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Zurvár (Surfarian) - Conlang Profile   Advanced
Language NameZurvár
Language AuthorJames Nicholls
Year Began1993
Broken LinkNo
Site LanguageEnglish
Language Typefictional language
UniquenessThe language itself is no doubt fairly unoriginal, but the presentation (hopefully) has appeal. It features a base five numeric system, a unique alphabet and orthography, a Babel text that desperately needs updating, agglutination up the wazoo, and a small (but occasionally growing) number of texts documenting the culture and history of the Zurvár people (with enlightening footnotes).
Language SourcesIn terms of grammar, English (the only language I speak) and my own diseased imaginings. In terms of sounds, Adûnaic, Khuzdul, Biblical Hebrew, Irish Gaelic and anything else I stumble across and like the sound of.
Design PrinciplesAn underlying concept of Zurvár is a once complex and rigid language fallen into a state of, if not decay, then certainly much more casual usage. Another is that it's been exposed to many other languages throughout its history and absorbed both words and grammar from them. There are also a number of more recent German and Finnish loanwords (typically for animal and plant names respectively).
Interest Of OthersOnly long-suffering friends on whom I continually foist the latest developments. They smile, nod and change the subject.
Conculture Noun Phrasethe nomadic, maritime Zurvár (Surf) people.
QuotationPeveliskàet msà barat pevsubilim, subilim lòtò holateláet toklas. Dò pevre'loklet lâraz barat, sà pevramaskátá talabon.
Explanation(past)dream-I us sea (past)on, on boat (transitive)sink fast. You (past)sail across ocean, I (past)tie-up(experience) mast.
TranslationI dreamt that we were at sea, on a boat that was sinking fast. You sailed across the ocean, I was tied to the mast.
MottoDò meletak sìan belgotlá várnád - linyak belfom ná!
Sample TextsNo
Unique ScriptYes
Babel TextYes
Lexicon Size593
Submitted ByJames Nicholls
Date SubmittedSunday, January 25, 2004
Updated ByJames Nicholls
Date EditedMonday, March 07, 2005
Description Of UpdateAdded motto, updated lexicon size, added quotation, added conculture noun phrase.
Date To HeadlineFriday, March 11, 2005

< Zurbian  Zurvár  Zusayan >

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