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Sili pi.bird NOMA bird exists. Nale pi.sea NOMA sea exists. Pe pi.person NOMA person exists.
Sili pi.bird NOMA bird exists.
Nale pi.sea NOMA sea exists.
Pe pi.person NOMA person exists.
Nasini pi sinata pi.vehicle NOM tool NOMA vehicle is a tool. Pitakesulina pi sinata pi.alphabet NOM tool NOMAn alphabet is a tool.
Nasini pi sinata pi.vehicle NOM tool NOMA vehicle is a tool.
Pitakesulina pi sinata pi.alphabet NOM tool NOMAn alphabet is a tool.
Tuna sunu pi.much sound NOMThere is a big sound. Lete sili pi.little bird NOMThere is a little bird.
Tuna sunu pi.much sound NOMThere is a big sound.
Lete sili pi.little bird NOMThere is a little bird.
Tu lepeti pi.two reptile NOMThere is a second reptile. Tu nasini pi nuni pi.two vehicle NOM absence NOM.The second vehicle is missing.
Tu lepeti pi.two reptile NOMThere is a second reptile.
Tu nasini pi nuni pi.two vehicle NOM absence NOM.The second vehicle is missing.
Ti nine pi pata li.three fish NOM water LOCThe third fish is in the water. Lepeti pi nale li.reptile NOM sea LOCReptiles are in the sea. Tuna pe pi nasini li.big person NOM vehicle LOCA big person is in the vehicle.
Ti nine pi pata li.three fish NOM water LOCThe third fish is in the water.
Lepeti pi nale li.reptile NOM sea LOCReptiles are in the sea.
Tuna pe pi nasini li.big person NOM vehicle LOCA big person is in the vehicle.
Pe pi kiki se.person NOM measurement VBA person measured. Sili pi sunu se.bird NOM sound VBA bird made a sound. Lele pi nasini se.male NOM vehicle VBA male drove a vehicle.
Pe pi kiki se.person NOM measurement VBA person measured.
Sili pi sunu se.bird NOM sound VBA bird made a sound.
Lele pi nasini se.male NOM vehicle VBA male drove a vehicle.
Pe pi kiki se lepeti ke.person NOM measurement VB reptile ACCA person measured a reptile. Nu lele pi sisi se ti nine ke.one male NOM movement VB three fish ACCOne male moved the third fish.
Pe pi kiki se lepeti ke.person NOM measurement VB reptile ACCA person measured a reptile.
Nu lele pi sisi se ti nine ke.one male NOM movement VB three fish ACCOne male moved the third fish.
Lepeti pi telule se pe ke.reptile NOM fear VB person ACCA reptile frightens a person. Sili pi sisi se lupete li.bird NOM movement VB air LOCA bird moves through the air. Nine pi sisi se pata li.bird NOM movement VB water LOCA fish moves through the water.
Lepeti pi telule se pe ke.reptile NOM fear VB person ACCA reptile frightens a person.
Sili pi sisi se lupete li.bird NOM movement VB air LOCA bird moves through the air.
Nine pi sisi se pata li.bird NOM movement VB water LOCA fish moves through the water.
Le pi luka pi.1ST NOM rock NOMI am a rock. We are a rock. Lepeti pi telule se le ke.reptile NOM fear VB 1ST ACCA reptile frightens me/us. Le pi nasini se tu le ke nale li.1ST NOM vehicle VB two 1ST ACC sea LOC.I drove the second of us to the sea.
Le pi luka pi.1ST NOM rock NOMI am a rock. We are a rock.
Lepeti pi telule se le ke.reptile NOM fear VB 1ST ACCA reptile frightens me/us.
Le pi nasini se tu le ke nale li.1ST NOM vehicle VB two 1ST ACC sea LOC.I drove the second of us to the sea.
Le pi lapati se pasatu li.1ST NOM washing VB past LOCI washed. Lepeti pi kunane se sili ke tine li.reptile NOM eating VB bird ACC day LOC.A reptile ate the bird in a day. Nutu se nasiku ke pasatu li.death VB insect ACC past LOCThe insect died.
Le pi lapati se pasatu li.1ST NOM washing VB past LOCI washed.
Lepeti pi kunane se sili ke tine li.reptile NOM eating VB bird ACC day LOC.A reptile ate the bird in a day.
Nutu se nasiku ke pasatu li.death VB insect ACC past LOCThe insect died.
Le pi lapati se tupe ta palana ke.1ST NOM washing VB top GEN plant ACCI washed the top of the plant. Nusike pi kunane se le ta sili ke.rodent NOM eating VB 1ST GEN bird ACCA rodent ate my bird. Lele pi lapati se palate ta nasini ke.male NOM washing VB part GEN vehicle ACCA male washed part of the vehicle.
Le pi lapati se tupe ta palana ke.1ST NOM washing VB top GEN plant ACCI washed the top of the plant.
Nusike pi kunane se le ta sili ke.rodent NOM eating VB 1ST GEN bird ACCA rodent ate my bird.
Lele pi lapati se palate ta nasini ke.male NOM washing VB part GEN vehicle ACCA male washed part of the vehicle.
