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TranslatorNick Kalivoda
Verse 1Pren pändë Maldena umit ene arikůn keá voikůn äleirc.
Verse 2Tat bhažkůim kriðît bwatibrakůam, amagît sudeikůn Cinarkůž keá mlîtenað eiðurdë.
Verse 3Racît åndceikůam, "Noldus, usenîn starsaí pralðeirim keá kribim omlaí eltirů." Îtkît pralðeirkůn adúr lîðos, keá brorakůn adúr ilm.
Verse 4Druc racît, "Noldus, usenîn gaðim håma daí flir, keáð swîvreld ti bhahien nimakůam, erdž vrazo starsaí gaðim džoků, keá erdž so nin døðeg pø llápackůž dë pvändë Maldena."
Verse 5Iol Iawe noldit bratdë džavr akzaí flir keá swîvreld ti bhažkůim håma dît.
Verse 6Iawe racit, "Si ene mål keáð ene ari vrazi tus mievaí, piøt lendrež tom eiramî sir ämbloždë kriðim
Verse 7Noldus, usenîn gagim ninaí bratdë keá eikaíma kribanim ari erdž notîr åndcei.
Verse 8Erdž Iawe døðit kribim pø Maldenakůž pändëž, keá krinðît dë håma daí flir.
Verse 9Si ter sit falianeg Bäbel - erkho Iawe eikitma arikůn dë pändë Maldena, keá døðit kribim pø llápackůž dë Maldena.
Interlinear Translation 1All Earth had one language, and common speech.
Translation 2As the men [they] moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and they settled there.
Translation 3They said at each other, "Come, let us [to] make bricks [to] bake them thoroughly." They used bricks instead of stone, and tar instead of mortar.
Translation 4Then they said, "Come, let us [to] build ourselves city, with tower which reaches into sky, so that we're able [to] make name [for] ourselves and we're not scattered all over entire Earth."
Translation 5But Yaweh came down to see city and tower, which men were making.
Translation 6Yaweh said, "If, as one race speaking one language, they have begun to make these things, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them."
Translation 7Come, let us [to] go down and [to] confuse their language so that they will not understand each other.
Translation 8So Yaweh scattered them from there all over entire Earth, and they stopped of to build city.
Translation 9It is why it was called Babel - because Yaweh confused language of all Earth. Then Yaweh scattered them from there all over all Earth.
Submitted ByNick Kalivoda
Date SubmittedWednesday, April 07, 2004
Updated ByNick Kalivoda
Date EditedMonday, March 07, 2005
Description Of UpdateReduction of diacritics and addition of website
Date To HeadlineTuesday, March 08, 2005

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