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If you are interested in submitting a language to the Model Language Index, and you have created a web site for it or you have uploaded a description of it to, please complete the following information. This enables me to do the best possible job of preparing a consistent and detailed index of model languages, which sets apart my index from the others on the Internet.

1. Please enter a basic description of the language.

URL to link to: *Required. (Only languages with published overviews are featured on
Language web-site is written in:
Year first started:

2. How would you classify the language? (Select only the one that is most appropriate; refer to the Model Language Index itself for examples.)

Euroclone - An international auxiliary language derived primarily from European stock. Most have primarily Romance vocabulary and/or use Classical roots (Greek and Latin) and/or some English roots. (Usually, but not always, used pejoratively.)
fictional language - A model language intended to be used by characters in a fictional setting, typically for added verisimilitude and regardless of whether the fictional setting has been highly commercialized or barely outlined, whether the medium is a movie, a novel, a short story, a historical sketch, a game or something else.
fictional diachronic language - A model language with an elaborate fictional history, typically tracing its evolution from an ancestor language or language family (which may be a natural language or model language).
fictional naming language - A fictional language developed primarily to have a way to name the people, places and things of an imaginary world and therefore typically consisting of just a hundred or so words of vocabulary, with little or no grammatical details.
international auxiliary language- A model language intended as a lingua franca that will be easy for citizens of different countries to learn. An auxiliary language can be intended for worldwide use or for use within a region (typically Europe).
logical language - A model language intended to remove as much ambiguity (typically syntactical ambiguity) as possible from human communication.
personal language - A model language intended for personal amusement or edification.
philosophical language - A model language typically intended as an international auxiliary language, but with a schematic vocabulary, with the initial letters of the word indicating its place in a semantic hierarchy; in other words, the vocabulary is a priori rather than borrowing actual terms from other languages.
professional fictional language - A fictional language published professionally as part of a book, computer game or movie.
stealth language - A model language intended primarily for secret communications with others or oneself (through a journal).
superset language - A superset of a natural language, such as a slang for English. A superset language involves the creation of new vocabulary, but typically little grammatical change.

The next few questions will be used to prepare a succinct summary of the language for its Index entry.

3. What is unique about the language? [This is the most important question, as the answer to it will be shown on the home page.]

4A. What other languages inspired it?

4B. (Optional) What are the design principles of the language?

5. Are any other people beside the inventor involved or interested in it, and -- if so -- why?

6. Please check all of the following that the web site you referred to has.

Sample texts
Unique script (alphabet, pictographs, etc.)
Primer (teaching the language, not just describing grammar)
Babel Text translation

7. If the language has a dictionary, approximately how many words are listed in it?

8. And, in case any followup is needed, please specify:

Your name:
Your e-mail address:

Thank you for taking the time to submit this language. Click the Submit button now to send your responses to us.


I will hhttps:// pages on for any "dead" language - a project you have documented but will not be updating. E-mail me if you want to do this. (Why? So I don't have to update any dead links later, if you upload it to a temporary site and then never re-post it.)


This questionnaire was created by Perseus SurveySolutions for the Web.

4/21/99 - Thanks to B.Philip Jonsson for his suggested modifications to this form.

Conlang Profiles at CC-BY 4.0: 1996 — 2022 .

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