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Letter N Dublex Definitions
![]() nahar [Blend of Russian /nashin/ and Arabic /shara/.] source, origin -- the place where something begins, where it springs into being naharbeznasc [source+absence+birth] spontaneous generation naharsic [source+search] genealogy -- the study of ancestry, family trees and successive generations of kin naharsint [source+science] etiology naharvocsist [source+word+system] a posteriori artificial language -- a language with a lexicon borrowing terms from one or more other languages nam [Consensus form derived from descendants of Indo-European *no-men-, extant in Achenese 'nan', Afrikaans 'naam', Albanian 'nam', Assamese 'nam', Bengali 'naam', Bislama 'nem', Burmese 'name', Catalan 'nom', Chamorro 'na`an', Danish 'navn', Dari(Afghan) 'nam] name -- a language unit by which a person or thing is known nambacpart [name+alphabet+part] a person's initials nambacparti [name+alphabet+part+{verb}] initial -- to sign with one's initials nambeza [name+absence+{noun-modifier}] nameless namcart [name+card] nametag namdis [name+separation] genealogy, family tree -- successive generations of kin namgan [name+agent] namer nami [name+{verb}] S is named O. nami [name+{verb}] have the name nami [name+{verb}] name -- namer S names namee O the name X namnomin [name+noun] person's name -- proper noun nampuscog [name+use+knowledge] the art of the proper address namsint [name+science] onomastics Namvocperu [name+word+person] Dublexer Namvocu [name+word] Dublex narm [Shortened form of Hindi /naram/, influenced by Arabic /naim/.] soft object -- an object that yields readily to pressure narmcah [soft-object+{abstraction}] a kind, inviting mannerism narmcancrept [soft-object+shell+reptile] softshell turtle (Trionychidae) narmcarb [soft-object+carbon] graphite, black lead, plumbago -- a soft hexagonally crystallized allotrope of carbon, used in lead pencils and used as a lubricant and as a moderator in nuclear reactors narmcon [soft-object+{opposite}] firm -- not soft or yielding to pressure [aj narmcon [soft-object+{opposite}] hard, firm, resistant to pressure [aj narmcon [soft-object+{opposite}] a hard, pointy thing which is uncomfortable to have thrown at your head; a rock, a hammer, a Chinese throwing star narmconcapmin [soft-object+{opposite}+head+fish] gurnard (family Triglidae) narmcondoj [soft-object+{opposite}+precipitation] hail -- precipitation in the form of pellets of ice and hard snow narmcondojroc [soft-object+{opposite}+precipitation+rock] hailstone -- a hard pellet of snow and ice narmconnaslic [soft-object+{opposite}+nose+liquid] mucus narmlet [soft-object+{diminutive}] a nice, soft thing which it is comfortable to have lying on you; a pillow, a kitten, a suitably petite girl narmletmalact [soft-object+{diminutive}+milk] butter narmletmalactmin [soft-object+{diminutive}+milk+fish] butterfish (family Stromateidae) narmmalact [soft-object+milk] cheese narmton [soft-object+{augmentative}] a nice, soft thing which it is comfortable to be lying on; a beanbag chair, a doberman pinscher. narmvolsmuh [soft-object+hair+rodent] chinchilla (Chinchilla) nas [From Indo-European *nas-, extant in Russian, Hindi, Latin, Spanish, English, et al.] nose, olfactory organ -- the organ of smell and entrance to the respiratory tract; the prominent part of the face of man or other mammals nasc [From Latin 'nascens', extant in Romance (Spanish, Italian, Esperanto and Novial) and English 'nascent'.] birth -- the time when life begins nascahcatoh [nose+{abstraction}+cat] stenchcat -- a catlike mammal ejecting a musky or foul-smelling oily liquid from anal scent glands; though related to one another more in form than ancestry, types of stenchcats are common in widely varied regions: the skunk (Mephitis) of the Americas; the polecat or fitch (Mustela putorius) of Europe; the polecat (Mustela eversmanni) of central Asia; the civet cat (Viverridae) of Africa and Asia, et al. nascahsahhazar [nose+{abstraction}+favorableness+tree] nutmeg, nutmeg tree, Myristica fragrans -- East Indian tree widely cultivated in the tropics for its aromatic seed; source of two spices: nutmeg and mace nascancvolsmam [nose+shell+hair+mammal] rhinoceros (Rhinocerotidae) nascand [nose+hole] nostril nascatoh [nose+cat] stenchcat -- a catlike mammal ejecting a musky or foul-smelling oily liquid from anal scent glands; though related to one another more in form than ancestry, types of stenchcats are common in widely varied regions: the skunk (Mephitis) of the Americas; the polecat or fitch (Mustela putorius) of Europe; the polecat (Mustela eversmanni) of central Asia; the civet cat (Viverridae) of Africa and Asia, et al. nascbad [birth+body-part] uterus, womb -- a hollow muscular organ in the pelvic cavity of females; contains the developing fetus nasccart [birth+card] birth certificate nascconjant [birth+{opposite}+animal] fetus -- an animal who has not yet been born nascconper [birth+{opposite}+person] fetus -- a human being who has not yet been born nascconpermort [birth+{opposite}+person+death] miscarriage -- the natural death of a fetus during development and rejection from its mother's body nascdent [birth+tooth] primary tooth, deciduous tooth, baby tooth, milk tooth -- one of the first temporary teeth of a young mammal (one of 20 in human children) nascgan [birth+agent] pregnant woman -- a pregnant woman, especially one in labor nascgannic [birth+agent+worker] surrogate mother -- a woman who consented to having a fertilized egg placed in her womb, especially a woman doing this for hire nascgansahab [birth+agent+companion] midwife nascgarm [birth+communication-unit] birth announcement nascgidbad [birth+food+body-part] placenta -- the vascular structure in the uterus of most mammals providing oxygen and nutrients for and transferring wastes from the developing fetus naschir [birth+bird] stork (Ciconiidae) nascjib [birth+task] bearing a child nasclic [birth+liquid] amniotic fluid nasclicsac [birth+liquid+sack] amniotic sac nascmob [birth+furniture] birthing bed -- a hospital bed configured with accessories to assist childbirth nascmort [birth+death] 1. stillbirth, when referring to a baby 2. death in childbirth, when referring to a mother nascmortsirc [birth+death+circle] reincarnation nascper [birth+person] newborn -- a human baby within the first few weeks after birth nascrept [birth+reptile] garter snake (Thamnophis) nascsalfconper [birth+{old-object}+{opposite}+person] newborn -- a human infant who has just been born nascsetduv [birth+set+two] twin -- either of 2 offspring born at the same time nascsethar [birth+set+four] quadruplet -- either of 4 offspring born at the same time nascsetpen [birth+set+five] quintuplet -- either of 5 offspring born at the same time nascsetsem [birth+set+seven] septuplet -- either of 7 offspring born at the same time nascsetsis [birth+set+six] sextuplet -- either of 6 offspring born at the same time nascsetter [birth+set+three] triplet -- either of 3 offspring born at the same time nascsetvan [birth+set+one] singleton -- an only child nascsint [birth+science] obstetrics nascsircbad [birth+circle+body-part] navel, umbilicus, bellybutton, omphalos, omphalus -- scar where the umbilical cord was attached nascsolsetsuh [birth+Sun+set+meaning] astrology -- the connection of star and planet configurations to personal and world events, cycles, personalities, etc. nasctub [birth+tube] umbilical cord (c.f. nasctubbad) nasctub [birth+tube] placenta; umbilical cord nasctubbad [birth+tube+body-part] umbilical cord -- a vessel connecting the fetus with the placenta nasctubmam [birth+tube+mammal] placental mammal (infraclass Eutheria) nasctubrestcand [birth+tube+remainder+hole] navel; belly-button nasfonhim [nose+sound+tool] nose flute nasfonhir [nose+sound+bird] goose nasfonhirmin [nose+sound+bird+fish] goosefish (family Lophiidae) nashubac [nose+opening] nostril naslic [nose+liquid] phlegm nasmam [nose+mammal] elephant nassens [nose+sense] smell nassensbeza [nose+sense+absence+{noun-modifier}] anosmic nassensi [nose+sense+{verb}] smell nassensmalsisp [nose+sense+disparagement+insect] stinkbug nassint [nose+science] rhinology nat [Contraction of Latin 'natura', extant in Romance (Spanish, Italian, et al), Germanic (English, German, Dutch, et al) and auxiliaries (Esperanto, Novial, et al).] nature -- that which occurs spontaneously, the non-artificial world; in compounds refers to something natural as opposed to something manmade natcolormater [nature+color+matter] natural dye natcolormatersisp [nature+color+matter+insect] cochineal insect (family Dactylopiidae) natconcolormater [nature+{opposite}+color+matter] dye -- an artificial coloring substance natin [From Old French 'nation' (from Latin 'natio'), extant in Russian, Romance (Spanish, Italian, et al), Germanic (English, German, Dutch, et al) and auxiliaries (Esperanto, Novial, et al).] nation, country, state, political entity -- a politically organised body of people under a single government natincah [nation+{abstraction}] fatherland natincon [nation+{opposite}] ethnos natindis [nation+separation] exile -- absence from country or homeland natinfon [nation+sound] national anthem natingarm [nation+communication-unit] national character natinlet [nation+{diminutive}] micronation -- a constructed nation natinlet [nation+{diminutive}] region, state (in USA), province (in Canada), shire (in England), Land (in Germany), republic (in former USSR and former Yugoslavia) natinsent [nation+emotion] patriotism, nationalism -- love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it natinsint [nation+science] diplomacy natinsuper [nation+superlative] super power natinton [nation+{augmentative}] empire natmicor [nature+tiny object/event] parturition, birth, giving birth, birthing -- the process of giving birth natran [nature+injury] contamination, pollution -- the act of contaminating or polluting; including (either intentionally or accidentally) unwanted substances or factors natreg [nature+rule] natural law natsint [nature+science] naturalism natvocsist [nature+word+system] natural language, tongue -- a human written or spoken language used by a community; opposed to e.g. a computer language nen [Indo-European *newn, extant in Hindi *naw, Romance (Latin, Spanish, Italian, et al), Germanic (English, German, Dutch, et al) and auxiliaries (Esperanto, Novial, et al).] nine -- the cardinal number that is the sum of eight and one nenduvper [nine+two+person] 92-year old -- a person who has experienced 92 but not 93 years since birth nenharper [nine+four+person] 94-year old -- a person who has experienced 94 but not 95 years since birth Nenjeltaru [nine+yellow+star] Tuvalu (TUV) Nenmirlunu [nine+world+moon] Charon -- the moon of Pluto Nenmiru [nine+world] Pluto -- the ninth planet from the Sun Nennatinletu [nine+nation+{diminutive}] New Hampshire -- ninth state to enter the Union, admitted to the U.S. on June 21, 1788 nennenper [nine+nine+person] 99-year old -- a person who has experienced 99 but not 100 years since birth nenpenper [nine+five+person] 95-year old -- a person who has experienced 95 but not 96 years since birth nenper [nine+person] nine-year old -- a person who has experienced nine but not ten years since birth nensemper [nine+seven+person] 97-year old -- a person who has experienced 97 but not 98 years since birth nensint [nine+science] nonology nensint [nine+science] enneagram-ology -- the field studied by psychologists who deal with the enneagram nensirper [nine+zero+person] 90-year old -- a person who has experienced 90 but not 91 years since birth nensisper [nine+six+person] 96-year old -- a person who has experienced 96 but not 97 years since birth nenterper [nine+three+person] 93-year old -- a person who has experienced 93 but not 94 years since birth nenton [nine+{augmentative}] 90 nenvanper [nine+one+person] 91-year old -- a person who has experienced 91 but not 92 years since birth nenvoctper [nine+eight+person] 98-year old -- a person who has experienced 98 but not 99 years since birth ner [From Italian 'nero', from Latin 'niger', extant in Romance (Spanish, Portuguese, Esperanto, Novial, et al) and English 'Negro'.] black, blackness -- the quality or state of the achromatic color of the least lightness nerconfambin [black+{opposite}+family+building] nieri fambin (c.f.) Nerconfocreptu [black+{opposite}+fire+reptile] Bhutan (BTN) Nerconforlu [black+{opposite}+flower] Macau (MAC) Nerconlevu [black+{opposite}+left] Madagascar (MDG) nerconluc [black+{opposite}+allium] onion -- bulbous plant (Allium cepa) having hollow leaves cultivated worldwide for its rounded edible bulb Nerconlunu [black+{opposite}+moon] Nepal (NPL) Nerconmasmehu [black+{opposite}+{masculine}+sheep] Falkland Islands (FLK) nerconmetaltom [black+{opposite}+metal+atom] silver, Ag -- a soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal Nerconnilrunu [black+{opposite}+blue+red] Russian Federation (RUS) nerconrun [black+{opposite}+red] pink -- a light shade of red nerconrunhir [black+{opposite}+red+bird] flamingo (Phoenicopteridae) Nerconrunhorzu [black+{opposite}+red+horizontal] Bahrain (BHR) nerconrunnil [black+{opposite}+red+blue] lavender -- a pale shade of purple/violet Nerconrunu [black+{opposite}+red] Poland (POL) Nerconsircu [black+{opposite}+circle] Laos (LAO) Nercontigernatinu [black+{opposite}+tiger+nation] Siberia nerconvathir [black+{opposite}+water+bird] swan -- stately heavy-bodied aquatic bird with very long neck and usu. white plumage as an adult nerhir [black+bird] crow, raven (Corvus) nerhir [black+bird] red-winged blackbird nerhir [black+bird] icterid blackbirds (like the red-wing) Nerjelrunu [black+yellow+red] Belgium (BEL) nerlet [black+{diminutive}] gray nerletmin [black+{diminutive}+fish] grayling nerloc [black+location] shadow nerlocmuh [black+location+rodent] groundhog, woodchuck (Marmota monax) Nermarconu [black+ocean+{opposite}] Africa Nermaru [black+ocean] The Black Sea nermin [black+fish] blackfish Nerminlansu [black+fish+spear] Barbados (BRB) nermuh [black+rodent] black rat (Rattus rattus) Nernascatohnatinu [black+nose+cat+nation] Thailand, Siam Nernascatohu [black+nose+cat] Siamese cat Nernatinu [black+nation] Nigeria Nerrunjelu [black+red+yellow] Germany (DEU) Nertarrunlevu [black+star+red+left] Guinea Bissau (GNB) Nerterlinformu [black+three+line+form] Bahamas (BHS) Nertopbinu [black+top+building] New Caledonia (NCL) nervis [black+sight] sunglasses, dark glasses, shades -- spectacles that are darkened or polarized to protect the eyes from the glare of the sun nervolmhir [black+{loud-object}+bird] grackle (Quiscalus) nest [From English 'nest', with initial /n-/ in Spanish /nid/ and Hindi /nir/. Close in initial sound to Russian /gnizdo/.] nest, house, lair, den -- a dwelling place for humans or animals nestbeza [nest+absence+{noun-modifier}] homeless nestdend [home+debt] mortgage -- a conditional conveyance of property as security for the repayment of a loan nestmuh [nest+rodent] house mouse (Mus musculus) nesttarna [nest+change+{noun-modifier}] nomadic; peripatetic -- travelling around without a permanent home nesttarnper [nest+change+person] nomad nestvic [nest+vehicle] mobile home net [Backformation from English 'Internet', widely borrowed around the world, with influence from Indo-European *ned-, "to tie, to bind", extant in English 'net' and Latin 'nexus', 'nectare', et al.] net -- interconnected or intersecting configuration or system of components netliccub [net+liquid+cup] something that uses money but has zero efficacy in solving the problem it was supposed to take care of netseb [net+self] handle, alias -- a persona assumed for use on the Internet netvosp [net+arachnid] orb-weaving spider (Araneidae) nic [From Russian /nik/, "one associated with or characterized by", borrowed into English as '-nik' by way of Yiddish.] worker, seller, professional -- a person associated with a particular work or service nici [worker+{verb}] employ -- employer S employs employee O in regards to employment X nicvic [worker+vehicle] company car nicvoc [worker+word] technical word nicvocsist [worker+word+system] jargon nil [From Sanskrit /nila-/, "indigo, dark blue", extant in Arabic 'nil', Bengali = 'niil', English 'anil', Hindi 'niilaa', Indonesian 'nila', Malay 'nila', Papago 'anihl', Portuguese 'anil', Panjabi 'nilla', Persian 'nil', Spanish 'aƱil', Swahili 'nili', Tagalog 'anyil' and Urdu 'nil'.] blue -- the quality or state of the chromatic color resembling the hue of the clear sky at daytime Nilcolu [blue+wheel] India (IND) Nilcorbruncarsu [blue+edge+red+cross] Faroe Islands (FRO) nilfassisp [blue+{decay}+insect] bluebottle