is not sensible, is analytic rather than synthetic, and which persists independent of anyone's ability to grasp it permcon [{permanent-object}+{opposite}] temporary object -- something existing for relatively short duration [scalar permcon [{permanent-object}+{opposite}] antimatter permicor [person+tiny-item] any legendary tiny humanoid; an elf, gnome, menehune, etc. permjamad [permanent object+freeze] ice age, glacial period, glacial epoch -- any period of time during which glaciers covered a large part of the earth's surface permlet [{permanent-object}+{diminutive}] trinket, a symbol of a lover's affection, which the beloved promises to keep forever permlet [{permanent-object}+{diminutive}] atom permton [{permanent-object}+{augmentative}] albatross -- something that one can not get rid of; a certain kind of significant other permton [{permanent-object}+{augmentative}] star (celestial body) persalf [person+{old-object}] senior citizen -- a person from about his/her sixties on persalfcon [person+{old-object}+{opposite}] young person/adolescent/teenager/teen/twentysomething/kid/young adult -- a person between childhood and adulthood. The length of "youth" varies from culture to culture, but as self-defined by most Americans in this group at the end of the millennium (say, c. 1980+2000) it seems to extend from about age 12 to about the late twenties. persalfconmas [person+{old-object}+{opposite}+{masculine}] young man, boy, guy -- a male person during adolescence persalfcontemp [person+{old-object}+{opposite}+time] youth -- the time between childhood and adulthood persalfmas [person+{old-object}+{masculine}] old man persalfses [person+{old-object}+{feminine}] old woman persalfsesses [person+{old-object}+{feminine}+{feminine}] young woman, girl -- a female person during adolescence persalftemp [person+{old-object}+time] old age -- the time in one's life in which one is a senior citizen perses [person+{feminine}] woman or person who seems feminine regardless of gender perton [person+{augmentative}] giant perton [person+{augmentative}] elder -- a person of great age and/or wisdom perton [person+{augmentative}] adult perton [person+{augmentative}] giant pict [From Latin 'pictura', extant in Spanish and English.] picture, image -- a visual representation, of an object or scene or person, produced on a surface pictbac [picture+alphabet] pictographs pictcartmicor [picture+card+tiny-item] one of the octagonal cards that can be inserted into a Viewmaster pictdur [picture+long event] phoot shoot, modeling session -- an event where many photographs of specific subjects or people are taken pictform [picture+form] pattern -- a repeatable system of visual elements (such a stripes, polka dots, Munster, etc.) pictgarm [picture+communication-unit] pictogram picthical [picture+frame] picture frame pictnort [picture+north] compass rose -- a representation of the four points of the compass, as on a map pictpost [picture+mail] postcard, picture postcard -- pig [From Mandarin Chinese /pigu/.] buttock, cheek -- either of the buttocks pigbarc [buttock+lightning] pins and needles -- the prickling sensation which comes from pinching a nerve for too long; esp. such a sensation when it comes from sitting still too long pigbin [buttock+building] outhouse, privy, earth-closet, jakes -- a small outbuilding with a bench having holes through which a user can defecate pigdon [buttock+gift] suppository -- a small plug of medication designed for insertion into the rectum, where it melts pighafervosp [buttock+blade+arachnid] horseshoe crab (class Xiphosura) pighubac [buttock+opening] anus; rectum -- the outward passage of the digestive system pignog [buttock+limb] tail pignogsutmin [buttock+limb+thread+fish] gourami (family Osphronemidae) pigsafid [buttock+copulation] anal sex -- sexual intercourse by the rectum rather than the vulva or mouth pigsatcon [buttock+satisfaction+{opposite}] a pain in the a-- pigsint [buttock+science] proctology pigsut [buttock+thread] tail -- the posterior part of the body of a vertebrate especially when elongated and extending beyond the trunk or main part of the body pigvolsfassisp [buttock+hair+{decay}+insect] tachinid fly (family Tachinidae) pin [From Mandarin Chinese /pinmyan/ and Latin 'planus', extant in Romance (Spanish, Italian), English and Novial.] plane -- an unbounded two-dimensional shape pincapmin [plane+head+fish] flathead (suborder Platycephaloidei) pinforma [plane+form+{noun-modifier}] flat pinformmin [plane+form+fish] flounder, sole, etc. (Pleuronectiformes) pinjant [plane+animal] flatworm (phylum Platyhelminthes) pinmultped [plane+multiplication+foot] centipede (class Chilopoda) pinnasmin [plane+nose+fish] paddlefish (genus Polyodon) pir [From Russian /pir/, with initial /p-/ in Hindi /par/ and Latin 'pluma', extant in Spanish, English, Esperanto and Novial.] feather -- the light horny structures forming the external covering of birds pird [From Russian /pridmyet/, with initial /p-/ in Hindi /padart/.] object, thing -- something that is enduring in space-time pirpens [feather+stylus] quill politic [From Greek 'politikos', extant in Romance (Latin, Spanish, Italian, French), Germanic (English, German, Dutch) and auxiliaries (Esperanto, Novial, et al).] politics -- social relations involving strife, pettiness, image, authority and power politicgarm [politics+communication-unit] spin, political speech politichasal [politics+event] convention -- a large formal assembly sponsored by a political party for political purposes, such as nominating candidates or choosing a platform politicjamad [politics+freeze] recount -- an additional (usually a second) count; especially of the votes in a close election politicrep [politics+repetition] reelection -- election again politicsint [politics+science] political+science politicteror [politics+fear] politicophobia politicvic [politics+vehicle] bandwagon poln [From Russian /poln/ with initial /p-/ in Hindi /purn/.] full container -- containing as much or as many as is possible or normal polnsent [full-container+emotion] satisfaction polnsenta [full-container+emotion+{noun-modifier}] satisfied polnsentcaza [full-container+emotion+cause+{noun-modifier}] satisfying polnsentcazi [full-container+emotion+cause+{verb}] to satisfy polnsenti [full-container+emotion+{verb}] to be satisfied in polv [From Spanish /polv/, with cognates in Russian /pil/ and Latin 'pulvis' (extant in Italian, Esperanto, Novial, English 'pulverize').] dust -- fine powdery material such as dry earth or pollen that can be blown into the air polvdoj [dust+precipitation] snow -- precipitation of tiny flakes of ice polvdojpedvas [dust+precipitation+foot+container] snowshoe polvmarca [dust+mark+{noun-modifier}] spotted; having dustlike marks Polvmarchiru [dust+mark+bird] European starling polvsint [dust+science] sedimentology polvsisp [dust+insect] mealybug (family Pseudococcidae) polvteror [dust+fear] amathophobia polvvic [dust+vehicle] dune buggy polvvid [dust+glass] glass, tinted glass -- a window pane which has bubbles in it, giving it a frosty, opaque look polvvospmicor [dust+arachnid+tiny-item] dust mite pors [From Persian /pors/, "ask", similar to Russian /vapros/, "question" with initial /pr-/ in Hindi /prashn/, Spanish 'pregunta' and English 'probe'.] question, query -- an instance of interrogation porsa [question+{noun-modifier}] interrogative porscah [question+{abstraction}] which (pronoun) porscaha [question+{abstraction}+{noun-modifier}] which (noun modifier) porscahcone [question+{abstraction}+{verb-modifier}+{opposite}] how (as in how many) porscahdirect [question+{abstraction}+direction] which way porscahe [question+{abstraction}+{verb-modifier}] how (as in how to see) porscahio [question+{abstraction}+{preposition}+{opposite}] how (as in how, the whole thing described by the clause happen) porscahloc [question+{abstraction}+location] where porscahper [question+{abstraction}+person] who porscamer [question+room] courtroom porscirv [question+curve] red herring -- diversionary questions intended to distract attention from the main issue porsnupt [question+marriage] trial marriage porsper [question+person] a person who asks questions porsrest [question+remainder] the unanswered part of a question porsvoc [question+word] question words -- Dublex interrogative compounds porv [From Latin 'providere', extant in Spanish, English, et al.] provision, supply -- something made available for use porvbac [provision+alphabet] the set of kanji recognized by the Japanese government to be set aside for personal use porvvic [provision+vehicle] freighter pos [From Latin 'positio', extant in Romance (Spanish, Italian), English, auxiliaries (Esperanto, Novial).] position -- the way in which something is placed; when used of a human or animal body, refers to posture and arrangement of body parts (sitting, standing, lying down) posgurpmala [position+group+disparagement+{noun-modifier}] disordered -- all jumbled up posi [position+{verb}] position -- positioner S positions positionee O in position X post [From Vulgar Latin *posta, "station", extant in Russian, English, German, Dutch, Esperanto, Novial, et al.] mail -- the system whereby messages are transmitted via the post office postbaner [mail+flag] the red flag on a mailbox, which is pivoted into an upright position when the owner wants to signal that the mail box contains letters for the mail deliverer to pick up postbazar [mail+market] a place where goods related to postal delivery are bought/sold/traded postbin [mail+building] post office, local post office -- a local branch of the post office postbomb [mail+bomb] letter bomb -- an explosive mailed to a designated victim postbud [mail+future] the state