Site | Talhata  |
Language | Talhata |
Year | 2003 |
Introduction | Yenesis 11:1-9 Yoikaa hapxa Baibel no |
Verse 1 | Noimev vaikh mena yo en voipai daletamaat no. |
Verse 2 | Ne yov teni Xinar nalh poimotsumaat en tsaa toinetsutotsumaat ann spaha ne daka möyaakw limsotsumaat. |
Verse 3 | "Etsuutxemsaat ne natsi en koimev paiksuutxemsaat tsii " txa yiv lhe tsaa seipotsumaat. Natsi eki yaiv xetxi en târa mortaru dij ruvotsumaat. |
Verse 4 | Lhexyev tsaa seipotsumaat, "Etsuutxemsaat u dij tani, yoikau hapxiyen txa nedov nuvamaat ne hevenu, txa thö etemptsemsaat vfevi tu dij en eki uvemsaatpuxaa vöö tenu vaikh meno". |
Verse 5 | An nhov Yâwe na puvamaat txa thö tani en yoikai hapxi uvamaatsaitaa elha hupxotsumaat ya ne daka. |
Verse 6 | Yâwe na sepiamaat, "Txadaktxiniikö yo ne thaha duletotsumaat yo daleti txa nirr paikireyusgotsumaataaw, lhexyev uvamaatnijaa tsiiyai txa tsu dij pyoiveyusgotsumaat. |
Verse 7 | Nhov nuvsuutxaat en kipxaat tso daleti txa thö yiv lhe eki uvotsumaatunintsunaa". |
Verse 8 | Thö Yâwe na tsii vaikh mena puxamaat en tani toimehupxotsumaat. |
Verse 9 | Tuvamaat txa mayu Baibel nii tsuvamaat eme Yâwe na daleti vaikh meno kipxamaat ann. Nu na van ann txa Yâwe na tsii vöö tenu vaikh meno puxamaat. |
Interlinear Translation 1 | Now all earth one and common language had-it. |
Translation 2 | Some land Shinar at-it found-they and build-town+started-they there when men east-towards moved-they. |
Translation 3 | "Let-make-we bricks and completely let-bake-we them" that each other they said-they. |
Translation 4 | Then they said-they, "Let-make-we for-us town, tower that up it-goes heavens-to, that so make-may-we name for-us and not will-mixed across land all earth-of". |
Translation 5 | But down God he came-he that so town and tower would-see-he which build-they were men. |
Translation 6 | God he said-he, "If-possible one-people speak-they one language that it-is-this have-begun+do-they, then will-possible-it everything that for-them think+do-they |
Translation 7 | Down let-go-I and mix-I their language that so each other not will-understand-they". |
Translation 8 | So God he them all earth he-mixed and city they-stopped+building |
Translation 9 | Is-it that why Babel named-it because God he languages all earth mixed-he there. It from there that God he them across land all of-earth distributed-he. |
Notes 6 | Note idiom: think + do = plan |
Submitted By | David Stewart-Candy |
Date Submitted | Wednesday, August 13, 2003 |
Updated By | David Stewart-Candy |
Date Edited | Saturday, July 03, 2004 |
Description Of Update | removed name |
Date To Headline | Wednesday, July 07, 2004 |