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Letter H Dublex Definitions
![]() habil [From Latin 'habilitas', extant in Spanish 'habilidad', English 'ability'.] ability -- quality of being able to perform habilbeza [ability+absence+{noun-modifier}] unskilled habilcomun [ability+communication] eloquence, fluency -- powerful and effective language habile [ability+{verb-modifier}] ably, can hacar [Blend of Arabic /shakl/ and Hindi /akar/.] form, shape -- the characteristic three-dimensional configuration or abstraction of a thing [contrast with "form", the two-dimensional shape] hacarbeza [form+absence+{noun-modifier}] amorphous hacarmed [form+middle] center (three-dimensional) Hacarvocsistu [form+word+system+{verb}] XML, Extended Markup Language -- a language for storing uniquely structured information in an international standard format hafer [From Arabic /shafr/.] blade -- a broad, flat part of a tool that usu. has a cutting edge haferbomb [blade+bomb] shrapnel -- shell containing lead pellets that explodes in flight hafercond [blade+condition] crisis, critical condition -- a state between success and failure, between life and death hafercov [blade+cover] sheath hafercovnashir [blade+cover+nose+bird] sheathbill haferdent [blade+tooth] incisor (c.f. catdent) haferfab [blade+creation] sword forging -- the act of creating a blade haferfonhim [blade+sound+tool] musical saw hafermin [blade+fish] sawfish (Pristis) hafermin [blade+fish] swordfish (genus Xiphias) hafernogletmin [blade+limb+{diminutive}+fish] swordtail (genus Xiphophorus) haferpanta [blade+plant+{noun-modifier}] ensiform -- having leaves resembling a sword blade haferton [blade+{augmentative}] sword -- a cutting or thrusting weapon with a long blade haferton [blade+{augmentative}] sword hafertontoppant [blade+{augmentative}+top+plant] iris -- any plant of the genus Iris, which have narrow sword-shaped leaves with various colored flowers hafervoc [blade+word] abuse, insult, revilement, contumely, vilification -- a rude expression intended to offend or hurt hafervuh [blade+weapon] sword -- a weapon consisting of a long metal blade with a handle. halt [Blend of English 'height' (with cognates in German and Dutch) with Latin 'altus', "high", extant in Romance (Spanish, Italian) and auxiliaries (Esperanto, Novial).] high object -- something relatively distant from the ground [scalar] haltcah [{high-object}+{abstraction}] height -- distance from ground or baseline to top [scalar haltcon [{high-object}+{opposite}] low object -- something relatively close to the ground [scalar haltconhazargurp [{high-object}+{opposite}+tree+group] shrubbery -- a collection of shrubs growing together haltconi [{high-object}+{opposite}+{verb}] S is a tall object of height O haltconi [{high-object}+{opposite}+{verb}] S is a short object of height O haltcopmin [{high-object}+copy+fish] louvar (family Luvaridae) halthir [{high-object}+bird] crane (Gruidae) halthorcconforl [{high-object}+{wide-object}+{opposite}+flower] lily -- a tall, narrow flower of the family Liliaceae haltmercah [{high-object}+measure+{abstraction}] altitude/height haltmerhim [{high-object}+measure+tool] altimeter haltvathir [{high-object}+water+bird] cormorant haltvic [{high-object}+vehicle] ski lift, gondola hand [From Germanic /hand/ (in English, German, Dutch, et al), with /ha-/ reinforced by Hindi.] hand -- the prehensile distal extremity of the superior limb handbac [hand+alphabet] the Sign Language alphabet handbez [hand+absence] acheiria handdit [hand+digit] finger handditcanc [hand+digit+shell] fingernail handfab [hand+creation] something made by hand handfestfon [hand+celebration+sound] applause -- the sound or action of hands being clapped together in praise of something handgarm [hand+communication-unit] hand signals, signs handhafervuh [hand+blade+weapon] knife -- a weapon with a handle and blade with a sharp point handmam [hand+mammal] monkey handmetalfonhim [hand+metal+sound+tool] trumpet handnod [hand+base] wrist handnodposhir [hand+base+position+bird] falcon (family Falconidae) handsahfon [hand+favorableness+sound] applause -- the sound or action of hands being clapped together in praise of something handsint [hand+science] moniatry handton [hand+{augmentative}] fist -- a hand with the fingers clenched in the palm as for hitting Handtoppantpictu [hand+top+plant+picture] Guam (GUM) handvoc [hand+word] sign -- a hand signal that represents a word or phrase handvocsist [hand+word+system] sign language har [From Hindi /shar/, with initial /sh-/ in Russian /shyetre/.] four -- the cardinal number that is the sum of three and one harcon [four+{opposite}] negative four, -4 Hardevcitabu [four+god+book] Gospel, Gospels, evangel -- four books in the New Testament that tell the story of Christ's life and teachings Harduvnatinletu [four+two+nation+{diminutive}] Washington -- 42th state to enter the Union, admitted to the U.S. on Nov. 11, 1889 harduvper [four+two+person] 42-year old -- a person who has experienced 42 but not 43 years since birth hargitar [four+guitar] uke, ukulele -- a small Hawaiian guitar having four strings Harharnatinletu [four+four+nation+{diminutive}] Wyoming -- 44th state to enter the Union, admitted to the U.S. on July 10, 1890 harharper [four+four+person] 44-year old -- a person who has experienced 44 but not 45 years since birth harjantcals [four+animal+class] order harl [Truncation of 'harlinform', "tetragon, four-line-shape". The Arabic, English, Hindi, Russian and Spanish forms are ultimately derived from words meaning "four".] square -- a plane rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles harlbac [square+alphabet] katakana -- the system of Japanese characters used to represent the sounds of words borrowed from other languages harlcah [square+{abstraction}] quadratic square equation harlcon [square+{opposite}] point, having no dimension harldend [square+debt] millstone -- any debt that is difficult to carry harlhar [square+four] corner -- the point where two lines meet or intersect harllet [square+{diminutive}] a part or section of an equalateral four-sided polygon harlton [square+{augmentative}] cube harlvatsanj [square+water+bread] tortellini harlvic [square+vehicle] boxcar Harmiru [four+world] Mars -- the fourth planet from the Sun Harnatinletu [four+nation+{diminutive}] Georgia -- fourth state to enter the Union, admitted to the U.S. on Jan. 2, 1788 Harnennatinletu [four+nine+nation+{diminutive}] Alaska -- 49th state to enter the Union, admitted to the U.S. on Jan. 3, 1959 harnenper [four+nine+person] 49-year old -- a person who has experienced 49 but not 50 years since birth harnobil [four+noble] duke/duchess harnobilmas [four+noble+{masculine}] duke harnobilses [four+noble+{feminine}] duchess harnogbezper [four+limb+absence+person] quadruplegic harpantcals [four+plant+class] order harped [four+foot] tetrapod -- vertebrate animal with four legs or leg-like limbs (as in flippers of seals) harpedvic [four+foot+vehicle] quadcycle Harpennatinletu [four+five+nation+{diminutive}] Utah -- 45th state to enter the Union, admitted to the U.S. on Jan. 4, 1896 harpenper [four+five+person] 45-year old -- a person who has experienced 45 but not 46 years since birth harper [four+person] four-year old -- a person who has experienced four but not five years since birth harpostcals [four+mail+class] fourth class, fourth-class mail -- mail consisting of merchandise and some printed matter weighing over eight ounces and not sealed against inspection (U.S. & Canada) Harrunlunu [four+red+moon] Iran (IRN) Harruntaru [four+red+star] New Zealand (NZL) Harsemnatinletu [four+seven+nation+{diminutive}] New Mexico -- 47th state to enter the Union, admitted to the U.S. on Jan. 6, 1912 harsemper [four+seven+person] 47-year old -- a person who has experienced 47 but not 48 years since birth harsezona [four+season+{noun-modifier}] evergreen -- of a plant whose leaves remain during all four seasons (c.f. harsezonpanta) harsezonnonta [four+season+negation+{noun-modifier}] deciduous -- not living, flowering, etc. during all four seasons harsezonpant [four+season+plant] evergreen -- a plant whose leaves remain during all four seasons harsezonpanta [four+season+plant+{noun-modifier}] evergreen -- of a plant whose leaves remain during all four seasons Harsirnatinletu [four+zero+nation+{diminutive}] South Dakota -- 40th state to enter the Union, admitted to the U.S. on Nov. 2, 1889 harsirper [four+zero+person] 40-year old -- a person who has experienced 40 but not 41 years since birth Harsisnatinletu [four+six+nation+{diminutive}] Oklahoma -- 46th state to enter the Union, admitted to the U.S. on Nov. 16, 1907 harsisper [four+six+person] 