Language Name | Archeía |
Language Author | Anselm Huppenbauer |
Year Began | 1998 |
Site | Archeía  |
Broken Link | No |
Site Language | English |
Site Author | Anselm Huppenbauer |
Language Type | fictional diachronic language |
Uniqueness | It's a richly inflected language and maybe the conlang with the most irregular verbs (ca. 35). It also has a rich set of derivational affixes. With a few borrowings, it might even be turned into a working modern language. One other uniqueness is that several Greek letters are used. |
Language Sources | Concerning the grammar, inspired mostly by Greek (Ancient and Modern), but to a lesser extent also Quenya and Spanish. The phonology is also influenced by Sindarin and Bahasa Indonesia. |
Design Principles | As with most conlangers, my main aim was to create a beautiful language, with lots of vowels and not too much clusters, that is easily pronounceable (despite its quite complex grammar). The ideal sound would be a mixture between Greek, Quenya and Indonesian. |
Interest Of Others | Most of my friends aren't told by me about "my secret vice", though I think they know ;-) Only in the ZBB board the language has been discussed, and there are even a few persons who liked to learn it. |
Quotation | Os· Énos yerquendaξ’ anevende o· δωra, ya ce diá eξanna, ním θenãm lon θainon – ya to· rỹa ye to· viswe oide ní gedeψe oía gúmya os· lηyas ekoinos. |
Explanation | [O"sE:nOs 'jE6kwen'daksane"vEndE o"Do:ra 'jakE"dja: ?E"ksana 'nimTE"nam lOn"TainOn "jato "ry:a "jEto "viswE "OidEni ge"dEpsE "Oia "gumja Os"le:jas E"kOinOs] |
Translation | In the tales of the wind the trees became bare, and if I go out, I woudn’t find any apples – and the crimson and the sweet would only remain in one dream of a lost summer. |
Dictionary | Yes |
Etymologies | No |
Grammar | Yes |
Sample Texts | Yes |
Unique Script | No |
Primer | No |
Babel Text | Yes |
Lexicon Size | 2,500 |
Submitted By | Anselm Huppenbauer |
Date Submitted | Sunday, September 19, 2004 |
Updated By | Anselm Huppenbauer |
Date Edited | Tuesday, November 02, 2004 |
Description Of Update | New sample quotation |
Date To Headline | Wednesday, November 24, 2004 |