of being in the mail postcacti [mail+action+{verb}] to mail -- to send via the postal service postcalc [mail+peripheral] envelope tray -- an envelope-processing attachment on a personal-computer printer postcalot [mail+dog] a dog that attacks letter carriers postcals [mail+class] class -- a type of mail depending on what is being sent, what it weighs and how it is packaged postcamer [mail+room] mail room -- a room in an office or other workplace where mail is received, sorted and distributed postcanc [mail+shell] envelope, packaging -- an envelope or box used to contain goods that are being mailed postcand [mail+hole] mail box -- one cubbyhole in a shelf of such holes containing the mail sorted for individuals (typically occupants living in or employees working in the building) postcant [mail+fastener] envelope flap -- the flap of an envelope, typically containing an adhesive which will securely close the envelope when moistened postcanun [mail+law] postal regulations -- the rules and regulations issued by a post office agency of a country to govern how mail is distributed postcapt [mail+leader] postmaster -- the person in charge of a post office Postcapttonu [mail+leader+{augmentative}] Postmaster General -- the leader of the United States Post Office postcarc [mail+{sharp-object}] letter opener -- any device whose primary purpose is opening mail postcart [mail+card] postcard -- a simple stamped card mailable at a cheaper price than a letter postcart [mail+card] postcard, postal card, mailing-card -- a card for sending messages by post without an envelope postceleb [mail+play] post office -- a children's game in which kisses are exchanged for pretended letters postcomp [mail+computer] e-mail appliance -- a computer appliance designed solely for composing and reading e-mail, such as the CIDCO MailStation, typically with a full-sized keyboard and a small LED or LCD screen postcomun [mail+communication] correspondence -- communication by the exchange of letters postcomunpap [mail+communication+paper] correspondence -- letters written or received postcov [mail+cover] the door to a mailbox postcursnic [mail+running-movement+worker] courier -- a messenger who carries mail back and forth (typically mail that is sent privately, not using a country's postal service) postdab [mail+pressing] stamp application -- licking or moistening stamps and applying them to the surface of an envelope or package postdabi [mail+pressing+{verb}] to stamp -- to lick or moisten stamps and apply them to the surface of an envelop or package postdar [mail+stripe] a stripe-like label pasted or attached to envelopes and parcels bearing a message, such as "fragile", "private" or "priority" postdarg [mail+road] postal route -- a path assigned to a letter carrier for daily delivery and pickup of mail postdend [mail+debt] money order, postal order -- a written order for the payment of a sum to a named individual; obtainable and payable at a post office Postdevu [mail+god] Mercury (Roman), Hermes (Greek), Iris (Greek) -- the messenger god of a religion postdin [mail+day] postmark date -- the date a letter or package was processed for shipment by a postal service; typically recorded as part of the postmark over the stamp postdinar [mail+money] postage, postage stamp, stamp -- a paper token affixed to an envelope or package indicating that a postal fee has been paid postdur [mail+{long-event}] the time it takes from when mail was given to the post office system to when it was received postfan [mail+art] decorative or commemorative stamps -- artistic postage stamps postfil [mail+file] mailbox file -- the computer file storing the contents of a person's e-mail system postfon [mail+sound] dictation -- postgarm [mail+communication-unit] letter, missive -- a written message addressed to a person or organization postgarmlet [mail+communication-unit+{diminutive}] note -- a short written message addressed to a person or organization postgarmton [mail+communication-unit+{augmentative}] epistle -- a letter, especially a long, formal letter Postgovu [mail+government] Post Office -- the government department responsible for mail delivery (and, in some countries, telecommunications) postgurp [mail+group] mail -- any particular collection of letters or packages that is delivered posthabil [mail+ability] state of being ready to be mailed posthabila [mail+ability+{noun-modifier}] mailable -- ready to be mailed posthafer [mail+blade] letter opener, paperknife -- a dull knife used to cut open the envelopes in which letters are mailed posthical [mail+frame] a frame or support containing many mail boxes, as for post office boxes or the collection of mail boxes in the entry way of an apartment posthir [mail+bird] carrier pigeon -- a homing pigeon, especially one trained to carry messages Posthisanu [mail+horse] Pony Express posthubac [mail+opening] mail slot -- a slot in a doorway through which a letter carrier can pass mail into a room or building postlet [mail+{diminutive}] flyer -- a brochure or pamphlet sent without an envelope, being folded once or twice and addressed, and typically fastened shut with a staple or sticker postlibcongan [mail+freedom+{opposite}+agent] censor -- a person who is authorized to read correspondence and suppress in whole or in part anything considered obscene or politically unacceptable postlocgarm [mail+location+communication-unit] mailing address -- the postal-service address through which a person or organization can be communicated with postmal [mail+disparagement] junk mail -- postmarc [mail+mark] postmark -- a cancellation mark stamped on mail by postal officials, typically indicates the date of mailing and the processingpost office postmas [mail+{masculine}] mailman -- a male letter carrier (c.f. postnicmas) postmater [mail+matter] mail -- letters and packages transmitted by the post office postmemb [mail+item] mail -- a single letter or package sent by or received from the post office postmer [mail+measure] weighing for postage -- determining the weight of a letter or package in order to levy the appropriate fee for mailing it postmeri [mail+measure+{verb}] to weigh for postage -- to determine the weight of a letter or package in order to determine the appropriate fee for mailing it postmest [mail+site] the post-office building as well as the lot it is located on postmotiv [mail+target] destination postmotivper [mail+target+person] recipient -- the person or organization for whom a mailed message is intended postnahar [mail+source] return address postnahargan [mail+source+agent] return address postnamlet [mail+name+{diminutive}] postal abbreviation -- an accepted abbreviation for street names, state names, regions, countries, etc. postnic [mail+worker] letter carrier -- an employee of the postal service agency who delivers and picks up mail along a postal route postnicmas [mail+worker+{masculine}] mailman -- a male letter carrier. postnicses [mail+worker+{feminine}] mail lady -- a female letter carrier. postnomer [mail+number] postal code, ZIP code -- a numeric code or alphanumeric code representing zones within the country, designed to facilitate mechanical processing of mail postporv [mail+provision] mail-order supplies -- postpub [mail+people-group] post-office employees -- postsac [mail+sack] mail, mail sack -- the bags of letters and packages that are transported by the postal service postsahab [mail+companion] penpal -- postses [mail+{feminine}] mail lady -- a female letter carrier (c.f. postnicses). postsist [mail+system] mail, post, postal service -- the system whereby messages are transmitted via the post office postvas [mail+container] 1. mailbox -- a private box for the delivery of mail 2. mailbox -- a public box for the depost of mail postvebvosp [mail+World-Wide-Web+arachnid] web e-mail spider -- a software program that crawls the web collecting e-mail addresses to be used in spam campaigns postvic [mail+vehicle] mail truck -- a conveyance that transports mail postvic [mail+vehicle] postal vehicle pub [Truncation of Dublex 'pubilc', "public".] people group, public -- a body of people sharing some common interest Pubcarsdevsistu [people-group+cross+god+system] Congregationalism -- system of beliefs and church government of a Protestant denomination in which each member church is self-governing pubcart [people-group+card] membership card pubilc [From Latin 'publicus', extant in Romance (Spanish, Italian, French, et al), borrowed in to Russian, Germanic (English, Dutch) and auxilaries (Esperanto, Novial, et al.)] public good, common good -- the good of a community pubilccact [public good+action] deed, good deed, feat -- a praiseworthy achievement in the interests of the common good pubilcconnet [public-good+{opposite}+net] intranet -- a network that is private or exclusive pubilcgov [public-good+government] republic pubilcvic [public-good+vehicle] mass transit pubjant [people-group+animal] mascot pubmest [people-group+place] city, metropolis, urban center -- a large and densely populated urban area; may include several independent administrative districts pubmesthir [people-group+site+bird] pigeon pubmestlet [people-group+site+{diminutive}] village -- a small community of people Pubmestmarconu [people-group+site+ocean+{opposite}] Europe pubmob [people-group+furniture] park bench pubteror [people-group+fear] sociophobia pubvic [people-group+vehicle] bus pubvishabila [people-group+sight+ability+{noun-modifier}] public, in public pus [Blend of Hindi /upiog/ (with initial /p-/ in Russian /primin/) and Vulgar Latin /usare/, extant in English, Spanish, French, et al.] use, usage -- the application or employment of something for a purpose ("skilled in the use of a spear") |