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TranslatorLibor Sztemon
Verse 1O kol dahya e aiva hizva o e aiva saye bâd.
Verse 2O he s^avad, da van de av eyst rehavad, de ru pahân be lân e S^inëhâr dir finad o de dera zendegi dârad.
Verse 3O de aiva be devasi sayad: "Ravâ, kirdevü-ney be sey ru briken o besarfe-ney ru dey a eytâne kum." O de ru briken e sangin o bahân e xomrân bayraze dârad.
Verse 4O de sayad: "Ravâ, binevü-ney be sey ru s^ehri o mihdali, cehresi zirve be âd asman besuye vedam mosad. O bekirde-ney ai nâma be sey, ne qâ birna kol dahya tefisiye navad."
Verse 5O Yahua zeravad, ru s^ehri o mihdali, dahiye farzânam e ademin binad, he qâ sidrad.
Verse 6O Yahua sayad: "Hei, ademin vehin aiva âst o de sarva ru aiva hizva dârid; o ar hâneya residân e kirdeyi dey âst. Sapsi de ante nahdad, de vad kuham fokir kirden, noram kuham islem s^oven.
Verse 7Ravâ, zeravü o balevü-ney dera hizva e dey, qâ aiva be hizva devasi nafehmad."
Verse 8O soi Yahua ru dey dihira birna kol dahya tefisad, min de ha s^ehri binen axrânad.
Verse 9Sarake ha nâma e hey Bâbel âst, kiram hira Yahua ru hizva e kol dahya balad o ru ademin dihira birna kol dahya tefisad.
Notes 1[and] [whole] [earth] [genitive particle] [one] [language] [and] [genitive particle] [one] [speech] [was]
Notes 2[and] [it {he}] [happened] [that] [when] [they] [from] [east] [journeyed] [they] [accusative particle] [plain] [dative particle][land] [genitive particle] [Shinear] [in] [found] [and] [they] [there] [dwelt {life had}]
Notes 3[and] [they] [one] [dative particle] [another {second}] [said] [let's go then!] [make {imperative} us] [dative particle] [reflexive pronoun] [accusative particle] [brick {plural}] [and] [let's burn {conjunctive}] [accusative particle] [them] [instrumental particle] [solidity] [with] [and] [they] [accusative particle] [brick {plural}] [genitive particle] [stones] [and] [slime] [genitive particle] [morter] [instead of] [had]
Notes 4[and] [they] [said] [let's go then!] [build {imperative} us] [dative particle] [reflexive pronoun] [accusative particle] [town] [and] [tower] [whose] [top] [dative particle] [up to] [heaven] [to] [would reach] [and] [make {conjunctive} us] [a] [name] [dative particle] [reflexive pronoun] [we] [so as] [to {round}] [whole] [earth] [scattered] [wasn't]
Notes 5[and] [the Lord] [came down] [accusative particle] [town] [and] [tower] [which] [sons] [genitive particle] [people] [built] [he] [so as] [saw]
Notes 6[and] [the Lord] [said] [behold] [people] [these] [one] [is] [and] [they] [all] [accusative particle] [one] [language] [have] [and] [this] [just {only}] [beginning] [genitive particle] [doing of] [them] [is] [then] [they] [before] [nothing] [they] [what] [will set their mind] [to do] [not] [want {future tense}] [to step back]
Notes 7[let's go then!] [go down {imperative}] [and] [confound {imperative} us] [there] [language of] [them] [so as] [one] [dative particle] [another {second}] [didn't understand]
Notes 8[and] [so] [the Lord] [accusative particle] [them] [from here] [to {round}] [whole] [earth] [scattered] [and so] [they] [the] [town] [to build] [left off]
Notes 9[therefore] [the] [name] [genitive particle] [it {he}] [Babel] [is] [because] [here] [the Lord] [accusative particle] [language] [genitive particle] [whole] [earth] [did confound] [and] [accusative particle] [people] [from here] [to {round}] [whole] [earth] [scattered]
Submitted ByLibor Sztemon, Czechia
Date SubmittedSaturday, May 11, 2002
Updated ByTuesday 20, 2002
Date EditedFriday, August 23, 2002
Date To HeadlineFriday, August 23, 2002

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