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Verse 1Ahi Mòelmon enter or nom lenuhe, ahi el tòel.
Verse 2Sab perdul tehi òste, tehi erkat nom fahen òen teru Sinar; ahi dar tehi bòdbuha.
Verse 3Ahi derben tehi tal, "Talepe! Mohen me beruki ted me behe pòer." Ahi tehi or beruki pel stein, ahi falm pel mòrtel.
Verse 4Ahi tehi tal, "Talepe! Buhen me nom lòek, ahi nom tor ted pel Paradisa reik; ahi mihel dode me el savet, ted me nehi rum Mòelmon sates."
Verse 5Ahi Jamu sab koma pel lòeka ahi toru et lem, ted andemenal kahure buha.
Verse 6Ahi Jamu tal, "Lem, stemu rad nom, ahi tehi er nom leuhe; kan ted tehi areha, ahi eur rad nehi par tehi amohe, ted tehi pantes et mohe."
Verse 7Talepe! Perde me sab, ahi lenuhul tehi kompure, ted tes nehi beide tòelal teser.
Verse 8Ted Jamu sata tehi par dar rum Mòelmon: ahi tehi kan lòeka nehi fel moha.
Verse 9Par ted rad savetal lòeka Babel; par Jamu kompura dar lenuhul Mòelmon enter; ahi par dar sata En tehi rum Mòelmon.
Interlinear Translation 1And \the world\ entire had one language, and one speak.
Translation 2Under \the travel of\ they eastwards, they found a plain in land Shinar; and there they settled.
Translation 3And between eachother they said, "Listen! Make we bricks which we good burn." And they had bricks for stone, and slime for mortar.
Translation 4And they spok, "Listen! Build we a city, and a tower that to Paradise reach; and \to ourselves\ give we a name, that we not around \the world\ \will be parted\
Translation 5And \the Lord\ down came for \the city\ and \the tower\ to see, that \the children of\ men \had built\.
Translation 6And \the Lord\ said, "Look, \the people\ are one, and they have one language; with this they started, and now is nothing for them impossible, that they think to do."
Translation 7Listen! Go we down, and \the language of\ they confuse, so they not understand \the speak of\ another.
Translation 8So \the Lord\ parted them from there around \the world\: and they with \the city\ no more did.
Translation 9\Because of\ that is \the name of\ \the city\ Babel; for \the Lord\ confused there \the language of\ \the world\ entire; and from there parted he them around \the world\
Submitted ByAljam
Date SubmittedTuesday, May 21, 2002
Updated ByJamu
Date EditedThursday, December 12, 2002
Date To HeadlineThursday, December 12, 2002

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