Site | Hungarian  |
Translation Image | (Click to pop-up hosted image) |
Language | Hungarian |
Language Subtitle | Contemporary (Roman Catholic version) |
Year | 1973 |
Translator | Szent István Társulat Biblikus Bizottsága [Bible Committee, Saint Stephan Society] |
Introduction | Tagging convention used for interlinear re-translation into English: _: placeholder for not translated words; {}: explanatory insertion (has no equivalent in the original text); [ACC]: accusative case suffix; [ALL]: allative case suffix ("to the proximity of"); [DAT-GEN]: dative-genitive case suffix; [ESS]: essive-modal case suffix ("as sth/sb; -ly"); [INF]: infinitive; [IMP]: imperative; [INE]: superessive case suffix ("in the interior of"); [PERS]: personal suffix (on verbs and finite verb forms) N.B. definite-indefinite suffix variants are not distinguished; [POSS]: possessive (suffix for the possessed); [POST]: postposition; [PP]: past participle; [PST]: past tense suffix (if it cannot be rendered into an English word form); [SBL]: sublative case suffix ("to the surface of"); [SPE]: superessive case suffix ("on the surface of"); [TRM]: terminative case suffix ("to a given point of space/time and no further/longer"); [VPART]: verbal particle (in connection! of finite and non-finite verbs to form compound tenses); [VPREF]: verbal prefix sepa! rated from the verb; [pl]: plural suffix (if it cannot be rendered into an English word form); [pl1]: first person plural (with PERS or POSS)]: "we", "our"; [sg3]: third person singular (with PERS or POSS)]: "they", "their"; [sg3(pl3)]: sg3 form is used in sense of pl3; Present tense and simple past forms, as well as plural nouns are not tagged. |
Verse 1 | Az egész földnek ugyanaz volt a nyelve és ugyanazok voltak a szavai. |
Verse 2 | Amikor keletről elindultak, Sineár földjén találtak egy nagy síkságot és ott letelepedtek. |
Verse 3 | Így szóltak egymáshoz: "Gyertek, csináljunk téglát és égessük ki." A tégla épületkő gyanánt szolgált, a szurok pedig kötőanyagul. |
Verse 4 | Azután így szóltak: "Rajta, építsünk várost és tornyot, amelynek teteje az égig ér. Szerezzünk nevet magunknak, és ne szóródjunk szét a földön!" |
Verse 5 | Akkor az Úr leszállt, hogy megnézze a várost és a tornyot, amelyet az emberek építettek. |
Verse 6 | Így szólt: "Nézzétek, egy népet alkotnak és egy nyelvet beszélnek. Ez csak a kezdete tevékenységüknek. Ezután semmi sem lesz nekik lehetetlen, aminek a megvalósítását elgondolják. |
Verse 7 | Ezért szálljunk le és zavarjuk össze nyelvüket, hogy senki ne értse a másik nyelvét!" |
Verse 8 | Az Úr tehát szétszórta őket onnét az egész földön, s abba kellett hagyniuk a város építését. |
Verse 9 | Ezért nevezik azt Bábelnek, mivel az Úr ott zavarta össze az egész föld nyelvét és onnét szórta szét őket az Úr az egész földön. |
Interlinear Translation 1 | The whole earth[DAT-GEN] same was[PERS-sg3] the tongue[DAT-GEN] and same[pl] were[PERS-pl3] the words[POSS-sg3]. |
Translation 2 | When east[DEL] started-out[PERS-pl3], Shinar land[POSS-sg3+SPE] found[PERS-pl3] a great plain[ACC] and there settled[PERS-pl3]. |
Translation 3 | So spoke[PERS-pl3] each-other[ALL]: "Come[IMP+PERS-pl2], make[IMP+PERS-pl1] brick[ACC]" and burn[sic!+IMP+PERS-pl1] out[VPREF]." The brick building-stone as[POST] served[PERS-sg3], the tar and/while bonding[ESS]. |
