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Letter B Dublex Definitions

bac [< a, b, c fit into phonotactics] alphabet -- a system of writing tending to represent individual sounds rather than representing individual syllables or individual meanings (e.g., hieroglyhs, Chinese characters)

bacar [From Arabic /bakar/, with initial /bak-/ in Spanish /baca/ 'vaca', with intial /b-/ in Russian /bik/, Hindi /bail/, English 'bovine', Italian 'bovino' and Esperanto & Novial 'bovo'.] bovine, cow, bull -- any of various members of the genus Bos of either sex

bacarbac [bovine+alphabet] boustrophedon -- a writing system in which the direction of lines is alternated, usually compared to the movement of an ox plough

bacarcalot [bovine+dog] bulldog

bacarfonhim [bovine+sound+tool] cowbell

bacargarm [bovine+communication-unit] mooing

bacarhafer [bovine+blade] cattle prod -- a pointed object (often electrified) designed for driving cattle.

bacarhir [bovine+bird] cowbird (Molothrus)

bacarlet [bovine+{diminutive}] ox

bacarlet [bovine+{diminutive}] calf

bacarmas [bovine+{masculine}] bull -- a male bovine

bacarmascomb [bovine+{masculine}+fight] bullfighting

bacarmascombnic [bovine+{masculine}+fight+worker] matador; toreador

bacarmin [bovine+fish] cowfish (Lactophrys)

bacarsahab [bovine+companion] cowherd

bacarses [bovine+{feminine}] cow

bacarton [bovine+{augmentative}] buffalo

bacarvic [bovine+vehicle] ox cart

bacarvicpart [bovine+vehicle+part] cow vehicle part [cow-catcher

bacbaccon [alphabet+alphabet+{opposite}] writing system

bacbez [alphabet+absence] preliteracy -- the fact (of a civilization) of having no written language

baccafaz [alphabet+jump] a "shift" in cryptography

baccah [alphabet+{abstraction}] writing system

baccalc [alphabet+peripheral] bacdabcalc (c.f.)

baccals [alphabet+class] writing system, as in "Japanese has four writing systems"

baccammulp [alphabet+garment+performance] a synchronized performance in which several people, each with one letter printed on the front or back of their clothes, come together in a certain order to spell a certain word or phrase visible from a distance

baccanun [alphabet+law] the legislature passed in Japan after WW2 designating the appearance and limiting the number and readings of kanji

baccart [alphabet+card] one of the tall dividers in a card catalogue that has a letter marked on it to signify the beginning of the "A", section, the "B" sections, etc.

baccitab [alphabet+book] ABC book -- a book designed for teaching children the letters of the alphabet ("A is for apple...")

baccog [alphabet+knowledge] literacy

baccolcal [alphabet+wheel+feces] daisy wheel -- an object used in some older computer printers containing letters, numbers and punctuation raised like typewriter keys on a metal wheel and applied to paper when inked to print the text

baccon [alphabet+{opposite}] pictographs

baccon [alphabet+{opposite}] mathematical notation

baccon [alphabet+{opposite}] schematic diagram

baccon [alphabet+{opposite}] mystical symbols

baccorb [alphabet+edge] serif -- one of the extra lines added to the ends of letters in certain font (such as Times New Roman)

baccurl [alphabet+violence] the exchange among rival gangs of shouting sequences of letters for the purpose of taunting

bacdabcalc [alphabet+pressing+peripheral] keyboard -- a typewriter-like component or peripheral to a computer

bacdabhim [alphabet+pressing+tool] letter puncher -- a device used to emboss letters on tape

bacdabhim [alphabet+pressing+tool] typewriter

bacdif [alphabet+{difficult-task}] dyslexia

bacfabgan [alphabet+creation+agent] lettering

bacfan [alphabet+art] calligraphy

bacform [alphabet+form] font

bacgarm [alphabet+communication-unit] letter

bachubacsint [alphabet+opening+science] the programming of computers to be able to recognize printed and written letters regardless in font by the holes, serifs, placement of right, left, top and bottom opennesses, etc.

