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Word List Overview


Word List Overview   Advanced
Word lists are an invaluable tool for creating your own languages. Here are some lists and resources.  Also check out the collaborative resource index for Word Lists.


LEX Files
  • Fantasy LEX file - At long last, a lexicon suitable for creating your own fantasy languages! Compiled by Duncan Duchovy for use with LangMaker/Win for easy word-generation.
  • Latin & Latin LEX file - Useful for creating your own Romance languages, though you'll have to ignore long vowels (they're not marked - care to volunteer?). Also thanks to Duncan Duchovy.
  • Swadesh LEX file - The core words used to compare the time elapsed between a daughter language and its parent, used in glottochronology, the "carbon dating" of languages

External Links
English has over a million words, and not all have been documented, but here is the largest collection I've seen, with 610,000 English words.
Paul Bartlett's collation of the Longman Defining Vocabulary and Essential World English into a single list.
Conlang Profiles at CC-BY 4.0: 1996 — 2022 .

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