46-year old -- a person who has experienced 46 but not 47 years since birth Harsutvodu [four+thread+body-of-water] Missouri River -- the longest river of the United States and of North America, flowing about 4,127 km (2,565 mi) to the Mississippi River Harternatinletu [four+three+nation+{diminutive}] Idaho -- 43th state to enter the Union, admitted to the U.S. on July 3, 1890 harterper [four+three+person] 43-year old -- a person who has experienced 43 but not 44 years since birth harton [four+{augmentative}] 40 Harvannatinletu [four+one+nation+{diminutive}] Montana -- 41th state to enter the Union, admitted to the U.S. on Nov. 8, 1889 harvanper [four+one+person] 41-year old -- a person who has experienced 41 but not 42 years since birth harvisbadmin [four+sight+body-part+fish] anableps (genus Anableps) Harvisbadminu [four+sight+body-part+fish] Anableps anableps -- a South American minnow-like fish that cruises the water surface; it has four lens, two equipped for air vision and two equipped for water vision harvismin [four+sight+fish] (c.f. harvisbadmin) Harvoctnatinletu [four+eight+nation+{diminutive}] Arizona -- 48th state to enter the Union, admitted to the U.S. on Feb. 14, 1912 harvoctper [four+eight+person] 48-year old -- a person who has experienced 48 but not 49 years since birth hasal [From Arabic /hasal/.] event, occurrence, happening -- something that takes place hasalcond [event+condition] situation hasalcondpict [event+condition+picture] picture, the big picture hasalhabil [event+ability] possibility -- the potentiality of occurring or being so hasalhabila [event+ability+{noun-modifier}] possible -- able to happen; able to be the case hasallev [event+left] funeral -- a ceremony celebrating the life of someone who just died, often culminating in internment hasalmicor [event+tiny-item] quantum mechanics hasalnonthabil [event+negation+ability] impossibility -- the fact that something cannot happen or cannot be so hasalnonthabila [event+negation+ability+{noun-modifier}] impossible -- incapable of occurring or being the case hasalpict [event+picture] the drawn recreation of an event by a hired artist in a court of law haz [Truncation of 'hazil', "comedy".] fun -- activities that are enjoyable or amusing hazar [From Arabic /shazar/, with /sh-/ in Mandarin Chinese /shu/.] tree -- a tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymno- and angiosperms hazarbamub [Loan translation of Japanese enoki+take, Chinese nettle tree + bamboo.] enokidake, golden needles - widely cultivated mushroom (Flammulina velutipes) native to North America and eastern Asia; somewhat resembles the bean sprout. hazarbez [tree+absence] ingratitude, ungratefulness -- a lack of gratitude hazarbeza [tree+absence+{noun-modifier}] unwooded hazarcah [tree+{abstraction}] wood hazarcah [tree+{abstraction}] wood -- tissue of trees, often cut and dried especially for use as building material and fuel hazarcahfonhim [tree+{abstraction}+sound+tool] xylophone, marimba hazarcahpartlet [tree+{abstraction}+part+{diminutive}] splinter hazarcahpartlet [tree+{abstraction}+part+{diminutive}] stick -- a small, broken-off piece of wood hazarcahtubpant [tree+{abstraction}+tube+plant] gnetophyte -- a plant of the division Gnetophyta (gymnosperms with wood-vessels) hazarcatoh [tree+cat] leopard hazarcov [tree+cover] bark -- the rough outer covering of trees hazardoj [tree+precipitation] dew -- water that has condensed on a cool surface overnight from water vapor in the air hazarfib [tree+amphibian] tree frog (Hylidae) hazargurp [tree+group] grove -- a collection of trees in one place hazargurpmest [tree+group+site] forest, woods -- an area of land covered with trees hazarhir [tree+bird] woodpecker hazarmaterhir [tree+matter+bird] woodcreeper (Dendrocolaptidae) hazarmuh [tree+rodent] squirrel hazarmuhmin [tree+rodent+fish] squirrelfish (order Beryciformes) hazarnod [tree+base] stump, tree stump -- the base part of a tree that remains standing after the tree has been felled hazarser [tree+series] forest, woodland, timberland, timber -- land that is covered with trees and shrubs hazarsint [tree+science] forestry hazarsisp [tree+insect] termite hazarsispfib [tree+insect+amphibian] termite frog (Phrynomerus) hazarsispmam [tree+insect+mammal] tree-shrew (Tupaiidae) hazarvic [tree+vehicle] cherry picker hazcamp [fun+field] playground -- yard consisting of an outdoor area for children's play hazcon [fun+{opposite}] boredom hazil [From Arabic /hazli/, with initial /h-/ in Mandarin Chinese /hwaji/ and Hindi /hasya/.] comedy -- something funny or humorous hazilcact [comedy+action] antic, joke, prank, trick, caper, put-on -- a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement hazilcis [comedy+story] comic strip, cartoon strip, strip -- a sequence of drawings in a newspaper telling a story hazilcismulp [comedy+story+performance] comedy -- a play of a predominantly comic nature or with a 'happy ending' hazilconcismulp [comedy+{opposite}+story+performance] tragedy -- a play of a predominantly tragic nature, or with a disastrous ending hazilfon [comedy+sound] laugh hazilfonminhir [comedy+sound+fish+bird] laughing kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae) hazilfonmusichir [comedy+sound+music+bird] laughingthrush (Garrulax) hazilgarm [comedy+communication-unit] joke hazilgarm [comedy+communication-unit] joke, gag, laugh, jest, jape, yak, wheeze -- a humorous anecdote or remark hazilii [comedy+{preposition}+{opposite}] ROTFL -- Internet abbreviation for "Rolling On The Floor Laughing" hazilmult [comedy+multiplication] viral comedy -- the ever-expanding distribution (typically through e-mail) of a particularly humorous joke hazilner [comedy+black] black comedy -- a dramatic work juxtaposing morbid and farcical elements to give a disturbing effect hazilpict [comedy+picture] comic strip, cartoon strip, strip -- a sequence of drawings in a newspaper telling a story hazilsint [comedy+science] comedic science (comedy) Haziltigercelebu [comedy+tiger+play] Calvinball haziltonii [comedy+{augmentative}+{preposition}+{opposite}] ROTFLMAO -- Internet abbreviation for "Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A-- Off" hazlet [fun+{diminutive}] a little fun hazmerhim [fun+measure+tool] fun-meter hazvic [fun+vehicle] sports car hazvis [fun+sight] funhouse mirror -- a mirror that presents a comically distorted reflection herc [Contraction of 'hircsacar', mispronounciation of Dublex 'sirchacar', "circle 3D-object".] sphere -- three-dimensional closed surface such that each point is equidistant from another hercbarc [sphere+lightning] ball lightning herccandceleb [sphere+hole+play] pool, billiards -- any of several games played on a rectangular cloth-covered table with cushioned edges in which long tapering cue sticks are used to propel ivory or composition balls hercceleb [sphere+play] athletics -- an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition Hercfonhimu [sphere+sound+tool] Helmholtz resonator herchim [sphere+tool] bat, stick, racket/racquet -- any ball-hitting tool herchimmov [sphere+tool+movement] strike -- pitch that the batter misses and/or pitch within the strike zone that the batter does not hit herchimmovherc [sphere+tool+movement+sphere] hit -- successful stroke of the bat hercjant [sphere+animal] tribble hercmovconper [sphere+movement+{opposite}+person] catcher -- person stationed behind home plate that catches pitched balls hercmovi [sphere+movement+{verb}] roll -- to move along in the manner a ball-shaped object does hercmovmal [sphere+movement+disparagement] foul -- ball struck with the bat that does not stay within the foul lines on the field hercmovper [sphere+movement+person] pitcher -- person who throws the ball toward the batter hercmultped [sphere+multiplication+foot] millipede (class Diplopoda) hercpusper [sphere+use+person] ball player hercsint [sphere+science] spherical geometry hercvanharped [sphere+one+four+foot] pillbug -- an isopod capable of rolling up into a ball hercvic [sphere+vehicle] a small transparent plastic globe for a rodent or other small animal to run around inside. hercvic [sphere+vehicle] gerbil globe -- a transparent sphere a rodent can maneuver around hical [From Arabic /haikal/.] frame -- a structure supporting or containing something Hicalcolu [frame+wheel] Unicycle hicalfonhim [frame+sound+tool] harp hicaltop [frame+top] lintel hild [From English 'shield', from Germanic *skelduz, extant in German, Dutch, Novial, et al., and borrowed into Spanish as 'escudo'. Initial /sh-/ sound in Italian 'schermo' and Esperanto 's^ermilo'.] shield -- a protective structure or device, esp. one used by warriors Hildcahduvlansu [shield+{abstraction}+two+spear] Kenya (KEN) hildcam [shield+garment] armor, armour -- protective covering made of metal and used in combat hildcomp [shield+computer] firewall machine -- a dedicated gateway computer implementing security precautions to safeguard the network while offering access to outside the network hildconus [shield+cone] cone -- protective cone placed around the neck of an animal to keep it from scratching out its stitches hildfonhim [shield+sound+tool] gong him [From Hindi /shimta/, with initial /sh-/ in Mandarin Chinese and in Russian (in /shipsi/, "tongs").] tool, utensil, implement -- an apparatus for practical use (esp. in a household) hir [From Hindi /shiryi/, with initial /shi-/ in Mandarin Chinese.] bird -- warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates of the class Aves characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings hirfonhim [bird+sound+tool] flute hirgarm [bird+communication-unit] bird song hiriu vovmam [bird+monotreme] platypus, duckbill, duckbilled platypus, duck-billed platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus -- small densely furred aquatic monotreme of Australia and Tasmania having a broad bill and tail and webbed feet; only species in the family Ornithorhynchidae hirlet [bird+{diminutive}] warbler, etc. -- general word for small songbirds hirmahin [bird+machine] airplane hirmam [bird+mammal] platypus, duckbill, duckbilled platypus, duck-billed platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus -- small densely furred aquatic monotreme of Australia and Tasmania having a broad bill and tail and webbed feet; only species in the family Ornithorhynchidae hirnestbancpant [bird+nest+reserve+plant] bird's-nest cactus hirsint [bird+science] ornithology hirton [bird+{augmentative}] emu, Australian bird like the ostrich but slightly smaller. Unlike the ostrich, the emu is easily domesticated and ranched, esp. in the US and Australia hisan [Arabic /hisan/, with initial /h-/ in English 'horse'.] horse, Equus caballus -- solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times hisanbacar [horse+bovine] roan antelope (Hippotragus) hisancombnic [horse+fight+worker] horseman -- a warrior who rides on horseback Hisancombnicnatinu [horse+fight+worker+nation] Mongolia hisanfassisp [horse+{decay}+insect] horse fly (genus Tabanus) hisangarm [horse+communication-unit] horselaugh hisanjamadvic [horse+freeze+vehicle] sleigh hisanlavnic [horse+washing/cleaning+professional] stableman, stableboy, groom, hostler, ostler -- someone employed in a stable to take care of the horses hisanletmal [horse+{diminutive}+disparagement] burro -- a small donkey, esp. one used for a pack animal hisanmin [horse+fish] seahorse -- a kind of fish with a head resembling that of a horse. hisanpedvas [horse+foot+container] horseshoe -- a U-shaped metal shoe for a horse hisanpigsutpant [horse+buttock+thread+plant] horsetail -- a plant of the division Equisetophyta, with bamboo-like segments joined together with several needles coming out of the joints hisansint [horse+science] equine science hisansut [horse+thread] reins hisanteror [horse+fear] hippophobia hisantigera [horse+tiger+{noun-modifier}] disordered -- all jumbled up (c.f. posgurpmala) hisanvic [horse+vehicle] carriage hisanvic [horse+vehicle] carriage -- horse-drawn open vehicle hocolat [Derived from Nahuatl 'xocolatl' and extant in every major language, including Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, English, Hindi, Russian, Norwegian 'sjokolade', Spanish, Swedish 'chokolad', Italian, French, German, Dutch, Esperanto and Novial.] chocolate -- food made from roasted ground cacao beans hocolatbar [chocolate+bar] chocolate bar -- a rectangular piece of flavored chocolate hocolatcart [chocolate+card] would this be one of those annoying brochures and other cards they always stick above the bubble wrap in a box of See's chocolates? hocolatlic [chocolate+liquid] hot chocolate; cocoa hocolatpant [chocolate+plant] cacao -- the plant of the genus Theobroma from which chocolate is derived hor [From Latin 'hora', extant in Hindi, Romance (Spanish, Italian, French), English ('hour'), auxiliaries (Esperanto, Novial).] hour -- a time period of 60 minutes horc [Contraction of Russian /shirok/, with /sh-r/ in Hindi /shaur/.] wide object -- something with relatively great extent from side to side [scalar] horcbada [{wide-object}+body-part+{noun-modifier}] obese horcbadcond [{wide-object}+body-part+condition] obesity horccah [{wide-object}+{abstraction}] width -- extent of something from side to side [scalar horccon [{wide-object}+{opposite}] narrow object -- something with relatively minor extent from side to side [scalar horcmercah [{wide-object}+measure+{abstraction}] width horcmuchir [{wide-object}+mouth+bird] broadbill (Eurylaimidae) horcvid [wide object+glass] display window, shopwindow, show window -- a window of a store facing onto the street; used to display merchandise for sale in the store horfonhim [hour+sound+tool] clock chimes horgarm [hour+communication-unit] chimes or bells signally the hour horpart [hour+part] minute horz [From Latin 'horizon', extant in Romance (Spanish, Italian), Germanic (English, German, Dutch) and auxilaries (Esperanto, Novial).] horizontal -- something, such as a line, a plane or an object, that is parallel to or in the plane of the horizon or base line Horzmedmirnatinu [horizontal+middle+world+nation] Ecuador Horzmedmiru [horizontal+middle+world] Equator horzpedcalot [horizontal+foot+dog] bear (Ursidae) horzvic [horizontal+vehicle] hovercraft hubac [From Arabic /shubak/, with initial /sh-/ in Mandarin Chinese /shuan/.] opening, aperture -- an opening into something that goes completely through it [contrast 'cand'] hubacbacpart [opening+alphabet+part] a letter (as A, B, O, P, Q, g, e) that has at least one line that is completely closed hubaccart [opening+card] punch card -- a card with holes punched in certain places to be read by a computer hubacconganhim [opening+{opposite}+agent+tool] lock hubaccongani [opening+{opposite}+agent+{verb}] close, shut hubaccordcanti [bead+thread+{v.}] bead -- decorate by sewing beads onto hubacganhabilcart [opening+agent+ability+card] greeting card --- any folded card opened to read a message witten inside, such as a birthday card, a Christmas card, etc. hubacgani [opening+agent+{verb}] open hubacgarm [opening+communication-unit] welcome mat? hubacherc [hole+sphere] bead -- a small ball with a hole through the middle hubacherccanti [bead+fastener+{v.}] bead -- string together like beads hubaclet [opening+{diminutive}] pore hucar [From Hindi /shukra/ and Arabic /shukr/, with initial /sh-/ in Mandarin Chinese /shye/.] thanks -- an acknowledgement of appreciation hucarbezper [thanks+absence+person] ingrate hucarcah [thanks+{abstraction}] gratitude motaor [motor/diminutive] battery hucarcon [thanks+{opposite}] mild oath in retaliation for an insult or injustice hucardinhir [thanks+day+bird] turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) Hucardinu [thanks+day] Thanksgiving hucargarm [thanks+communication-unit] thank-you note hucarlet [thanks+{diminutive}] a token of appreciation hucarpost [thanks+mail] thank-you note -- a written and mailed expression of gratitude hucarsens [thanks+sense] gratitude hucarton [thanks+{augmentative}] a celebration paying tribute to a person's achievements human [From Spanish and English 'human', and Hindi /manav/.] human, human being -- any living or extinct member of the family Hominidae humanbacmulp [human+alphabet+performance] the formation of one's body into the shape of a letter humanbez [human+absence] nature; the state of being untouched by sapient civilization humanbinfassisp [human+building+{decay}+insect] housefly (genus Musca) humancomanj [human+eating] cannibalism humanfonhim [human+sound+tool] singing voice, choir humanfurt [human+fruit] baby humangarm [human+communication-unit] voice humanjantsafid [human+animal+copulation] bestiality -- sexual intercourse between a human and an animal humansint [human+science] anthropology humansustmer [human+substitute+measure] genotype compatibility humanteror [human+fear] anthropophobia humanvic [human+vehicle] sedan chair hun [From Hindi /shuna/ and Mandarin Chinese /shuan/.] choice -- the act of choosing or selecting huncoleb [choice+oscillation] indecision, indecisiveness, irresolution -- doubt concerning two or more possible alternatives or courses of action hungarm [choice+communication-unit] communication of a decision that has been made Hunperdevsistu [choice+person+god+system] Judaism -- the monotheistic religion of the Jews; based on the Old Testament and the Talmud hunsint [choice+science] game theory |