baclet [alphabet+{diminutive}] lower case -- the case usually used for writing letters that do not begin sentences, proper nouns or words in a title

baclet [alphabet+{diminutive}] consonant-only alphabet -- an alphabet like that of ancient Hebrew that doesn't mark vowels at all or that, like Tolkien's Elvish scripts, marks vowels as supersigns over the consonants

baclib [alphabet+freedom] creative spelling

bacmahin [alphabet+machine] keyboard -- set of keys imitating a typeset

bacmarc [alphabet+mark] stroke -- a single one of the movements of a writing implement used to draw a character

bacment [alphabet+mind] the ability to readily recall the position of a letter in the alphabet or the placement of something by alphabetical order

bacmusicgarm [alphabet+music+communication-unit] alphabet song

Bacnatinu [alphabet+nation] Phoenicia

bacpart [alphabet+part] letter -- a written symbol representing a speech sound and being part of an alphabet

bacpartsur [alphabet+part+something-above] diacritical mark -- a tilde, umlaut or other mark added to a letter to denote a certin phonetic value

bacper [alphabet+person] abecedarian

bacpictset [alphabet+picture+set] font -- a specific size and style of type within a type family

bacpus [alphabet+use] spelling -- the ordering of letters to form words

bacrival [alphabet+competition] spelling bee

bacsanj [alphabet+bread] pieces of bread and pastry in the form of Hebrew letters traditionally eaten by a Jewish student who has learned a letter

bacsensi [alphabet+sense+{verb}] read

bacser [alphabet+series] alphabetical order -- arranged in order correlating to the order of the letters of the alphabet

bacset [alphabet+set] a set of ASCII characters

bacsic [alphabet+search] the act of looking through an alphabetized reference in an attempt to find the part in which the entry being looked up can be located

bacsint [alphabet+science] orthography

bacsurconlin [alphabet+something-above+{opposite}+line] underline

bactabul [alphabet+board] hornbook (I thought about making this "Ouija board", but then decided to call that a "menttabul".)

bactarn [alphabet+change] transliteration

bactom [alphabet+atom] one of those tiny pixels in light-up signs that when lit up with adjacent bactom in a certain pattern form a letter

bacton [alphabet+{augmentative}] upper case -- the case usually used for writing letters at the beginning of sentences, proper nouns or words in a title

bacton [alphabet+{augmentative}] syllabary

bactoncah [alphabet+{augmentative}+{abstraction}] case -- whether a letter is capital or lower-case

bactub [alphabet+tube] a tube used to make neon lettering

bacvatgid [alphabet+water+food] alphabet soup

bacvatsanj [alphabet+water+bread] alphabet pasta -- pasta in the form of letters

bacvic [alphabet+vehicle] school bus

bacvoc [alphabet+word] initialism -- an abbreviation (such as CIA, MTV, LSD, DJ or CD) pronounced by sounding the name of each constituent letter

Baczardgarmu [alphabet+risk+communication-unit] S.O.S.

bad [From Arabic & Hindi /badan/ and English /badi/, all meaning "body".] body part -- any part of an organism such as an organ or extremity

badbahi [body-part+outside+{verb}] to get X out of one's system

badbanc [body-part+reserve] a bank for reserving blood, corneas, hearts, lungs, kidneys or other organs for transplant

badbazar [body-part+market] the market for animal parts usually sold for supposed medicinal qualities

badcact [body-part+action] physical movement

badcals [body-part+class] system -- one of the categories of connected organs that make up the body, such as the reproductive system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system, the nrevous system or the skeletal system

badcam [body-part+garment] a piece of clothing meant to fit to a region of the human figure very tightly

badcamp [body-part+field] cemetary

badcaras [body-part+love] attachment to one's physical features; love of another for his/her body rather than his/her spirit

badcarb [body-part+carbon] organic compounds, as a collective

badcart [body-part+card] identification forcibly kept on one part of a person's body, usually for student identification purposes . . . you know, like how in those real bad high schools that have metal detectors and require clear backpacks, they make all their students keep a card with their student number tied around their neck? Yeah, one of those.

