Site | Mineng  |
Language | Mineng |
Language Subtitle | babiql tekst |
Year | 2004 |
Translator | tlil-ze |
Introduction | Uh, dudes. This here is indeed the Babel text from English to Mineng and all. Props to tlil-ze for his backbreaking work. There're a couple o' errors, ol' ze isnt as sharp as he used to be. -js. |
Verse 1 | vuai, vi auf edh-ul aivo la-ze lang-ul eit la-ze slang-ul. |
Verse 2 | eit sheh temp eum suls o migrating eil eqst-ul suls arhivo ail planyur-il in land auf shinar, eit suls fairo au-dha la-suls houms. |
Verse 3 | eit suls falo au-sulsmem "venuq, parmituq nim fairi au-ladriys eit li-buonot kemi au-suls" eit suls aivo ladriys for rhok eit batumen for mortar. |
Verse 4 | dhaq suls falo "venuq, parmituq nim bildi la-nimmen au-burgrad-il eit tuqrh-il avec la-sul top in hevenen-ul eit parmituq nim fairi nam-il for nim, auf la-estrun sho, nim eq scaturing af la-edh fazh-ul. |
Verse 5 | eit tlil-ul li-und veno, for vidi burgrad-il eit tuqrh-il eun o bilding far mortaners-ol. |
Verse 6 | eit tlil-ul falo "vuai suls a la-ze yenten eit la-vu suls aiva la-ze au-lang eit suls a la-ze yen-ul auf oshfair-ol nuq eum suls veule fairi e la-ebeldif for suls. |
Verse 7 | vuai parmituq nim li-und veni eit au-dho comprenddifi la-suls slang, for suls ne comprendi amoqnt la-sulsmem slang-ul |
Verse 8 | li-dho tlil-ul scaturo au-suls af la-edh fazh-ul eit suls arheto bildi la-suls burgrad-ul. |
Verse 9 | li-dhoq dha oq nam babiql, thoq dha tlil-ul comprenddifiq au-slang auf la-vi edh eit eil dha tlil-ul scaturo au-yenten-ul af la-edh fazh-ul. |
Interlinear Translation 1 | behold everything of earth-the have-past adj-one language-a and adj-one adj-same spoken/language-the. |
Translation 2 | and at that/time relative/clause they be-past migrate-action from east-the they arrive-past to plain-a in land-the of shinar and make-past acc-that/place adj-they homes. |
Translation 3 | and they say-past acc-they/self "motion-imperative allow-imp. we/inclusive make-infinitive bricks and adv-good/very burn-inf. acc-they." |
Translation 4 | that/time they say-past "movement-imp. allow-imp acc-we/inc. build-inf. adj-we-inc. acc-city-a and tower-a with adj-it top in heaven/group-the and allow-imp acc-we-inc. make-inf name-a for we-inc of adj-other any/form we-inc become-future scatter-action somehow/spread adj-earth face-the. |
Translation 5 | and lord-the adv-under come-past for see-inf city-the and tower-the relative/clause being-past build-action by death-person-the-abstract. |
Translation 6 | and lord the say past behold they being present adj one people group and adj everyone they have present adj beginning the of they things make abs. nothing relative clause they want do infinitive possible opposite for they. |
Translation 7 | behold allow-imp acc-we-inc adv-under go-inf and acc-thus understand/opposite/cause-past adj-they language for they neg-understand-inf amongst adj-they/self spoken/language-the. |
Translation 8 | adv-thus lord-the scatter-past acc-they somehow/spread adj-earth face-the and they stop-past build-inf adj-the city-the. |
Translation 9 | adv-that/reason that/place become-past name-action babeel, this/reason that-place lord-the understand/opposite/cause-past languages-the of earth-the and from there lord-the scatter-past acc-people/group-the somehow/spread adj-earth face-the. |
Submitted By | tlil-ze |
Date Submitted | Sunday, April 04, 2004 |
Date Edited | Sunday, April 04, 2004 |
Date To Headline | Sunday, April 04, 2004 |