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© 1996-2004 Jeffrey Henning.

"I am very impressed with your website and its list of Sci Fi books." - John Hui, 10/25/04

"I found this site about a year ago, and it got me started on conlanging. It has been a very satisfying hobby for me, although I am just now beginning to thoroughly formalize my disconnected ideas into my first conlang." - Sprogisc, 10/23/04

"I think this website is amazing! I've been idly creating languages for years, but I have never seen anything like this! Now all my friends are interested in my languages! It's great!" - Eric the Best, 8/25/04

"Having been a keen student of Quenya and Sindarin over the last year or so, I have recently aquired the urge to try language construction myself. I read through 'How to create a language by Pablo David Flores' and Mark Rosenfelder's 'Language Construction Kit', and then stumbled across your 'A Naming Language', which I found the most interesting and easy to deal with for a beginner, especially with the example at the end!  I would like to create a language with as much depth as possible, and the idea of starting off with basic roots from a proto-language (like Tolkien's etymologies in 'The Lost Road') seems brilliant." - Olly Freeman, 6/26/04

"Absolutely amazing! I had no idea so many language nerds existed. Count me in!!" - iWrite22, 4/19/04

"I'm always amazed to see how your great site keeps developing every time I visit." - Takatuna, 3/28/04

"Thank you! Your site has given me new inspiration. I had actually been working on a model language for several months, not knowing exactly what I was doing. I mentioned it to my mother, who referred me to an article in the Chattanooga Times-Free Press on model languages she had just read the previous day! It mentioned your site, and here I am. I never knew anyone else did this besides those who created Esperanto and Klingon. I have heard before of people creating new words, but I am working on a full-functioning Middle Eastern-inspired language just for fun. Now I know that I am not alone! Hetmathei (Goodbye)" - Tim "Dacypher", 3/8/04

"Fith was one of the first conlangs I stumbled across when I came to college and discovered I wasn't the only person obsessed with this kind of thing. The idea of angry alien skinhead koalas always stuck with me." - Keith Gaughan, 2/25/04

"Hello! It was marvelous for me to discover your site. I created a language some years ago and that made me think I was was somehow freaky (but then I found Tolkien and, of course, everything changed)." - G. Marilde, 2/23/04

"Hello there.  First, I'd like to compliment you on a wonderful site.  I've been interested in conlanging for years, but only recently discovered your site.  It's a great place to investigate others' languages and compare/learn from them.  Thanks for providing such an informative resource." -- Kelly Kearney, 4/11/03

"Congratulations for the fine guide: it was interesting and very 'readable' (not full of technicalities) even to someone who did not have any previous knowledge of the subject and was curious about it." -- Juliano Bersano, 4/5/03

" ... and I thought I was the only person who devised their own languages!" -- David Stewart-Candy, 3/14/02

"I must say, I just happened to come across this morning by chance and I am truly stunned!! I had no idea that creating new languages as a hobby or otherwise was so developed. It's fascinating!" -- Deirdre Daly, 7/20/00

"Conlang, artificial language, constructed language, fictional language, model language, whatever - language builders can't really agree on the name to call their pastime because for many years 'closet linguists' were not able to communicate. With the Internet, a new era in linguistics is beginning.  The Internet has brought more people interested in linguistics and grammar to the model languaging front., for example, has become a hub/portal for model languaging enthusiasts, and no matter which term you use, you can find news and information, and even get hold of Langmaker software, especially devised for quickly inventing and keeping track of your own language." -- WorldMaker, writing for Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, 1/24/00