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Middle Dutch (2002) - Babel Text Profile   Advanced
LanguageMiddle Dutch
Language Subtitle2002
TranslatorStefan Lubbersen
IntroductionMiddle Dutch was spoken in 1200-1500. For verses 1 to 5 I couldn't always find the exact Middle Dutch words, but I tried to do it as accurately as possible!
Verse 1Nu had den hele aerde eenerly tael en eenerly sprake.
Verse 2Toen menschen naert oosten gingen, vonden sy een vlakte int lant van Shinar.
Verse 3En sy seyde tegen elkaer: "Laten wy bakstenen maken en hen goed bakken" sy gebruikte bakstenen in plaets van stenen en asfalt als cement.
Verse 4Toen seyde sy: "Laet ons een stadt bouwen, en een toren so hoog als den hemel, sodat wy een naem voor ons self kunnen maken en ne worden verstroyt over den hele aerde.
Verse 5Doe quam de HEERE neder om te besien de Stadt ende den Toren die de kinderen der menschen bouwden.
Verse 6Ende de HEERE seyde: Siet sy zijn eenerly volck ende hebben alle eenerly sprake ende dit ist dat sy beginnen te maken: maer nu en soude hen niet afgesneden worden al wat sy bedacht hebben te maken?
Verse 7Kom aen laet ons nedervaren ende laet ons hare sprake aldaer verwerren: op dat een yegelijck de sprake sijnes naesten niet en hoore.
Verse 8Also verstroydese de HEERE van daer over de gantsche aerde: ende sy hielden op de Stadt te bouwen.
Verse 9Daerom noemde men haren name Babel; wat aldaer verwerre de HEERE de sprake der gantscher aerde en van daer verstroyde se de HEERE over de gantsche aerde.
English Paraphrase 1Now the whole world had one language and one speech.
Paraphrase 2When the people went to the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar.
Paraphrase 3And they said to each other: "Let's make bricks and bake 'm". They used bricks instead of stones, and tar as cement.
Paraphrase 4Then they said: "Let's build a city, and a tower as high as heaven, so that we can make a name for ourselves and we will not be scattered over the whole world."
Paraphrase 5But God came to down to the city to see the city and the tower that the people made.
Paraphrase 6God said: "If people with the same language can do this, then nothing what they want impossible."
Paraphrase 7Come, let's go down and mess-up their language, so that they won't understand each other.
Paraphrase 8And God scattered them over the whole world, and they stopped with the building of the city.
Paraphrase 9And that's why the city is called Babel - because God messed-up all the languages in the world. God scattered the people from there all over the whole world.
Submitted ByStefan Lubbersen
Date SubmittedMonday, March 31, 2003
Updated ByStefan Lubbersen
Date EditedSaturday, June 12, 2004
Description Of UpdateNew e-mail address
Date To HeadlineWednesday, April 14, 2004

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