badcat [body-part+cut] wound -- any break in the skin or an organ caused by violence or surgical incision

badcatsihjib [body-part+cut+health+task] surgery

badcatsihmulp [body-part+cut+health+performance] operation

badcatsihvic [body-part+cut+health+vehicle] surgeon

badceleb [body-part+play] physical play, like that done by children in a playground

badcirv [body-part+curve] the curves in one's body, as in the Harvey Danger song "Fingertips have memories, mine can't forget the curves of your body"

badcitab [body-part+book] medical desk reference; anatomical reference

badcohol [body-part+alcohol] amount of alcohol in the body

badcol [body-part+wheel] a prosthetic leg fitted with a wheel at the bottom

badcoleb [body-part+oscillation] shivering

badcolor [body-part+color] complexion

badcomar [body-part+comparison] the act of comparing one's nose shape, weight, waistline, breast size, etc. to those of others to judge whether oneself is attractive enough

badcomb [body-part+fight] fight; squabble -- a combat conducted through punching, hitting and kicking rather than with weapons

badcomun [body-part+communication] the transfer of signals from the brain to parts of the body or vice versa

badcond [body-part+condition] fitness; shape (as in "in bad physical shape")

badcopgerm [body-part+copy+sibling] a clone

badcorect [body-part+correct] orthopedic surgery

badcub [body-part+cup] a cup used for urinalysis

badcurl [body-part+violence] physical violence (not necessarily an organized fight)

baddali [body-part+diagonal+{verb}] lean -- to stand at a slant

baddart [body-part+dirt] grime -- physical uncleanliness

baddelc [body-part+claim] identification by a close friend or relative of a dead body

baddesir [body-part+desire] longing for more attractive physical attributes

baddin [body-part+day] circadian day

baddirect [body-part+direction] equilibrium

baddirectcon [body-part+direction+{opposite}] disorientation; disequilibrium

baddon [body-part+gift] a severed body part (as the head of a conquered enemy, the scrotum of a bull or the thumb of a vanquished wrestler) taken as a souvenir of one's achievements

baddoncact [body-part+gift+action] organ donation

baddongan [body-part+gift+agent] organ donor

badfab [body-part+creation] a bodily product, as phlegm, blood or vomit

badfan [body-part+art] jewelry

badfarc [body-part+{difference}] genetic diversity

badfas [body-part+{decay}] atrophy

badform [body-part+form] figure; a human figure; hitokage {Japanese}

badgarmcon [body-part+communication-unit+{opposite}] numbness

badgas [body-part+gas] flatulence; fart -- methane gas produced in the body and released through the intestines

badhabil [body-part+ability] physical stamina

badhacar [body-part+form] body type (stocky, petite, muscular, emaciated, etc.)

badhical [body-part+frame] skeleton -- the main supportive structure of a body; more expansive than "costsist", includes skeletons of bone, cartilage, chitin and other materials

badhor [body-part+hour] circadian hour

badhubac [body-part+opening] bodily cavity

badjamad [body-part+freeze] frostbite

badjamil [body-part+beauty] physical attractiveness

badjel [body-part+yellow] jaundice

badjib [body-part+task] physical labor; toil

badlam [body-part+intensity] exertion -- application of intense physical effort

badlet [body-part+{diminutive}] organ

badlet [body-part+{diminutive}] tissue

badletper [body-part+{diminutive}+person] dwarf, midget

badleva [body-part+left+{noun-modifier}] on the left-hand side of the human body

badlevcona [body-part+left+{opposite}+{noun-modifier}] on the right-hand side of the human body

badlib [body-part+freedom] freedom of movement; ease of moving about

badlicmal [body-part+liquid+disparagement] urine, piss, pee -- liquid excretory product

badlum [body-part+light] bioluminescence -- the natural glowing light produced by an organism's body

badmans [body-part+meat] organ meats

badmarc [body-part+mark] scarification -- the deliberate placement of permanent marks on one's body

badmas [body-part+{masculine}] male genitals

badmatcond [body-part+adult+condition] physical maturity

badmater [body-part+matter] tissue

badmer [body-part+measure] vital statistics; "measurements"

badmersint [body-part+measure+science] anthropometry -- a pseudoscientific method of determining intelligence, temperament and other psychological traits by measuring and comparing phrenological bumps and other physical attributes

badmest [body-part+site] graveyard -- any place where large numbers of dead bodies are placed

badmort [body-part+death] physical as opposed to spiritual death

badmurl [body-part+wall] wall -- a barrier formed by the body of another person

badmusic [body-part+music] dancing -- ritualistic gyrations of the body

badnet [body-part+net] mosquito netting

badnil [body-part+blue] cyanosis

badpolv [body-part+dust] dust; earth; clay; ashes -- that to which a mortal body returns after decomposition or burial

badposmarc [body-part+position+mark] the outline of a corpse drawn on the site of a murder to record the placement and bodily position of the body

