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Conlang Directory: Naming

Klingon Crane

High Speech
The High Speech is the language of Stephen King's Dark Tower series. [Stephen King]
Many constructed languages are so large in scope they will never be finished. Kordron (Late Orcish), on the other hand, was created simply as a naming language, to be used to name orcs (goblins) in a campaign in a fantasy role-playing game. [Jeffrey Henning]
Kriegsprach is the language of a fictional Germanic race featured in the war game Donnerkrieg. [Jeffrey Henning]
It's a language for naming characters, places, plants and animals of the Hanna Barbera cartoon, "The Pirates Of Darkwater". [David Kirschner]
All of the grammar is based on math, primarily addition. Every phoneme has a numeric value, and words can often be shortened by adding low-valued phonemes together to produce high-valued phonemes. [Andrew Leventis]
This language is needed to have Porunga, the Namekkian dragon from the TV series Dragonball Z, grant you three wishes. [Akira Toriyama]
Analysis by Star Trek background crew, breakdown done by Kári Emil Helgason. This is a language made for a dialogue in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode"Two Days and Two Nights" and has been used for naming of people and things in Star Trek's past. Occasional Indo-European-like words slide in. [Kári Emil Helgason]
Two periods, one for mid-paragraph endings and one for ending the last sentences of a paragraph or for long sentences. Words are written as they sound. Many letters for different sounds. [Edrik]
Zusayan has no gender identifiers such as 'he/she' due to its hermaphrodite basis. [Necralitor]

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9 languages listed.
Updated on January 11, 2005 at 8:14 AM (GMT-5).