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Veltish (Veÿtischlange/Veÿtischpihk) - Babel Text Profile   Advanced
Language SubtitleVeÿtischlange/Veÿtischpihk
TranslatorMarshall Wildey
IntroductionVeltish is a constructed language I devised that is based on English and was inspired by German and Afrikaans. It started out as a contracted or slurred form of English, but over several months of revision in structure, grammar, and vocabulary, it has developed a more Germanic feel to it. It has existed since the spring of 2002. Veltish, or Veÿtischlange (or Veÿtischpihk), resembles English, since that's what it's based on. Most words are simply contracted transliterations of English. Grammar as far as word order remains basically the same, but plurals and verbs have changed slightly. Veltish spelling is as difficult, annoying, and meaningless as English, if not more so. Special features include the double s (or s-zed), the overuse of double vowels, and the letter "ÿ," which is equivalent to the guttural "l" sound.. Veltish is spoken by one person in the United States. The Veltish language gets its name from a transliteration of its creator's name, Marshall! Wildey. If anyone is interested in the Veltish language, please contact
Verse 1Nauv na-Vhoÿëvöÿt ëefët onë lange 'nd gümmenschpisch.
Verse 2Es meën mofët ihschtvaarte, zek fannët plehn en Syinar 'nd seßeÿt zerë.
Verse 3Zek zeht zu ihsch ozer: "Gekomëën, geleßen os mekë bligken 'nd bekë zem tdhööchlich." Zek oosët bligk enschtiht o' schtonë, 'nd taare fö mötaare.
Verse 4Zen zek zeht: "Gekomëën, geleßen os pfeÿt aurzeÿfen zitï, vitdh tauver zed lisch zu die Ëihfenen, zo zed vë meh mekë nemë fö aurzeÿfen 'nd nod bë skeßeÿt ofer na-Vholëihrtdhfezë."
Verse 5Bod na-Lödgot komët dauven so ie güÿt zih na-Zitï 'nd na-Tauver zed na-Meën pfeÿtengk.
Verse 6Na-Lödgot zeht: "Ef es onëpiebeÿ schpihkengk na-Zemëlange zek'fë bëgent doongk zis, zen netdhengk zek plen doongk v'ÿb empoßpeÿ fö zem.
Verse 7Gekomëën, geleßen os go dauven 'nd konfoosë zeks lange zo zekv'ÿ nod ontschtant ihsch ozer."
Verse 8Zo na-Lödgot skeßeÿt zem vrom zerë ëihrtdhüllofer, 'nd zek schtopt pfeÿtengk na-Zitï.
Verse 9Zed vha iß güÿt Babeÿ - 'goozë zerë na-Lödgot konfoosët na-Vhoÿëvöÿtlange. Vrom zerë na-Lödgot skeßeÿt zem ofer na-Vholëihrtdhfezë.
Interlinear Translation 1Now the-Whole-world had (haved) one language and common-speech.
Translation 2As men moved eastward, they found (finded) plain in Shinar and settled there.
Translation 3They said (sayed) to each other, "Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly." They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.
Translation 4Then they said (sayed), "Come, let us build ourselves city, with tower that reach to the heavens, so that we may make name for ourselves and not be scattered over the-Whole-earth-face."
Translation 5But the-Lord-God came (comed) down so he could see the-City and the-Tower that the-Men building.
Translation 6The-Lord-God said (sayed): "If as one-people speaking the-Same-language they've begun (begined) doing this, then nothing they plan doing will be (w'llbe) impossible for them.
Translation 7Come, let us go down and confuse their (they's) language so they will (theyw'll) not understand each other."
Translation 8So the-Lord-God scattered them from there earth-all-over, and they stopped building the-City.
Translation 9That why it called Babel - because ('cause) there the-Lord-God confused the-Whole-world-language. From there the-Lord-God scattered them over the-Whole-earth-face.
Submitted ByMarshall Wildey
Date SubmittedFriday, January 03, 2003
Updated ByMarshall Wildey
Date EditedMonday, June 30, 2003
Description Of UpdateIntro shortened. Veltish text revised due to changes in language. Interlinear translation included.
Date To HeadlineMonday, June 30, 2003

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