badpus [body-part+use] exercise -- maintenance of the body through strenuous physical activity

badran [body-part+injury] injury -- physical harm or damage

badrasti [body-part+increase+{verb}] grow -- to increase in height and/or weight with maturation

badrest [body-part+remainder] remains -- what is left of a dead body

badrisp [body-part+reciprocity] reflex -- an automatic physical reaction to a stimulus

badrivalceleb [body-part+competition+play] sport -- any form of competitive recreation that entails a test of physical strength, speed, agility and/or movement

badrivalcelebnic [body-part+competition+play+worker] athlete

badroc [body-part+rock] gallstone

badsac [body-part+sack] body bag -- a bag for deposition of a badly mutilated corpse

badsalfcah [body-part+{old-object}+{abstraction}] ageing; senescence; old age -- the deterioration of the body with age

badsart [body-part+side] side, flank -- one of the areas the edge of the body that connect the human abdomen and back

badsat [body-part+satisfaction] physical gratification

badsecopcact [body-part+watcher+action] examination -- observation of a patient's body by a physician

badses [body-part+{feminine}] female genitals

badsic [body-part+search] the search for a missing body

badsint [body-part+science] anatomy

badsist [body-part+system] body -- the entire physical structure of an organism, especially an animal or human being

badsistcomun [body-part+system+communication] body language

badsistgulbmin [body-part+system+{deep-object}+fish] crappie (genus Pomoxis)

badsistmed [body-part+system+middle] abdomen, venter, stomach, belly -- the region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvis

badsust [body-part+substitute] prosthesis

Badtabulu [body-part+board] Soloflex machine

badtact [body-part+touch] making out -- the affectionate process of touching and stroking the body of one another

badtarncon [body-part+change+{opposite}] breath; respiration -- the act of circulating air or water through the body for maintenance of physical freshness

badtarnconi [body-part+change+{opposite}+{verb}] breathe -- to circulate air or water through the body for maintenance of physical freshness

badtarnconsist [body-part+change+{opposite}+system] respiratory system -- the system of organs used in breathing

badtemp [body-part+time] body time -- the time of the day according to the sleeping patterns to which a person's body is accustomed from living in a certain time zone

badtermcah [body-part+{hot-object}+{abstraction}] body temperature

badton [body-part+{augmentative}] body

badtonper [body-part+{augmentative}+person] giant

badvav [body-part+removal] surgical removal; -ectomy

badvend [body-part+sale] donation of one's body for science

badvolt [body-part+electricity] biologically produced electricity, as that of electric eels

badzupcona [body-part+off+{opposite}+{noun-modifier}] on one's person

bah [From Hindi /bahar/.] outside -- the space beyond the outer surface

bahbac [outside+alphabet] sound not represented by the Dublex (Roman) alphabet (c.f. bahbacfon)

bahbacfon [outside+alphabet+sound] sound not represented by the Dublex (Roman) alphabet

bahbincam [outside+building+garment] coat -- an outer garment that has sleeves and covers the body from shoulder down; worn outdoors

bahcah [outside+{abstraction}] foreignness

bahcon [outside+{opposite}] inside -- the space within the inner surface

bahconbeza [outside+{opposite}+absence+{noun-modifier}] hollow

bahconhand [outside+{opposite}+hand] palm -- the inner surface of the hand from the wrist to the base of the fingers

bahconmentvoc [outside+{opposite}+mind+word] idea, concept -- the content of cognition

bahconmovo [outside+{opposite}+movement+{preposition}] in, inward, into -- motion preposition

bahcono [outside+{opposite}+{preposition}] inside -- position preposition

bahconpera [outside+{opposite}+person+{noun-modifier}] insider-oriented -- related to company insiders, as in "insider trading"

bahcontempi [outside+{opposite}+time+{verb}] within the time -- clause conjunction

bahcontempo [outside+{opposite}+time+{preposition}] inside, during, within -- time preposition

bahconvov [outside+{opposite}+egg] ovum -- the internal egg cell in live+bearing mammals

bahdirectcancjant [outside+direction+shell+animal] conch (suborder Prosobranchia)

bahgarm [outside+communication-unit] telepathy

bahi [outside+{verb}] leave, exit

bahlet [outside+{diminutive}] outer surface

bahlic [outside+liquid] ectoplasm -- slime produced in thin layers on the outside of an organism

