Site | Vozgian  |
Language | Vozgian |
Language Subtitle | Old version |
Year | 1996 |
Translator | Jan van Steenbergen |
Introduction | Vozgian is a North-Slavonic conlang, supposedly spoken in the Vozgian Autonomous Republic, somewhere in the North of Russia. I started creating it back in 1996 an, as might be expected, work is still in progress.
In 2004, the language was restarted from scratch. This Babel Text translation represents the old version of the language and therefore may be considered obsolete. |
Verse 1 | I suvemu miruj päl jädyn enzaj i jädne sloha. |
Verse 2 | Apo bruälu, gode buðeli jäs nahuðu, u naäli klaðgu zämun u taraŭi inaru i zayli ijan. |
Verse 3 | I kuvrel mu sujmu: "Bryþe! Ðelajmu gamnai i toŭro ije ukorencymu." I gamnai ym päle zgalme, i poldu ym pälu klainan. |
Verse 4 | I uni kurveli: "Bryþe! Putujmu nam hräð i laðnun gurei ŭurh tuäpeþ tu näpe. I ðelajmu nam imenu, u nä se ruzsäjpemu ufs suvai mir." |
Verse 5 | Tode izäl Imač u jiðepeþ hräð i laðnun gure putŭale juna luðej. |
Verse 6 | I kuvrel Imač: "Jiðiþe! Jädyn naruþ i jädyn enzaj tela useh, i du jäþ ču načoli ðelade. I dairaz naču nä panðeþ namoencu, ču nä hučpenþ uðelade. |
Verse 7 | Bryþe! Suðmu i umäamu dam yh enzaj, u uni nä gabŭapenþ enzaju sujke. |
Verse 8 | I Imač ruzsäjel yh jästaðande ufs suvai mir, i uni ustäli putŭade hräð. |
Verse 9 | Utadu se nazŭal Babel, uču Imač umäal enzaj suvoke miru, i jästaðande Imač yh ruzsäjel ufs suvai mir. |
Interlinear Translation 1 | And the whole world had one language and the same words. |
Translation 2 | But it happened, as they moved from the East, that they found a plain in the land Shinar, and they dwelt there. |
Translation 3 | And a man said unto his friend: "Come! Let us make bricks and burn them well." And the bricks were stones for them, and clay was mortar for them. |
Translation 4 | And they said: "Come, let us build a city and a tower, top of which will reach heaven. And we will make ourselves a name, so that we will not be scattered over the whole world." |
Translation 5 | Then the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, that the children of man were building. |
Translation 6 | And the Lord said: "Behold! One people and one language for all, and this is what they began to do. And now, nothing will be impossible for them, whatever they would want to do. |
Translation 7 | Behold! We will come down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand each other's language." |
Translation 8 | And the Lord scattered them from there over the whole world, and they ceased building the city. |
Translation 9 | For that reason it is called Babel, because the Lord confused the language of the whole word, and from there the Lord scattered them over the whole world. |
English Paraphrase 1 | [and][whole world-DAT][was][one][language][and][one-PL][words] |
Paraphrase 2 | [but][happened-N][when][travelled-3PL][from][east-GEN][that][found-3PL][flat ground-ACC][in][land Shinar-LOC][and][started-to-live-3PL][her-ACC] |
Paraphrase 3 | [and][said][man][his-(friend)-DAT][come-IMP-2PL][make-IMP-1PL][bricks][and][good-ADV][them][hotten-IMP-1PL] [and][bricks][them-DAT][were-3PL][rocks][and][clay][them-DAT][was-3SG][mortar] |
Paraphrase 4 | [and][they][said-3PL][come-IMP-2PL][build-IMP-1PL][us-DAT][city][and][tower-ACC][which-GEN][top][reach-CONJ-3SG][to][heaven] [and][make-IMP-1PL][us-DAT][name][that][not][PRON-REFL][scatter-CONJ-1PL][over][whole world-ACC] |
Paraphrase 5 | [then][descended][Lord][that][see-CONJ-3SG][city][and][tower][which-ACC-PL][built-3PL][children][people-GEN-PL] |
Paraphrase 6 | [and][said][Lord][see-IMP-2PL][one][people-NOM-SG][and][one][language][for] [all-GEN-PL][and][this][is][what][began-3PL][do] [and][now][nothing][them-DAT][not][will-be][impossible-N][what][not][want-CONJ-3PL][do] |
Paraphrase 7 | [come-IMP-2PL][descend-IMP-1PL][and][mix-up-IMP-1PL][there][they-GEN][language][that][they][not][understand-CONJ-3PL][language-GEN][his-(friend)-GEN] |
Paraphrase 8 | [and][Lord][scattered][they-ACC][from-there][over][whole world-ACC][and][they][stopped-PL][build][city] |
Paraphrase 9 | [For-that-reason][PRON-REFL][called][Babel][because][Lord][mixed-up][language][whole-world-GEN][and][from-there][Lord][they-ACC][scattered][over][whole world-ACC] |
Submitted By | Jan van Steenbergen |
Date Submitted | Friday, March 22, 2002 |
Updated By | Jan van Steenbergen |
Date Edited | Sunday, March 20, 2005 |
Description Of Update | Note that this is an obsolete version of Vozgian QVerify = LEgOS |
Date To Headline | Tuesday, March 22, 2005 |