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English (Colloquial) - Babel Text Profile   Advanced
LanguageEnglish (Colloquial)
TranslatorJordan Kay
Verse 1So the whole world had one language, and the words were pretty much the same.
Verse 2And when some guys were coming from the East they found this valley in some place called Shinar and they sorta settled there.
Verse 3So they were all like, "C'mon, let's mold some bricks and burn 'em." So then they pretty much used bricks for stone and this asphalt stuff instead of mortar.
Verse 4They were like, "C'mon, whaddya say we build ourselves a city, and a tower-thingy with a really high top? Let's make a name for ourselves so we won't, you know, get scattered all over the place."
Verse 5So God came down to see the city and the tower these guys built.
Verse 6And he was like, "They're a single people, they all speak the same language, and look what they go do first! You know, they'll be able to do anything now!
Verse 7C'mon, let's go down there and confuse 'em so they can't understand a word they're saying."
Verse 8So from there God pretty much scattered everyone all over the place, and they gave up on the whole tower thing.
Verse 9So he named it Babel because that's where he screwed up the world's language. You know, it was from there that he scattered everyone all over the place.
Submitted ByJordan Kay
Date SubmittedSaturday, March 20, 2004
Date EditedSaturday, March 20, 2004
Date To HeadlineSaturday, March 20, 2004

< English  English (Colloquial)  English (Petersonian English Alphabet) >

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