Site | Itlani  |
Language | Itlani |
Year | 1997 |
Translator | James E. Hopkins |
Introduction | Christian missionaries brought the Bible to Itlan with huge hopes of converting the native population. They were surprised to find that the Itlani readily accepted the validity of the Book as an expression of Divine truth but were in no hurry to embrace the beliefs of the visitors. |
Verse 1 | Shukhrám tá kúlit untár mú sholóva véy mú eypotóva lafiyáva. |
Verse 2 | Véy brinkiyáva ú mashrá tá pirénay dzevyáven, brenduóva díni tá skáan Shinár zhanyáven, véy izá paleyáven. |
Verse 3 | Véy marruvyáven, "Kadimyátay, shevedzovó korunyáti véy vutóva iküirunchyáti." Véy tá shevedzovó résh chendjeynúey lafiyáven véy tá khalmasóva résh indisíey lafiyáven. |
Verse 4 | Véy ruvyáren, "Kadimyátay, mogése shatardjaóva sitagyáti, véy kitsanóva, tá móyto kiína díni tá fridádjan onyázha: komshayóva mogése vataranyáti reshú véyla tá vísan tá kúlit untára rá-kreyifyáti. |
Verse 5 | Rúzay Uramún stinatyávad reshú tá shatardjaóva véy tá kitsanóva shunyátad, kiinovó tá peshsuú sitagávit onyáven. |
Verse 6 | Véy Uramún ruvyávad, "Tá ebón mú onyára khaá véy shéy vút mú sholóva lafiyáren, véy iíd onyára idá kiinóva korúnya mabugyáren; tsórni rahá kiinóva harvolyázhen vútay inutebyízha." |
Verse 7 | Kadimyátay, stinatyáti véy izá vútit sholóva ubikeyyáti, reshú tá eypotóva mutatamág dayáten rá. |
Verse 8 | Chalí, Uramún vutóva izáay véyla tá vísan tá kúlit untára kreyafyávad, véy tá shatardjaóva sitágya spranichyáven. |
Verse 9 | Idakín Babél mishtaratyíra, vár izá Uramún tá sholóva tá kúlit untára ubikeyyávad; véy izáay Uramún vutóva véyla tá vísan tá untára kreyafyávad. |
Interlinear Translation 1 | Behold the whole world one language and one mode of speech had. |
Translation 2 | And it happened that while they from the east traveled, a plain in the land Shinar they found. |
Translation 3 | And they twin-said, "Come all, bricks let us make and them through-bake." And bricks as stone-stuff they had and the asphalt as mortar they had. |
Translation 4 | And they said, "Come all, to us a city let us build, and a tower, the top of which in the sky will be: fame to us let us make, so that throughout the surface of the whole world we may not be dispersed." |
Translation 5 | But Great Friend descended so that the city and the tower s/he might see, which the people-descendants had built. |
Translation 6 | But Great Friend said, "The people is one indeed and each of them one language has, and this is what to do they began; now nothing which they intend from them will be away-held." |
Translation 7 | Come all, let us descend and there their language let us confuse, so that the mode of speech one another they may understand not. |
Translation 8 | So Great Friend them from there throughout the surface of the whole world dispersed, and the city to build they ceased. |
Translation 9 | For this reason Babel it is named, because there Great Friend the language of the whole world confused; and from there Great Friend them throughout the surface of the world dispersed. |
Submitted By | James E. Hopkins |
Date Submitted | Sunday, December 19, 2004 |
Updated By | James E. Hopkins |
Date Edited | Wednesday, December 22, 2004 |
Description Of Update | English spelling corrections |
Date To Headline | Monday, December 20, 2004 |