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![]() dublexsyntax
![]() ![]() ![]() © 1996-2004 Jeffrey Henning.
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![]() Version 1.0.0 - 11/9/99
Definition Of Syntax (BNF)
![]() | = logical "or"
() = enclosed item is optional
{} = enclosed item may appear zero or more times
+ = two items are joined into one word form
' = a literal is enclosed in single quotes
(* comment *)
Syntax Definition
![]() paragraph := sentence {sentence}.
declaration := {multiword-head} word-base ':=' definition;
sentence := (vocative) sentence-base '.';
sentence := (vocative) 'porsio' sentence-base '?';
sentence := (vocative) 'sentio' sentence-base '!';
sentence-base := clause;
sentence-base := {clause-modifier};
sentence-base := {clause-modifier} clause (',' 'iom' {clause-modifier} clause);
clause := (subject-phrase) verb-phrase-series (direct-object-phrase)(indirect-object-phrase);
clause := (subject-phrase) verb-phrase-series (indirect-object-phrase) (direct-object-phrase);
clause := (direct-object-phrase) verb-phrase-series (subject-phrase)
clause := (indirect-object-phrase) verb-phrase-series (subject-phrase) (direct-object-phrase);
clause := verb-phrase-series (subject-phrase) (direct-object-phrase) (indirect-object-phrase);
clause := verb-phrase-series (subject-phrase) (indirect-object-phrase) (direct-object-phrase);
vocative := 'Namo ' noun-phrase-base ',';
subject-phrase := noun-phrase-series;
direct-object-phrase := 'o' noun-phrase-series;
direct-object-phrase := 'o' ',' '<<' paragraph '>>' (',');
indirect-object-phrase := 'u' noun-phrase-series;
prepositional-phrase := preposition noun-phrase-base;
relative-clause := ',' 'io' relative-clause-base 'io' ',';
relative-clause-base := 'seb' verb-phrase-series ('o' noun-phrase-base)
('u' noun-phrase-base);
relative-clause-base := (noun-phrase-base) verb-phrase-series 'o' 'seb'
('u' noun-phrase-base);
relative-clause-base := (noun-phrase-base) verb-phrase-series ('o'
noun-phrase-base) 'u' 'seb';
?? add more options
***note*** Convention is that only the first word in a sentence is capitalized.
noun-phrase-series := noun-phrase {'am' noun-phrase};
noun-phrase := noun-phrase-base {prepositional-phrase};
noun-phrase := noun-phrase-base {relative-clause};
noun-phrase-base := {(adjective-modifier) noun-modifier} noun
verb-phrase-series := verb-phrase {'em' verb-phrase};
verb-phrase := {verb-modifier} verb;
multiword-head := word+'i';
adjective-modifier := {multiword-head} word+'ie';
clause-modifier := {multiword-head} word+'io';
noun := {multiword-head} word;
noun := 'al' ' " ' text ' " ' ('(' definition ')'); (* Use () to
define a proper noun in detail *);
noun := number;
noun-modifier := {multiword-head} word+'a';
noun-modifier := number+'a';
preposition := {multiword-head} word+'o';
verb := {multiword-head} word+'u';
verb-modifier := {multiword-head} word+'e';
word := word-base {digit} ('(' definition ')'); (* Use () to define a
word in detail *)
word-base := root{+root} | acronym;
acronym := root-shape (* can't equal root *);
root := (* refer to list of 400 roots *);
root-shape := {consonant+vowel}+consonant+vowel+consonant(+consonant);
definition := sentence {':=' context-id '=' text};
definition := noun-phrase {':=' context-id '=' text};
context-id := 'NASDAQ' | 'DOW' | 'DJ' | language-id | root;
language-id := (* ISO 639 Language Codes, q.v.
https://www.cm.spyglass.com/unicode/standard/iso639.html *);
text := (* any text excluding := and parenthesis *);
root := (* any of the 400 root nouns plus three pronouns *);
pronoun := first-person-pronoun | second-person-pronoun | third-person-pronoun;
first-person-pronoun := 'von';
second-person-pronoun := 'nin';
third-person-pronoun := 'tan';
digit := '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5'| '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'; (* used to refer to
a specific sense of a word for polysemous words; digits are assigned chronologically,
so 'puer1' might be "giant" and 'puer2' might be "adult" *)
Sample Sentences
![]() Hir calu u vona dargvic.
"The bird excreted on my car(road-vehicle)."
Hir calu u vona dargvic (motora vic
"The bird excreted on my road-vehicle (motorized vehicle that moves:=English
car:=Dutch auto:=vehicle at https://www.cars.com/auto.jpg)."
U vona dargvic calu hir.
"My car was excreted on by a bird."
O vona 1993a dargvic fabu al "Ford".
"My 1993 road-vehicle(car) was made by Ford."
Vona dargvicu o dargvic, io hir calu u seb io, u viclavmest.
