Site | Veluws - site 1
Veluws - site 2
Veluws - site 3
Veluws - site 4
Veluws - site 5  |
Language | Veluws |
Year | 2003 |
Translator | Stefan Lubbersen |
Introduction | Veluws is a Dutch dialect (regional language) belonging to the Nedersaksisch ("Low Saxon") language group. Veluws is spoken in an area called the "Veluwe". Mostly elderly people speak it, but also younger people, but with more of a Dutch influence. The amount of people isn't very clear but some words are also used by Dutch people in 'sociolects' - for example the word 'hen' (to have) and eten [pronounced eet'n] (to eat). |
Verse 1 | Noe had de heule wereld een taol en gebruukte deselvde woorden. |
Verse 2 | Toen de minsen naor et oosten gungen, vunden sy 'n leigvlakte in et land van Sinear. |
Verse 3 | Laoten wy bakstenen maoken en et goed bakken, sy gebruukten de bakstenen in plek van stenen, en teer as cement. |
Verse 4 | Toen seiten sy: "Laoten wy 'n stad bouwen, en 'n toren die naor de hemel rykt, soda'w 'n naom veur onselv kun maoken en nie verspreid wurden over de heule wereld." |
Verse 5 | Mer God kwam naor benejen um naor de stad en de toren te kyken die de minsen ebouwd hadden. |
Verse 6 | God sei: "As minsen mit deselvde taol dit gaon doen, dan is niks wat sy wuln onmeuglik." |
Verse 7 | Kom, laoten wy naor benejen gaon en hulie taol in de war maoken, sodat sy mekaor nie begrypen kun. |
Verse 8 | En God verspreidde hulie over de heule wereld, en de minsen stopten mit et bouwen van de stad. |
Verse 9 | En daorum hen sy de stad Babel enuumd - umdat God de taol van de heule wereld in de war maokte. God verspreidde de minsen daorweg over de heule wereld. |
English Paraphrase 1 | Now the whole world had one language and one speech. |
Paraphrase 2 | When the people went to the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar. |
Paraphrase 3 | And they said to each other: "Let's make bricks and bake 'm". They used bricks instead of stones, and tar as cement. |
Paraphrase 4 | Then they said: "Let's build a city, and a tower as high as heaven, so that we can make a name for ourselves and we will not be scattered over the whole world." |
Paraphrase 5 | But God came to down to the city to see the city and the tower that the people made. |
Paraphrase 6 | God said: "If people with the same language can do this, then nothing what they want impossible." |
Paraphrase 7 | Come, let's go down and mess-up their language, so that they won't understand each other. |
Paraphrase 8 | And God scattered them over the whole world, and they stopped with the building of the city. |
Paraphrase 9 | And that's why the city is called Babel - because God messed-up all the languages in the world. God scattered the people from there all over the whole world. |
Submitted By | Stefan Lubbersen |
Date Submitted | Tuesday, October 07, 2003 |
Updated By | Stefan Lubbersen |
Date Edited | Friday, July 22, 2005 |
Description Of Update | Writing system changed and updated. |
Date To Headline | Friday, July 22, 2005 |