fly nilhir [blue+bird] bluebird -- a species of bird with blue plumage, a North American member of the thrush family (genus Sialia). Niljelu [blue+yellow] Ukraine (UKR) nilletrun [blue+{diminutive}+red] magenta -- a hot pink-purple color nilmarmamton [blue+ocean+mammal+{augmentative}] blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) -- the largest mammal in the world nilmin [blue+fish] bluefish (family Pomatomidae) nilmort [blue+death] suffocation, asphyxiation -- the condition of being deprived of oxygen (as by having breathing stopped), which in humans can make the skin look blueish Nilnerconnilu [blue+black+{opposite}+blue] El Salvador (SLV) Nilnerconrunu [blue+black+{opposite}+red] Yugoslavia (YUG) Nilnernerconu [blue+black+black+{opposite}] Estonia (EST) Nilnortcarsu [blue+north+cross] Finland (FIN) Nilrunu [blue+red] Haiti (HTI) Nilterlinformu [blue+three+line+form] Czech Republic (CZE) nilvovhir [blue+egg+bird] robin nobil [From Latin 'nobilis', extant in Arabic, Romance (Spanish, Italian, et al) and English.] noble -- someone with hereditary rank in their nation's political system nobilcacta [noble+action+{noun-modifier}] polite; proper; of the ladies and gentlemen nobilcapcam [noble+head+garment] crown -- royal symbol worn on head nobilcapcamhir [noble+head+garment+bird] kinglet (Regulus) nobilcapt [noble+leader] monarch Nobilcaptbacu [noble+leader+alphabet] Cyrillic alphabet -- the alphabet usually used to write Russian and Ukrainian and often used to write Serbo-Croat nobilcaptmas [noble+leader+{masculine}] king nobilcaptses [noble+leader+{feminine}] queen nobilcon [noble+{opposite}] plebeian nobilconcacta [noble+{opposite}+action+{noun-modifier}] vulgar; crude nobilgarm [noble+communication-unit] pronouncement nobillangrept [noble+{long-object}+reptile] king snake nobilvic [noble+vehicle] chariot nod [From Latin 'nodus', "knot".] base, node, station -- a connecting point at which paths of a system, shape or network come together nodbezjantlet [base+absence+animal+{diminutive}] prokaryote -- an organism lacking a true nucleus nodjantlet [base+animal+{diminutive}] eukaryote -- an organism having a true nucleus nog [From Russian /noga/, as there was no correspondence between the forms in the six cardinal languages (discounting using the English synonym 'member' to match Spanish 'miembro').] limb -- one of the jointed appendages of an animal used for locomotion or grasping nogbezfib [limb+absence+amphibian] caecilian -- a worm-like burrowing amphibian of the order Gymnophiona nogcamis [limb+shirt] sleeve or pant leg nogcomun [limb+communication] gestures nogjorvatsanj [limb+connection+water+bread] elbow macaroni noglet [limb+{diminutive}] tail nogletbezcatoh [limb+{diminutive}+absence+cat] manx cat -- a tailless breed of domestic cat nogletbezmin [limb+{diminutive}+absence+fish] skate (suborder Rajoidei) noglettonmin [limb+{diminutive}+{augmentative}+fish] grenadier (family Macrouridae) nogmetalfonhim [limb+metal+sound+tool] trombone Nogmicorfibu [limb+tiny-item+amphibian] Congo eel (genus Amphiuma) Nogminu [limb+fish] Darwin fish -- a modification of the traditional Greek Christian fish symbol with tetrapod limbs in place of fins and "Darwin" written in the middle, often used as a decal, bumper sticker, political sign message, etc. nogmov [limb+movement] walking nogmusicsisp [limb+music+insect] cricket nognasc [limb+birth] breech birth -- a birth in which the baby comes out legs first rather than head first nogsust [limb+substitute] artificial limb nogsuta [limb+thread+{noun-modifier}] multi-threaded nogvav [limb+removal] amputation nomer [From Indo-European *nom-eso- (later *nom-ero-), extant in Russian (the form used here), Romance (Latin, Spanish, Italian, et al), Germanic (English, German, Dutch, et al) and auxiliaries (Esperanto, Novial, et al).] number, numeral -- a symbol used to represent a number nomerbez [number+absence] innumeracy -- the fact (of a civilization) of having no concept of counting, mathematics, etc. nomerbomb [number+bomb] time bomb, infernal machine -- a bomb that has a detonating mechanism that can be set to go off at a particular time nomerlet [number+{diminutive}] few -- an indefinite but relatively small number nomersecop [number+watcher] accountant, comptroller, controller -- someone who maintains and audits business accounts nomersint [number+science] mathematics nomerton [number+{augmentative}] many -- quantifier amounting to a large but indefinite number nomin [From Latin 'nominalis', extant in English, et al.] noun -- a word that functions as the subject or object of a verb, as the object of a preposition or as an appositive nominsint [noun+science] grammar nont [Blend of Latin 'non' & Germanic /n-t/. Latin 'non' is extant in Spanish, Italian, French, Novial, et al., while Germanic /n-t/ is extant in English 'not', German 'nicht', Dutch 'niet', et al.] negation -- the act or progress of nullifying or making something inactive or invalid nontcomanj [negation+eating] abstaining from food nontcon [negation+{opposite}] yes -- affirmative nontcone [negation+{opposite}+{verb-modifier}] affirmatively nontconii [negation+{opposite}+{preposition}+{opposite}] yes nontconsent [negation+{opposite}+emotion] approval -- a feeling of liking something or someone good nontdinarcart [negation+money+card] credit card nontgarm [negation+communication-unit] denial/rejection nontii [negation+{preposition}+{opposite}] no nontnaharvocsist [negation+source+word+system] a prior artificial language -- a language with a lexicon designed from random or systematic word generation rather than from borrowing terms from other languages Nontnamganu [negation+name+agent] Charles! nontnascper [negation+birth+person] unborn nontton [negation+{augmentative}] argument nontvelsent [not+fast+emotion] easygoing, laid-back, mellow -- unhurried and relaxed feeling nort [From Indo-European *nr-t(r)o-, extant in Romance (Spanish, Italian), Germanic (English, German, Dutch) and auxiliaries (Esperanto, Novial).] north -- the direction to the left of sunrise nortconmuhton [north+{opposite}+rodent+{augmentative}] capybara nortmercah [north+measure+{abstraction}] latitude Nortmolotu [north+hammer] Viking -- any of the Scandinavian people who raided the coasts of Europe from the 8th to the 11th centuries nortsicmedcon [north+search+middle+{opposite}] north seeking pole (of a magnet) nortsint [north+science] magnetology nun [From Indo-European *nu-, "now", extant in Dutch 'nu', Esperanto/Novial 'nun', with initial /n-/ in English 'now'.] present, now -- any continuous stretch of time including the moment of communication nupt [From Latin 'nuptiae', wedding, extant in English 'nuptials', et al.] marriage, matrimony, wedlock -- state of being husband and wife nuptbezsafid [marriage+absence+copulation] fornication -- sex between unmarried people nuptbintongid [marriage+building+{augmentative}+food] wedding cake nuptcant [marriage+fastener] wedding ring nuptcant [marriage+fastener] wedding ring, wedding band -- a ring (usually plain gold) given to the bride (and often also given to the groom) at the wedding nuptcart [marriage+card] marriage license nuptconper [marriage+{opposite}+person] bachelor, single -- an unmarried person nuptfabmulp [marriage+creation+performance] wedding -- the social event at which the ceremony of marriage is performed nuptfabmulpmas [marriage+creation+performance+{masculine}] groom, bridegroom -- a man participant in his own marriage ceremony nuptfabmulpses [marriage+creation+performance+{feminine}] bride -- a woman participant in her own marriage ceremony nuptfamper [marriage+family+person] in-law -- a relative by marriage nuptgarm [marriage+communication-unit] wedding announcement nuptmapcah [marriage+parent+{abstraction}] father-in-law -- the father of one's spouse nuptmapcon [marriage+parent+{opposite}] mother-in-law -- your worst nightmare nuptmas [marriage+{masculine}] husband -- a married man; a woman's partner in marriage nuptnontteror [marriage+negation+fear] anuptophobia nuptses [marriage+{feminine}] wife -- a married woman; a man's partner in marriage nuptsint [marriage+science] fruitless nuptvavcact [marriage+removal+action] divorce -- the legal dissolution of a marriage nuptvic [marriage+vehicle] car with a "Just Married" sign and decorations on its back |