Translation 4 | After-that so spoke[PERS-pl3]: "Go!, build[IMP+PERS-pl1] city[ACC] and tower[ACC], whose[DAT-GEN] top[POSS-sg3] the heaven[TRM] reach[IMP+PERS-sg3]. Acquire[IMP+PERS-pl1] name[ACC] ourselves[DAT-GEN], and no scatter[IMP+PERS-pl1] _[VPREF] the earth[SPE]!" |
Translation 5 | Then the Lord came-down[PERS-sg1], so-that look-at the city[ACC] and the tower[ACC], which[ACC] the men built[PERS-pl3]. |
Translation 6 | So spoke[PERS-sg3]: "Look[IM+PERS-pl2], one people[ACC] form[PERS-pl3] and one tongue[ACC] talk[sic!+PERS-pl3]. This {is} only the beginning[POSS-sg3] activity[POSS-pl3+DAT-GEN]. After-this nothing no will-be[PERS-sg3] for-them[DAT-GEN] impossible, what[DAT-GEN] the accomplishment[POSS-sg3+ACC] imagine[PERS-pl3]. |
Translation 7 | For-this-reason came[IMP+PERS-sg1] down and confuse[IMP+PERS-pl1] _[VPREF] tongue[POSS-pl3], so-that nobody no understand[IMP+PERS-sg3] the other tongue[POSS-sg3+ACC]!" |
Translation 8 | The Lord thus scattered[PERS-sg3] them[ACC] from-there the whole earth[SPE], and _[VPREF] must[PST] stop[INF+PERS-pl3] the city building[POSS-sg3]. |
Translation 9 | For-this-reason name[PERS-pl3] that[ACC] Babel[DAT-GEN], since the Lord there confused[PERS-sg3] _[VPREF] the whole earth tongue[POSS-sg3+ACC] and from-there scattered[PERS-sg3] _[VPREF] them[ACC] the Lord the earth[SPE]. |
Notes 1 | Hungarian has no equivalent to English verb "to have": the phrase "X has Y" is rendered as "X[DAT-GEN] is[PERS] Y[POSS]". |
Notes 2 | In Hungarian the non-stressed personal pronouns are omitted. The Hungarian equivalent of phrase "X of Y" is: "Y([DAT-GEN] (the)) X[POSS]" where suffix [DAT-GEN] (together with the article) is optional, e.g. "Sineár föld|jé|n" 'on {the} land of Shinar'. If "Y" is an unstressed personal pronoun, it is omitted, since the number and person of the possessor is coded by [POSS]. |
Notes 3 | The Hungarian postpositions are similar to the English prepositions but they are placed after the phrase they refer to. The most of the postpositions governs the nominative, but a few governs particular case suffixes on the preceeding noun phrase. (The majority of contemporary case suffixes was originally a separate postposition.) |
Notes 4 | Hungarian extensively uses verbal prefixes, just like German. Verbal prefixes are usually situated in front of the verb and they are written solid but - in contrary to German - under certain conditions (e.g. in negation, in imperative mood) verbal prefixes must be written separately and commonly after the verb. |
Notes 6 | The 3rd person copula is omitted in Hungarian if it denotes equivalence ("he {is} teacher"), characterisation ("she {is} pretty") etc. There is double negative in Hungarian: in addition to the negated word, the verb also must be negative, like in English phrase "ain't do nothing". |
Notes 8 | The Hungarian equivalent of phrase "X must/have to DO" is "X[DAT-GEN] must DO[INF+PERS]". Note that the time is coded by the auxiliary, while the number and the person by the infinitive form of the main verb; "X[DAT-GEN]" is omitted if it is an unstressed personal pronoun. |
Submitted By | Tamás Racskoó |
Date Submitted | Friday, April 23, 2004 |
Date Edited | Saturday, May 15, 2004 |
Date To Headline | Saturday, May 15, 2004 |