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Klingon Crane

Amerysk was designed for members of the Asatru (Norse Pagan) religion in North America. [Paal Filssunu]
This language was developed for the fantasy story "Song about the Nothern Star". The language has two faces: an ornamental and time-wasting eminent one and an somehow malicious and fizzing second one. [Jan Havlis]
[Gene Wolfe]
Cilthic is an attempt to combine concepts and features from several Earth languages in such a fashion as to create a foreign yet familiar tongue. This philosophy is mirrored in the associated fantasy conworld project, Sorukan, which I have tried to make familiar yet non-clichéd. [Daniel S. Andersen]
Coeniathen is designed to be slightly Celtic-like. Some distinct features are the "Darkening" of all short vowels (e.g. [a] > [O], [o] > [U] 'w'), the "Vowel-Breaking" after former aspirates and the oblique case that covers genitive and accusative. [Anselm Huppenbauer]
Durdekors illustrates how a small language with a unique vocabulary can add verisimilitude to a setting. I created it years ago for a role-playing game and then forgot all about it; I just re-discovered it by accident. [Jeffrey Henning]
Jezik Slovianaja
It is a language with Polish or Slavic words and my own grammar, similar to Polish grammar. [Pawel Ciupak]
Larenti Tergush
It possesses a somewhat unique syntax and approach to forming sentences and deciding what they mean, due to its (fictional) very simplistic origins. It takes the philosophy that the most natural type of word is the verb, because it describes and expresses the act of the universe happening. The language has about a thousand words, not yet online. [Tiogshi Laj]
Liaden is spoken by the Liadens, a short, golden-skinned, highly competitive human culture in the Liaden universe. [Sharon Lee, Steve Miller]
Midikan is a semi-"normal" language, with most of its sounds well-known to Indo-European speakers. The most alien thing about Midikan is its extensive use of consonant clusters, which are numerous and sometimes cumbersome. [Curtis Mullings]
"[The]language is unique in that it only uses a set number of phonemes and has a simplified grammar. Also it has a textual script that can be written cursive when desired." -Ota [Mason Fraley]
Rigavie Sutanio
What makes this language unique is the irregular way to conjugate verbs: no conjugation for "I" and "You" but rather a conjugation for singular and plural, then add the pronoun indicating first, second or third person. [Nate]
Though tone conlangs aren't as rare as they once were, they're still pretty rare, and Sheli is such a conlang. I expended a lot of effort trying to create a realistic tonal system, as well as to develop a hopefully realistic set of tone sandhi rules. In addition to this, Sheli makes use of an inverse system and an animacy hierarchy as opposed to valence-shifting and word order to conjoin phrases, etc. [David J. Peterson]
Simlish is a series of emotive babbles used in the game series The Sims. [Maxis Games]
Sunset Elvish (Pinuidan)
Pinuidan has several unique features, from the umlauts of the plural nouns to the consonant mutations that make the sentences smoother. On the whole, Sunset Elvish is a very flowing language. [Curtis Mullings]
[Joël Landais]
Vesian is supposed to look naturalistic. Its vocabulary is totally different from any other language, but its grammar could as well belong to an Indo-European language. Vesian grammar is -- with no gender, three tenses and a number-based verb declension system -- quite simple and easy to learn. The language contains few irregularities and its sounds is to be found in many of the most common languages on earth. [A. Horn af Åminne]
This language was created for two different purposes, one is the novel "Song about the Nothern Star" and the other for the Andrzej Sapkowski Club, where it is used as a language of vampires. [Jan Havlis]
Apart from a few English loanwords and certain other features, Vixen's vocabulary has been created entirely by me. The grammar and sound systems are reasonably similar to English, although work in recent times has helped make it less Indo-European. For various reasons, standard Vixen has a verb system which is entirely regular apart from the unpredictability of passive forms, although certain other features (notably spelling) are somewhat erratic. [Curlyjimsam]

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19 languages listed.
Updated on January 11, 2005 at 8:14 AM (GMT-5).