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Letter G Dublex Definitions
![]() galc [Blend of Hindi /gal/ and Arabic /halk/, with /g-l/ in Russian /glot/ and /gorl/ and in English 'gullet' and Italian 'gola', and with initial /g-/ in Spanish 'garganta', Esperanto 'gorg^o' and Novial 'guture'.] throat, pharynx -- the passage to the stomach and lungs; in the front part of the neck below the chin and above the collarbone galchild [throat+shield] scarf galcmov [throat+movement] bobbing of the adam's apple galcpart [throat+part] neck -- the region of the body between the shoulders and the bottom of the head galcsint [throat+science] laryngology gan [From Mandarin Chinese 'gan'.] agent -- person who does or brings about something gangarm [agent+communication-unit] notification gard [Latin 'gradus', "degree", extant in Romance (Spanish, Italian), Germanic (English, German, Dutch), Esperanto and Novial.] scale -- a scale of intensity, amount or quantity gardcart [scale+card] survey card gardcopferhisan [scale+copy+iron+horse] model railroad gardgarm [scale+communication-unit] degree garm [From Greek 'gramma', "something written, a small weight", borrowed into many languages as a weight measure ('gram'), but use to refer to something written in 'telegram', 'aerogram', et al.] communication unit -- a collection of words, oral or written or otherwise represented, conveying a central idea garmcah [communication-unit+{abstraction}] communication garmgarmcon [communication-unit+communication-unit+{opposite}] oxymoron garmlet [communication-unit+{diminutive}] thought, idea garmlet [communication-unit+{diminutive}] symbol -- a symbol in a communication unit, such as the dot or the dash in Morse Code garmset [communication-unit+set] record -- anything providing permanent evidence of or information about past events garmsint [communication-unit+science] information theory garmtongurp [communication-unit+{augmentative}+group] file, dossier -- a collection of papers containing detailed information about a particular person or subject gars [Indo-European *ghre-so-, extant in Hindi /gas/, and English & German & Dutch /gras/.] grass -- narrow-leaved green herbage, grown in lawns, used as pasture for grazing animals, cut and dried as hay garsfarccon [grass+{difference}+{opposite}] buckwheat (order Polygonales) garshafer [grass+blade] scythe -- an edge tool for cutting grass; has a long handle that must be held with both hands and a curved blade that moves parallel to the ground garsmuh [grass+rodent] grass mouse (Rhabdomys) garsnog [grass+limb] blade of grass garsrept [grass+reptile] grass snake (Natrix) garssirc [grass+circle] crop circle -- a circular etiolation allegedly left in fields by a landed UFO garsvic [grass+vehicle] rider mower gas [From Dutch 'gas', a scientific term that is widespread internationally (Arabic, Russian, Spanish, German, English, Italian, Esperanto, Novial, et al).] gas -- fluid in its freest state having neither definite shape or volume and being able to expand indefinitely gasbac [gas+alphabet] lettering consisting of electrically lit tubes filled with neon Gascanunu [gas+law] Boyle's law, Mariotte's law -- the pressure of an ideal gas at constant temperature varies inversely with the volume gasgarm [gas+communication-unit] air/gas pressure warning gassint [gas+science] aerostatics, aeromechanics gasvic [gas+vehicle] hot-air balloon ger [From Hindi /ger/, "surround". While English 'surround' and Spanish /sirkund/ were considered, they were too close in form to Dublex 'sur' and 'sirc' to be acceptable.] all sides, all around -- in close to all sides from all directions [prep. Around] gerconmont [all-sides+{opposite}+mountain] valley -- a long lowland between mountains or hills gerconmovo [all-sides+{opposite}+movement+{preposition}] through, across -- motion preposition gerconnatinpost [all-sides+{opposite}+nation+mail] international mail gercono [all-sides+{opposite}+{preposition}] among -- position preposition gercontempi [all-sides+{opposite}+time+{verb}] during