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Lûá - Babel Text Profile   Advanced
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TranslatorFen Yik
IntroductionLûá is a fictional language with 12 segmental phonemes and six phonemic tones. Each word belongs to an element (air, water, earth, or spirit), which is reflected in the initial consonant (or lack thereof). Place names were translated based on R. D. Hitchcock's interpretations.
Verse 1Maà naé-môá lûú möá, ôò lûá aò, ôò fhuà-hâú aò.
Verse 2Âù raì rhüó rhôó rhüú-îá-rïé, uà lâè nëá maà nïá Naé-fhâò-raì-ëì, uà raú-mäí maà naé-nôó.
Verse 3Raì löá "Ïà-êà-uà hâà raú näò-raú, ïá uà" rhêé rài. Haò fhaà uà-uà laè näò, uà fhaà näò-raú, uà-uà laè luà-roó-nöò, uà fhaà mëì-luà-müò.
Verse 4Raì löá "Ïà-êà-uà hâà raú maù-mäí lií mäí-nûó luù rhôá rhêé ôá. Ïà-êà-uà hâà raú hêì lûú îà, hüá fhaà ïà-êà-uà äù räà rhôú-rhôú rhêé naé-môá lûú möá."
Verse 5Ëá-raú uà rhêé-rhëà hüá fhaà fhâò maù-mäí lií mäí-nûó luù rêí-raì raú.
Verse 6Ëá-raú uà löá "Uà fhaà ôò raì, uà laè ôò lûá, raá-nëè fhaà raá-ôò lûú uà. Âù-nëè, uà rëé raá raá-môá luù uà fhöá-nöò raá.
Verse 7Ïà-êà hâà rhêé-rhëà, roó-hêá löá uà, hüá fhaà ôò raì äù höà-hôù löá lûú raì-hôó.
Verse 8Ëá-raú uà roó rhôú-rhôú raì rhôó naé-nôó rhêé naé-môá lûú möá, raì mäò raú maù-mäí.
Verse 9Ëá-raú uà löá Naé-hêá fhaà hêì lûú naé-nôó, hié fhaà Ëá-raú uà roó-hêá lûá lûú möá maà naé-nôó. Ëá-raú uà roó rhôú-rhôú raì rhêé naé-môá lûú möá, rhôó naé-nôó.
Interlinear Translation 1Being-at every-place (associative particle) world, one language existence, one word-way existence.
Translation 2Time people journey going-from sun-rise-direction, they finding plain being-at land Person-sleep-looking-place, they make-home being-at that-place.
Translation 3People speech "We(inclusive, + 3rd person) (imperative particle) making making-stone, burning it" going-to people. Result being they having stone, it being making-stone, they having solidity-rendering-liquid, it being black-liquid-earth.
Translation 4People speech "We(inclusive, + 3rd person) (imperative particle) making house-group and tallness-house (relative particle) top going-to sky. We(inclusive, + 3rd person) (imperative particle) making name (associative particle) self, purpose being we(inclusive, + 3rd person) not (passive particle) scattering going-to every-place (associative particle) world."
Translation 5Making-power He going-down purpose being seeing house-group and tallness-house (relative particle) people-children making.
Translation 6Making-power He speech "They being one people, they having one language, this-doing being first-doing (associative particle) them. This-time, they ability doing every-doing (relative particle) they solidity-thought doing.
Translation 7We(inclusive) (imperative particle) going-down, rendering-disorder speech them, purpose being one person not hearing-knowledge speech (associative particle) other-person.
Translation 8Making-power He rendering scattering people going-from that-place going-to every-place (associative particle) world, people stop making house-group.
Translation 9Making-power He speech Disorder-place being name (associative particle) that-place, reason being Making-power He rendering-disorder language (associative particle) world being-at that-place. Making-power He rendering scattering people going-to every-place (associative particle) world, going-from that-place.
Submitted ByFen Yik
Date SubmittedSaturday, March 27, 2004
Updated ByFen Yik
Date EditedMonday, March 07, 2005
Description Of UpdateMinor edits; cleaned up intro & translations
Date To HeadlineMonday, March 07, 2005

< Low Orkish  Lûá  Luni >

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