Site | Qtwyqp Qly  |
Language | Qtwyqp Qly |
Year | 2004 |
Translator | Marq Thompson |
Verse 1 | Qtymqp tpam phtn'rqt ttot qhywpp ttla gbyor. |
Verse 2 | Phthymphsh phthym Shyw phwmphs n'lorm dn'yordz n'lorm n'lorm phyngd phwd zdn'yor tswzz woym thwym n'lor ppyor ttlam. |
Verse 3 | Ble ggrmphsh n'lar bnrortq lorm n'lar gdnrorg ttwat ttlam dle n'lor n'lorm phwmd qqyorqp. Ggrmphsh n'lor pshyor ble ggrm dle zhymgg n'lor pshyor ble dbhymbd ggrym dle ttlam. |
Verse 4 | Ble phthymgz phthymsh phthwymps phwmd ttla n'larm bhzw n'lar bnartq thymtp n'larm bhzw n'larm bhzhymtq qhywpp shwdd qthn'rarn' ttwat bhzw n'lar bnrartq ttlam dle n'lor qqyorqp. |
Verse 5 | Phthymgz phthymsh ttla ble qn'rqq phtn'ryqt byortq dle Gznwymshq spn'oymp Gznwyshq zdyoy phwash. |
Verse 6 | Ble splw ble dle ym tpam gzn'rdd zzor qtymqp tpam n'lor ttot pshor ttlam thymdd n'lorm n'or n'lor bor ttyt ble n'lor qtyorb dle ble n'lor mror dle ttla n'lorm phwd ttla ghroyn'zd tswadd ttlam ttlam dle ttla Gznwyshq qqyoyqp. |
Verse 7 | Ble n'larm thwym phwmd n'lar zdnrar phwash qtymqp n'rom ble qqymqp n'rom n'lor qtnrornqs dle bhzw ttla n'lar qthnrar ttlam dle Gznwyshq qqyoyqp. |
Verse 8 | N'lorm thwy phwb bhzhymtq qhywpp ble ttwat dle shwdd ttla Gznwyshq qthyoy ttwat phthymgz n'lorm bn'ortq n'lor dyort ttlam. |
Verse 9 | Bwyb thytp yom zzoy qtymqp qhywpp ble ttwat dle Gznwyshq thwy phthw qthyoy n'lorm thwy phwb bhzhymtq qhywpp ble ttwat dle shwdd ttla Gznwyshq qthyoy ttwat ttlam bhzla. |
Interlinear Translation 1 | Language one humans all of-Earth and they-used. |
Translation 2 | Plain land of-Shinar in them for-them-to-have-found them them east from for-them-to-have-moved as it-was-done there they they-lived and. |
Translation 3 | ( Bricks we let-us-will-make them we let-us-will-burn thoroughly and ) they them to they-said. Bricks they they-had ( stones ) slime they they-had ( glue of-rocks ) and. |
Translation 4 | ( City tower heaven to and us for we let-us-will-make name us for us surface of-Earth on for-us-not-to-will-be-separated thoroughly for we let-us-will-make and ) they they-said. |
Translation 5 | City tower and ( children of-humans they-made ) Lord for-him-to-see Lord he-moved downward. |
Translation 6 | ( Behold! ) ( Something one people they-are language one they all they-have and this them for-them-to-do they they-begin everything ( they they-have-imagined ) ( they they-would-do ) and them to and will-not-be-restrained now and and ) and Lord said. |
Translation 7 | ( Us there to we let-us-will-move downward language their ( speech their they let-them-will-not-understand ) for and we let-us-will-separate and ) Lord said. |
Translation 8 | Them there from surface of-Earth ( thoroughly ) on and Lord he-separated thoroughly city them for-them-to-make they they-ceased and. |
Translation 9 | Babel name its it-is language of-Earth ( thoroughly ) Lord there at he-separated them there from surface of-Earth ( thoroughly ) on and Lord he-separated thoroughly and because. |
Submitted By | Marq Thompson |
Date Submitted | Saturday, March 27, 2004 |
Date Edited | Saturday, March 27, 2004 |
Date To Headline | Sunday, March 28, 2004 |