bahmovo [outside+movement+{preposition}] out, outward -- motion preposition

bahnatinper [outside+nation+person] foreigner, alien, noncitizen, outlander -- a person who comes from a foreign country; someone who does not owe allegiance to your country

bahnupt [outside+marriage] exogamy, intermarriage -- marriage to a person belonging to a tribe or group other than your own as required by custom or law

bahnuptsafid [outside+marriage+copulation] adultery -- when a married person has sex with someone other than their spouse

baho [outside+{preposition}] outside -- position preposition

bahpant [outside+plant] epiphyte -- a plant that grows from the surface of another plant

bahpubmest [outside+people-group+site] suburbs

bahtempio [outside+time+{preposition}+{opposite}] except for the time -- clause conjunction

bahtempo [outside+time+{preposition}] outside, except -- time preposition

bahton [outside+{augmentative}] outdoors

bahvan [outside+one] extrapolation -- calculation of the value of a function outside the range of known values (mathematics)

bahvic [outside+vehicle] convertible

bahvisbadmin [outside+sight+body-part+fish] argentine (family Argentinidae)

bamub [From Malay 'bambu', extant in Romance (Spanish, Italian), Germanic (English, German, Dutch) and auxilaries (Esperanto, Novial).] bamboo -- the hardy wooden stems of bamboo plants; used in construction, crafts and fishing poles

bamubcah [bamboo+{abstraction}] hollow cylinder

bamubcomb [bamboo+fight] kendo -- Japanese martial art of fencing using bamboo sticks

bamubcon [bamboo+{opposite}] nut -- something that screws onto a bolt

bamubfonhim [bamboo+sound+tool] bamboo flute, shakuhachi

bamubgid [bamboo+food] bamboo shoot -- young shoot of certain species of bamboo, which is eaten as a vegetable, especially in east Asia

bamubhazar [bamboo+tree] bamboo -- the hard woody stems of bamboo plants; used in construction and crafts and fishing poles

bamubhir [bamboo+bird] bamboo patridge, Bambusicola thoracica

bamubjamad [bamboo+freeze] cold snap, cold spell, cold wave -- a period of unusually cold weather

Bamubjantu [bamboo+animal] Panda

bamublet [bamboo+{diminutive}] straw, drinking straw

bamublic [bamboo+liquid] tubocurarine, curare -- a toxic alkaloid found in certain tropical South American trees that is a powerful relaxant for striated muscles; used by South American Indians as an arrow poison. [Word history: bamud from the practice of shipping curare in bam

bamubmuh [bamboo+rodent] bamboo rat (Rhizomys sumatrensis)

bamubmurl [bamboo+wall] bamboo curtain -- an ideological barrier around communist China especially in the 1950s and 1960s

bamubmusicpub [Javanese : gamĂȘl, to make music + -an, suff. indicating means.] gamelan -- an Indonesian orchestra, made up primarily of percussion instruments, incluping bamboo xylophones, gongs and chimes.

bamubsisp [bamboo+insect] stick insect; walkingstick (family Phasmatidae)

bamubton [bamboo+{augmentative}] bamboo plant

bamubton [bamboo+{augmentative}] bolt, screw

bamubvam [bamboo+plant-organ] cane -- a strong slender often flexible stem as of bamboos, reeds, rattans, or sugar cane

bamubvic [bamboo+vehicle] rickshaw

banc [A shift in meaning from the international form /bank/, "an institution hold money in reserve for you", ultimately from Old High German 'banc', "moneychanger's table", and extant in Arabic, Russian, Hindi, English, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian, Esperanto and Novial. Adopted in favor of 'reserv' (from Latin), as /bank/ is much more widely used internationally.] reserve - supply kept back and saved for future use

bancbin [reserve+building] bank (c.f. dinarbancbin)

banccon [reserve+{opposite}] deficit, shortfall

bancgarm [reserve+communication-unit] recorded inventory

bancpant [reserve+plant] cactus

bancvic [reserve+vehicle] supply truck, military supply truck

baner [From English 'banner', from Vulgar Latin 'bandaria', extant in Romance (Spanish, Italian), Indonesian, et al.] flag, banner -- usu. rectangular piece of cloth of distinctive design used to convey a message or part of a message or to signify a group of people

banerbac [flag+alphabet] semaphore

banercah [flag+{abstraction}] signal?

