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Acknowledgements   Advanced
Ray Brown - Thanks to Ray for his suggestions for simplying the sound system of Dublex, specifically his critism of separate /w/ and /v/ sounds, of the presence of the /h/ sound, and of using the digraph 'ch' to represent /sh/. Inspired by this, /w/ and /h/ and /y/ were eliminated and 'h' was instead used for /sh/.
Ivan Derzhanski - Thanks to Ivan for his comments and corrections on natural language sources of Dublex vocabulary.
David Dynes - Thanks to our past summer intern David Dynes for all his help compiling the Dublex dictionary.
Rick Harrison - Thanks to Rick for designing the Universal Language Dictionary, and for overseeing the compilation of it, which proved an invaluable reference for coining Dublex words and for deciding which core concepts needed to be included in the Dublex dictionary.
Lojbanistas - Thanks to all the Lojbanistas who contributed to the six-language etymological lexicon.
Mark McGrath - Thanks to Mark for insisting on schwa insertion.
Rick Morneau - Thanks to Rick for his article on morphotactics, which prompted me to design the morphotactics of Dublex, and especial thanks for his magnum opus, "Lexical Semantics", which influenced the grammar of Dublex significantly.
Leo Moser - Thanks to Leo for sharing generously of his research for his Acadon system and for his detailed feedback on the internationality of proposed root words. It was at Leo's passionate suggestion and insistence that 'c' was adopted in all places for the /k/ sound.
John Cowan, Mark Shoulson, BPJ, et al - Thanks to everyone who helped me refine the Dublex vocabulary and provided valuable feedback.
Others - If I left you out, please forgive me -- and gently remind me.
Conlang Profiles at CC-BY 4.0: 1996 — 2022 .

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