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English-Dublex Root Glossary


English-Dublex Root Glossary   Advanced
ability  habil
absence  bez
abstraction  cah
acid  cisid
action  cact
adult  mat
agent  gan
air  luft
alcohol  cohol
all sides, all around  ger
allium  luc
alphabet  bac
amphibian  fib
animal, animate being, beast, brute, creature, fauna  jant
arachnid  vosp
art  fan
atom  tom
bamboo  bamub
bar, rod, rail  bar
barley  bir
base, node, station  nod
beauty  jamil
bird  hir
birth  nasc
black, blackness  ner
blade  hafer
blue  nil
board  tabul
body of water  vod
body part  bad
bomb  bomb
bone, os  cost
book  citab
bovine, cow, bull  bacar
bread  sanj
brown  bur
building, edifice  bin
buttock, cheek  pig
camel  camel
cannon  canon
carbon, C  carb
card  cart
cat  catoh
cause  caz
celebration, rejoicing, jubilee  fest
change, transformation  tarn
chocolate  hocolat
choice  hun
circle  sirc
claim, assertion  delc
class, kind, type  cals
cloth, fabric  cumah
coffee  caf
color  color
comedy  hazil
command, instruction  mand
communication unit  garm
communication  comun
companion, associate  sahab
comparison  comar
competition  rival
computer  comp
condition, state, status  cond
cone  conus
connection, joint  jor
container  vas
control  cont
copulation  safid
copy, a duplicate  cop
corn, maize  miz
correct  corect
cover  cov
creation  fab
cross  cars
cup  cub
curve  cirv
cut, cutting  cat
cyberspace  ciber
day  din
death  mort
debt  dend
decay, rotten object  fas
deep object  gulb
deer, cervid  mirg
deficit, shortfall, insufficiency  zad
dense something  dens
desire, wish, want  desir
diagonal, incline  dal
difference, different object  farc
difficult task  dif
digit  dit
direction  direct
dirt, ground  dart
disparagement, pejoration  mal
dog, canine  calot
dust  polv
east  dun
eating  comanj
edge  corb
egg  vov
eight  voct
electricity  volt
emotion, feeling  sent
ending, conclusion, completion  fin
event, occurrence, happening  hasal
excess  vih
exchange, trade  tajar
expensive object  tam
face  lan
fall  lant
family  fam
far object  tel
fast object  vel
fastener  cant
fat  mot
favorableness  sah
fear  teror
feather  pir
feces, excrement  cal
female  ses
field  camp
fight, combat, conflict  comb
file  fil
fire  foc
fish  min
five  pen
flag, banner  baner
flesh  carn
flower, bloom, blossom  forl
food preparation  cos
food  gid
foot  ped
form, shape  form
form, shape  hacar
four  har
fraction  farh
frame  hical
freedom, liberty  lib
freeze  jamad
frequent event  ferc
front  font
fruit  furt
full container  poln
fun  haz
furniture  mob
future  bud
garment  cam
gas  gas
gift  don
glass  vid
god, deity, divinity  dev
government  gov
grains, cereal  gurn
grass  gars
group  gurp
guitar  gitar
hair  vols
hammer  molot
hand  hand
happiness  suc
head  cap
health, the state of wel  sih
heart  card
heavy object  tol
high object  halt
hold  pacar
hole, orifice  cand
horizontal  horz
horse, Equus caballus  hisan
hot object  term
hour  hor
human, human being  human
increase  rast
injury, damage, harm  ran
ink  tint
insect  sisp
intensity, emphasis  lam
interval  pel
iron, Fe  fer
item, member  memb
journey, trip, traveling  safar
jump  cafaz
knowledge  cog
lamp  lamp
law  canun
leader  capt
learning  lern
left  lev
light  lum
lightning  barc
limb  nog
line  lin
liquid  lic
little  let
location, position  loc
long event  dur
long object  lang
loud object  volm
love  caras
machine  mahin
mail  post
male  mas
mammal  mam
mark  marc