"I drove the car the bird excreted on to the
Note: 'seb' ("self") in a relative clause refers back to the noun being
modified, thereby clarifying the role of the modified noun in the relative
Vona lavu o vona dargvic u lavmot en terma vat.
"I washed my car(road-vehicle) with soap(washing-fat) and hot water."
Vona dargvic lave sahe nune comaru u tana dargvic.
'My car washingly favorably presently compares to your car.'
"My car is now cleaner than yours."
Porsio von lavu o vona dargvic?
"Did you wash your car?"
U von comunu nin o, <<Von nonte malcu dargvic.>>.
You said to me, "I do not own a car."
Von comunu o, <<U von comunu tan, <<Von nonte malcu dargvic.>>.>>.
I said, "He said to me, 'I do not own a car.'"
VADAP := vate darta part :=en=brick.
A new word VADAP is defined as an acronym from "watery dirt part".
While Dublex does not have articles, the topic tends to be definite
while the "untopic" tends to be indefinite (as in Mandarin). Thus 'hir' in
'Hir calu u vona dargvic' was translated "The bird..." while 'hir' in 'U
vona dargvic calu hir' was translated "a bird."
Sentence complexity is purposefully limited. For instance, relative clauses
are much more limited than in most natlangs, again to keep things simple.
The Tower Of Babel / Dublex
![]() 1. Pastonio suma per muce comunu u vana vocsist, iom sumper habile voce sensu o sumper.
Past-augmented all people orally communicated using one language, and everyone capably
lexically sensed everyone.
In that time, all the people spoke one language, and everyone could understand everyone else.
2. Giertemio human diune muvu, iom tan vansere vise sensu o horca horza mest gero al "Hinar".
Tan fabu o tana nest u nindema mest.
While(outside-opposite-time) humans westerly(easterly-opposite) moved, and they first visually
sensed wide horizontal place within proper-noun Shinar. They built their homes that place.
But it happened, that as human-beings journeyed West, they found a wide plain in the land of
Shinar, and settled there.
3. Human muce comunu o, <<Von bude fabu en sahe termu o vatdartpart.>> Pelletio
tan malcu o vatdartpart, io pusu u roc io, iom tan habile pusu o vatduart u vatdartparta jor.
Humans orally communicated, "We futurely make and favorably heat water-dirt-parts."
Interval-small they possessed water-dirt-parts that used rocks, and they able use
water-dirt-augmented for water-dirt-part joints.
The human-beings decided, "We will make bricks, and bake them well." They soon had bricks
to use as stone and they could use clay for mortar.
4. Tan muce comunu o, <<Von bude fabu o pubmest u veona mest sahabo buin malco top
halto devluftmest. Vonseb bude fabu o seba nam u veona mest. Von nonte multmovu u gero mir.>>
They orally communicated, "We futurely build a people-group-place this place accompanied-by
tower possessing top height-of god-air-place. We-overselves futurely make name at this place.
We not multiple-move around world."
They decided "We will build a city here, with a tower whose
top will reach up to Heaven. We will make a name for ourselves
here, and not become wanderers across the land."
5. Pelletio vana duev hialte muvu em visu o pubmest am buin, io human fabu o seb io.
Interval-small one god-augmentative downward (high+opposite) people place and tower
that humans built it.
Soon God came down to see the city and tower that the human-
beings were building.
6. Vana duev comunu, o <<Parvio per jorvane jibu, iom per comunu u vana vocsist.
Tan nundine cactu u veona metod, iom pelletio nonta duif bude finmalu o tana buda cact.>>
The-one god-augmentative communicate, "True, people connection-one work, and people
communicate using one word-system. They present-day-ly act in this way, and
small-interval no difficulty futurely end-pejorative their future actions."
God said, "Yes, the people work as one, and all use one
language. Today they are doing this thing. Soon, nothing will
prevent them from doing whatever they plan to do."
7. Vana duev comunu, o <<Von bude hialte muvu em tarnu o tana vocsist,
io tan nonte voce sensu seb io.>>
The-one god-augmentative communicated, "We futurely downly move and change their
language that they not lexically sense it."
"So let's go down and confuse their language so that they can
not understand each-other."
8. Veonmetodio, vana duev tele dismuvu o tan u noina mest. O suma jib fabo
pubmest finmale cactu.
This-method one god-augmentative farly scattered-move them from that place.
All work building city endingly-poor acted.
In this way, the Lord scattered them away from there, across
the land. All work stopped on the city.
9. Surtemio, o noina mest namu u al "Babel" suho Suhbezvoc, iom cazio u
noina mest tarnu vana duev o vocsist. Veoncazio o suma human dismuvu u gero termira bah.
After-time, that place was-named Babel meaning "meaning-less word",
cause place changed one god-augmentative word-system. This-cause all
humans scattered-move around third-planet outside.
Afterwards, that place was called Babel or "Confusion,"
because it was the place where God confused language, and thus
scattered human-beings over the surface of earth.