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Special thanks to Mark Shoulson for providing a modern English translation to assist us in preparing our own translations of the Babel Text. You can use any translation to prepare your text; also check out Ethan Dickey's parallel Babel translation.

Translation Image
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Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3
Verse 4
Verse 5
Verse 6
Verse 7
Verse 8
Verse 9
Re-translation To English 1
Re-translation To English 2
Re-translation To English 3
Re-translation To English 4
Re-translation To English 5
Re-translation To English 6
Re-translation To English 7
Re-translation To English 8
Re-translation To English 9
Paraphrase 1
Paraphrase 2
Paraphrase 3
Paraphrase 4
Paraphrase 5
Paraphrase 6
Paraphrase 7
Paraphrase 8
Paraphrase 9
Notes 1
Notes 2
Notes 3
Notes 4
Notes 5
Notes 6
Notes 7
Notes 8
Notes 9

"Translation Image" is an optional path to an image of your web site showing the translation in your writing system.
"Retranslation to English" is for interlinear (word by word) translations, and "Paraphrase" is for rephrasing that into sentences.

Conlang Profiles at CC-BY 4.0: 1996 — 2022 .

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