the time -- clause conjunction gercontempo [all-sides+{opposite}+time+{preposition}] during -- time preposition gerdargcah [all-sides+road+{abstraction}] circuit gerfon [around+sound] surround sound -- multi-channel stereophonic sound system gergarm [all-sides+communication-unit] ambassadorial note geri [all-sides+{verb}] S is around O. germ [Latin as 'germanus', "germane" (from Indo-European *gen-men-), extant in Spanish 'hermano', "brother", and 'hermana', "sister", and in English 'german' and 'germane'. (Mandarin Chinese, Russian and Hindi lack a common term for sibling, and the Arabic root doesn't easily fit Dublex phonotactics.)] sibling -- a person's brother or sister germbez [sibling+absence] the state of being an only child germbezper [sibling+absence+person] only child germcaras [sibling+love] non-sexual love germmas [sibling+{masculine}] brother -- a male sibling sharing the same father and mother germmas [sibling+{masculine}] brother -- a male co-religionist germmas [sibling+{masculine}] brother -- a male person who has the same parents as another person germmascah [sibling+{masculine}+{abstraction}] brother -- a male of the same race or nation germmascah [sibling+{masculine}+{abstraction}] brother -- a fellow man germmascah [sibling+{masculine}+{abstraction}] brother -- something that closely resembles another in kind germmaslet [sibling+{masculine}+{diminutive}] younger brother germovo [all-sides+movement+{preposition}] along -- motion preposition germses [sibling+{feminine}] sister -- a female person who has the same parents as another person germsint [sibling+science] family psychology gero [all-sides+{preposition}] around -- position preposition gerrept [all-sides+reptile] python, boa (Boidae) gerreptton [all-sides+reptile+{augmentative}] python (genus Python) gersint [all-sides+science] geometry gertempi [all-sides+time+{verb}] around the time -- clause conjunction gertempo [all-sides+time+{preposition}] around (approximately) -- time preposition gid [From Arabic /gida/.] food -- any substance that can be metabolised by an organism to give energy or build tissue gidbeza [food+absence+{noun-modifier}] starving gidcam [food+garment] garnish -- something (such as parsley) added to a dish for flavor or decoration gidcanun [food+law] kosher gidcart [food+card] food stamp -- a card periodically issued to welfare recipients representing just enough money to buy food for the month gidcorb [food+edge] crust -- a hard outer layer of food, especially baked goods such as bread or pizza gidcub [food+cup] food dish -- a small container for holding food. giddesir [food+desire] hunger, hungriness -- a physiological need for food; the consequence of food deprivation gidfarh [food+fraction] ration -- a fixed portion that is allotted (especially in times of scarcity) gidgarm [food+communication-unit] menu gidhafer [food+blade] sickle, reaping hook, reap hook -- an edge tool for cutting grass or crops; has a curved blade and a short handle gidmuh [food+rodent] guinea pig, cavy (Cavia) gidsic [food+search] hunting -- the search for wild meat gidsint [food+science] gastronomy gidsist [food+system] food chain -- a hierarchy of predators, prey and decomposers gidsisttopcon [food+system+top+{opposite}] plankton -- the creatures forming the bottom of the food chain gidtemp [food+time] meal -- the food served and eaten at one time gidtemp [food+time] mealtime gidvam [food+plant-organ] leaf -- one of the vein-filled parts of a plant that synthesizes food and lets out water for the plant gidvamhir [food+plant-organ+bird] leafbird (Chloropsis) gidvamsisp [food+plant-organ+insect] leaf-insect (family Phylliidae) gidvamsut [food+plant-organ+thread] a vein of a leaf gidvamvat [food+plant-organ+water] dew -- drops of water left on the surface of a leaf gidvolm [food+{loud-object}] beans gidzad [food+deficit] starving gitar [Spanish 'guitarra' /gitar-/ has been adopted into every major language, including Mandarin Chinese (/jita/). Present in