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Ley Arah - Conlang Profile   Advanced
Language NameLey Arah
Language AuthorJashan A'al
Year Began1993
SiteLey Arah
Broken LinkNo
Site LanguageEnglish
Site AuthorJashan A'al
Language Typefictional language
Uniqueness[Note: the apostrophes after a letter denotes accent marks for
pronounciation, and quotation marks are used as stylistic apostrophes
which are grammatical as opposed to phonetical]

1. Hello

Hra'va (hello) Ta'v (hi)

2. How are you? (or similar greeting question)

Lo a'ca'na'? (lit: Your fortune? ..informal)
A'ca'na' vo oso? (lit: Fortune favors you? ...normal)
A'ta so dla'na' a'ca'na"e ona'le a'lurl oso"a'n (lit: Surely you are
Fortune's most favored child ... very formal)

3. My name is...

Eye'l se" vo (name). [giving commonly used name]
La ca a'ta (name) [giving full given name]

4. What is your name?

Lwe's eye'l se" vo? (for commonly used name)
Lwe's a'ta lo ca? (for full given name)

5. I am lost.

Osahr sa lwa' a'ta sa. (lit: I don't know where I am)
Rha'nev sa va (lit: I have lost myself)

6. Where am I?
Lwa' a'ta sa?

8. I'm sorry.

Na'ho (a'ta sa)

9. Please


10. Thank you!

a'sa'! (normal/informal)
a's! (informal/slang)
a'sla'n! (thank you very much! <--normal/informal)
a'n or sla'n (thank you very much! <--informal/slang)

11. Help!


12. I don't speak [language X] very well.

Osa'ra'pa' sa (language)di' dhos ma'dh.

13. I don't understand.

Osa sa.

14. Speak more slowly please.

a'ra'pa' a'la'n jer, la's.

17. That was a lovely meal. What was it?

a'taj' dhos ma'dh pa'le'n. Lwe's a'taj' su?

18. How much do we owe you...

Lwem da'j'u j'e's sta' ke' vo...

a. for the meal?

che pa'le'ndas?

b. for the room?

che r'edojdas?

c. for the things that we broke?

che a'qa'das che' nelo'j' sta'?

19. How much did ! you say it cost again?

Lwem da'j'u a'ra'lej' so che' cu su, tase't?

20. You are joking, aren't you?

De'la'th so, e?

21. I am sorry, I didn't mean to insult you.

Na'ho sa, osle'sh sa tli'su vo.

22. Our customs are very different from yours.

Tla' ga'li'na' a'ta dhos te'ne' kas vo".

23. I don't know anything about local politics, I'm afraid.

Osahr sa sia'q che'z seca'la' pona'lem, na'ho.

24. Our guide did not tell us that there was a
(revolution/war/soccer[football] championship) going on in this country.

Tla' hi'the'n osa'ra'lej' vre' che' a'ta (ma'lne/lan/a'shi'n loi'nga'l)
cor ta' hwa ke'nte'.

25. Thank you for your hospitality. We enjoyed our visit very much, but
now we must be going home because we have many important things to do

A'sa' che vo" ta'csh. Sta' ua'j' tla' sa'me' dhos da'j'u, so' wa se'n
sta' urru ta' tha'dur! , a'de' yura' da'j'a' a'qa' joks che' sa'sh sta' sa'
Interest Of OthersIncluded in The Traveller's Phrasebook:
Conculture Noun Phrasethe Tsara, the warrior-sect of the Tsendashai
QuotationNáho, oslésh sa ché tlís sa vo.
ExplanationSorry/apologies, [neg]-intend I that insult I you.
TranslationI'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult you.
Sample TextsNo
Unique ScriptYes
Babel TextYes
Lexicon Size438
Submitted ByNA
Updated ByMarq Thompson
Date EditedSunday, May 02, 2004
Description Of UpdateReplaced the broken link with a working one.
Date To HeadlineFriday, May 07, 2004

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