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Nawrean - Babel Text Profile   Advanced
TranslatorMoreno Clementi
IntroductionI'm Italian (I apologize if my English is not perfect!); 17 years old. I have been working on this language for 1.5 years (but started with conlangs at 12). The words (3000, more or less) are almost all borrowed and re-adapted from other 'real' languages. Orthography's quite difficult. It doesn't sound as harsh as it looks! Grammar is unusual, but not too much: I wanted Nawrean to seem as natural as I could make it. It will soon be the official language of a micronation.
Verse 1Wëz zjeman ÿksy lysan ën isea slwoven.
Verse 2Migriyn vän ìstok, léwdiez scudènt yn plaen yn Sennáar glad, ay gí dwault.
Verse 3He theemal: ¡Hëll-amanyz!¡Hër-rhobival brikkë ay kegavlae phyr!. El brik sêrvì dir äz kachidh ent l' asfalth äz cêmìnt.
Verse 4Ay sew: ¡Hëll-amanyz!¡Hër-rhobival trë 'n naron, þess súë se ramàr wybren ent velyeval ant naem, uus dyscomtex hev ul zjeman!.
Verse 5Yed Ille-Sidy âvroyd weldti la trë 'n il naron léwdiez ser adeylliyn.
Verse 6Ay Ille-Sidy theem: ¡Tesée, he za ÿksë aos ën ye dir lysan ÿksy; the l' ønighyn rod hennar ay náwr ylque seijri rhobìr na wont enpösible!
Verse 7¡Að Nos hëll-âvoryv, ay confusiv lysan 'nnar, n' whyd kelex yedër lysan l' ejlos!
Verse 8Ille-Sidy dysckeemli ultre ul zjeman að jamaiz käpt adeylad la trë.
Verse 9Dize adpeleíl Babel, 'chos háwn Ille-Sidy confusì lysan l' ul zjeman ën vän Ille-Sidy dysckeemli hev ul zjeman.
Interlinear Translation 1Belonged-to earth only language and-also the-same words.
Translation 2Migarting from orient, people found in plain in Sennar land, and-then there lived-in.
Translation 3They said-oneself: 'Let's we-come' 'Let's we-make-oneself bricks and-then we-cook-them fire. The brick served to-them in-the-role-of stones and the asphalt in-the-role-of cement.
Translation 4And-then sayed: 'Let's we-come' 'Let's we-make-oneself city and-also tower, their top will-be to-touch sky and we-choose-oneself some name, we [including the listener] not-to-disperse through whole earth.
Translation 5But He-Sir came to-see the city and-also the tower people to-be building
Translation 6And-then He-Sir said: 'Here-you-are, they they-are only population and-also belongs-to to-them language only; this the start work their and-then now what gonna to-do to-them won't impossible.
Translation 7Thus We let's we-come, and-then we-confuse language their, not more not-to-speak everyone language the the-others.
Translation 8He-Sir dispersed-them past whole earth thus no-more kept to-build the city.
Translation 9By-this someone-called-it Babel, beacuse there He-Sir confused language the whole earth and-also from He-Sir despersed-them over whole earth.
Submitted ByNA
Date SubmittedMonday, September 22, 2003
Date EditedMonday, September 22, 2003
Date To HeadlineMonday, September 22, 2003

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