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Alpítin (Alpítin Talshäyatyam) - Babel Text Profile   Advanced
Language SubtitleAlpítin Talshäyatyam
TranslatorLauren Tantalo
IntroductionAlpítin Talshäyatyam (literally, the language of the people) is a conlang I have worked with on and off for about six years. It started as an experiment in making a calender for a civilization with a duodecimal number system. Then I played with a way to reflect power relationships through a system of grammatical gender. Eventually I filled out the vocabulary during the bus commute to work. I am still tinkering with it periodically. The following is my translation of the Babel text, with an English equivalent.
Verse 1Alok itov urmityon atot zheedízhan ilpítin én tyanit én tímit.
Verse 2Én gilok itov urorok atúg urnatan shäyatyam ilkéndan dwúkat od urína Shinar én pachok.
Verse 3Pítok elaato il "Ifijhidus. Én gafédup ilshächashen én takakédup pépozh ileto." Fínok én uv ilshächashen ok ilshälórkan én ók urzichen ilgägan.
Verse 4Pítok il "Ifijhidus. Én chedhédup et uraakos arpiigen ilshagan et uraaté ilumazhen én zekikédup ók urgérétos ep uralmatan talzheedízhan.
Verse 5Ííbyok ók uryajhos itov uralchedhin talshäyatyam én ilumazhen én ilpiigen dhinonam.
Verse 6Pítok dhinonam il, "Tíg ígatyon tíg igos sos ilito itov uralos ilpítin tyanit tíg ong ngäsop ong igop.
Verse 7Ifijhidus. Én ííbyidup én togafidup ilpítin ók urætotop elaato."
Verse 8Én gérok ep urzheedízhan dhinonam ilaato én chedhotok ilumazhen.
Verse 9Tíg ígatyon tíg desok ilpiiga Babél tíg togafok ok ureto dhinonam ilalpítin talzheedízhan. Gérok odh ureto ep uralmatan talzheedízhan dhinonam.
Interlinear Translation 1At that time the world had speech both one and whole.
Translation 2Men found during the move to the east a plain in Shinar and they settled.
Translation 3They said to themselves, "Listen. We might make bricks and bake them thoroughly." They used bricks but not stones, and for mortar, tar.
Translation 4They said, "Listen. We might create under us a tower that reaches heaven, and under it a city, and we might become known so that we will not be scattered around the earth's face."
Translation 5God descended during the men's creation to see the city and the tower.
Translation 6God said, "If they start to do this while they have one speech, then they will certainly both plan and do.
Translation 7Listen. We might descend and break up the language so they will not understand themselves."
Translation 8God scattered them around the earth and they did not build the city.
Translation 9And so it was named the Tower Babel, because at it God broke up the language of the world. God scattered them from it around the face of the earth.
Submitted ByLauren Tantalo
Date SubmittedFriday, December 06, 2002
Date EditedFriday, December 06, 2002
Date To HeadlineFriday, December 06, 2002

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