Arabic, English, Hindi, Russian, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Esperanto, Novial, et al.] guitar -- a stringed instrument usu. having four, five or six strings, played by strumming or picking gitarcord [guitar+string] string -- a tightly stretched cord of wire or gut, which makes sound when plucked, struck, or bowed gitarfest [guitar+festival] concert -- a performance of music by players or singers not involving theatrical staging gitargarm [guitar+communication-unit] sheet music for the guitar gitargov [guitar+government] music industry -- major labels in the music industry, seen as seeking to limit and control distribution of music (through radio as well as Internet) gitarlet [guitar+{diminutive}] ukulele -- a four stringed musical instrument of Hawaiian origin, related to the guitar. gitarlet [guitar+{diminutive}] ukulele -- a four stringed musical instrument of Hawaiian origin, related to the guitar gitarmin [guitar+fish] guitarfish (Rhinobatus) Gitarnatinu [guitar+nation] Spain gitarton [guitar+{augmentative}] bass guitar -- a large guitar with four strings, tuned an octave lower than the regular guitar. gov [From Romance 'govern-', from Latin 'gubernare', extant in English, Spanish, Italian, Novial, et al.] government -- an organization that is a governing authority of a political unit govbez [government+absence] anarchy govcitab [government+book] constitution, fundamental law, organic law -- law determining the fundamental political principles of a government Govgarmu [government+communication-unit] BOHICA govlet [government+{diminutive}] agency, bureau -- an administrative unit of government govmest [government+place] capital -- a seat of government govparv [government+truth] propaganda govsint [government+science] political science govsircvic [government+circle+vehicle] black helicopter gulb [From Russian /glubok/, with initial /g-/ in Hindi /gakhr/.] deep object -- something with relatively great extent downward, backward or inward [scalar] gulbcah [{deep-object}+{abstraction}] depth -- extent downward, backward or inward [scalar gulbcon [{deep-object}+{opposite}] shallow object -- something with relatively minor extent downward, backward or inward [scalar gulbmer [{deep-object}+measure] meter (m) gulbmerhim [{deep-object}+measure+tool] bathymeter gulbvic [{deep-object}+vehicle] submarine gurn [Blend of Mandarin Chinese /gu/ and Spanish /grano/, strengthed by /g-r-n/ in English, Dutch, Esperanto and Novial forms, with initial /g-/ in Hindi and Arabic.] grains, cereal -- grain suitable as food for human beings gurnbin [grains+building] granary, garner -- a storehouse for threshed grain or animal feed gurncah [grains+{abstraction}] food intake gurncog [grains+knowledge] agriculture gurncon [grains+{opposite}] leaves or roots or tubers suitable as food for human beings (e.g. grass, lettuce, sugar cane, potato, onion) gurnhafer [grains+blade] sickle, reaping hook, reap hook, scythe, harvester, reaper -- any edged tool or bladed machine used for cutting or gathering grass or crops gurnlet [grains+{diminutive}] food produced from unicellular algae or fungi (e.g. quorn) gurnmahin [grains+machine] harvester, reaper -- farm machine that gathers a food crop from the fields gurnsint [grains+science] farming gurntajar [grains+exchange] commodity exchange, commodities exchange, commodities market -- an exchange for buying and selling commodities for future delivery gurnton [grains+{augmentative}] fodder gurp [From Germanic /grup/, extant in Afrikaans 'groep', Albanian 'grup', Azerbaijani 'qrup', Bashkir 'gruppa', Belarus 'grupa', Bosnian 'grupa', Cambodian 'grom', Catalan 'grup', Chamorro 'gurupu', Croatian 'grupa', Danish 'gruppe', Dutch 'groep', English 'gro] group -- any number of objects or events aggregated together in an unstructured fashion gurpcah [group+{abstraction}] synergy gurpcon [group+{opposite}] diffusion gurplet [group+{diminutive}] few gurpsint [group+science] group dynamics gurpton [group+{augmentative}] many gurpvic [group+vehicle] double-decker |