banercon [flag+{opposite}] coat of arms

banercond [flag+condition] country a ship is registered in

banergarm [flag+communication-unit] signal from a signal flag

baneri [flag+{verb}] switch

banerlet [flag+{diminutive}] canton -- a usually rectangular division of a flag, occupying the upper corner next to the staff

banersint [flag+science] vexillology

banerton [flag+{augmentative}] flag pole

banervic [flag+vehicle] staff car

bar [From English and Spanish /bar/, meaning "railing, bar".] bar, rod, rail -- any long, thin implement made of metal or wood

barc [From Arabic /bark/, with initial /b-/ in Hindi /bijli/, German 'Blitz' and Dutch 'bliksem' (c.v. English borrowing 'blitzkrieg').] lightning -- the flash of light that accompanies an electric discharge in the atmosphere

barcah [bar+{abstraction}] barrier

barcbar [lightning+bar] lightning rod

barcbarccon [lightning+lightning+{opposite}] lightning and thunder

barccah [lightning+{abstraction}] flash -- a sudden, short, intense display of light

barccah [lightning+{abstraction}] gigawatts

barccon [lightning+{opposite}] thunder

barccon [lightning+{opposite}] non-conductive material

barcconfonhim [lightning+{opposite}+sound+tool] timpani, kettledrums

barccurs [lightning+running movement] dash, sprint -- a quick run

Barcdinu [lightning+day] Thursday (or duevdin)

barcfon [lightning+sound] thunder -- the sound typically accompanying lightning in a storm

barcgarm [lightning+communication-unit] static from an electrical storm

barchafer [lightning+blade] cattle prod -- a usually electrified pointed object designed for driving cattle.

barchir [lightning+bird] (mythical) thunderbird

barclet [lightning+{diminutive}] thunderbolt, thunderstone -- a flash of lightning conceived of as a bolt, dart or stone hurled from the heavens

barclet [lightning+{diminutive}] spark

barclet [lightning+{diminutive}] static

barcost [bar+bone] spine, backbone -- the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord

barcostmemb [spine(bar+bone)+member] vertebra -- one of the bony segments of the spinal column

barcpoln [lightning+full container] generator -- engine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy by electromagnetic induction

barcteror [lightning+fear] keraunophobia

barcton [lightning+{augmentative}] sheet lightning

barcvic [lightning+vehicle] panzer

barcvoc [lightning+word] wit, humor, humour, witticism, wittiness -- a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter

bardarg [bar+road] railroad, railway -- a line of track providing a runway for wheels

bardargcart [bar+road+card] car, railcar, railway car, railroad car -- a wheeled vehicle adapted to the rails of railroad; "three cars had jumped the rails"

bardargvic [bar+road+vehicle] train, locomotive, engine -- self-propelled engine used to draw railway cars along railway tracks

barfonhim [bar+sound+tool] any percussion instrument built from tuned bars of metal or wood, such as the xylophone, marimba, vibraphone, gender, celesta, etc.

barlet [bar+{diminutive}] pin

barton [bar+{augmentative}] pole -- a long rod of wood, metal or plastic

barvic [bar+vehicle] train

bazar [From Persian /bazar/, extant in Russian, Hindi, Arabic, Spanish, English, Italian, Esperanto, et al.] market -- place where goods are bought/sold/traded

bazarbin [market+building] store, shop, boutique -- a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of all goods

bazarcah [market+{abstraction}] business, marketing

bazarcah [market+{abstraction}] the market (in economics sense, as in "the world oil market")

bazarcah [market+abstraction] deal, trade, business deal -- a particular instance of buying or selling

bazarcaras [market+love] prostitution

bazarcarasper [market+love+person] prostitute

bazarcart [market+card] business card -- a card for economic self-promotion containing one's name and contact numbers and info on one's business

bazarcon [market+{opposite}] factory -- place where goods are made

bazarcon [market+{opposite}] delivery point for non-trade goods (e.g., charity kitchen)

bazargarm [market+communication-unit] list of prices

bazargurn [market+grains] commodity, trade goods, goods -- articles of commerce

bazarlet [market+{diminutive}] shop

bazarnahar [market+source] point of origin for goods

bazarpubgarm [market+people-group+communication-unit] advertisement -- a publicall presented message to provide publicity for a product, service, etc.

