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TranslatorMartin F.
Verse 1Het tontir delaim noim rengenim Ahap, het noim reňim.
Verse 2Het Ahukur, mentas te tesh hestim Akam, te plainim nin delaim di Shinar Afunud; het te totio Agrakab.
Verse 3Het te doter Athike, "Fer brukim, het tolentir Bren tai." Het te brukim kum piterim Ahap, het lodoin kum mrotim Ahap.
Verse 4Het te Athike, "Bruk sutain het turim, kis jinim sulim Odok, het Fer nanim, jo me sub fahaim di delain Noipret.
Verse 5Het rehulim Akam, jo sutaim het turim Obe, ke ňesetim di honim Amrot.
Verse 6Het rehulim Athike, "Be, genim noim Ekus, het te tono rengenim Ehap; het te kosi Efer: nulim tai Ohapul Para, mentas te rai Ogemaj."
Verse 7Me Obaher, het tu rengenim Okonfus, jo te rengenim di doter Noikomup.
Verse 8Than rehulim tai sub fahaim di delaim Apret.
Verse 9So re Babel Anam, por rehulim rengenim di delaim Akonfus; het thens rehulim tai sub fahaim di delaim Apret.
Interlinear Translation 1And the whole earth one language had, and one speech.
Translation 2And it passed, while they from the East came, that they a plain in the land of Shinar found, and there they dwellt.
Translation 3And they said to the other, Make bricks, and thoroughly burn them. And they brick like stone had, and mud like mortar had.
Translation 4And they said, We a city will build, and a tower will build, whose top the heavens will reach, and a name we will make, in order that we throughout the face of the earth are not separated.
Translation 5And the lord came, the city and tower to see, which the fruit of men built.
Translation 6And the lord said, Look, the people one are, and they one language have; and this they do, nothing from them will be able to be restrained, while they it imagine.
Translation 7We will go down, and their language will confuse, so that they the language of the other will not understand.
Translation 8Therefore, the lord them throughout the face of the earth scattered.
Translation 9As a result, it Babel was called; because the lord the languages of the earth confused, and from then on, the lord them throughout the face of the earth scattered.
Submitted ByMartin F.
Date SubmittedMonday, October 14, 2002
Updated ByJeffrey Henning
Date EditedFriday, August 13, 2004
Description Of UpdateCorrected language name.
Date To HeadlineWednesday, October 16, 2002

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