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English (Petersonian English Alphabet) - Babel Text Profile   Advanced
SiteEnglish (Petersonian English Alphabet)
LanguageEnglish (Petersonian English Alphabet)
TranslatorDavid J. Peterson
IntroductionThis is the Babel Text in English written using the Petersonian English Alphabet (or the PEA, as I call it). Since spelling is destandardized when using the PEA, this Babel Text will reflect the translator's pronunciation. [Note: This isn't a serious spelling reform, since the creator doesn't wish to promote it. It's more of a "what if".]
Verse 1Dhiy intayur urth had won lenggwij with yuniform wurdz.
Verse 2Wen dho piypul maygreytid from dhiy iyst, dhey fawnd o valiy in dho land ov Shinar, end dhey setuld dher.
Verse 3Dhey sed to won onodhur, "Com, let os mowld brics end fayur dhem." Dhey dhen had brics to yuwz az stown, end asfaalt for mortur.
Verse 4Dhey sed, "Com, let os bild arselvz o sitiy, end o tawur huwz taap shal riych dho scay. Let os meyc arselvz o neym, sow dhat wiy wul naat biy scaturd aal owvur dho feys ov dhiy urth."
Verse 5Gaad disendid to siy dho sitiy end dho tawur dhat dho sonz ov man had bilt.
Verse 6Gaad sed, "Dhey ar o singul piypul, aal haviyn won lenggwij, end dhis iz dho furst thing dhey duw! Naw nothiyn dhey plan to duw wil biy onoteynobul for dhem!
Verse 7Com, let os disend end confyuwz dher spiych, sow dhat won purson wil naat ondurstand onodhur's spiych.
Verse 8From dhat pleys, Gaad scaturd dhem aal owvur dho feys ov dhiy urth, end dhey staapt bildiyn dho sitiy.
Verse 9Hiy neymd it Beybul, bicoz dhis woz dho pleys wer Gaad confyuwzd dho wurldz lenggwij. It woz from dher dhat Gaad dispurst hyumanitiy owvur aal dho feys ov dhiy urth.
Submitted ByDavid J. Peterson
Date SubmittedWednesday, March 30, 2005
Date EditedWednesday, March 30, 2005
Date To HeadlineWednesday, March 30, 2005

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