bazarpubgarmcam [market+people-group+communication-unit+garment] clothing with a designer label (such as "ABERCROMBIE") written conspicuously across the front and/or sides, typically ridiculously expensive and designed to serve as a billboard for the designer

bazarsint [market+science] market research

bazarton [market+{augmentative}] market -- a subdivision of a population

bazarton [market+{augmentative}] shopping center, mall

bazarton [market+{augmentative}] department-store

bazarvic [market+vehicle] market cart

bez [From Russian /bez/, with initial /b-/ in Hindi /bahr/ and Arabic /bila/.] absence -- a deficiency or lack of something

bezcah [absence+{abstraction}] emptiness

bezcart [absence+card] pink slip -- a piece of paper signed and filled out to excuse a student's absence beforehand

bezcomun [absence+communication] radio silence, communications lull -- a planned or unplanned condition of being unable to communicate

bezcon [absence+{opposite}] presence

bezcurl [absence+violence] peace -- the state prevailing during the absence of war or violence

bezgarm [absence+communication-unit] notification of absense

bezlet [absence+{diminutive}] insufficiency -- being a little short of; not having quite enough

bezmal [absence+disparagement] lack (pejorative absence)

bezmest [absence+site] space, room, void -- an empty area

beznatin [absence+nation] government-in-exile -- the overthrown ruling body of a country that has established a base in another country in hopes of liberating its homeland

Beznatinu [absence+nation] Diaspora -- the dispersion of the Jews from Palestine after the Babylonian exile (358 BCE)

beztemp [absence+time] hiatus, respite, reprieve, abatement, suspension -- an interruption in the intensity or amount of something

bezton [absence+{augmentative}] total lack of, being devoid of

bezvan [absence+one] interpolation -- calculation of the value of a function between the values already known (mathematics)

bin [From Arabic /bin/, with initial /b-/ in English 'building'.] building, edifice -- structure with walls and a roof and stands more or less permanently in one place

binbahcomanjhasal [building+outside+eating+event] picnic

binbezper [building+absence+person] homeless person

bincah [building+{abstraction}] construction

bincampmurl [building+field+wall] fence -- a barrier that serves to enclose an area

bincand [building+hole] room

bincogper [building+knowledge+person] guest -- visitor to whom hospitality is extended

bincon [building+{opposite}] tent

bindarg [building+road] street -- a thoroughfare in a town or city including sidewalks

bingarm [building+communication-unit] signals for heating &c in a building

binlet [building+{diminutive}] outbuilding, shed, shack

binpin [building+plane] floor -- a room or set of rooms comprising a single level in a multi-level building

binsint [building+science] architecture

binton [building+{augmentative}] palace

binton [building+{augmentative}] tower -- a structure taller than its diameter; can stand alone or attached to another building

Bintonpictu [building+{augmentative}+picture] Cambodia (KHM)

bintopbah [building+top+outside] roof

bintopbahcon [building+top+outside+{opposite}] ceiling

bintopcon [building+top+{opposite}] floor

bintopconcumah [building+top+{opposite}+cloth] carpet; rug -- a piece of cloth covering the floor of a building

binvic [building+vehicle] crane

bir [Since there are no international roots for "barley", the word was adapted from its most popular biproduct, from English 'beer', extant in Arabic, Hindi, German, Dutch, Italian, Esperanto and Novial.] barley -- the grain of Hordeum vulgare or its varieties, used since prehistoric times for livestock feed, malt production and cereal

bircah [barley+{abstraction}] cereal -- starchy grains used as food, from grasses such as wheat, oats, corn or barley

bircohol [barley+alcohol] beer -- fermented alcoholic beverage brewed from malt and hops

bircohollet [barley+alcohol+{diminutive}] light beer -- beer with reduced alcohol content

bircohollet [barley+alcohol+{diminutive}] near beer -- a malt liquor that does not contain enough alcohol to be considered an alocholic beverage

bircoholton [barley+alcohol+{augmentative}] stout -- a strong, very dark beer or ale

birlet [barley+{diminutive}] barleycorn -- the grain of barley

birletcohol [barley+{diminutive}+alcohol] lager -- beer containing a relatively small amount of hops; aged from six weeks to six months for sedimentation

birsecop [barley+watcher] waiter, server -- a person whose occupation is to serve at table, as in a restaurant

