Site | Nashian  |
Language | Nashian |
Year | 2004 |
Translator | Jan Havlis |
Verse 1 | Vesä zemä bot edètö verekte it konëx. |
Verse 2 | Kes idexäŝü kërodënu salna, pridexäŝü vezeme Ŝinar kërovicë it vèsedixäŝü sebe tadë. |
Verse 3 | Tak varixaŝu sobë: "No, ŝŝinimè opëli it üpelimètütè pravo." Opëlidi imaxaŝu zakamënov it glinuda zavapissi. |
Verse 4 | Apoda varixaŝu: "No, vètvorimè sebe gordè it visissu, es verx bet venebe. Tak ustatimë znatinimi it nëbudëmë rözgenäne äpözeme vese." |
Verse 5 | A izèstupiv Bogass, vidaxat gordètdi it visissutudo, kegö est suuni ŝŝeläkä tvorën. |
Verse 6 | A Bogass vetixät: "Vidimè, esüt edèt ŝŝel it vesi varit edètö rektö. It èse est prvès izèix konov. Apoda nëbudut xotët otstupit otniŝŝegö, ŝŝegö rozgadixaŝu ezèŝŝinit. |
Verse 7 | Tak izèstupimè it ümetimè im rektü, nëbudut varit sobë vesèpöl." |
Verse 8 | A rözgenäxät Bogass ix äpözeme vese, es otstupixaŝu ottvorënë gordèdë. |
Verse 9 | Anatè eme gordatètdi bot Babël (Ezèmetenö), izetè Bogass tadë vèmetixät rektü zemi vese it ŝŝel rözgenäxät äpözeme vese. |
Interlinear Translation 1 | Whole land was unified in speech and doings. |
Translation 2 | As they approached the birthplace of sun (east), they went in a land of Shinar into a plain and they settled there. |
Translation 3 | So they spoke to each other: "Well, let us make bricks and let us bake them good." Bricks they had instead of stones and clay instead of lime. |
Translation 4 | And then they spoke: "Well, let us build town and tower, which top will be in the heaven. So we will well-known and we will be not scattered all-over the world." |
Translation 5 | And God came down, he saw the town and the tower, which were built by the sons of a man. |
Translation 6 | And the God said: "See, they are of one tribe and of one tongue. And it is their first act. Thereafter they would never want to abort anything, what they would decided to do. |
Translation 7 | So, let us go down and confuse their tongue, so they would not be able to speak to each other." |
Translation 8 | And God let them be spread all-over the world, and they aborted the building of the town. |
Translation 9 | The name of the town was Babel (Place of Confusion), because here the God confused the tongue of all world and the men were spread all-over the world. |
Submitted By | Jan Havlis |
Date Submitted | Sunday, May 16, 2004 |
Date Edited | Sunday, May 16, 2004 |
Date To Headline | Sunday, May 16, 2004 |