market  bazar
marriage, matrimony, wedlock  nupt
matter, material, substance  mater
meaning  suh
measure, measurement  mer
meat  mans
metal  metal
middle, center  med
military  milit
milk  malact
mind  ment
money  dinar
moon, Moon  lun
motor, engine  motor
mountain, mount  mont
mouth, oral cavity  muc
movement  mov
Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss  senor
much  ton
multiplication  mult
music  music
name  nam
nation, country, state, political entity  natin
nature  nat
negation  nont
nest, house, lair, den  nest
net  net
nine  nen
noble  nobil
north  nort
nose, olfactory organ  nas
noun  nomin
number, numeral  nomer
object, thing  pird
obscenity  fac
ocean, sea  mar
off  zup
offer  tigun
offspring  sulal
old object  salf
one  van
opening, aperture  hubac
opposite extreme, polar opposite  con
oscillation  coleb
outer space  cozom
outside  bah
pants, trousers  patuln
paper  pap
parent  map
part  part
past  pas
people group, public  pub
performance  mulp
peripheral  calc
permanent object  perm
person, individual  per
picture, image  pict
pig, hog, Sus scrofa  suvin
plane  pin
plant organ  vam
plant  pant
play, diversion  celeb
pocket  jeb
politics  politic
pome  pelm
position  pos
possession  malc
precipitation  doj
present, now  nun
pressing, pressure  dab
provision, supply  porv
public good, common good   pubilc
question, query  pors
radio  rad
readiness  sup
reason, explanation, justification, rationale  rezon
reciprocity  risp
red  run
remainder, remnant  rest
removal, subtraction  vav
repetition  rep
reptile, reptilian  rept
reserve  banc
responsibility, liability, accountability  resp
rice  ris
risk  zard
road, route  darg
rock, stone  roc
rodent, gnawer, gnawing animal  muh
room, chamber  camer
rough object  ruch
rule, regulation  reg
running movement  curs
sack  sac
safety, security  surc
sale  vend
salt  sal
same things, identical things  datun
satisfaction  sat
scale  gard
science  sint
search  sic
season  sezon
secret  serc
self  seb
sense  sens
separation  dis
series, sequence  ser
set  set
seven  sem
sharp object  carc
sheep  meh
shell  canc
shield  hild
shirt  camis
sibling  germ
side, flank, lateral area  sart
sight, vision  vis
silk  silc
site  mest
sitting position  sadits
six  sis
sleep  som
soft object  narm
something above  sur
something late/tardy  tard
sound  fon
source, origin  nahar
spear, lance  lans
sphere  herc
square  harl
star  tar
step  supt
storm  tufan
story, tale  cis
string, thread  cord
stripe  dar
strong object  fort
stylus  pens
subject  subect
substitute  sust
suddenness, abruptness  sud
sugar  sucar
Sun  sol
superlative  super
system  sist
target  motiv
task, work, chore, job, assignment  jib
taut  tat
ten to the power of  des
tendency, propensity  tend
thanks  hucar
thick object  tols
thread, filament  sut
three  ter
throat, pharynx  galc
tiger, Panthera tigris  tiger
time  raz
time  temp
tiny object/event  micor
tobacco  tabac
tomato  tamat
tool, utensil, implement  him
tooth  dent
top  top
total, sum, aggregate  sum
touch  tact
tree  hazar
truth  parv
tube  tub
tuber  jam
two  duv
use, usage  pus
vegetable  sald
vehicle  vic
verb  verb
vertical  vert
violence  curl
wall  murl
washing  lav
watcher  secop
water  vat
way  metod
weapon  vuh
weather  mosam
whatchamacallit  mum
wheel  col
wide object  horc
wind  vent
word  voc
worker, seller, professional  nic
World Wide Web  veb
world  mir
worthiness  val
yellow  jel
zero  sir
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