Site | feianovedo  |
Language | feianovedo |
Year | 2003 |
Translator | Sander Dieleman |
Introduction | feianovedo is the language of a dead micronation, with romance vocabulary but with a very unique grammar. a small dictionary is located at and a quick course which summarizes the grammar at There is also a font available to view it in its own alphabet, at because it has quite some inclinations, word order is almost completely obsolete. |
Verse 1 | avebe monda toto linqvaca vno ev identico parlaca. |
Verse 2 | qanev gomas iebe estaga, planaca qinarena lias trovebe ev locena restebe tio. |
Verse 3 | liagas dicebe lias, venete, ias face briqacas ev completi arde tiacas. vtebe lias calqecoma briqacas, nev morteraca mav qodronaca. |
Verse 4 | tanev dicebe lias, venete, constrve ias iagas vrbaca, toraqna qev vene sielena, modena qev posse ias face iagas nomaca ev qev ias eie versate mondespera nev. |
Verse 5 | mav vene deia tio locena vrbaca vidage ev toraca qev constrvente gomas eiebe. |
Verse 6 | dicebe deia, siv comensebe lias parlente linqvaca vno tiaca, nev casas qev vole face lias eiere imposibilo. |
Verse 7 | venete, vene ias locena tio ev linqvaca confonde liedas modena qev nev liagas compreiende lias. |
Verse 8 | ev versebe liacas loceda tio deia mondespera, ev vrbaca lias cesebe constrve. |
Verse 9 | tia eie tieda apelate babel tio locena confondebe deia linqvaca mondeda toto. tio loceda versebe liacas deia mondespera. |
Interlinear Translation 1 | had the world whole language one and the same speech. |
Translation 2 | when the men went to the east, a plain in Shinar they found and in the location stayed that. (they stayed in that location) |
Translation 3 | to them said they, "come, we make bricks and completely burn them." used they as stone bricks, not mortar but tar (they used bricks as stone) |
Translation 4 | then said they, "come, construct we us a city, with a tower who comes in heaven, in the way that can we make for us a name and that we are scattered over the world not. |
Translation 5 | but came god that in the location the city see and the tower that constructing the men were. |
Translation 6 | said god, "if began they speaking language one this, not things that want to do they will be impossible" (if they began this speaking one language,...) |
Translation 7 | come, come we in the location this and the language confuse of them in the way that not to them understand they. |
Translation 8 | and spread them of that location god over the world, and the city they stopped constructing. |
Translation 9 | this is [because] of that called babel - this in the location confused god the language of the world whole. this of the location scatted them god over the world. |
Submitted By | Sander Dieleman |
Date Submitted | Thursday, July 17, 2003 |
Date Edited | Thursday, July 17, 2003 |
Date To Headline | Thursday, July 17, 2003 |