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Dialect Survey - A site with maps showing dialects in America. Also shows the updated English dialect survey.

Dictionary Web Page Template - This is an HTML page that allows you to make your own dictionary, complete with internal hyperlinks. You only need to save the source to your computer, and type in the words in between <li> and </li>.

dMof Elvish translator - This web page can help provide a word-by-word translation (gloss) of a Quenya passage. It is able to recognize inflected forms of words in the Quenya vocabulary, by doing morphological analysis. Source code for the glossing engine is available. no longer works link invalid

Dmoz Directory

The Dolch Word List - The Dolch words are the 220 most frequently found words in books that children read. These words are usually learned in first and second grade; students who learn these words have a good base for beginning reading. They make a good start for a primitive language.

Double-Tongued Word Wrestler - Grant Barrett writes, "Double-Tongued Word Wrester records undocumented or under-documented words from the fringes of English. It focuses upon slang, jargon, and other niche categories which include new, foreign, hybrid, archaic, obsolete, and rare words. Special attention is paid to the lending and borrowing of words between the various Englishes and other languages, even where a word is not a fully naturalized citizen in its new language. I am an American lexicographer for Oxford University Press in New York City. This site is not sponsored by, affiliated with, nor otherwise related to Oxford University Press, which does not necessarily endorse, validate, nor approve its contents."

Dublex Compound Interest Word-Joining Spreadsheet - Want to generate thousands of ideas for words for your language? This Excel spreadsheet can help you do just that, by making compounds from existing words in your language. Now Mac compatible as well.

Dublex Compounds - This word list contains over 4,500 compounds coined from just the 400 Dublex roots, making it an invaluable aid for langmakers looking to expand the vocabulary of their languages. Most of the definitions are derived from WordNet and all are in the public domain and may be freely incorporated into your languages. The link is a tab-separated values (TSV) text file, or you can browse the online dictionary. This represents the combined efforts of many enthusiasts besides myself, including Herman Miller, James Landau, Exu Yangi, Mark McGrath and others.

Conlang Profiles at CC-BY 4.0: 1996 — 2022 .

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