Site | Ïnlici  |
Language | Ïnlici |
Language Subtitle | Future English |
Year | 2001 |
Translator | Adam Z |
Introduction | For comparison purposes, the first line is in the fifth dialect of Ïnlici (Late Middle Ïnlici) and the second line is in the seventh dialect (Late Modern Ïnlici). They are both translated from the same version and are not paraphrased unless it was grammatically necessary. The third line contains Carr. ASCII IPA for the seventh dialect. |
Verse 1 | Omnipepoz del mundo onreën linci et uno spici cymonci nä. Mundopepos onreël on lange e on spiqe kamone nä. /mundopeposonre:jla~ laNgIjeja~ spItS kamonI nao/ |
Verse 2 | As Mano venireë Ïct, oci faindreë uno pleno in SHINAR et setlereë ðer. Az Mano ireël ïst, faindreël lo plëno in SHINAR e setlereël cver. /az manojre:jl Ist fajndre:jl lo plejno &~ SinaR Isetl@re:jl Sver/ |
Verse 3 | Y'noðir loz dihhareë, "T'venir, moz sir mekre brïkoz." Loz ucareë brïkoz fo ctonoz, et tyro fo mortyro. A'noður, los dihvareël, «Venite, cwd mos mekrem brikos.» Los utilisreël brikos fo stonos e taro fo mortaro. /anoDo"R los dixare:jl PenItI SUd mos mejkrem brikos los utilIsre:jl brikos fo stonos I taro fo mortaro/ |
Verse 4 | Y'noðir loz dihhareë ygen, "T'venir, moz sir mekren citi, wiþ uno täro þat sir riqr yl Timoz, co moz cwd onreën namo fo moz et no be ckatreë ofir omn'Irþci." A'noður, los dihvareël agen, «Venite, cwd mos mekrem on ville, wiþ on täro cwd rïqeþ a Himel, so cwd mos genrem famocion e no SER skationreëm alover le VÖRÐ.» /anoDuR los dixare:jlagen venItI SUd mos mejkrem a~jlI wiTa~ taoro SUd rItSeTa ximel so SUd mos genrem famoSja~nI no ser skatjonre:jm aloveR ly Po"RD/ |
Verse 5 | But lo TRAI-DEO [YHWH] venireë y Irþci vidr li citi et lo täro þat lo homoz zreë bildreë. Ma lo TRE-DIO [YHWH] venireëL a Irþe vidre le ville e lo täro þat lo homos bildreël. /ma lo trIdjo Penire:jlajrTI PIdR*@ ly Piljelo taoro Tat lo?omos bildre:jl/ |
Verse 6 | Lo TRAI-DEO [YHWH] dihhareë, "Moz [Patro, Cyno, et Cpirto Cenkto] si vidr: uno guvernlando et uno linci, et Mano zre dureð. Moz [Patro, Cyno, et Cpirto Cenkto] si no dure nonada, nada sir nopossibler ylz. Lo TRE-DIO [YHWH] dihvareëL, «Mos [Pater, Son, Sperto Hvaligo] vidrem: on nacion e on lange, e Mano omekreþ. Si no mos somtinrem, nada sir impossiblè al. /lo trIdjo dixare:jl mos pateR sa~ sperto xalIgo Pidrem a~naSja~nI a~laNgI e mano o~mekreT sI no mos so~t&~rem nada siR imposibly ?al/ |
Verse 7 | Moz [Patro, Cyno, et Cpirto Cenkto] sir d'ycendre, et moz sir konfuzre delz linci co þat loz no sir comprender unoðir." Mos [Pater, Son, Sperto Hvaligo] cwd d'asendrem, e cwd mos konfuzrem los de dels lange so þat no los podrel comprendre onoður.» /mos pateR sa~sperto xalIgo SUd dasendrem ISUd mos ka~fuzrem los de dels laNgI so Tat no los podrel ca~prendre a~noDo"R/ |
Verse 8 | Loz stopreë bildreë li citi et lo TRAI-DEO [YHWH] ckatreë loz ofir omn'Irþci. Los stapreël bildre le ville e lo TRE-DIO [YHWH] skatreëL los a mundove. /los stapre:jl bildR*@ ly Piljelo trIdjo skatre:jl losa mundovI/ |
Verse 9 | Þat zre pourquoi lo zre kylreë "BABEL" [KONFUZRE] - ðer lo TRAI-DEO [YHWH] konfuzreë li linci del mundo, et de ðer, ckatreë Mano ofir omn'Irþci. Þat pourquoi lè kalreëm «BABEL» [KONFUZRE] - cver lo TRE-DIO [YHWH] konfuzreël le lange del mundo, e de cver, skatreël Mano alover le VÖRÐ. /Tat puR*kwa lI kare:jm babel ka~fuzR*@ Sver lo trIdjo ka~fuzre:jl ly laNgI del mundo e dy Sver skatre:jl mano aloveR ly vo"RD/ |
Interlinear Translation 1 | Now all the peoples of the world had one language and a common speech. |
Translation 2 | As the race of Man moved east, they found the plain of Shinar and settled there. |
Translation 3 | To each other, they said, "Come, we shall make bricks." They used bricks for stone, and tar for mortar. |
Translation 4 | They spoke to others once again, "Come, we shall make a city, with a tower that shall reach to Heaven, so we can make a name for ourselves and be not scattered all over Earth." |
Translation 5 | But the TRIUNE GOD [YHWH] came to Earth to see the city and the tower that the men were building. |
Translation 6 | The TRIUNE GOD [YHWH] said, "We [Father, Son, Holy Spirit] do see: one nation and one language, and the race of Man does this. If we don't do something, nothing will be impossible to them. |
Translation 7 | We [Father, Son, Holy Spirit] shall descend, and we will be confusing their language so that they will not be able to understand each other." |
Translation 8 | They stopped building the city and the TRIUNE GOD [YHWH] scattered them to all parts of the world. |
Translation 9 | That is why it's called "Babel" [meaning confuse] - there the TRIUNE GOD [YHWH] confused the world language, and from there, scattered the race of Man to all parts of the world. |
Notes 4 | Ïnlici has over time lost the auxiliary verb "to be." However, due to the occasional inflexibility of the grammar, it is necessary for the verb to re-enter the language. By Late Modern Ïnlici, the Spanish verb "ser" entered as a borrowed word for such occasions, but is still one of the rarer verbs of the language. The verb "skationreëm" does not mean "scattered" - conjugation for the verb "scattered" would be impossible since there is an unknown subject (i.e. who scatters them? Themselves, God, or another empire?) Skationreëm is another form of "scattered" in which the receiver of "scattered" can become the subject. VORÐ is a borrowing from Icelandic that means both "Earth" and "world" and is used in place of Irþe and velte when either word can be used. It is considered a feminine noun because it represents two feminine nouns. |
Submitted By | Adam Zeidan |
Date Submitted | Monday, September 01, 2003 |
Updated By | Adam Z |
Date Edited | Saturday, January 08, 2005 |
Date To Headline | Thursday, December 23, 2004 |