birton [barley+{augmentative}] malt -- barley which has sprouted, used chiefly in brewing and distilling

birtoncohol [barley+{augmentative}+alcohol] ale -- beer containing a relatively large amount of hops

birvic [barley+vehicle] tractor

bomb [From Italian 'bomba', extant in Russian, Hindi, Spanish, French, Germanic (English, German, Dutch, et al) and auxiliaries (Esperanto, Novial, et al).] bomb -- an explosive device fused to ignite under specific conditions

bombbin [bomb+building] bomb shelter, air-raid shelter, bombproof -- a shelter (often underground) reinforced against bombing; used during air raids

bombcah [bomb+{abstraction}] an explosive

bombcon [bomb+{opposite}] a bombshelter

bombforl [bomb+flower] bombflower -- a plant in the game Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time, trademark of Nintendo, which produces bombs)

bombjamad [bomb+freeze] blizzard, snowstorm -- a storm with widespread snowfall accompanied by strong winds

bomblet [bomb+{diminutive}] stink bomb, smoke bomb -- a small bomb that emits an odor or smoke

bombmans [bomb+meat] collateral damage -- civilians killed by a military or terrorist action

bombsenta [bomb+emotion+{noun-modifier}] quick-tempered -- easily triggered to violent emotional reactions.

bombsint [bomb+science] defusing science -- science of defusing bombs

bombsisp [bomb+insect] bombardier beetle (Brachinus)

bombsol [bomb+Sun] nova

bombton [bomb+{augmentative}] atom bomb -- a bomb deriving its inhuman explosive power from the release of nuclear energy

bombvic [bomb+vehicle] minesweeper

bud [From Russian /budush/, with initial /b-/ in Hindi /bavish/.] future -- the time yet to come

budbeza [future+absence+{noun-modifier}] having no future, like bums or slackers

budcafaz [future+jump] making a foolish decision or judgement without considering the facts or consequences

budcah [future+{abstraction}] an expected positive condition in terms of growth, advancement or development ("he has a future with us")

budcah [future+{abstraction}] future generations

budcartcis [future+card+story] the complete predicted story of one's future life based on a Tarot card reading

Budcartu [future+card] Tarot card -- one of a set of cards read by a fortune-teller to predict someone's future

budcoleb [future+oscillation] indecision, indecisiveness, irresolution -- doubt about future alternatives or courses of action

budcon [future+{opposite}] past -- time that has elapsed

buddin [future+day] tomorrow -- the next day, the day after, following today [av

budgarm [future+communication-unit] time capsule

budhucari [future+thanks+{verb}] TIA -- Internet abbreviation for "Thanks In Advance"

budlet [future+{diminutive}] near future -- involving a short period of time after the present moment

budlet [future+{diminutive}] a while later

budleta [future+{diminutive}+{noun-modifier}] near term, short range/adj.

budletcone [future+{diminutive}+{verb-modifier}+{opposite}] soon/adv. (in the near future)

budsint [future+science] futurology

budton [future+{augmentative}] far future -- involving a period of time long after the present moment

budton [future+{augmentative}] long-term future

budvas [future+container] time capsule -- container for preserving historical records to be discovered at some future time

bur [From Russian & Hindi /bur/, with initial /b-/ in English, German, Dutch, Esperanto and Novial forms.] brown -- an orange color of low brightness and saturation

Burhildcahu [brown+shield+{abstraction}] Lesotho (LSO)

burhir [brown+bird] wren (Troglodytidae)

burjant [brown+animal] bear -- massive plantigrade carnivorous or omnivorous mammals of the family Ursidae with long shaggy coats and strong claws

burlet [brown+{diminutive}] tan -- light brown

burlet [brown+{diminutive}] light brown

burmuh [brown+rodent] brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)

burnercon [brown+black+{opposite}] beige -- a dull, off-white color with a shade of brown

Burnerconburu [brown+black+{opposite}+brown] Latvia (LVA)

burrunbad [brown+red+body-part] liver -- large reddish-brown glandular organ located in the upper right portion of the abdominal cavity; secretes bile and functions in metabolism

burton [brown+{augmentative}] dark brown

burvolsi [brown+hair+{verb}] S is a brown-haired person

burvolsper [brown+hair+person] brown-haired person

burvolsses [brown+hair+{feminine}] brunette

burvosp [brown+arachnid] brown recluse spider (Loxosceles reclusa)