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Carabao DIY Machine Translation Kit - Carabao Do-It-Yourself Machine Translation Kit is a completely open machine translation toolkit. It allows creation of your own machine translation interlingua-modeled databases and using them on-the-fly. Unique capabilities of Carabao and effective data entry allow using it as a testbed for linguistic models and creation of specialized dictionaries.

Chinese-Korean Convertor - Convert Chinese Character (CC) to Romanized Korean Spelling (RKS), or reversely convert RKS to CC.

Computer Code: An Interstellar Language? - If some day we decide to transmit intentional messages to the stars, rather than solely listen as current SETI programs do, what would we say? What sort of first impression would we want to give our celestial correspondents?... how would we format such an interstellar message?

Conjugate Over 9,000 French Verbs - Enter an infinitive verb (accents are unnecessary) and it will be conjugated in all tenses and moods.

CONLANG - The oldest and most active mailing list devoted to artistic model languages (artlangs). You need to join and submit messages by e-mail to participate.

Conlang Dictionary Maker - [Sounds like a cool deal, but the link was dead when I checked on 12/18/2004 at 10:25pm (EST).] This Windows program is modified from public-domain code that was originally used for an address book program. Each dictionary can hold up to 500 words and translations, so if you have more words than that in your lexicon, you'll have to divide up the dictionaries. There are two programs you can use depending on the nature of your conlang (i.e. script, direction of writing, etc.). The site explains everything. The program now retains your font settings, and I've added a new feature that allows you to attach audio files to words, so you can record how your words are supposed to sound in an audio editor and link them within the Conlang Dictionary program.

Conlangers & Artlangers Community - Community for conversation in conlangs & artlangs or about conlangs & artlangs.

Conlang Ethnologue - A catalogue of the concultures (constructed cultures) that speak specific conlangs.

Conlang Evolution Experiment - A collaborative project, in which participants are attempting to produce a family of related conlangs derived from each other by plausibly alteration of phonology and grammar.

A Conlang FAQ - This FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions answered) by Dean Easton introduces people to the hobby of constructed languages.

Conlanging with McGuffey - McGuffey's Eclectic Readers are a great text to translate into a conlang, since these once-popular beginning readers provide a series of exercises of graduated complexity beginning with "I see a boy" and concluding with excerpts from the literary canon including Elizabeth Barret Browning and Sir Walter Scott.

Conlang IRC Server - A conlang IRC server (irc:// to augment the list and encourage real-time conversations. Hopefully used as place to migrate off-topic discussions to.

Conlang Manifesto - David J. Peterson writes, "To me, it seems odd to have to defend language creation, and yet it's been repeatedly attacked, mainly by linguists (which is the most baffling part about the whole business), and decried as a form of frivolity which should not and cannot be taken seriously by anyone, or even wicked (I've heard it)..."

Conlang Phrasebooks - Ever wanted to make a phrase book for your conlang? This site has two rich-text files you can use as templates. The first is a rather generic template for making a traveler's phrasebook similar to most natural-language travel phrasebooks. The second is a more "adult" slang phrasebook, in the spirit of Howard Tomb's "Wicked" series of phrasebooks and Phillip J. Cunningham's Zakennayo!: The Real Japanese You Were Never Taught in School.

Conlang Wiki - A small wiki (editable web site) for conlangers.

CONLANG X-Sampa (CXS) from Theiling Online - Chart of X-Sampa and the IPA.

The Conlang Yellow Pages - A list of 300 constructed languages and their web links.

Consonant Articulation: Interactive Demonstration - An immensely cool page for understanding pulmonic egressive consonants. Radio buttons choose parameters of voicing, nasality, lip position, tongue position, and tongue manner, and you see the corresponding IPA symbol and a drawing of the vocal organs. It does not handle clicks, implosives, ejectives, or vowels. - John Cowan, posting to the CONLANG e-mail list

Constructed Human Languages

Constructed Languages at Wikipedia - Includes a link to a list of articles on Wikipedia about various constructed languages.

Conworlder's Yellow Pages - This is a list of useful reference sites for any conworlder -- from automatic solar-sytem generation to step-by-step guides. Useful for anyone planning a conworld.

Crypto Resource Word Lists - Word lists from many real languages.

Conlang Profiles at CC-BY 4.0: 1996 — 2022 .

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