Ahb - Conlang Profile
Language Name | Ahb |
Language Author | Hiroyuki Morioka |
Site | NA |
Broken Link | No |
Language Type | professional fictional language |
Uniqueness | The language used on the Japanese animated TV shows Banner of the Stars and Crest of the Stars; these shows feature a human race or subspieces called the Ahb who have used their genetic strengths to gain control of space transport for themselves. The TV shows feature Ahb language and Ahb script. Apparently, the shows are derived from a series of Japanese novels, but I don't think they've been translated into English. Unfortunately, there is no site dedicated to the language yet. |
Dictionary | No |
Etymologies | No |
Grammar | No |
Sample Texts | No |
Unique Script | No |
Primer | No |
Babel Text | No |
Submitted By | Daniel Snyder |
Date Submitted | Saturday, September 04, 2004 |
Date Edited | Saturday, September 04, 2004 |
Date To Headline | Wednesday, September 08, 2004 |
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