Site | Carlesian  |
Language | Carlesian |
Year | 2005 |
Translator | Bjorn Bakker |
Introduction | The Carlesian version of the Babel text. |
Verse 1 | Y terrä complä male unerëc palëc y unerëc quarëc esuriäth. |
Verse 2 | Sierra eväeth, si eatöi oraköex, quo basër male imperiöc Sineän trovöex. |
Verse 3 | Y omës tanäie equöex: Acöl, uröre recäcuam y marnä piröcuak! Y urö quiri telë esuriäth, y gimä quiri kimä esuriäth. |
Verse 4 | Y equöex: Acöl, tirër y haldär centeröcuax, quä male ultäc toräc uesseräth y halër phiri khalöcuak, ce heno pöh terräc compläc ne seÿeräcuam! |
Verse 5 | Entio Orö cÿ terräc uenöes, tirër y haldär eccä, quore emphës centeröex. |
Verse 6 | Y Orö oraköes: Eccäl, uner polisä suriäque, y male unerëc palëc suriäque; quo suriäth, quo khalöcuax; sierra tyru, ÿg seÿeräcuaque it omëc quo centeröÿix? |
Verse 7 | Acöl, adenöcuanar, y quirinër palër berolöcuanar, ce ne gemendöx. |
Verse 8 | Inuo Orö quirh pöh terräc compläc berolöes, y tirër ne centeröex. |
Verse 9 | Hono tirër Babë halesäeth; sui tena Orö palër terrän complän berolöÿis, y etena Orö quirh pöh terräc compläc berolöÿis. |
Interlinear Translation 1 | And the entire world was in one speech and one word. |
Translation 2 | But it happened, when they went to the east, they found the lower land of Sinear. |
Translation 3 | And everyone said to each other: Come, let us bake bricks and bake them! And stones were brick to them and tar was glue to them. |
Translation 4 | And they said: Come, let us build a city, and a tower which reaches the heaven, and let us make a name for ourselves, so that we don't get spread over the face of the earth. |
Translation 5 | Then the Lord came down, to see the city and the tower, which are being built by the children of people. |
Translation 6 | And God said: Look, they are one people now, and have one speech, and this is what they are starting to create, but now, would it what they are creating not destroy them? |
Translation 7 | Come, let us descend, and let us confuse their speech, so they can not understand one another. |
Translation 8 | So the Lord spread them over the entire world, and they stopped building the tower. |
Translation 9 | That is why they call her Babel; because the Lord confused the speech of the entire world, and from which the Lord spread them over the entire planet. |
Submitted By | Bjorn Bakker |
Date Submitted | Wednesday, March 30, 2005 |
Date Edited | Wednesday, March 30, 2005 |
Date To Headline | Thursday, March 31, 2005 |