Luna ke nuni se sete ta tine li.Moon ACC absence seven GEN days LOCThe moon was absent for seven days. Lepeti pi kunane se sese ta sili ke tine li.reptile NOM eating VB six GEN bird ACC day LOC.A reptile ate six birds in a day. Sili pi nutu se pene ta nusike ke.bird NOM death VB five GEN rodents ACCA bird killed five rodents.
Luna ke nuni se sete ta tine li.Moon ACC absence seven GEN days LOCThe moon was absent for seven days.
Lepeti pi kunane se sese ta sili ke tine li.reptile NOM eating VB six GEN bird ACC day LOC.A reptile ate six birds in a day.
Sili pi nutu se pene ta nusike ke.bird NOM death VB five GEN rodents ACCA bird killed five rodents.
Ne pi lapati se pile kani ke.2ND NOM washing VB yellow garment ACCYou washed the yellow garment. Le pi lapati se ne ta pile kani ke.I NOM washing VB 2ND GEN yellow garment ACCI washed your yellow garment. Pe pi kani se ne ta nelu pulase kani ke.Person NOM garment VB 2ND GEN black hair garment ACCA person wore your black-haired garment.
Ne pi lapati se pile kani ke.2ND NOM washing VB yellow garment ACCYou washed the yellow garment.
Le pi lapati se ne ta pile kani ke.I NOM washing VB 2ND GEN yellow garment ACCI washed your yellow garment.
Pe pi kani se ne ta nelu pulase kani ke.Person NOM garment VB 2ND GEN black hair garment ACCA person wore your black-haired garment.
Le lili pi sikulu pi.1ST world NOM circle NOMThis world is a circle. Ne tupuse pi kita pi.2ND tube NOM food NOMThat tube is food. Pesipitasi se le nane ke te nane.Precipitation VB 1ST mammal ACC 2ND mammal ACCIt's raining this mammal and that mammal.
Le lili pi sikulu pi.1ST world NOM circle NOMThis world is a circle.
Ne tupuse pi kita pi.2ND tube NOM food NOMThat tube is food.
Pesipitasi se le nane ke te nane.Precipitation VB 1ST mammal ACC 2ND mammal ACCIt's raining this mammal and that mammal.
Pi pale se ne ta pulase ke.NOM blade VB 2ND GEN hair ACCThey cut your hair. Pi salape pi.NOM old-object NOMThey're old. Nane pi tenete se ke.mammal NOM teeth VB ACCA mammal bit them.
Pi pale se ne ta pulase ke.NOM blade VB 2ND GEN hair ACCThey cut your hair.
Pi salape pi.NOM old-object NOMThey're old.
Nane pi tenete se ke.mammal NOM teeth VB ACCA mammal bit them.
Sesete pi kali se lele su.female NOM word VB male DATA female said a word to a male. Lele pakale pi kali se ne kali ke nenu su.amphibian NOM word VB 2ND word ACC egg DATThe bull said that word to the egg. Pi tenali se le ke lanese su.NOM money VB 1ST ACC lance DATThey paid me for the lance.
Sesete pi kali se lele su.female NOM word VB male DATA female said a word to a male.
Lele pakale pi kali se ne kali ke nenu su.amphibian NOM word VB 2ND word ACC egg DATThe bull said that word to the egg.
Pi tenali se le ke lanese su.NOM money VB 1ST ACC lance DATThey paid me for the lance.
Le pi ke tenali se.1ST NOM ACC money VBWe paid each other. Pi su kali se.NOM DAT word VBThey said the word to each other.
Le pi ke tenali se.1ST NOM ACC money VBWe paid each other.
Pi su kali se.NOM DAT word VBThey said the word to each other.
Sepete ke lu se.flower ACC fall VBThe flower fell. Sesete pakale ke lu se nale li.female bovine ACC fall VB ocean LOCThe cow fell into the ocean.
Sepete ke lu se.flower ACC fall VBThe flower fell.
Sesete pakale ke lu se nale li.female bovine ACC fall VB ocean LOCThe cow fell into the ocean.
Nasini pi sisi se tata na.vehicle NOM movement VB amphibian ABLThe vehicle moves in an amphibious manner. Pukuse pi pukuse se sasale ke sepete na.fire NOM fire VB tree ACC blossom ABLThe fire blossomingly burned the tree. [figuratively:] Flames burst like flowers as they burnt the tree. Lele ke lene se pepe na.male ACC learning VB creation ABLA male learns by creating.
Nasini pi sisi se tata na.vehicle NOM movement VB amphibian ABLThe vehicle moves in an amphibious manner.
Pukuse pi pukuse se sasale ke sepete na.fire NOM fire VB tree ACC blossom ABLThe fire blossomingly burned the tree. [figuratively:] Flames burst like flowers as they burnt the tree.
Lele ke lene se pepe na.male ACC learning VB creation ABLA male learns by creating.
Le pi lene se kutu ta pe ke tata su sasale li pitakesulina na.1ST NOM learn VB eight GEN people ACC amphibian DAT tree LOC alphabet ABL.I taught eight people about amphibians in a tree proceeding alphabetically.
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